WINTER 2016 AFTER SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: January -­‐ March CLICK LINK BELOW TO REGISTER ON-­‐LINE: Winter 2016 After School Activities Registration REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Monday, January 4 , 2016 STUDENT NAME: GRADE/TEACHER: PARENT/GUARDIAN NAME: EMERGENCY PHONE: EMAIL NOTIFICATION FOR IMPORTANT CLASS UPDATES (PRINT): M O N D A Y € SWIM LESSONS Prekindergarten: 11:20 – 11:50am € SWIM LESSONS Junior Kindergarten & Kindergarten: 3:05 – 3:35pm € NEW!!! MUDLARK DRAMA with Mudlark Theater Grades : K – 1st 3:15 – 4:30pm nd th € CREATIVE IMPROV with Mudlark Theater Grades: 2 – 5 3:15 – 4:30pm nd th € NEW!!! TRASH TO TREASURES with Sra. P! Grades: 2 – 5 3:15 – 4:15pm th th € MORNING MATH CLUB with Dennis Gallagher Grades: 5 – 6 7:35 – 8:15am th th € MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDIO with Julie Toole Grades: 6 – 8 3:15 – 4:15pm T U E S D A Y € SWIM LESSONS Prekindergarten : 11:20 – 11:50am € SWIM LESSONS Junior Kindergarten & Kindergarten: 3:05 – 3:35pm th € CIRCESTEEM with Nicole Jordan: Grades: K – 5 3:15-­‐4:15pm th € CHESS WIZARDS Grades : K – 8 3:15 – 4:15pm th th € KAYAKING with Northwest Passage: Grades: 5 – 8 3:15 – 4:15pm th th € MORNING CHOIR with Jamee Guerra: Grades : 5 – 8 7:35 – 8:15am *Course meets Tues. AND Thurs. AM. W E D N E S D A Y € NEW!!! TINY TINKERERS with Einstein By Design Prekindergarten : 11:20 – 11:50am € NEW!!! TINY TINKERERS with Einstein By Design Jr. Kindergarten : 2:05 – 2:50pm € NEW!!! TINY TINKERERS with Einstein By Design Kindergarten : 3:05 – 3:50pm st th € SHINJINKAI YOUTH AIKIDO with Sensei Jason Murray Grades: 1 – 8 3:15-­‐4:15pm rd th € MINECRAFT CRAFTS with Karrie Fisher: Grades : 3 – 8 3:15 – 4:15pm th th € NEW!!! PRODUCT DESIGN CHALLENGE 1.0! with Einstein By Design Grades: 5 – 8 3:15 – 4:15pm th th € MORNING MATH CLUB with Dennis Gallagher Grades: 7 – 8 7:35 – 8:15am T H U R S D A Y € GYMNASTICS ALL STARS with Runaway Circus Prekindergarten: 11:20 – 12:00pm € GYMNASTICS ALL STARS with Runaway Circus Jr. Kindergarten: 2:05 – 2:50pm € THE KIDS’ TABLE with The Kids’ Table Jr. Kindergarten 2:05 – 3:05pm th € THE KIDS’ TABLE with The Kids’ Table Grades: K – 5 3:15 – 4:15pm st th € COMPUTER GAME AND APP DEVELOPMENT with Einstein By Design Grades: 1 – 4 3:15 – 4:15pm th th € BAKER NEWSPAPER with Karrie Fisher: Grades : 4 – 8 3:15 – 4:15pm th th € MORNING CHOIR with Jamee Guerra: Grades : 5 – 8 7:35 – 8:15am *Course meets Tues. AND Thurs. AM. th th € NEW!!! JEWELRY DESIGN with Donna Reinglass: Grades: 6 – 8 3:15 – 4:15pm FRIDAY € JUMPBUNCH SPORTS AND FITNESS FOR KIDS with JumpBunch Prekindergarten: 11:20 – 11:50am € JUMPBUNCH SPORTS AND FITNESS FOR KIDS with JumpBunch Junior kindergarten: 2:05 – 2:50pm € JUMPBUNCH SPORTS AND FITNESS FOR KIDS with JumpBunch Kindergarten: 3:05 – 3:50pm st th € MR. OWEN’S ILLUSTRATION STUDIO with Owen LaMay Grades 1 – 8 3:15-­‐4:15pm PLEASE FILL OUT ONE REGISTRATION FORM FOR EACH STUDENT. CHECKS ARE PAYABLE TO BAKER DEMONSTRATION SCHOOL. PLEASE TURN FORM(S)/PAYMENT TO SCHOOL OFFICE. REGISTRATION DEADLINE: MONDAY, JANUARY 4, 2016. $125 $125 $110 $110 $100 $100 $110 $125 $125 $150 $110 $140 $110 $125 $150 $150 $135 $115 $175 $110 $135 $135 $200 $200 $155 $100 $110 $165 $115 $125 $125 $100 TOTAL FEE: $_________ WINTER 2016 AFTER SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: January -­‐ March M O N D A Y (7 Classes) 1/11 – 1/25 – 2/1 – 2/8 – 2/22 – 2/29 – 3/7 SWIM LESSONS: GRADES PREKINDERGARTEN -­‐ KINDERGARTEN Instructors: Pam Bossert and Wills Barnard – Class Limit = 8 (4 students per instructor) These classes are a fun and gentle introduction to swimming and our pool. Our little swimmers love our fabulous instructors! Pre-­‐K Swimming : 11:20am-­‐11:50am Jr. K Swimming: 3:05-­‐3:35pm Kindergarten Swimming: 3:05-­‐3:35pm NEW!!! MUDLARK DRAMA with Mudlark Theater: GRADES K -­‐ 1 Instructor: Mudlark Theater – Class Limit = 20 Do you have the drama bug? In this fun and active class, you'll get a chance to flex those performance muscles by participating in our favorite theater games and exercises. You will create wacky characters, fantastical settings, and unique stories using just your body, voice, and imagination. Kindergarten: 3:15-­‐4:15pm – Rm. 144 NEW!!! CREATIVE IMPROV with Mudlark Theater: GRADES 2 – 5 Instructor: Mudlark Theater – Class Limit = 20 Creativity and spontaneity are at the heart of this action packed improvisation class. In each session, participants engage in improvised scenarios, creative movement exercises, vocal training, and character creation. The class gives students the opportunity to tap into their imagination and bring their own unique characters and stories to life on stage. Taught by Andrew Biliter, Mudlark's Artistic Director. nd th Grades: 2 – 5 3:15-­‐4:15pm – Carlson Auditorium NEW!!! TRASH TO TREASURES! with Sra. P!: GRADES 2 – 5 Instructor: Barb Pietroski, Baker Spanish Teacher Class Limit = 12 This is a new class, committed to recycling and upcycling all kinds of materials. If you like to craft, design, and create, this is for you. We'll be working with tin, plastic, cardboard, yarn, fabric and other materials -­‐ making beautiful objects you can use as well as decorative ones. Name plates and games are just a few of the treasures you'll enjoy. nd th Grades: 2 – 5 3:15-­‐4:15pm – Spanish Room 244 MORNING MATH CLUB with Dennis Gallagher: GRADES 5 – 6 Instructor: Dennis Gallagher – Class Limit= 12 Do you like learning about the unique properties of numbers? Do you like mathematical challenges, riddles, and oddities? And do you like the idea of ompeting against other schools and testing your mathematical skills and reasoning? These clubs will introduce you to serious recreational math and competitive math, a wonderful combination. th th Grades: 5 – 6 7:35-­‐8:15am – Room 240 MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDIO with Julie Toole: GRADES 6 – 8 Instructor: Julie Toole, Baker Art Teacher Class Limit = 10 This class is an opportunity for middle school students to work in the Art Studio again. They will have access to drawing, painting, collage, printmaking, 3-­‐D and fiber materials and tools, and will be guided and mentored by Ms. Toole to actualize their creative ideas. This class will include access to the clay center and kiln. All materials included. th th Grades: 6 – 8 3:15-­‐4:15pm – Art Room 141 $125 $110 $110 $100 $100 $110 T U E S D A Y (7 Classes) 1/12 – 1/26 – 2/2 – 2/9 – 2/23 – 3/1 – 3/8 SWIM LESSONS: GRADES PREKINDERGARTEN -­‐ KINDERGARTEN Instructors: Pam Bossert and Wills Barnard -­‐ Class Limit = 8 (4 students per instructor) These classes are a fun and gentle introduction to swimming and our pool. Our little swimmers love our fabulous instructors! Pre-­‐K Swimming : 11:20am-­‐11:50am Jr. K Swimming: 3:05-­‐3:35pm Kindergarten Swimming: 3:05-­‐3:35pm CIRCESTEEM with Nicole Jordan: GRADES K – 5 Instructor: Nicole Jordan – Class Limit = 20 CircEsteem is committed to providing programming to help students develop confidence in addition to flexibility, balance, coordination and strength. CircEsteem classes are designed to allow each student to work at their own pace while finding opportunities to build teamwork and cooperation. CircEsteem strives to help each student discover his or her, “Look what I can do!” moment. th Grades: K – 5 3:15-­‐4:15pm – Yoga Room 137 CHESS WIZARDS: GRADES K – 8 Instructor: Chess Wizards – Class Limit = 24 Introduce children to the magical world of chess or allow them to master advanced strategies. This popular game can improve verbal and math skills and academic performance. Students learn cool openings and game strategies from our trained chess professionals. Students are divided into Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced Wizards. Grades: K – 8th 3:15-­‐4:15pm – Cafeteria $125 $150 $110 KAYAKING with The Northwest Passage: GRADES 5 – 8 $140 Instructor: The Northwest Passage – Class Limit = 8 This program will challenge participants in the exciting sport of kayaking. Students will build upon introductory skills and develop new advanced skills in a safe and comfortable setting of the Baker Demonstration School Pool. Students will learn kayaking basics, as well as new moves like drawstrokes, edging, skulling, braces, and introduced in rolling. The Northwest Passage staffers are certified in First Aid and also hold Water Safety credentials. Many of our staff members are also experienced in pool settings through swim lessons, roll classes, and life guard training. th th Grades: 5 – 8 3:15 – 4:15pm – Baker Pool MORNING CHOIR: GRADES 5 – 8 *Course meets 2 times per week – Tues. & Thurs. $110 Instructor: Jamee Guerra, Baker Music Teacher – Class Limit = 14 Calling all singers! Meet before school to build our vocal and ensemble skills so that we can perform within, as well as outside, the Baker community. Both experienced singers and beginners are welcome to join! Members will have a big part in deciding what music the group will perform, so come help shape the Baker sound! No audition necessary! th th Grades: 5 – 8 7:35-­‐8:15am – Music Room 245 WEDNESDAY (8 Classes) 1/13 – 1/20 – 1/27 – 2/3 – 2/10 – 2/24 – 3/2 – 3/9 NEW!!! TINY TINKERERS with Einstein By Design: GRADES PRE-­‐K – KINDERGARTEN Instructor: Einstein By Design – Class Limit = 8 Combining electronic components with wood, paint, and other discovered materials, you will explore conductivity, inputs and outputs, and design your very own musical instruments. From there, participants will explore the art of visual storytelling, and then learn to bring their stories alive through interactive design. You will learn to embed paper-­‐ based circuits into a variety of media (origami, picture books, etc.) to create stunning, interactive illustrations that light up using sensors and simple motors. This class is rich in art, song and merry making, so be prepared to have lots of fun! Prekindergarten: 11:20am-­‐11:50am Jr. Kindergarten: 2:05-­‐2:50pm Kindergarten: 3:05-­‐3:50pm SHINJINKAI YOUTH AIKIDO with Sensei Jason Murray: GRADES 1 – 8 Instructor: Sensei Jason Murray – Class Limit = 18 Through the energetic and disciplined practice of Aikido, students will learn to develop not just their bodies, but also their minds. This rigorous and fun structure, coupled with Baker’s core values of “progressive excellence, partnership, individuality, wholeness and diversity…” will create a greater awareness of the world around them, and thus, how to be the best version of themselves within it becomes clearer. st th Grades 1 – 8 3:15-­‐4:15pm – Cafeteria MINECRAFT CRAFTS: GRADES 3-­‐8 Instructor: Karrie Fisher, Baker Librarian -­‐-­‐ Class Limit 18 Come and create awesome Minecraft-­‐inspired crafts such as key-­‐rings, jewelry, a no-­‐sew fleece quilt, painted wall art, and/or a duct-­‐tape wallet. These are just a few examples of what we might be creating, depending on how we use our time. rd th Grades 3 – 8 3:15-­‐4:15pm -­‐ Library NEW!!! PRODUCT DESIGN CHALLENGE 1.0! with Einstein By Design: GRADES 5 – 8 Instructor: Einstein By Design – Class Limit = 12 In t his e xciting I ntro t o P roduct D esign c lass, p articipants w ill c onstruct a f unctioning p rototype o f a c reation o f t heir own d esign. M aterials u sed i n t he c lass w ill i nclude: 3 D p rinted p lastics, t extiles, m icro-­‐controllers, a nd o ther u p-­‐ cycled a rt a nd d esign m aterials. P articipants w ill l earn t o a pproach a p roblem f rom m ultiple p erspectives, h ow t o f rame a d esign c hallenge p roperly, p rototype, a nd i terate s olutions w hile c ommunicating t heir i deas c learly i n d esign r eviews, reports, a nd p resentations. A t t he e nd o f t he t erm t here w ill b e a d esign s howcase i n w hich p articipants w ill p resent their p rototypes b efore f amily, f riends n d c ommunity m embers. th th Grades: 5 – 8 3:15-­‐4:15pm – Room 144 MORNING MATH CLUB with Dennis Gallagher: GRADES 7 – 8 Instructor: Dennis Gallagher – Class Limit= 12 Do you like learning about the unique properties of numbers? Do you like mathematical challenges, riddles, and oddities? And do you like the idea of competing against other schools and testing your mathematical skills and reasoning? These clubs will introduce you to serious recreational math and competitive math, a wonderful combination. th th Grades 7 – 8 7:35-­‐8:15am – Rm. 240 THURSDAY (7 Classes) 1/14 – 1/21 – 1/28 – 2/4 – 2/11 – 2/25 – 3/3 GYMNASTICS ALL STARS with Runaway Circus: Grades: PRE-­‐K, JR. KINDERGARTEN Instructor: The Runaway Circus – Class Limit = 15 An exciting all around gymnastics experience for all ages, boy and girls! We bring the gym to you – beam, tumbling, bars and vault! Kids will learn the terminology while immersing themselves in this strength, balance, and coordination-­‐focused program for all ages. Curriculum created by the founder and former collegiate level gymnast herself. End of session performance for parents! Prekindergarten: 11:20am-­‐12:00pm Jr. Kindergarten: 2:05-­‐2:50pm $125 $150 $135 $115 $175 $110 $135 THE KID’S TABLE: JR. KINDERGARTEN & KINDERGARTEN -­‐ 5 $200 Instructor: The Kids’ Table -­‐ Class Limit = JK-­‐8, K-­‐5-­‐12 Kids' Table has brought their cooking expertise to Baker! Guided by our chef instructors, children will get to chop, grate and roll their way to a different healthful and delicious recipe each week. Children enjoy the fruits of their labor at the end of each class, and they get the recipe so they can recreate the dish at home. Our programs are designed to promote healthy eating by teaching age-­‐appropriate culinary skills, exposing kids to a variety of wholesome ingredients and encouraging good food choices. It's hands-­‐on, engaging and delicious, transforming healthy cooking and eating from chore to adventure! th Jr. Kindergarten 2:05-­‐3:05pm K – 5 3:15–4:15pm – Cafeteria NEW!!! COMPUTER GAME AND APP DEVELOPMENT with Einstein By Design: GRADES 1 – 4 Instructor: Einstein By Design – Class Limit = 12 Are you curious about how computers work? If so, come join us in this awesome learning experience as you not only learn how to create software, such as games and apps, but also learn how to make your very own computer system using a Raspberry Pi. You will then learn to code as you learn about computer science applications ranging from hardware to software development. Course material will be covered using a hands-­‐on approach that helps participants to learn fundamental concepts through practice. Participants enjoy one-­‐on-­‐one interaction with instructors in a small class setting. Each child will take home their own computer at the end of each session along with any games or apps she or he develops. In this class, you'll not only learn how to use technology, but also how to create it. Additionally, emphasis is placed on problem solving as a team, and learning the logic of programming through highly interactive, physical games and play that are appropriate breaks from screen time Grades 1st – 4th 3:15-­‐4:15pm – Library BAKER NEWSPAPER with Karrie Fisher: GRADES 4-­‐8 Instructor: Karrie Fisher, Baker Librarian – Class Limit: 15 Are you interested in reporting all the Baker news that’s fit to print? Join the staff of The Baker Newspaper. Learn how to write journalistic stories, edit stories, report the news, and create a happening newspaper! All materials included. th th Grades 4 – 8 3:15-­‐4:15pm -­‐ Library MORNING CHOIR: GRADES 5 – 8 *Course meets 2 times per week – Tues. & Thurs. Instructor: Jamee Guerra, Baker Music Teacher – Class Limit = 14 Calling all singers! Meet before school to build our vocal and ensemble skills so that we can perform within, as well as outside, the Baker community. Both experienced singers and beginners are welcome to join! Members will have a big part in deciding what music the group will perform, so come help shape the Baker sound! No audition necessary! th th Grades: 5 – 8 7:35-­‐8:15am – Music Room 245 NEW!!! JEWELRY DESIGN with Donna Reinglass: GRADES 6 – 8 $155 $100 $110 Instructor: Donna Reinglass – Class Limit = 10 Students will explore and interact with various materials to create dazzling jewelry pieces. They will be introduced to media such as beads, crystals, leather, jump rings and more. Come join us to discover your inner artist and create unique works of art! All materials included th th Grades: 6 – 8 3:15 – 4:15pm – Rm. 144 $165 FRIDAY (7 Classes) 1/15 – 1/22 – 1/29 – 2/5 – 2/12 – 2/26 – 3/4 JUMPBUNCH SPORTS AND FITNESS FOR KIDS with JumpBunch: PREKINDERGARTEN -­‐ KINDERGARTEN $115 $125 Instructor: JumpBunch – Class Limit = 15 JumpBunch provides great exercise, but in a structured format that introduces a wide variety of sports, and builds coordination, balance and confidence. Each class includes warm-­‐ups, floor exercises, the sport activity of the week, stretching, then cool down. We don’t make it competitive for preschoolers; it’s a completely positive experience. It’s amazing how this early exposure makes kids more willing to give new sports a try as they get older. Prekindergarten: 11:20am-­‐11:50am Jr. Kindergarten: 2:05-­‐2:50pm Kindergarten: 3:05-­‐3:50pm MR. OWEN’S ILLUSTRATION STUDIO with Owen LaMay: GRADES 1 -­‐ 8 Instructor: Owen LaMay, Baker Associate Teacher – Class Limit = 18 Freelance illustrator Mr. Owen can draw just about anything. Pick his brain and learn how to use perspective and proportion in your drawings. Want to learn how to draw people, animals, ‘n’ whatnot? Why not! Mr. Owen can teach you! Want to come to a place where you can draw freely with no agenda? You can do that, too! All materials included. st th Grades: 1 – 8 3:15-­‐4:15pm – Library $100 PRIVATE MUSIC LESSONS @ BAKER These lessons are available on various days and times throughout the week. Please contact the instructor directly to arrange a day and time. NOTE: A full term of lessons must be paid in advance. PRIVATE GUITAR LESSONS Instructor: Martin Metzger – Please contact Mr. Metzger at or call 773-­‐744-­‐1156 to arrange lessons. Visit Mr. Metzger’s website to view a wonderful video that showcases his inspiring teaching methods with three different ages of students (5, 11, and 14 years old), with observations from their parents. Lessons held in Drama Room 246. PRIVATE PIANO LESSONS Instructor: Jamee Guerra, Baker Music Teacher. Please contact Ms. Guerra at to arrange lessons. Lessons held in Music Room 245. PRIVATE PERCUSSION LESSONS Instructor: Kurt Loeffler Please contact Mr. Loeffler at to arrange lessons. Visit Mr. Loeffler’s website to learn more about his background and teaching philosophy. Lessons held in Music Room 244.