Department of History, Politics and Justice
Spring Semester 2015
Days and times : Tuesday/Thursday 12:00 pm to 1:15 pm
Location : Hill Memorial Building, Room 113
Instructor : Dr. David R Smith
Office location : Hill 204C, Ph. x2096
Office hours: M_W_F Noon -1:00 pm. T_R 3:00 to 3:50 pm.
Catalog Description : Regional survey of the non-Western world. Examination of the leading cultural, economic, historical, political, and environmental features of the non-Western world. Confers International Politics elective credit. 3.000 Credit hours 3.000 Lecture hours
Course Attributes : AS -Non-Western Cultural, AS-SOCSCI - Social Science, Informed Ethical Responses
Introduction : In this course, we conduct a systematic topical and regional survey of the world's major areas.
Combining textbook readings, videos, slides, and discussions, students gain an appreciation of regional cultural diversity and an understanding of the dynamics of the emerging global economy. As part of the course structure, we will debate key issues and problems relevant to contemporary society in each of the world's regions.
Course Description : For decades, the USA has been the top world power economically, politically, educationally, and in many other ways. Even today, the USA is a 15 trillion-dollar economy, by far the largest ever on the planet.
However, other countries are catching up, including China, India, Brazil and Indonesia. Every year the planet
“shrinks” because of globalization, trade, the media, inter-cultural exchange and increasingly sophisticated technology. In future, national boundaries may mean less as the world becomes more connected. As educated
Americans in the global community, we must understand the ever-changing world in which we live. Our Earth is a
“fragile blue planet” in a huge universe; it is home to nearly 200 countries and thousands of cultures. By studying
World Regional Geography, we expand our knowledge of the diverse peoples that make up the world.
Course Rationale for World Geography : World Regional Geography provides students with the chance to explore
Earth regions, countries and peoples. The course provides an understanding of the spatial distribution of physical and cultural factors that affect countries, and consider geographic processes that lead to regional differences. We travel the globe to place current events in their spatial context and to gain a better appreciation of diverse world patterns, the impacts of increasing energy use, terrorism, globalization and environmental changes. Students learn general geographic principles to understand what is happening in the world today.
The Study of Geography will help you to:
Understand life on our planet and the diversity of human-land relationships around the world.
Appreciate Earth as our home and provide insight into ways to manage and sustain our planet’s resources.
Learn about the countries and regions of the world; adopt your own country for a semester and delve into the lives of the real people who live there.
Increase awareness about key world issues: poverty, peace in the Middle East, AIDS in Africa, burgeoning populations in Asia, the Euro and the emerging European Community, protecting our earth and its resources, fuel efficiency, immigration, and finding security in a world afflicted by terrorism.
Understand basic physical systems that affect everyday life (e.g. earth-sun relationships, water, wind and ocean currents).
Develop mental maps so that you can understand the “where” of places and events.
Expand knowledge by reading a book with themes related to world geography.
Understand the geography of past times and how geography has played important roles in the evolution of people, their ideas, places and environments.
Enhance interest in geography and enliven discussion of current events.
Develop sensitivity to other peoples and even make new friends outside the USA.
Appreciate the opportunities and advantages of living in the USA and perhaps decide what you can do to make a difference in our world
Required Text : Geography: Realms, Regions, and Concepts
Authors : Harm J. de Blij, Peter O. Muller, Jan Nijman
Publisher : Wiley, 16 th edition, 2013-11-25 ISBN-13: 978-1118673956
* SEE last page of this syllabus for purchase suggestions…
Map Quizzes 20% * In the news 10% (x2) ** Country Reports 20% (x2)
Midterm Exam 25% Final Exam 25%
Map Quizzes : Based on each of the regions we examine. Quizzes will be given throughout the semester testing knowledge of physical, cultural, and political geographic features. Map and place name list for the quiz will be provided to you before you take the map quiz .
Exams : The Midterm exam is a multiple-choice exam that covers everything since the first day of class: the Final exam is a multiple-choice exam that covers the lectures after the Midterm.
Exams and quizzes are given at the times listed in the schedule below. Make-up exams or quizzes are allowed only for extreme cause and with a verified excuse. The Final Exam is mandatory for everyone regardless of your grade to this point.
Cell phones, PDAs, Blackberries or other electronic devices are NOT allowed; these devices must be turned off and put away during exams and quizzes.
* In the News : Pick a news article from a region we discuss in the first half of the semester (hand it in when you take the Midterm Exam), AND from a region we discuss during the 2nd half of the semester (hand it in when you take the Final Exam). Use a major news source (newspaper, radio, television, current magazine, academic journal or reputable website). You will submit a short paper with the following:
Give the title, date, and author of the article.
Summarize, in your own words, the main points of the article.
Be sure to mention
what country or countries are treated in the article,
what the main issue(s) are (environmental problem, ethnic conflict, popular culture, trade, political event, etc.), and
what geographic concepts are relevant to the article (e.g., globalization, irredentism, imperialism, ethnic conflict, migration, hazards etc.).
After the summary, cite the source (publication name, publisher, publishing location/URL), cite the author (if known), and cite the date.
** Country Reports : Each student must write two reports overviewing the physiographic and cultural landscape, population trends, economic development, and major current events of an assigned country. You will have a country assigned to you from regions we discuss during the 1st half of the semester AND again during the 2nd half of the semester. The report must be accompanied by a typewritten, bibliography of the sources used in the report.
Countries will be assigned to each student by the instructor .
Both In the news and Country Reports :
Typewritten, Line spacing 1.5, 5-pages, Calibri 12 pt. font, hand in hard copy only (no e-mail attachment), 1-3 pp. for “in the news” report; 2-5 pp. for country reports.
Attendance . You are expected to attend lecture. Lecture material provides the basis for your country reports and your news articles. Thus, if you miss a lecture, you can expect to have problems with the reports as well. You are responsible for all material covered in class. If you miss a class, even for a legitimate reason (e.g. a university sponsored event in which you are participating), you are still responsible for the material. You should get notes from a fellow student for any classes you miss. If you have a university-sponsored event that requires you to miss class, please have the supervising instructor provide an excuse prior to the day you will be absent.
Class Participation . Please participate in class! Contribute comments and ask questions. Volunteer answers to questions I ask during class. If you are lost, say so. Ask questions or contribute comments before, during, or after class. Use my office hours to ask questions. Use email to ask questions. The more you participate, the more you will learn – and only you can learn the material – I cannot learn it for you. So participate in class!
Readings. Readings are listed on this syllabus below and on the course web site. You should do assigned readings before coming to class. Use your textbook to fill in information or details missing from the lecture outlines.
Cell Phones and Electronic Devices. Cell phones, Blackberries, PDAs, MP3s and other electronic devices should be turned off during class. Talking on cell phones, text messaging, checking for messages, emailing, and listening to music during class is not allowed. Laptops are NOT allowed . All cell phones and other electronic devices must be turned off and put away during tests.
Internet Resources. The course web site contains assigned readings, lecture outlines, and other links and information http://www2.onu.edu/~d-smith.3
(click on “Courses”).
Policy regarding academic dishonesty . The University expects its students to conduct themselves in a dignified and honorable manner as mature members of the academic community and assumes that individually and collectively they will discourage acts of academic dishonesty. The University also expects cooperation among administrators, faculty, staff, and students in preventing acts of academic dishonesty, in detecting such acts, reporting them, and identifying those who commit them, and in providing appropriate punishment for offenders.
The University Code of Academic Student Conduct is found in Appendix C of the Student Handbook: http://www.onu.edu/student_life/student_conduct/student_handbook
Special accommodations policy . Students requiring particular accommodations because of physical and/or learning disabilities should contact their Dean’s office prior to or during the first week of classes. For additional information, see: http://www.onu.edu/student_life/disability_services
Notes :
Please refrain from using laptops in my classroom while I am lecturing.
Tell me by e-mail if you have to be gone for ANY reason (illness, sports participation,etc.)
We have a class web page where the PowerPoint lectures will be provided for you.
The class web page is found at http://www2.onu.edu/~d-smith.3
and click on “Courses”
Above dates are subjected to change during the semester. Pay attention
There have been times in the past when I have to be gone on short notice: we WILL STILL have class, I will have scheduled other lecturers for you as well as a movie or two…
Study abroad : ONU is a member of the University Studies Abroad Consortium (USAC) and other study abroad organizations and can provide many study abroad opportunities to students in all majors. For more information on these and other programs, please contact Dr. Brian Keas, 122 Lehr (772-3156), b-keas@onu.edu
Week(s) Lecture topics/readings Dates
1-2 Introduction World Regional Geography
3-4 Chapter 1A The European Realm Map Quiz: Europe
Chapter 1B European Regions Jan. 29
5-6 Chapter 2A The Russian Realm
Chapter 2B Russian Regions
Map Quiz: Russia
Feb. 12
7-8 Chapter 7A N African/SW Asian Realm
Chapter 7B N African/SW Asian Asian Regions
Map Quiz: NAfr/SWAsia
Feb. 26
Tuesday March 10
1st Country reports due
1st “in the news” report due
9-10 Chapter 8A The South Asian Realm
Chapter 8B South Asian Regions
Map Quiz: South Asia
March 26
11-12 Chapter 9A The East Asian Realm
Chapter 9B East Asian Regions
Map Quiz: East Asia
April 9
13-14 Chapter 10A The Southeast Asian Realm
Chapter 10B Southeast Asian Regions
Map Quiz: SE Asia
April 23
15 Chapter 11 The Austral Realm
Chapter 12 Pacific Realm and Polar Futures
Tuesday, May 5 th , 11:45 am – 1:45 pm: 2 nd Country report due
Map Quiz: Pacific, etc
Tues. May 5th
2 nd “in the news” report due
In class FINAL EXAM, includes Map Quiz
Dates to remember :
Tuesday, January 13: 1 st day of class
Spring Break: Mon. March 2 to Fri. March 6
*Mon. March 9th : 1st Country report due, 1st “in the news” report due, In class MIDTERM EXAM
*Mon. May 4th, 11:45 am – 1:45 pm: 2nd Country report, 2nd “in the news” report due, In class FINAL EXAM
Textbook web sites for WORLD REGIONAL GEOGRAPHY (all sections)
From the publisher :
Three (3) Available Options for this title $62.50 - 163.95 http://www.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-EHEP002953.html
: http://www.amazon.com/Geography-Concepts-Harm-J-
Others : http://www.coursesmart.com/geography-realms-regions-and-concepts-16th/blij-harm-j-de-muller-peter-onijman-jan/dp/9781118673959 http://www.alibris.com/Geography-Realms-Regions-and-Concepts-Harm-J-de-Blij/book/2565896 http://www.valorebooks.com/textbooks/geography-realms-regions-and-concepts-16th-edition/9781118673959 http://www.textbookhead.com/Geography-Realms-Regions-and-Concepts-by-de_p_1101453.html
Study Guide/Review : http://www.studyblue.com/notes/b/geography-realms-regions-and-concepts/35136/0