7 th Grade Geography- First Semester Review Guide – 2013

7th Grade Geography- First Semester Review Guide – 2013-2014
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These are the Geographical and Historical topics covered on the UCS Common Assessment for Eastern
Hemisphere Geography
Introduction to Geography
Definition of each of the 5 Themes
Different tools of a Geographer
Description of a Tropical Savanna climate
Description of a Tropical Wet climate
Description of a Highlands climate
Impact of climate on an ecosystem
Definition of deforestation
Human modifications to a landscape
Definition of cultural diversity
Explanation of monarchy, dictatorship, democracy, and communism
Explanation of command, market, and traditional economies
Impact of Globalization
Southwest Asian History
Description of Mesopotamia
Description of Fertile Crescent
Definition of Social Hierarchy
Achievement of Sargon of Akkad
Achievement of Hammurabi of Babylon
Assyrian and Hittite military technology
Development of the alphabet
Definition of Monotheism
Definition of Diaspora
Differences between Christianity and Judaism
Description of the Gospels
Constantine’s impact on Christianity
Beliefs of Islam
Southwest Asian Geography
Location of Southwest Asian deserts
Importance of irrigation in the region
Definition of Landlocked
African History
Impact of physical environment on human settlement
Importance of Nile River
Responsibilities of the Pharaoh
Definition of nobles
Importance of Rosetta Stone
Building projects of the Old Kingdom
Importance of trade on a civilization
New Kingdom trade and conquest
Decline of Kingdom of Kush
African Geography
Impact of climate on population density
Location of deserts in the region
Impact of desertification
Agriculture in the Sahel
Impact of plate tectonics on African landforms
Definition of an escarpment
Barriers to river travel in Africa
Central Africa’s primary ecosystems
These are the Geographical, Historical, and Reading Skills that should be mastered before the UCS
Common Assessment for Eastern Hemisphere Geography
How to read a physical map
How to read a population density map
How to read a climate graph
How to read a pie graph
How to read a timeline
Differences between narrative and informational texts
Identification of primary and secondary sources
Identification of a main idea in a text
Locating supporting evidence in a text
Identification of an author’s point of view
Difference between fact and opinion in a text