Name jtim~ ~ - Period Ms. Foglia Date AP: CHAPTER 16: THE LI ________ 3/fl /oi MOLECUSI~I~~’IIIIIIIIIID 1. After Morgan and fellow scientists developed the Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance, the search was on for the chemical mechanism of inheritance. What are the two components of the chromosome? ~ ~ & ,~ 2. From initial logic, which componenuwould be the most likely candidate for the genetic material and why? c&al’ &xi-€ )x__kh9._ma~t ~,LA-A _______ And 3. What did Griffith, Avery, and others accomplish with bacteria? ~ ~ ‘r~ 1-fm~ Qn +ha~~Q~LtCbwiexig s~r~d -kk2t tm”ieAl& ~TYfl’tQ IIit~1ERIC cttsccv~xeot -1~ i”~ vaô~ P$JA ftnt exwuc J 4. 5~~tr~So~ion. t~n~cn -ft e(nuLo(i 44nc k IA ~ ~n J~AJA h pitto-nrit o. 5. What did the experiments done by Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase show? i}U 4J~z~ fjrwJ e~n~xU7~ ±1 Lb~J~NA 5~JIit j~n~ cbhlnM4 ‘ (3 aMt yaj~&Q ~O4 nt~V 1nft1~k cnf&u~wj 44u~ nmk~n 6, What are Chargaff’s rules? 1i2&~ ~1L& th&~ ~ 4 ~LncLT p A~~~4MQ~LQYLC24 421 si~d Csssi ~ 1 ~42&CS zt~-1 ~ffDk~ 7. If a species has 35% adenine in its DNA. determine the percent of the other three bases. — .2a5 °/c I N ____________ ____ ___ — 1 of 4 2004-2005 Name Ms. Foglia 8. What was the role of Maurice Wilkins and Rosalind Franklin in determining the structure of DNA? JAD’ikA~4 cA~r’d s~frThi~1’-Liv4c&K ~A~4441 cLt~4tnttMira L½~o~ J ;kkt ri—edd-cd dr~.A~tkdix Xro~M oa’ciSfctEô~Vrack-4--~ ‘C) 9. Use the diagram to describe the structure of DNA. Include several comments. o-~:t J J U Cl’ ~b wA. ;r &ttUJ 5’ \ro 4 fl,&D P1~tAfl 1A41. pLrbtl-pv(;YQ Q,41d ytvA4 L2t~ (en-CC Silt rtt~t~ rr%lrn%k d~ub 4 -ttv ~nt mm cA( kvn”~ ra~tat£/1 ~% ~ { rim (a) Key features of (b) Partial chemical structure DNA structure 10. What is the advantage of the double stranded aspect of the DNA? ‘I kJ~~T j~ ~ (%1 - ___ tAt. .n&O t~uc1hfrX J /u42tJi cn’i 3€ru LI41 ~c 11. Which model of DNA replication is accepted? 1- douJ,L ~xork- r~tLa~h~W~ 2ac~ ~tLO~L4A Q D~ c11c1-OXCA TYU. c ttw 2 of 4 2004-2005 Name Ms. Foglia 12. What happens at the DNA replication fork? ~Tr fk~ IAAVI tty(~cc~nav~ f~.tW Strzz4YiS j-~ ~ttLC( TpAj4 th~~ctks 5 VDVi) 13. Make a list of the enzymes involved in replication and their role. IJ~potJ1T~CLCn3O4C3TDkA 4-c a’ d:retthnn. ~DM4Isc~ci~~t ‘n Dkctw& Rojn~iic. frih’lasZ ~J4 cha~%*-tin ~ckaJrCh~~intU DkA rtptA(cL41tn~ TLPJ A ~u- rCplGtMni &Lcs ~ rE-I iei-€3 14. Why does the DNA have to add nucleotid~i1nthe 5’ to 3’ direction? ~ ‘lkz it 3 t-*-~A s ~,nci kDueiprr\ir-~ ..~ (~‘-0 hQ~Ck c n&&c-W*tctts ~a’ sfrx-rft &N = t,4fl4144St’S _____ e~nsr~ctut ft t-Fut nn~ 6~ ki—t La St. ad ct~cci CeM +~ 4tt S~nnd. 15. Label the diagram of DNA replication. Include the directions and the terms. aA~ccflcbr~ ‘I /5 ~jaM j~NP. ttM- At*flfs ~-h~nJA ~ phn’Qi 3 of 4 1)NApO1I 1’ tK~Vt ob ~j1) ~1tt 2004-2005 bcrvuis S Name Ms. Foglia — 16. Describe the “priming of the DNA” before replication. 2~-Wrcac &*-t sbtrf— g..rC c& ‘J%~c&.k I1~y iv~hcJc h/U 4\ a.~&irc~-~ 5tYcAs~w\ \C~’O2kN’ kt yrvo-trea d nnno-St& cu~cktcn~-t’tS 4-c~MUU.o fide, tih&~ct~ tY~t~nn4. ca~ C)~itaAc-~~ r~-~ l 17. List some of the steps involved in DNA repair. ea.c4~ ~aA-& 144. cadci-~n ~ ~p st~-ck-cW~~ OJVI4d.A4) kiCj2~~ ~~LtcticU~ )~jnH\L~?LA ~j)t3A~ ~ 18. What is the problem that occurs at the ends of the chromosome during replication? ThT”~A A.mcl M ~ fl,, i-&%n shu.~no5 ~noi.t. yip u~oj jm (tfl~71tkd, rcç~ei1:t-ec~ Ytu~flO4 @~ ye~kr,cu-1icv1, .-) TNJs4 t~A b,~e~2 St\tc\~c~ a~nd 19. What is a telomere and its role in cell division. 4WLt £bC~ ~ r~( Th~S&k-\à5 nà A 1~-k ~ ‘~‘~‘ ~Uk)nhic, to w1&4tQ t~A I-dblnt¾-e ~c, a 5tt4 ~at hund.xcds rt~-cat ~ t~n1c~S ttu~Lk~yU~cp(kL~tA.(pEfi1ou5~ IAtdL St~ict ~J~i)4 ~+ 20. Why was there no se~~ion pressure for prokaryotes to evolve a telomere-Iike solution on theirchromosome? ‘~~wV.&4ty-~I’eshiw€ It.’, (tc (L&ic.C \~‘ cp~nc.tnucs h c%~(thL {1II~AF 0~ M-\c1, 21. Why is telomerase an active area in cancer research? ban~~-~d rt~U,A j-kcL TktrnuA-OSC Ctk(s~ LLhiC~\ &14q.t5S l-€-tOfl’tQYC ~O LC-t1’Ah3 H-o~A 1k- ~1&1 r~c Ca~ctL £IeaS (O~n 2004-2005