CLctc FIwt~ Name Period Date Ms. Foglia AP: CHAPTER 20: DNA TECHNOLOGY 1. Define biotechnology. N ‘3 cuUthm ~ r ~ 2. What is meant by “recombinant DNA technology?” 2- a~ ioiv~byvd inyo 3. ‘vuut ~ a~A G~QW- ~tt1. i~ 4. -ko (5 ~e~i ~yt LtIllJ tt4~ 4 ~ Why are bacteria ideal workhorses for biotechnology? t\~A~as4kiA ~r~t~JA t~£zrc~L ps~ttt~-ban 5. S(~S ~i,uiaJt 7)tA ui~u tt~t List some of the organisms we have been modifying for many hundreds of years. uLxc . jfu C 6b r~i t~~dA~J~~~1èfteins ~i~1~i ho~c4ei~o. u~~Pul What are other organisms used in biotechnology? (‘o~u2 \fl\JO~tJt bx(J-C-vi~. jA&nt~ cAx~d OJ¼rnOlS 6. How does gene cloning differ from human cloning? ~€~- ti~r~(v~ jTh~wLs &1LAy~ Mott*ed . ~hth~iQttcd& ~ &LL ~ hcLct~c~~ Ww r~~tc cAA’~CLI. Hv~ct~c~tinH ki & ~con ~ ~ 2004-2005 Name Ms. Foglia . 7. Why is DNA cloning considered an important technology? A Cicv~\ r~, mw ilhvlt C ~LCkC~ k-b (OX’ ‘~L~\ aiAgv.>Q tdtA.Lk’I-CAJ V~okvt’~4-% rY\Os-~, k-~.L \~c. cC jj~ eL4 c,.extu~h cMDeJ~ 8. What are plasmids? ¶~rAML vlrjs 1+t (SC UI c1j)~J4 1*uctt (axkt~S ~ c4~vo ~ fl~ ~ ¼o A CL-CM c4 ECPSS6Th (~g4-t~sSCj&A-t’LJ~C p~c’n-~ 9. What is the function of restriction enzymes in bacteria? tcci~t1n~ \-tij ~c4Lk4a {ltm cwthiy~ k~-&* ~SIi# nt~nAc~s jqj iflhtd tt’jA it~ Pn~ op c~J- rtsW~cht~4~iks 10, How do bacteria protect their DNA from the effects of the restriction enzymes? U~e~& ciilO (-i-j-t ht2~&tjt ~ tht &~t \cCtCyru4 ~ -) h11 A ~d C ~q-~ *t~t~ 11. How do biologists make use of restriction enzymes? ~ce ~-eTh4rhcv~ it It ctcC hA hrrA ~o y~nn ~ t4tfç~n rrcdi,r DL~A Ikc~t~c~. 12. What is a genomic library? Lt~14~t~ft SCt [VI L 63~ ~k&SMtCi rtoyijs / ~c~m ~4a~ cj ~ ccurr~f(~ ccpi~ts t~- w~cut 13. How is cDNA different from typical eukaryote DNA? C-T)LJAfl-iL iS~9~tSwi~w~ ~ (J)O~~JASfc&k-Lk \c ‘~‘~-~ ni~cAjz, k ,j4~ ~ siL&1D~ n-ia Wv144’)tQ ~~-i~tfr’--’~-1- ~9 2004-2005 . Ms. Foglia Name S 14. Describe the steps involved in cloning a gene. ~ rtsb\chw S~1C ;oJc p1~srn~€1~’J$t~ N C~-e4iCut WtS ISt~~&k ~7ki~ F~ bcn~v~ I It’ 4 ~o 64* pcftfl’JPc S OATh ‘thL c~-k~Q *M~x CC(* pi&s~n’cLs c~cDt~.i~ ftc~ntitts SA~~OWn~~±ijY~ (Al 5 4 PNA- Iyjcu~t. ~rVc k~~eit aM. I LI 4 IYtfrDtV~k~tC~ -44t&. Dl’4* ctWc fh&r Vtevt ‘~ç~ ‘-~-i-~~’-i cet(s 8xw~C~ti1~ &x’ct X~yj, jv1c~tU9oJC o-c~yxs ULf ~t4fl4’i\ sy~ve1s tunc btLk&’cct F ~&4c S r ~ E~I~ 4~ ~ 9~tflt c€?it~ ccrfc~XvVv”) ~tAU -f~tkt rtto~~t4~ V1&4tf ~ ‘3~N~p~&sm1cL a (~Tl on;€~ protein products 15. How can transformed bacteria that carry genes of interest be identified and isolated from the majority of non-transformed bacteria? @Jk IUt\1 fl~o plc&Cxnvi A(Th (Mt&4flw’3 nnn’~tuMtøtvi&nt £X~CJ€VjtUfl cht~vkc&L fko ~npirx\l1n uc\( fljh* bt LIlA XS~s+txn(t t(LUM !O (LUV~ rCpnct&A~cc 3f~t1 stat prr4tco LhttYk\L~ ~h~ ~tn\th fl 16. What can be accomplished with Nucleic Acid Hybridization? USS MAt ~ r u or VUW(1L(C- *Q~ nAArifrJ-t(1k h\4&kvQa” S ti ~9t~rd \u&til (3 &CJa uji~cki K ¶StQ~LvUt!L ¼tni %&( M flu. ~tj~ 4LktL ‘Was~ ii- 61 tt L~2\tflttu&t~ It ‘~~Jv~~t +v ca-cA-i ~-€L~ (cA~11 be 3~f9 2004-2 005 Name __________________________________ Ms. Foglia 17. What is the purpose of the Polymerase Chain Reaction? ,~V.tA f~cc~&nJ ~~dUj Ccpj A pCfr2 D~A sc~-u.&.wcL ~s cctn,h.j a~d krtrr~t S.€ n 5 ~- t~- ~rThiv-~ e~s&hraA’~. ~ 18. List some advantages & uses of the PCR technique. (j~)fiMuim~Lc~~ 4t4&~4 .~‘)H (~b~-~1k6~ irv~i S(kCL’~1\nC~ C&4~ ~flth4CL 7DL~nQ~4.e) w.& Qa~~ &~ ih ~ ht~41JM SyeJ&r. 19. How are DNA fragments of different sizes separated? 4~nvn~ Sitt4 ~-c ~ -aJ-ert O.l 5 20. What is a RFLP? How are they made? f2~LPs CAt *‘M wsuiA(C4L~A ~j ‘~.ech-~rhrvnc4cs 4~t\~Lfl*OA In n~ hp~ciw~ts (An4trn~&twtt~ r~sh~thti~f~~iic~utt rlAknic. ~, c-~4~.eyfin(Q’~ In 1(L.V~ Oci4-~. rkuec a-s 4,- ~ttt Tht pm’l—tt~i~~ ~.c cti~5 ft F-fr n Th~1 cDUA (~(~L’tP - 21. What does the technique of Southern Blotting accomplish? 5~t~ ~i4h~Q Cc&.r cLUc(k bc~x-O~S ~ LCT\ttJ~\ ~AieWz~ p~c~tst5 ThoX ~fric-~~ ~ c1~ euiLCcuujc-te5 (art ThtcU,u c~t crv~~a\A-&f~i-ccvcUs7~ 22. What ar~some other techniques that build on the Southern Blotting technique? C&V~UH1 ce~lc\( k(~4 n~pikC~hnnc cwc~ ac Ike-. k-f Itw p~ t4J1V141 (tlA~i ~ %~L++\L4fl I7IOK1V\j.. 4 of 9 2004-2005 I Name _________________________________ Ms. Foglia 23. What was the goal of the Human Genome Project? 7y~L ro~&k :~fl ~Vçccn~t~ ~ ~cv~ C~i1ht c6e&L%tJtA~-21 ~ n-~oip *ht enh~c hi~l&n &nd .Thk’~ Q~tk~c~ a-k \D ~ ~. - c~~5G~Z4M4 ~ 1 .mC 4 nw~ O~vtCt 24. List some c~u-~-t. of the most~o~c~b important things we learned by completing the Human Genome Project. Yw~- t~a~&j-n~~ A~CA1 Vs ~AJt QW~~22~k-AJ1A\ \UAAZICt.kfd f(3~ £kvnRe(.c SLkL (L(SL \JIL4VV’[I 15 — O-flfll&t pr~~LCriy~ ~ ~)t~M4 tAt V~J25. What is the Sänger Sequencing M~thodused for? S CLIA Th RZ~A ~&4ni ,kAr.~4tcc( -Wi.. r c~LA4JLL~-E fl.cctLthhdJ d1i-t~~.,~ +0 cAi -e/kfih ~1,JVvOiC~1n. 26. How does the shot-gun approach differ from the whole-genome sequencing? IJllzlL ~Vft~i~~1k4\ y~2FIALA r~Jpk~1c) 5t71f~’A n~ S kUAfl4 ~ Pv~c 5j’~~23 ~n~’ r>~M,1rnn& 1(Un1t~nt ik~4 ~L5~G&~4~C1nA3 itni :ak -t~n&~ 1 rt~-’-1~rok a.nct h,~ OA-t rAir~(fl&j tLwk k4 1 ~-ito UvuL ftiv-o M.aA 4J.4ztr~. bj A. C 27. In the futur~,DNA ~±ips may be used for regular diagnostics. What do the florescent spots indicate when the chip is read? 7ik~. &Lwc c~ a4&..-t- -~-eyICC ~ rt..*s ~ 14i~ ~ f /i. — (IGX sc~nq~t. 28. How can DNA technology be used to diagnose a carrier of a genetic disorder? c4.e Cl UtttC O.-4~C~ cwip ~ • fr ___ 5 of 9 4-Lq~o h cd o..ncj ~ f-te-vi (w £uscf ccu~Cr ~ ____ 2004-2005 Name Ms. Foglia 29. What is the goal of gene therapy? ~j ~1L4’ it ~ tdi%-i1-R1 *U ‘~Q hicU- 44~p csvO~çCL c&4~&hye a Aisrüs-C (t4 ice ~L~hc r~we(( - 30. How has forensics made use of DNA technology? Give a specific example. ~11C~ L~ rb~~N St~..u~tcn *~Li~jz -~e~tAc~uQ cectw.wct ~ sa.vl.t~p(.t. aM 31. What is currently used by the FBI to do a DNA fingerprint in a criminal investigation? Sm44-itoxn Io(nftrj ~PL-P ~vd flL~.) Si~h.9iO 4-,tndcni Wi P02 y— ~ -~ ~WQ~Jr vi um be-V - v~totcuf5 (crk’S ST tQs fine j~td It hc cuiac~ ,tyc n—C ~i ~ ~ anw (~ s~e-~&o’ttt~,v ~ 32. What technique has been used to modify agricultural p nts? OltZsthvic tiuA (C~c\ iyiKayctk. ‘NUA - ~b host- ~ken4- ce.Us 33. List a few of the traits that have been engineered into agricultural plants? Could any of these pose an environmental threat? k-cc IS*UI(P A ~ Ctr€. Y~cQ u~-jn bfla c*~-~+reuts ~1O1A~. fiicct mn (ax~knL f enj~wcd (‘b hcu.c c2rn~ n,e-n+t~ -H*ectfr ~u-e t~kS4tLflCr~. &°~‘ CYLBS t~ c-iarlouj o~jt~ns tttot (c*4ck - ~L)€.e4S) S p~tL&t~ % t~L Ut&vwu 5 of 9 2004-2005