e I Name Period Ms. Foglia Date _____________ AP: CHAPTER 13: MEIOSIS AND SEXUAL LIFE CYCLES 1 The key features of the two versions of reproduction. a Asexual Reproduction A A ad ~a ~ f,A15 :5 ~a 0 L~r ~ nO ;: 7i~C x~o VIR L~ i ~ a a:~ ~ b. Sexual Reproduction ~ f~4~/~ ETn~’A TAOS a ~o ~a. ,., ~ Tn ~ ~ prtaat 2. What is the role of meiosis in sexual reproduction? ,4’l ~ 0 5 .4 co~ L. ~ %: c.~n. 0 ...:.~ 3. What is a karyotype? 4) p ~ a..o n~cC cost a rAtS A.a•~—’~a_~ a 4. Identify several things the can be seen with a karyotype? 4)141t 4! 4 C • WOLtJ ~ ~~~nr.n ayj0n r — Csdcta OcJ. C oa 4 if u CD r nO Name ____________________________________ Ms. Foglia 5. Label the diagram of the human Iifecycle. Include the chromosome numbers. hap it4 2A) Li DV 40.~ ThPoa ~b ay~o1c (ira a/b) fa\c D~P~o?040L/0T5 6. Compare the products of mitosis with meiosis. o a. Mitosis D 4’~o~ S ft Meiosis ~4r~p. /~ ~ rtItn OA XC: 1 FcCtL C... 04. 5 0.0 p4-a0.Nr c...OS 400cCh~o2~~)os (IS), cacaa:: ~ 4- ~ C 00, 4 5 u44Cc0. C..i.0a0~..0 e c_Ic p r~ (It.: / cJc_S.~n?I~J/,— ~ts&/a1 ~yo41 50 7. Meiosis is said to be a dou ble division. Explain. I Crc.. at icc /4) a~ .~ ad. a .c s (s.saa ~c_ Cc~Lrc :1 jIp.:;.: ~4 7 ~ 1 :ca.i /5. tSar ~.c; ~ ~ cci nTSI:/t..e.~cac 0 ‘~ dci aD Ar 4 4.0 Name __________________________________ Ms. Foglia 8. Meiosis is an important source of variation. Define and describe how each of the following contributes to variation within a species. a. Independent Assortment 004 1° OS LOS frAacDv.t DoS 0/i. 14:1>4 94t54i4141 £swaa.ac_cc.dcrc (oP. A• to~a~ici&crAs t Ti. ~OSt c ~ ~.•f oa.ci nO ft. PA..:irJ) b. Random fertilization I 0-141>04 fOcatna,.rL..4>rtari rat c. Crossing Over 5 7>40 ac~. CrCsLnJgo9, VMi&OS 4o4fa. ~CCAcc SCo I/Cr 441>4 4rc_ ta~ a 1004 ZV&°Ar. >raar~O K5a>J’~ tan Ca> 6 aoL cii lOaOa,naiicra>rT or .-.Ic_ rcA-nc: a >11>0 (aT c_Ott/i /:.a..cii~S5/0 4 >44 aan>.><c. ;; >rc> a a a Ssc_ LOLc:Cri. ftCa>;4 ant o4.r-t >r 4 1 Tncc.~’ a> i41 irA 41 a c t 4 ~ ~ C~uarC faCS>D /.-co5 .-* aAOTS a> /0t~a>>~ar> 4.a> C ,Oaoot 4 ca> 5 9. Draw a pair of homologous chromosomes and indicate a crossing over event and the products. 4 i~ 4 ~ 5.~2t . A( --~ ~ 10. List the significant differences between mitosis and meiosis. c_~ 4 / 12cc 1 5 tca>d CC 4)/a i c~t.S.: 2. “ c.~€cc.. 250:1 <0/5.04>1 f’~6:~- >a5 S ~ Ci cccaaacç,~~rc. f54vcjonccac. tf/ct....D 5~r>i~c .0 v//OS 11. What is the significance of genetic variation and natural selection? ga/.rc_art. cia Cr/i/Los L~H0- ~ C.7~tL;.a>/ . ~ 10 a/n TO en) 7/aC C...ri.ariflac a/c tcAi.r >44~a raft .41