Lenape Regional High School District – BOE Approved 2/15/12 Spanish Communication 1 Level 4 [Implement start year? (2012-2013)] Jennifer Pirrotta, Nicholas Orphanos, Cindy Gallimore, Jim Spicer Unit #1 Topic: Greeting people, introducing yourself and being courteous Stage 1 – Desired Results Established Goals 2009 NJCCC Standard(s), Strand(s)/CPI # (https://www13.state.nj.us/NJCCCS/) 7.1 World Languages All students will be able to use a world language in addition to English to engage in meaningful conversation, to understand and interpret spoken and written language, and to present information, concepts, and ideas, while also gaining an understanding of the perspectives of other cultures. Through language study, they will make connections with other content areas, compare the language and culture studied with their own, and participate in home and global communities. A. Interpretive Mode B. Interpersonal Mode C. Presentational Mode st 21 Century Themes ( www.21stcenturyskills.org ) _X_ Global Awareness ___Financial, Economic, Business and Entrepreneurial Literacy ___Civic Literacy ___Health Literacy ___Environmental Literacy st 21 Century Skills Learning and Innovation Skills: _X_Creativity and Innovation ___Critical Thinking and Problem Solving _X_Communication and Collaboration Information, Media and Technology Skills: _X_Information Literacy ___Media Literacy ___ICT (Information, Communications and Technology) Literacy Life and Career Skills: ___Flexibility and Adaptability ___Initiative and Self-Direction _X_Social and Cross-Cultural Skills ___Productivity and Accountability ___Leadership and Responsibility LRHSD (2011) Adapted from ASCD © 2004 Lenape Regional High School District – BOE Approved 2/15/12 Enduring Understandings: (Topical to this unit) Students will understand that . . . Essential Questions: EU1: How does the way I present myself affect other people’s perceptions of me? How will the way I interact with people affect my employment opportunities, relationships, etc.? How do I interact differently with my friends and adults? EU1: Interpersonal interactions make a lasting impression. EU2: Good manners are universally accepted and valuable in any culture. EU2: How can I present myself as a courteous and friendly person? How does the use of manners transcend cultures? How can the use of manners open doors and break barriers? How does the way I greet people differ from the way people in other cultures greet one another? Knowledge: Students will know . . . Skills: Students will be able to . . . EU1: EU1: Greetings for different times of the day Ways to ask someone their name Ways to say their own name Ways to ask how someone is doing and respond EU2: Greet people at different times of the day. Introduce themselves to others. Ask other people their names. Ask people how they are and respond. EU2: Expressions of courtesy Proper titles Tú vs. Usted Proper physical greetings Differentiate proper titles. Address people appropriately. Demonstrate good manners when speaking to others. Explain the differences of proper physical greetings. LRHSD (2011) Adapted from ASCD © 2004 Lenape Regional High School District – BOE Approved 2/15/12 Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence Performance Tasks: Each unit must have at least 1 Performance Task. Consider the GRASPS form. Students will independently be able to introduce themselves to another person. It is the first day of school and you are meeting your Spanish teacher for the first time. One student will role play as the teacher and the other student will introduce himself. The time of day will need to be chosen for the dialogue. Students will engage in a conversation using the appropriate titles, use of Tú or Usted and manners. Students will be evaluated on the questions they ask/answer and the grammatical correctness of their questions/answers. Other Evidence: Tests, Quizzes, Prompts, Self-assessment, Observations, Dialogues, etc. Take a comprehensive test where the students will fill in the blanks and answer questions about greeting people, introducing themselves and using good manners. Determine whether to use Tú vs. Usted based on a series of picture prompts. Discuss how addressing adults differs from addressing someone my own age. Discuss how greeting people in the United States is similar to / different from greeting people in Spanish-speaking countries. Predict how a Spanish speaker might feel about a rude American. LRHSD (2011) Adapted from ASCD © 2004 Lenape Regional High School District – BOE Approved 2/15/12 Stage 3 – Learning Plan Suggested Learning Activities to Include Differentiated Instruction and Interdisciplinary Connections: Consider the WHERETO elements Make flashcard pairs: Write an expression in English on left side of the flashcard and the equivalent expression in Spanish on the right side. Cut the flashcards in half. Students have to match the English and Spanish expressions. (A, M) Listen to heritage speakers greet each other and decide the time of day the greetings are taking place (text pg. 3 activity 1). (A) Ask the name of the classmate on your right. After you introduce yourself, do the same with the person on your left (text pg. 3 activity 2). (M) Make a chart with two columns. Label one Greeting and the other Leaving. As you hear heritage speakers make statements, place a check mark in the appropriate column (text pg. 5 activity 4). (A) As students come into class, they are given a name tag with various titles. Students must appropriately greet each other. (M) Read a conversation between a student and a teacher. Students will respond sí or no to given statements about the conversation (text pg. 5 activity 6). (M) Given a list of people, students must determine if they would speak to them using Tú or Usted. (A) Give students phrases from a conversation. Students should put them in numerical order to create a logical conversation. (M) Students will have one minute to use all acquired knowledge to have a conversation in Spanish with another person. (T) LRHSD (2011) Adapted from ASCD © 2004