2011 Journal I.F = Research Title Authors Affiliation Faculty of Industrial Education International Journal of Automotive Technology, Vol. 12, No. 6, pp. 787-794 (2011) COMBUSTON INSTABILITIES AND NANOPARTICLES EMISSON FLUCTUAYIONS IN GDI SPARK IGNITION ENGINEE A. E. Hassaneen¹, S.Samuel² and I. Whelan³ Department of Automotive Technology, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt School of Technology, Oxford Brookes University, OX33 lHX, U Abstract: The main challenge facing the concept of gasoline direct injection is the unfavourable physical conditions at which the premixed charge is prepared and burned. These conditions include the short time available for gasoline to be sprayed, evaporated, and homogeneously mixed with air. These conditions most probably affect the combustion process and the cycle-by-cycle variation and may be reflected in overall engine operation. The aim of this research is to analyze the combustion characteristics and cycle-by-cycle variation including engine-out nanoparticulates of a turbocharged, gasoline direct injected spark ignition (DISI) engine at a wide range of operating conditions. Gasoline DISI, turbo-intercooled, 1.6L cylinder engine has been used in the study. In-cylinder pressure has been measured using spark plug mounted piezoelectric transducer along with a PC based data acquisition. A single zone heat release model has been used to analyze the in-cylinder pressure data. The analysis of the combustion characteristics includes the flame development (0-10% burned mass fraction) and rapid burn (10-90% burned mass fraction) durations at different engine conditions. The cycle-by-cycle variations have been characterized by the coefficient of variations (COV) in the peak cylinder pressure, the indicated mean effective pressure (lMEP), bum durations, and particle number density. The combustion characteristics and cyclic variability of the DISI engine are compared with data from throttle body injected (TBI) engine and conclusions are developed. Key words DISI engine, Cyclic variability, Combustion characteristics, Nanoparticulates 2011 Journal I.F =0.844 Research Title Authors Affiliation Faculty of Industrial Education Applied Physics Letters/ Volume 97/ Issue 19/ ORGANIC ELECTRONICS AND PHOTONICS OPTICAL SECOND HARMONIC GENERATION AT HETEROJUNCTION INTERFACES OF A MOLYBDENUM TRIOXIDE LAYER AND AN ORGANIC LAYER A. B. El Basaty¹,² Y. Miyauchi,¹ G. Mizutani ¹ , T. Matsushima¹, and H. Murata¹ 1School of Materials Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST), Ishikawa 923-1292, Japan 2Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Helwan University, Cairo 11795, Egypt Abstract We have observed optical second harmonic generation (SHG) from a space charge layer (SCL) in a stacked indium tin oxide (ITO)/molybdenum trioxide (MoO3)/N−N′-diphenyl-N−N′-bis(1-naphthly)1,1′-biphenyl-4,4′-diamine (α-NPD) system. When the MoO3 thicknesses were increased, the SHG signals from this system decreased sharply at smaller MoO3 thicknesses, and were saturated at MoO3 thicknesses larger than 1 nm. These results prove the vital role of SCL in improvement of drive voltages of organic light-emitting diodes Key words 2011 Journal I.F =0.844 Research Title Authors Affiliation Faculty of Industrial Education Heat Mass Transfer (2011) 47:211-221 HEAT TRANSFER CHARACTERISTICS FROM ANARRAY OF THIN STRIPS PIN FINS DUE TO THEIR EXPOSURES TO A SINGLE DOWNWARD JET IMPINGEMENT Eldesouki I. Eid. Abdalla G. Gomaa • Mohamed E. Gomaa E. I. Eid Mechanical Department, Faculty of Industrial Education, Suez Canal University, Suez, Egypt e-mail: eldesukieidrsiyahoo.com A. G. Gomaa Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Department. Faculty of Industrial Education, Helwan University, Cairo. Egypt 1. E. Gomaa Technology Department, The Specialized Studies Academy, Workers University, Ismailia, Egypt Abstract This paper investigates the heat transfer characteristics from thin strips pin fins due to their exposure to a single circular downward air jet impingement. Five aluminum specimens were considered; each one has a rectangular base of 84 mm x 78 mm and it has an array of about 300 thin strips pin fins. A test rig consists mainly of air compressor; nozzle and protractor mechanism was setup. Experiments were done to find out the effects of attack angle, Reynolds number, nozzle-totarget spacing, lateral pitch and parallel pitch among the fins on the heat transfer characteristics. Empirical correlations were deduced to describe the experimental data. A CFD-numerical model was introduced to monitor the now characteristics on a scale of more details than that possible in the experimental work. The comparison among the results of the present work and those by the literature shows about 50% improvement in heat transfer characteristics rather than the single jet impingement onto flat plates, cylindrical surfaces, ribbed walls and multiple jets impingement onto flat plates. Key words 2011 Journal I.F =0.844 Research Title Authors Affiliation Faculty of Industrial Education Boundary Value Problems 2011, 2011:45 doi:10.1186/1687-2770-2011-45 THE EQUICONVERGENCE OF THE EIGENFUNCTION EXPANSION FOR ASINGULAR VERSION OF ONEDIMENSIONAL SCHRODINGER OPERATOR WITH EXPLOSIVE FACTOR Zaki FA EI-Raheem ¹ and AH Nasser ² 1 Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Education, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt 2 Faculty of Industrial Education, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt Abstract This paper is devoted to prove the equiconvergence formula of the eigenfunction expansion for some version of Schrodinger operator with explosive factor. The analysis relies on asymptotic calculation and complex integration. The paper is of great interest for the community working in the area. Key words Eigenfunctions, Asymptotic formula, Contour integration, Equiconvergence 2011 Journal I.F =0.844 Research Title Authors Affiliation Faculty of Industrial Education Hindawi Publishing Corporation Abstract and Applied Analysis THE EIGENFUNCTION EXPANSION A DIRICHLAT PROBLEM WITH EXPLOSIVE FACTOR Zaki F. A. EI-Raheem1 and A. H. Nasser2 1 Department of Ma thenui tics, Faculty of Education, Alexandria University, Alexanderia 21526, Egypt 2 Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Industria! Education, Heliuan University, Cairo, Egypt Abstract The solutions of many problems of mathematical physics are reduced to the spectral investigation of a differential operator or finding the expansion of arbitrary function, in series or integration, in terms of the eigenfunctions of a differential operator. The differential operator is called regular if it its domain is finite and its coefficients are continuous; otherwise it is called singular differential operator. The Sturm-Liouville theory occupies a central position of the spectral theory of regular operator. During the development of quantum mechanics, there was an increase in the interest of spectral theory of singular operator on which we will restrict our attention. The first basic role in the development of spectral theory of singular operator dates back to E. Ch. Tetchmarsh [1]. He gave a new approach in the spectral theory of singular differential operator of the second order by using contour integration. Also Levitan [2] gave a new method; he obtained the eigenfunction expansion in infinite interval by taking limit of a regular case. In the last time about twenty five or so years, due to the needs of mathematical physics, in particular, quantum mechanics, the question of solving various spectral problems with explosive factor has been arisen. These appeared' also in the study of geophysics and electromagnetic field, see Alemov [3]. The spectral theory of differential operators with explosive factor is studied by A. N. Tekhanov, M. G. Krien, M. G. Gasimov, and others. In this paper, we find the eigenfunction expansion formula and prove its convergence for following Key words 2011 Journal I.F =0.844 Research Title Authors Affiliation Faculty of Industrial Education Energy 36 (2011) 2788-2795 EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF A VAPOR COMPRESSION HEAT PUMP USED FOR A COOLING, AND HEATING PPLICATIONS M. Fatouh, E. Elgendy Mechanical Power Engineering Department. Faculcy of Engineering at EIMatroria. P.D.11718 (Masaken EI-Helmia). Cairo. Egypt Abstract The present work aims at evaluating the performance characteristics of a vapor compression heat pump (VCHP)for simultaneous space cooling (summer air conditioning) and hot water supply. In order to achieve this objective, a test facility was developed and experiments were performed over a wide range of evaporator water inlet temperature (14:26QC)and condenser water inlet temperature (22:34 QC). R134awas used as a primary working fluid whereas water was adopted as a secondary heat transfer fluid at both heat source (evaporator) and heat sink (condenser) of the heat pump. Performance characteristics of the considered heat pump were characterized by outlet water temperatures, water side capacities and coefficient of performance (COP)for various operating modes namely: cooling, heating and simultaneous cooling and heating. Results showed that COP increases with the evaporator water inlet temperature while decreases as the condenser water inlet temperature increases. However, the evaporator water inlet temperature has more effect on the performance characteristics of the heat pump than that of condenser water inlet temperature. Actual COP of cooling mode between 1.9to 3.1 and that of heating mode from 2.9 to 3.3 were obtained. Actual simultaneous COP between 3.7 and 4.9 was achieved. Key words