Wilkes University Banner Institution Survey – Executive Summary Thank you for your participation in Wilkes University’s Banner Institution Survey. Nine institutions participated. Several charts and lists have been created and are shared below to communicate the results. Should you have any questions regarding the results, please contact Brian Bogert, Director of Information, Analysis & Planning at Wilkes at brian.bogert@wilkes.edu. Q1: Participating PABUG Institutions • Bucknell University • Community College of Philadelphia • Immaculata University • Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine (PCOM) • Saint Joseph’s University • Swarthmore College • Temple University • Thomas Jefferson University • Wilkes University Q4: Q4A: Does your institution integrate third party solutions with Banner? (YES: 9 of 9) Third Party Solutions Identified (ordered by frequency of report) Clean Address National Student Clearinghouse TouchNet (credit card) Blackboard E-visions iModules (hosted Alumni portal) AppWorx (job scheduling) Argos Cbord Forms Fusion Moodle OneCard Sirsi (Library System) Ad Astra Aims (Vehicle Registration) AllScript (Medical Services) Angel Attendance Enterprise AXIOM Barnes & Noble (bookstore) Basis (building access) C-CURE (Security Access system) Candidate Manager Cognos Coldfusion Common Application (Data load from the Common Application) Compco/Mysoft (telephone) EMAS EMS EMS Calendar ETS, ACT, Peterson, private colleges, etc (Admissions Recruitment info) fsaAtlas Harris online community HEAT (Help Desk and request tracking system) Hulse Insurance (Student Health Insurance Data) Hyland-OnBase Hyperion (Brio) ID WORKS (ID card system) Frequency 6 5 5 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Third Party Solutions (continued from previous page) Infosilem (room scheduling) JPM Morgan Chase (procurement card, corporate travel card, declining balance project card) Luminis M&T Bank (Check Reconciliation) Marketplace MaxTix (Event Ticketing System) MelissaData (zip code data) Millenium (library) MIR3 (Emergency Notification System) NCAA (CAi) Neinet Nolij Nolij transfer NuVision Office Pauments PeopleAdmin (Applicant Tracking, Job Descriptions) Parature (help desk) PayFlex (flexible spending accounts) Paymen Tech (credit card) R25/S25 Sallie Mae (Credit Card Payment of Admissions Application Fee) Second Nature (Voicemail System) Sequoia (Bookstore) Smartcall (student calling program) SRM (CRM for student recruitment) StarRez (housing, judicial) TargetX Telecordia (area code updates) TIAA-CREF (retirement accounts) Titanium TMS (Tuition Payment Plan) VISIX Web-CT Frequency 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 *Q5 “Other” specifications: 1. To provide functionality not available in Banner, or better served by a third party. We attempt to use SunGard partners when possible. 2. Nightly job automation, printing of checks and student bills/transcripts, OneCard solution, web development, Document Imaging, Reporting 3. One card integration, library system integration, LMS integration 4. Paperless Admissions, Reporting and on-line learning solution. 5. Provide seamless systems; meet user needs; reduce/eliminate redundant data management, etc 6. Reporting, Applicant processing, time and attendance. 7. Ability to Display Campus Events and Classes *Q6 Parallel Systems: 1. TargetX SRM, StarRez, Blackboard 2. iModules, EMAS, One Card, Ad Astra Q7: When Banner upgrades are applied, is your institution able to maintain the customizations to Banner? YES (8 of 8 responding institutions) Q7 Please Explain if Yes: 1. Our modifications are made outside of baseline Banner. We do not modify baseline. 2. Manual remediation required. 3. Many times additional resources are necessary to be obtained. 4. We have no choice but to keep these customizations up to date since the business areas rely on the software with the mods. 5. Only customizations are in the self serve area. 6. Standard practice of isolating customizations. 7. We have minimal modifications to delivered Banner screens. We try to build add-ons that do not affect the delivered screens. 8. Banner here only has about three custom forms. Q9 - Willingness to share Data Policy/Standards charge collected for Wilkes internal purposes only. Q10: Additional Context (2 responses): 1. We do have an Information Systems Committee, but not a policy/standards committee per se. We extend Banner using Application Express. 2. Customizations have been done on all modules but not necessarily “to ensure compliance…”