FIRST SUPPLEMENTARY MASTER PROSPECTUS FOR CONVENTIONAL FUNDS This First Supplementary Master Prospectus for Conventional Funds is dated 19 May 2014, and expires on 16 September 2014, and must be read together with the Principal Master Prospectus for Conventional Funds dated 17 September 2013, for: Date of Constitution 6 March 1992 14 September 1994 15 May 1996 8 April 2002 11 February 2004 7 May 2003 4 December 2002 28 October 2004 28 October 2004 2 May 2006 AMB Unit Trust Fund AMB Balanced Trust Fund AMB Income Trust Fund AMB Index-Linked Trust Fund AMB SmallCap Trust Fund AMB Enhanced Bond Trust Fund AMB Ethical Trust Fund AMB Lifestyle Trust Fund Today AMB Lifestyle Trust Fund 2014 AMB Dividend Trust Fund Manager AMANAH MUTUAL BERHAD (195414-U) Trustees HSBC (MALAYSIA) TRUSTEE BERHAD (001281-T) UNIVERSAL TRUSTEE (MALAYSIA) BERHAD (17540-D) CIMB COMMERCE TRUSTEE BERHAD (313031-A) INVESTORS ARE ADVISED TO READ AND UNDERSTAND THE CONTENTS OF THIS FIRST SUPPLEMENTARY MASTER PROSPECTUS FOR CONVENTIONAL FUNDS WHICH IS TO BE READ TOGETHER WITH THE PRINCIPAL MASTER PROSPECTUS FOR CONVENTIONAL FUNDS DATED 17 SEPTEMBER 2013. IF IN DOUBT, PLEASE CONSULT A PROFESSIONAL ADVISER. FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING CERTAIN RISK FACTORS WHICH SHOULD BE CONSIDERED BY PROSPECTIVE INVESTORS, SEE “RISK FACTORS” COMMENCING ON PAGE 35 OF THE PRINCIPAL MASTER PROSPECTUS FOR CONVENTIONAL FUNDS DATED 17 SEPTEMBER 2013. RESPONSIBILITY STATEMENT This First Supplementary Master Prospectus (“First Supplementary Master Prospectus”) has been reviewed and approved by the directors of Amanah Mutual Berhad and they collectively and individually accept full responsibility for the accuracy of the information. Having made all reasonable enquiries, they confirm to the best of their knowledge and belief, there are no false or misleading statements, or omission of other facts which would make any statement in this First Supplementary Master Prospectus false or misleading. STATEMENTS OF DISCLAIMER The Securities Commission Malaysia has authorised the Funds and a copy of this First Supplementary Master Prospectus has been registered with the Securities Commission Malaysia. The authorisation and registration of this First Supplementary Master Prospectus, should not be taken to indicate that the Securities Commission Malaysia recommends the Funds or assumes responsibility for the correctness of any statement made or opinion or report expressed in this First Supplementary Master Prospectus and the Principal Master Prospectus (“Principal Master Prospectus”). The Securities Commission Malaysia is not liable for any non-disclosure on the part of the management company responsible for the Funds and takes no responsibility for the contents in this First Supplementary Master Prospectus. The Securities Commission Malaysia makes no representation on the accuracy or completeness of this First Supplementary Master Prospectus, and expressly disclaims any liability whatsoever arising from, or in reliance upon, the whole or any part of its contents. INVESTORS SHOULD RELY ON THEIR OWN EVALUATION TO ASSESS THE MERITS AND RISKS OF THE INVESTMENT. IN CONSIDERING THE INVESTMENT, INVESTORS WHO ARE IN DOUBT ON THE ACTION TO BE TAKEN SHOULD CONSULT PROFESSIONAL ADVISERS IMMEDIATELY. No units will be issued or sold based on this First Supplementary Master Prospectus after the expiry date of the Principal Master Prospectus. Investors are advised to note that recourse for false or misleading statements or acts made in connection with the Principal Master Prospectus and the First Supplementary Master Prospectus is directly available through sections 248, 249 and 357 of the Capital Markets and Services Act 2007. i First Supplementary Master Prospectus for Conventional Funds 1. Definitions Used in the Principal Master Prospectus to be Applicable The expressions and abbreviations used in this First Supplementary Master Prospectus have, unless repugnant to the context or otherwise provided herein, the same meaning as in the Principal Master Prospectus. 2. Principal Master Prospectus : The Master Prospectus for Conventional Funds dated 17 September 2013, and expiring on 16 September 2014, registered with the Securities Commission Malaysia in respect of the Fund. First Supplementary Master Prospectus : This First Supplementary Master Prospectus for Conventional Funds dated 19 May 2014, and expiring on 16 September 2014 which is to be read together with the Principal Master Prospectus. Amendment to the sub-heading of “UOB-OSK Asset Management Sdn Bhd” under Section 12.12.2 of the “TABLE OF CONTENTS” on page 2 The sub-heading of “UOB-OSK Asset Management Sdn Bhd” under Section 12.12.2 of the “TABLE OF CONTENTS” on page 2 of the Principal Master Prospectus is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: “12.12.2 UOB Asset Management (Malaysia) Berhad (formerly known as UOB-OSK Asset Management Sdn Bhd) 3. 134” Amendment to the sub-heading of “Profile of Malaysian Trustee Berhad” under Section 13.3 of the “TABLE OF CONTENTS” on page 3 The sub-heading of “Profile of Malaysian Trustee Berhad” under Section 13.3 of the “TABLE OF CONTENTS” on page 3 of the Principal Master Prospectus is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: “13.3 4. Profile of CIMB Commerce Trustee Berhad 146” Amendment to Section 1 in relation to the definition of “External Investment Manager” or “EIM” under “GLOSSARY OF TERMS/ABBREVIATIONS” on page 5 The definition of “External Investment Manager” or “EIM” under “GLOSSARY OF TERMS/ABBREVIATIONS” on page 5 of the Principal Master Prospectus be deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: INVESTORS ARE ADVISED TO READ AND UNDERSTAND THE CONTENTS OF THIS FIRST SUPPLEMENTARY MASTER PROSPECTUS WHICH IS TO BE READ TOGETHER WITH THE PRINCIPAL MASTER PROSPECTUS DATED 17 SEPTEMBER 2013, WHICH IS ANNEXED, AND THE DEED (AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST). 1 First Supplementary Master Prospectus for Conventional Funds “External Investment Manager” or “EIM” 5. Maybank Asset Management Sdn Bhd for AMBILTF, UOB Asset Management (Malaysia) Berhad (formerly known as UOB-OSK Asset Management Sdn Bhd) for AMBETF, AMBLTF Today, AMBLTF 2014, AMBUTF and AMBSCTF; Hwang Investment Management Berhad for AMBDTF and CIMB-Principal Asset Management Berhad for AMBBTF, AMBITF and AMBEBTF.” Amendment to Section 1 in relation to the definition of “Trustees” under “GLOSSARY OF TERMS/ABBREVIATIONS” on page 8 The definition of “Trustees” under “GLOSSARY OF TERMS/ABBREVIATIONS” on page 8 of the Principal Master Prospectus is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: “Trustees” Universal Trustee (Malaysia) Berhad (17540-D) as trustee for AMBUTF, AMBBTF and AMBITF; HSBC (Malaysia) Trustee Berhad (001281-T) as trustee for AMBILTF, AMBETF, AMBLTF Today, AMBLTF 2014 and AMBDTF; and CIMB Commerce Trustee Berhad (313031-A) as trustee for AMBSCTF and AMBEBTF.” 6. Amendment to Section 2 in relation to the references to “Malaysian Trustees Berhad” and “Malaysian Trustees Berhad’s Delegate” under the heading of “TRUSTEE” under “CORPORATE DIRECTORY” on pages 12 and 13 All references to “Malaysian Trustees Berhad” and “Malaysian Trustees Berhad’s Delegate” under the heading of ”Trustee” under “Corporate Directory” on pages 12 and 13 of the Principal Master Prospectus be deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: “TRUSTEE CIMB Commerce Trustee Berhad (Company No. 313031-A) (for AMBSCTF and AMBEBTF) Registered Office: Level 13, Menara CIMB Jalan Stesen Sentral 2 Kuala Lumpur Sentral 50470 Kuala Lumpur. Telephone : (603)-2261 8888 Facsimile : (603)-2261 0099 INVESTORS ARE ADVISED TO READ AND UNDERSTAND THE CONTENTS OF THIS FIRST SUPPLEMENTARY MASTER PROSPECTUS WHICH IS TO BE READ TOGETHER WITH THE PRINCIPAL MASTER PROSPECTUS DATED 17 SEPTEMBER 2013, WHICH IS ANNEXED, AND THE DEED (AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST). 2 First Supplementary Master Prospectus for Conventional Funds Business Office: Level 21, Menara CIMB Jalan Stesen Sentral 2 Kuala Lumpur Sentral 50470 Kuala Lumpur. Telephone : (603)-2261 8888 Facsimile : (603)-2261 9889 CIMB Commerce Trustee Berhad’s Delegate CIMB Group Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd Registered Office: Level 13, Menara CIMB Jalan Stesen Sentral 2 Kuala Lumpur Sentral 50470 Kuala Lumpur. Telephone : (603)-2261 8888 Facsimile : (603)-2261 8889 Business Office: Level 21, Menara CIMB Jalan Stesen Sentral 2 Kuala Lumpur Sentral 50470 Kuala Lumpur. Telephone : (603)-2261 8888 Facsimile : (603)-2261 9892” 7. Amendment to Section 2 in relation to the reference of “UOB-OSK Asset Management Sdn Bhd” under the heading of “EXTERNAL INVESTMENT MANAGERS” under “CORPORATE DIRECTORY” on page 13 The reference of “UOB-OSK Asset Management Sdn Bhd” under the heading of “EXTERNAL INVESTMENT MANAGERS” under “CORPORATE DIRECTORY” on page 13 of the Principal Master Prospectus is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: “EXTERNAL INVESTMENT MANAGERS UOB Asset Management (Malaysia) Berhad (formerly known as UOB-OSK Asset Management Sdn Bhd) (219478-X) (for AMBETF, AMBLTF TODAY, AMBLTF 2014, AMBSCTF and AMBUTF) Level 22, Vista Tower The Intermark 348 Jalan Tun Razak 50400 Kuala Lumpur Telephone : (603)-2732 1181 Facsimile : (603)-2732 1100” INVESTORS ARE ADVISED TO READ AND UNDERSTAND THE CONTENTS OF THIS FIRST SUPPLEMENTARY MASTER PROSPECTUS WHICH IS TO BE READ TOGETHER WITH THE PRINCIPAL MASTER PROSPECTUS DATED 17 SEPTEMBER 2013, WHICH IS ANNEXED, AND THE DEED (AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST). 3 First Supplementary Master Prospectus for Conventional Funds 8. Amendment to Section 3.1 on “External Investment Manager” in relation to “GENERAL INFORMATION” of “AMB UNIT TRUST FUND” under “SUMMARY OF KEY FEATURES OF THE FUNDS” on page 16 The “External Investment Manager” in relation to “GENERAL INFORMATION” of “AMB UNIT TRUST FUND” under “SUMMARY OF KEY FEATURES OF THE FUNDS” on page 16 of the Principal Master Prospectus is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: AMB UNIT TRUST FUND External Investment Manager 9. UOB Asset Management (Malaysia) Berhad (formerly known as UOB-OSK Asset Management Sdn Bhd) (219478-X) Details on page : 134 Amendment to Section 3.1 on “External Investment Manager” in relation to “GENERAL INFORMATION” of “AMB SMALLCAP TRUST FUND” under “SUMMARY OF KEY FEATURES OF THE FUNDS” on page 20 The “External Investment Manager” in relation to “GENERAL INFORMATION” of “AMB SMALLCAP TRUST FUND” under “SUMMARY OF KEY FEATURES OF THE FUNDS” on page 20 of the Principal Master Prospectus is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: AMB SMALLCAP TRUST FUND External Investment Manager 10. UOB Asset Management (Malaysia) Berhad (formerly known as UOB-OSK Asset Management Sdn Bhd) (219478-X) Details on page : 134 Amendment to Section 3.1 on “Trustee” in relation to “GENERAL INFORMATION” of “AMB SMALLCAP TRUST FUND” under “SUMMARY OF KEY FEATURES OF THE FUNDS” on page 21 The “Trustee” in relation to “GENERAL INFORMATION” of “AMB SMALLCAP TRUST FUND” under “SUMMARY OF KEY FEATURES OF THE FUNDS” on page 21 of the Principal Master Prospectus is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: AMB SMALLCAP TRUST FUND Trustee CIMB Commerce Trustee Berhad (313031-A) Details on page : 146 INVESTORS ARE ADVISED TO READ AND UNDERSTAND THE CONTENTS OF THIS FIRST SUPPLEMENTARY MASTER PROSPECTUS WHICH IS TO BE READ TOGETHER WITH THE PRINCIPAL MASTER PROSPECTUS DATED 17 SEPTEMBER 2013, WHICH IS ANNEXED, AND THE DEED (AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST). 4 First Supplementary Master Prospectus for Conventional Funds 11. Amendment to Section 3.1 on “Trustee” in relation to “GENERAL INFORMATION” of “AMB ENHANCED BOND TRUST FUND” under “SUMMARY OF KEY FEATURES OF THE FUNDS” on page 22 The “Trustee” in relation to “GENERAL INFORMATION” of “AMB ENHANCED BOND TRUST FUND” under “SUMMARY OF KEY FEATURES OF THE FUNDS” on page 22 of the Principal Master Prospectus is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: AMB ENHANCED BOND TRUST FUND Trustee 12. CIMB Commerce Trustee Berhad (313031-A) Details on page : 146 Amendment to Section 3.1 on “External Investment Manager” in relation to “GENERAL INFORMATION” of “AMB ETHICAL TRUST FUND” under “SUMMARY OF KEY FEATURES OF THE FUNDS” on page 23 The “External Investment Manager” in relation to “GENERAL INFORMATION” of “AMB ETHICAL TRUST FUND” under “SUMMARY OF KEY FEATURES OF THE FUNDS” on page 23 of the Principal Master Prospectus is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: AMB ETHICAL TRUST FUND External Investment Manager 13. UOB Asset Management (Malaysia) Berhad (formerly known as UOB-OSK Asset Management Sdn Bhd) (219478-X) Details on page : 134 Amendment to Section 3.1 on “External Investment Manager” in relation to “GENERAL INFORMATION” of “AMB LIFESTYLE TRUST FUND TODAY” under “SUMMARY OF KEY FEATURES OF THE FUNDS” on page 24 The “External Investment Manager” in relation to “GENERAL INFORMATION” of “AMB LIFESTYLE TRUST FUND” under “SUMMARY OF KEY FEATURES OF THE FUNDS” on page 24 of the Principal Master Prospectus is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: AMB LIFESTYLE TRUST FUND TODAY External Investment Manager UOB Asset Management (Malaysia) Berhad (formerly known as UOB-OSK Asset Management Sdn Bhd) (219478-X) Details on page : 134 INVESTORS ARE ADVISED TO READ AND UNDERSTAND THE CONTENTS OF THIS FIRST SUPPLEMENTARY MASTER PROSPECTUS WHICH IS TO BE READ TOGETHER WITH THE PRINCIPAL MASTER PROSPECTUS DATED 17 SEPTEMBER 2013, WHICH IS ANNEXED, AND THE DEED (AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST). 5 First Supplementary Master Prospectus for Conventional Funds 14. Amendment to Section 3.1 on “External Investment Manager” in relation to “GENERAL INFORMATION” of “AMB LIFESTYLE TRUST FUND 2014” under “SUMMARY OF KEY FEATURES OF THE FUNDS” on page 27 The “External Investment Manager” in relation to “GENERAL INFORMATION” of “AMB Lifestyle Trust Fund 2014” under “SUMMARY OF KEY FEATURES OF THE FUNDS” on page 27 of the Principal Master Prospectus is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: AMB LIFESTYLE TRUST FUND 2014 External Investment Manager 15. UOB Asset Management (Malaysia) Berhad (formerly known as UOB-OSK Asset Management Sdn Bhd) (219478-X) Details on page : 134 Amendment to Section 3.3(iii) on “Details of Deeds” in relation to “OTHER INFORMATION” under “SUMMARY OF KEY FEATURES OF THE FUNDS” on page 33 Items under 5 and 6 under Section 3.3(iii) on “Details of Deeds” in relation to “OTHER INFORMATION” under SUMMARY OF KEY FEATURES OF THE FUNDS” on page 33 of the Principal Master Prospectus are deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: 16. “3.3 OTHER INFORMATION (iii) Details of Deeds 5. Deed in relation to AMBSCTF dated 11 February 2004. First Supplemental Deed in relation to AMBSCTF dated 26 May 2005. Second Supplemental Deed in relation to AMBSCTF dated 28 January 2014. 6. Deed in relation to AMBEBTF dated 7 May 2003. First Supplemental Deed in relation to AMBEBTF dated 26 May 2005. Second Supplemental Deed in relation to AMBEBTF dated 28 January 2014.” Amendment to Section 10.9 on “INCOME DISTRIBUTION POLICY” under “TRANSACTION INFORMATION” on page 118 The table under “Mode of payment for the income distribution” under Section 10.9 on “INCOME DISTRIBUTION POLICY” under “TRANSACTION INFORMATION” on page 118 of the Principal Master Prospectus is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: INVESTORS ARE ADVISED TO READ AND UNDERSTAND THE CONTENTS OF THIS FIRST SUPPLEMENTARY MASTER PROSPECTUS WHICH IS TO BE READ TOGETHER WITH THE PRINCIPAL MASTER PROSPECTUS DATED 17 SEPTEMBER 2013, WHICH IS ANNEXED, AND THE DEED (AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST). 6 First Supplementary Master Prospectus for Conventional Funds “Funds Mode of payment for the income distribution AMBDTF and AMBEBTF i. AMBUTF, AMBBTF and AMBITF AMBILTF AMBLTF Today, AMBLTF 2014, AMBSCTF and AMBETF 17. Payment by cheque which will be forwarded to your latest address shown in our register; or ii. Reinvestment of Units which is computed based on the NAV per Unit at the close of the first Business Day immediately following the distribution date. i. Payment by cheque which will be forwarded to your latest address shown in our register; or ii. Reinvestment of Units which is computed based on the NAV per Unit at the close of the last Business Day falling 30 days after the distribution date. Reinvestment of Units which is computed based on the NAV per Unit at the close of the last Business Day falling 30 days after the distribution date. Reinvestment of Units which is computed based on the NAV per Unit at the close of the first Business Day immediately following the distribution date.” Amendment to Section 11.5 on “MATERIAL CONTRACTS” under “COMMUNICATIONS WITH UNIT HOLDERS” on page 120 New items (f) and (g) under Section 11.5 on “MATERIAL CONTRACTS” in relation to “COMMUNICATIONS WITH UNIT HOLDERS” on page 120 of the Principal Master Prospectus are inserted as follows: “11.5 MATERIAL CONTRACTS 18. (f) The Second Supplemental Deed dated 28 January 2014, in relation to AMBSCTF, entered into between AMB, Malaysian Trustees Berhad and CIMB Commerce Trustee Berhad, for the benefit of the Unit Holders. (g) The Second Supplemental Deed dated 28 January 2014, in relation to AMBEBTF, entered into between AMB, Malaysian Trustees Berhad and CIMB Commerce Trustee Berhad, for the benefit of the Unit Holders.” Amendment to Section 12.6 on “CHIEF RISK OFFICER” under “THE MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION OF THE FUNDS” on page 125 Section 12.6 on “CHIEF RISK OFFICER” under “THE MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION OF THE FUNDS” on page 125 of the Principal Master Prospectus is deleted in its entirety. INVESTORS ARE ADVISED TO READ AND UNDERSTAND THE CONTENTS OF THIS FIRST SUPPLEMENTARY MASTER PROSPECTUS WHICH IS TO BE READ TOGETHER WITH THE PRINCIPAL MASTER PROSPECTUS DATED 17 SEPTEMBER 2013, WHICH IS ANNEXED, AND THE DEED (AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST). 7 First Supplementary Master Prospectus for Conventional Funds 19. Amendment to Section 12.12.2 on “UOB-OSK ASSET MANAGEMENT SDN BHD” under “THE MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION OF THE FUNDS” on page 134 Section 12.12.2 on “UOB-OSK Asset Management Sdn Bhd” under “THE MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION OF THE FUNDS” on page 134 of the Principal Master Prospectus is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: “12.12.2 UOB ASSET MANAGEMENT (MALAYSIA) BERHAD (formerly known as UOBOSK Asset Management Sdn Bhd) UOB Asset Management (Malaysia) Berhad (formerly known as UOB-OSK Asset Management Sdn Bhd) (UOB-AM) is one of the appointed external investment managers of AMB. UOB-AM, a licensed fund manager since January 1997, is one of the foreign fund management companies in Malaysia, which offers investment management expertise to unit trust funds as well as institutions, corporations and individuals through customised portfolio management services. Established in June 1991, UOB-AM is substantially owned by UOB Asset Management Ltd. (UOBAM), one of the unit trust managers in Singapore. UOB-AM commenced operations in Kuala Lumpur in March 1997 and it has the support and resource backing of an experienced team of investment professionals at its holding company, who have specialized skills in portfolio investments in both the Asian and global markets. The funds under management as at 31 January 2014 is RM6.11 billion. Its investment team has more than 10 years experience in the fund management industry. As at 31 January 2014, the company has total staff strength of 27, of whom 26 are executives and 1 is non-executive. The qualifications and experience of UOB-AM’s key management staff are set out as follows: Mr. Thio Boon Kiat, is a Director of UOB-AM. He is also the Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of UOB Asset Management Ltd. (UOBAM), Singapore, a fund management company with total funds under management of around SGD34.10 billion as at 31 May 2013. He is a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) charterholder, and graduated with a Bachelor of Business Administration (1st Class Hons) from the National University of Singapore. Mr. Thio joined UOBAM in 1994 as a portfolio manager, managing Singapore and subsequently Asia Pacific and global equity portfolios. He also headed the international equities and global technology teams. He has 19 years of investment management experience and previously worked in the Government of Singapore Investment Corporation. INVESTORS ARE ADVISED TO READ AND UNDERSTAND THE CONTENTS OF THIS FIRST SUPPLEMENTARY MASTER PROSPECTUS WHICH IS TO BE READ TOGETHER WITH THE PRINCIPAL MASTER PROSPECTUS DATED 17 SEPTEMBER 2013, WHICH IS ANNEXED, AND THE DEED (AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST). 8 First Supplementary Master Prospectus for Conventional Funds Ms Lim Suet Ling is the Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer of UOB-AM. Prior to her appointment, she was an Associate Director of UOB Asset Management Ltd. She holds a Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons) degree from the National University of Singapore and is also a CFA charterholder. She has more than 22 years of experience in the industry and has had numerous equity portfolios under her management. Her mandates have been wideranging, covering both local and international ones, as well as various investment styles and focus. She has particular expertise in Malaysian and Asia ex-Japan equities and has been the portfolio manager of several award-winning funds. Ms Lim has been highly instrumental in the growth and development of UOB-AM since the incorporation of the company.” 20. Amendment to Section 12.13 on “DESIGNATED INVESTMENT MANAGERS OF THE FUNDS” under “THE MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION OF THE FUNDS” on page 139 Section 12.13 on “DESIGNATED INVESTMENT MANAGERS OF THE FUNDS” under “THE MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION OF THE FUNDS” on page 139 of the Principal Master Prospectus is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: “The designated investment managers for the respective Funds are: Maybank AM undertakes the investment management for AMBILTF. The designated investment manager for AMBILTF is Badrul Hisyam bin Abu Bakar, whose profile is set out on page 132. He is supported by the other members of the investment team. UOB-AM undertakes the investment management of AMBETF, AMBLTF Today, AMBLTF 2014, AMBUTF and AMBSCTF. With effect from 17 November 2008, the EIM of AMBUTF and AMBSCTF has been changed from Maybank AM to UOB-OAM. The designated investment manager for the Funds is Ms. Lim Suet Ling, whose profile can be found on page 135 of the master prospectus. She is supported by the other members of the investment team. HwangIM undertakes the investment management of AMBDTF. The designated investment manager for AMBDTF is Mr. David Ng Kong Cheong, whose profile is set out on page 136. He is supported by the other members of the investment team. CIMB-Principal undertakes the investment management for AMBBTF, AMBITF and AMBEBTF. The designated investment managers for the Funds are Wong Loke Chin and Ng Tsu Miin whose profiles can be found on page 139. They are supported by the other members of the investment team.” INVESTORS ARE ADVISED TO READ AND UNDERSTAND THE CONTENTS OF THIS FIRST SUPPLEMENTARY MASTER PROSPECTUS WHICH IS TO BE READ TOGETHER WITH THE PRINCIPAL MASTER PROSPECTUS DATED 17 SEPTEMBER 2013, WHICH IS ANNEXED, AND THE DEED (AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST). 9 First Supplementary Master Prospectus for Conventional Funds 21. Amendment to Section 13.3 on “PROFILE OF MALAYSIAN TRUSTEES BERHAD” under “THE TRUSTEES OF THE FUNDS” on page 146 Section 13.3 on “PROFILE OF MALAYSIAN TRUSTEES BERHAD” under “THE TRUSTEES OF THE FUNDS” on page 146 of the Principal Master Prospectus is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: “13.3 PROFILE OF CIMB COMMERCE TRUSTEE BERHAD CIMB Commerce Trustee Berhad was incorporated on 25 August 1994 and registered as a trust company under the Trust Companies Act, 1949 and having its registered office at Level 13, Menara CIMB Jalan Stesen Sentral 2 Kuala Lumpur Sentral 50470 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The Trustee is qualified to act as a trustee for collective investment schemes approved under the CMSA. CIMB Commerce Trustee Berhad has an authorised capital of RM5,000,000 divided into 500,000 ordinary shares of RM10 each of which the total issued capital is RM3,500,000 divided into 350,000 ordinary shares of RM10 each, and the total paid up capital is RM1,750,000 divided into 350,000 ordinary shares of RM10 each and partly paid-up at RM5 each. As at 30 January 2014, CIMB Commerce Trustee Berhad acts as trustee to one (1) real estate investment trust fund, sixty five (65) unit trust funds, one (1) private retirement scheme (consisting of four (4) funds) and thireteen (13) wholesale funds and is supported by twenty (20) staffs of which comprises of twenty (20) executives. Financial Position The following is a summary of the past performance of CIMB Commerce Trustee Berhad based on the audited accounts for the past three (3) financial years ending 31 December:- Paid-Up Capital Shareholders’ Fund Turnover Pretax Profit Profit After Tax Year ended 31 December 2012 2011 RM’000 RM’000 1,750 1,750 8,600 6,601 7,917 6,289 2,596 1,802 1,999 1,354 2010 RM’000 1,750 6,497 7,113 2,588 1,936 INVESTORS ARE ADVISED TO READ AND UNDERSTAND THE CONTENTS OF THIS FIRST SUPPLEMENTARY MASTER PROSPECTUS WHICH IS TO BE READ TOGETHER WITH THE PRINCIPAL MASTER PROSPECTUS DATED 17 SEPTEMBER 2013, WHICH IS ANNEXED, AND THE DEED (AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST). 10 First Supplementary Master Prospectus for Conventional Funds Board of Directors The Directors of the Trustee are:Zahardin Omardin Chan Swee Liang Carolina Liew Pik Yoong Chief Operating Officer - Lee Kooi Yoke Profile of key personnel Liew Pik Yoong (Head/Director, Group Trustee Services) Ms Liew is responsible for the overall business direction and management of the trustee company. She joined CIMB group in January 2011 and has more than twenty five (25) years experience in the financial market and the securities industry. Prior to joining CIMB group, she held the positions of Head/Director, Investors & Intermediaries and Head, Securities Services for custody and fund services product with a local international bank. Prior to that, she was Chief Operating Officer with a local foreign-owned trustee company and was Vice-President / Head of Department with a local foreign bank where she was responsible for custody services in addition to supporting share margin and unit trust product. She has a degree in the Institute of Chartered Secretaries & Administrators (ICSA). Lee Kooi Yoke (Chief Operating Officer) Ms. Lee holds a Bachelor Degree in Administration (Finance) from Griffith University, Australia; and is a member of CPA Australia (Certified Practising Accountants), Malaysia Institute of Accountant and Financial Planning Association Malaysia. She has more than twenty one (21) years of working experience in the financial industry. Prior to joining CIMB group, she headed the operations of a unit trust management company responsible for transfer agency, investment back-office, system and projects and retail and corporate agency operations. And before this position, she headed the investment operations of the most established insurance company in Malaysia and Singapore. Ng Lai Peng (Director, Corporate Trust) Ms. Ng holds a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Degree in Business Administration from the University of Bolton and London Chamber of Commerce & Industry (LCCI) qualification. She has more than ten (10) years of experience in accounting and trust operations. Law Oi Meng (Associate Director – Corporate Trust) Ms. Law holds a Bachelor Degree in Information Technology from the University of Southern Queensland and has more than ten (10) years of working experience in developing and implementing IT systems and trust operations. INVESTORS ARE ADVISED TO READ AND UNDERSTAND THE CONTENTS OF THIS FIRST SUPPLEMENTARY MASTER PROSPECTUS WHICH IS TO BE READ TOGETHER WITH THE PRINCIPAL MASTER PROSPECTUS DATED 17 SEPTEMBER 2013, WHICH IS ANNEXED, AND THE DEED (AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST). 11 First Supplementary Master Prospectus for Conventional Funds Linda Ong Gaik Bee (Director - Legal and Compliance) Ms. Ong holds a degree in Bachelor of Law from University of Buckingham, in England, UK and was admitted to the Malaysian Bar as an Advocate and Solicitor prior to joining the trust industry. She is currently overseeing the legal and compliance of CIMB group. She has more than nine (9) years experience in the trust industry. Azida Binti Abdul Aziz (Associate Director – Corporate Trust) Puan Azida holds a Diploma in Accountancy from Universiti Teknologi Mara. She has more than ten (10) years experience in trust operations. Trustee’s responsibility statement The Trustee has given confirmation of its willingness to assume the position as Trustee of the respective Fund and undertakes all the obligations in accordance with the Deed and all relevant laws. Trustee’s disclosure of material litigation and arbitration As at 30 January 2014, there is no current material litigation and arbitration, including any pending or threatened, and there are not facts likely to give rise to any proceedings, which might materially affect the business and/or financial position of CIMB Commerce Trustee Berhad or of any of its delegates. Trustee’s Delegate CIMB Commerce Trustee Berhad has appointed CIMB Group Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd as the Trustee’s delegate to perform custodial function. CIMB Group Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd is a wholly owned subsidiary of CIMB Bank Berhad. Its custodial function includes safekeeping, settlement and corporate action related processing and cash and security reporting, All investments are automatically registered in the name of the Fund. CIMB Group Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd acts only in accordance with instructions from the Trustee. Trustee’s Obligation The Trustee’s obligation in respect of monies paid by an investor for the application of units arises when the monies are received in the relevant account of the Trustee for the Funds and the Trustee’s obligation is discharged once it has paid the redemption amount to the Manager.” 22. Amendment to Section 14.2 on “MAXIMUM FEES AND CHARGES PERMITTED BY THE DEEDS” under “SALIENT TERMS OF THE DEEDS” on page 152 Section 14.2 on “MAXIMUM FEES AND CHARGES PERMITTED BY THE DEEDS” under “SALIENT TERMS OF THE DEEDS” on page 152 of the Principal Master Prospectus is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: INVESTORS ARE ADVISED TO READ AND UNDERSTAND THE CONTENTS OF THIS FIRST SUPPLEMENTARY MASTER PROSPECTUS WHICH IS TO BE READ TOGETHER WITH THE PRINCIPAL MASTER PROSPECTUS DATED 17 SEPTEMBER 2013, WHICH IS ANNEXED, AND THE DEED (AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST). 12 First Supplementary Master Prospectus for Conventional Funds “14.2 MAXIMUM FEES AND CHARGES PERMITTED BY THE DEEDS The following table describes the maximum fees and charges as permitted by the Deeds. The actual fees and charges imposed are disclosed in section 3.2 commencing from page 30 and in section 9 commencing from page 103 of this master prospectus. Annual management fee (% of NAV) Annual trustee fee (% of NAV) AMBUTF 1.5 0.08 AMBBTF 1.5 Note 1 AMBITF 1.5 0.035# AMBILTF AMBETF 2.0 2.0 AMBEBTF Maximum sales charge (% of NAV per Unit ) Repurchase charge (% of NAV per Unit) 0.2* 0.2 As set out in the prospectus As set out in the prospectus As set out in the prospectus 10.0 10.0 As set out in the prospectus As set out in the prospectus As set out in the prospectus Nil Nil 2.0 0.1* 3.0 Nil AMBSCTF AMBLTF Today AMBLTF 2014 2.0 0.07 6.5 Nil 2.0 0.2* 8.0 1.0 2.0 0.2* 8.0 1.0 AMBDTF 2.0 0.5* 6.0 1.0 Funds * subject to a minimum fee of RM18,000 per annum calculated on a daily basis. # up to a maximum NAV of RM100 million and thereafter at a rate of 0.01% per annum. Note 1: Size of Fund First RM20 million Next RM20 million Next RM20 million Next RM20 million Next RM20 million Any amount in excess of RM100 million Rate per annum of the NAV of the Fund (%) 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01” INVESTORS ARE ADVISED TO READ AND UNDERSTAND THE CONTENTS OF THIS FIRST SUPPLEMENTARY MASTER PROSPECTUS WHICH IS TO BE READ TOGETHER WITH THE PRINCIPAL MASTER PROSPECTUS DATED 17 SEPTEMBER 2013, WHICH IS ANNEXED, AND THE DEED (AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST). 13 First Supplementary Master Prospectus for Conventional Funds 23. Amendment to Section 14.7 on “UNIT HOLDERS’ MEETING” under “SALIENT TERMS OF THE DEEDS” on page 154 Section 14.7 on “UNIT HOLDERS’ MEETING” under “SALIENT TERMS OF THE DEEDS” on page 154 of the Principal Master Prospectus is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: “14.7 UNIT HOLDERS’ MEETING The Unit Holders may apply to the Manager to summon a meeting for any purpose. Unless otherwise required by law, the Manager shall, not later than 21 days of receiving an application from not less than 50 or 1/10 in number, whichever is the lesser, of all Unit Holders, convene a meeting of the Unit Holders. The Trustees and the Manager may convene a Unit Holders’ meeting in accordance with the Deed for any purpose. The quorum for a meeting (save and except for AMBILTF, AMBSCTF, AMBEBTF and AMBETF) shall be five (5) Unit Holders present in person or by proxy. No business shall be transacted at any meeting unless the requisite quorum is present at the commencement of business. In respect of AMBILTF, the quorum for a meeting shall be five (5) Unit Holders present in person or by proxy, provided always that the quorum for a meeting of the Unit Holders of the Fund convened for the purpose of removing the Manager and/or the Trustee shall be ten (10) Unit Holders of the Fund whether present in person or by proxy, who must hold in aggregate at least 50% of the Units of the Fund in circulation at the time of the meeting. No business shall be transacted at any meeting unless the requisite quorum is present at the commencement of business. In respect of AMBSCTF, AMBEBTF and AMBETF, the quorum for a meeting shall be five (5) Unit Holders, present in person or by proxy, provided always that the quorum for a meeting of the Unit Holders convened for the purpose of: (a) voting on a special resolution, shall be five (5) Unit Holders, whether present in person or by proxy, who must hold in aggregate at least 25% of the Units in Circulation at the time of the meeting; and (b) removing the Manager and/or the Trustee, shall be ten (10) Unit Holders, whether present in person or by proxy, who must hold in aggregate at least 50% of the Units in Circulation at the time of the meeting. INVESTORS ARE ADVISED TO READ AND UNDERSTAND THE CONTENTS OF THIS FIRST SUPPLEMENTARY MASTER PROSPECTUS WHICH IS TO BE READ TOGETHER WITH THE PRINCIPAL MASTER PROSPECTUS DATED 17 SEPTEMBER 2013, WHICH IS ANNEXED, AND THE DEED (AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST). 14 First Supplementary Master Prospectus for Conventional Funds If AMBSCTF, AMBEBTF or AMBETF have five (5) or less Unit Holders, the quorum required for a meeting of the Unit Holders shall be two (2) Unit Holders, whether present in person or by proxy provided that if the meeting has been convened for the purpose of: (a) voting on a special resolution, the Unit Holders present in person or by proxy must hold in aggregate at least 25% of the Units in Circulation at the time of the meeting; and (b) removing the Manager and/or the Trustee, the Unit Holders present in person or by proxy must hold in aggregate at least 50% of the Units in Circulation at the time of the meeting. Unless otherwise prescribed by law, a Unit Holders’ meeting summoned pursuant to the Deeds shall be held not later than two (2) months after the notice was given, at the time and place stipulated in the notice and advertisement.” 24. Consent The Trustees and the EIMs have given and have not subsequently withdrawn their consent for the inclusion of their names in which it appears in this First Supplementary Master Prospectus. ______________________________________________________________ (The remainder of this page is intentionally left blank) INVESTORS ARE ADVISED TO READ AND UNDERSTAND THE CONTENTS OF THIS FIRST SUPPLEMENTARY MASTER PROSPECTUS WHICH IS TO BE READ TOGETHER WITH THE PRINCIPAL MASTER PROSPECTUS DATED 17 SEPTEMBER 2013, WHICH IS ANNEXED, AND THE DEED (AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST). 15 INVESTMENT APPLICATION FORM FORM 26A Initial Investment Individual Applicant THE MANAGER AMANAH MUTUAL BERHAD Joint Applicant Corporate Applicant 34th Floor, Menara PNB, 201-A, Jalan Tun Razak, 50400 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel : +603-20340800 Fax : +603-21633212/21632535 E-mail : Website : Additional Investment Individual Applicant Joint Applicant Corporate Applicant Important Note 1. Please read the latest Prospectus, the Supplementary Prospectus (if any) and Notes on the reverse before completing this Application Form. 2. This Application Form should be circulated together with the Prospectus in accordance with the requirements of the Capital Markets and Services Act 2007. 3. Complete this form in "Block Letter", tick (/) in the appropriate boxes and delete where applicable. Fund Name Account Number Class of Fund (if applicable) A-MYR A-JPY (For Additional Investment Only) B-SGD B-USD C-MYR C-USD OTHERS (Please specify) A PRINCIPAL ACCOUNT HOLDER INFORMATION Name (as in NRIC/Passport/Other ID) Title New NRIC No. Gender Old NRIC/Passport/Other ID No. Nationality Male Malaysian Female Others Status Religion (Please specify) Islam Others (Please specify) Date of Birth (ddmmyy) Marital Status Race Bumiputera Single Malay Chinese Non-Bumiputera Others (Please specify) Married Indian Others Mr Ms Mrs Dr Datuk Dato Tan Sri Pn Sri Others (Please specify) (Please specify) Correspondence Address Post Code Town, City or State Country House/Office Tel No. Mobile Phone No. Facsimile No. E-mail Address B JOINT ACCOUNT HOLDER INFORMATION (IF ANY) First Joint Account Holder Name (as in NRIC/Passport/Other ID) New NRIC No. Gender Title Old NRIC/Passport/Other ID No. Nationality Status House/Office Tel No. Malaysian Bumiputera Female Others Non-Bumiputera Dato Tan Sri Pn Sri (Please specify) (Please specify) Title Old NRIC/Passport/Other ID No. Status House/Office Tel No. Male Malaysian Bumiputera Female Others Non-Bumiputera (Please specify) Dr Datuk Others New NRIC No. Nationality Mrs Mobile Phone No. Second Joint Account Holder Name (as in NRIC/Passport/Other ID) Gender Ms Others Male (Please specify) Date of Birth (ddmmyy) Mr Others (Please specify) Date of Birth (ddmmyy) Mr Ms Mrs Dr Datuk Dato Tan Sri Pn Sri Others Mobile Phone No. (Please specify) C CORPORATE ACCOUNT HOLDER INFORMATION Name of Corporation/Trust/Co-Operative/Foundation (as in Certificate of Incorporation) Company/Business Registration No. (as in Certificate of Incorporation) Date of Incorporation Place of Incorporation Corporate Status Within Malaysia Outside Malaysia (Please specify) (ddmmyy) Bumiputera Controlled Non-Bumiputera Controlled Non-Malaysian Controlled Correspondence Address Post Code Town, City or State Office Telephone No. Contact Person Country Facsimile No E-mail Address Name Name Designation Designation Telephone No. Telephone No. D INVESTMENT/DISTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS I/We wish to invest in the above fund/class of fund upon the condition of the latest Prospectus and the Supplementary Prospectus (if any) issued together with this Application Form which I/We have read, on becoming a unit holder, I/We agree to be bound by the Provisions of the Deed relating to the fund/class of fund. Currency and Investment Amount Mode of Payment Income Distribution Instruction (if any) MYR Cash SGD Cheque/Bank Draft USD Debit Account/TT/Bank Transfer - Only for selected funds as disclosed in the Prospectus. EPF Withdrawal - If you do not tick the box (for specific funds only), your income JPY Other Reinvest Pay by Cheque (Please specify) distribution will be reinvested on your behalf. E DECLARATIONS AND SIGNATURES I/We hereby declare that the above information given by me/us are true and accurate and that I/We have not been declared a bankrupt person/s and that the fund invested herein does not contravene the laws of Malaysia including the Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorism Financing Act 2001. I/We acknowledge that I/We aware that there are fees and charges that I/We will incur directly or indirectly when investing in the fund/class of fund. I/We have read and fully understood the notes and the term and conditions in this Form, in the Deed and the latest Prospectus, the Supplementary Prospectus (if any) and the investment services rendered (including any amendments as may be in force from time to time). CORPORATE APPLICANT OR Principal Account Holder Signature COMMON SEAL/ Authorized Signatory(ies) of Corporate Applicant Name : RUBBER STAMP Designation : First Joint Account Holder Signature Authorized Signatory(ies) of Corporate Applicant Name : Second Joint Account Holder Signature Designation : Date Signature Condition Principal Account Holder to sign Either two of three to sign (For Joint Account Only) Either one to sign All to sign (ddmmyy) FOR IUTA/DISTRIBUTOR USE ONLY FOR AMB USE ONLY IUTA/DISTRIBUTOR CODE UTC NAME LG NAME CATEGORY OF INVESTOR SIGNATURE RETAIL UTC No RECEIVED BY UTC No DATE INSTITUTION DATE CATEGORY OF INVESTOR REMARK RETAIL INSTITUTION AMANAH MUTUAL BERHAD (195414-U) PLEASE READ THESE NOTES BEFORE COMPLETING THE APPLICATION FORM 1. AUTHORISED PERSON TO SELL 1.1 Please check that the Unit Trust Consultant (UTC) servicing you has a valid authorization and registration 5. card. 5.1 Payment for investment may be made at our office or any PAYMENT OF INVESTMENT of our IUTA/other distribution branches nearest to you. 2. PRINCIPAL APPLICANT Payment for investment can be in the different currency 2.1 Principal applicant must be an individual of 18 years old based on class of fund in the form of Cash, Cheques, Bank and above. Drafts, Debit Account, Telegraphic Transfer (TT) or Bank 2.2 Applicant must sign or affix thumbprint (left hand) on this application form and enclose a photocopy of his/her NRIC, Transfer. 5.2 All payments must be accompanied by the proof of Passport or Other ID. payment and application form. Payments by Cheques/Bank Drafts must be made out in favour of ‘ AMANAH MUTUAL 2.3 For the applicant below 18 years old, opening an account BERHAD’ and crossed ‘ACCOUNT PAYEE ONLY’. must be joined together with the principal applicant. 5.3 The purchase of units will be based on the NAV per unit 3. JOINT APPLICANT(S) determined at the close of the business day and published 3.1 A joint holder(s) of units, who is/are 18 years of age and the following day in our website and newspaper. above, both or all parties must sign the Application Form. In 5.4 Units will be credited upon clearing of cheques or bank the case of death of one or both of joint holder(s) of units, draft based on NAV per unit and initial sales charge (if the survivor will be the person recognized by the Manager any). Please refer to the Prospectus for more information. and the Trustee as having any title or interest in such units, except where the units are pledged as collateral to the 6. financial/other institution. 6.1 A statement will be issued upon receipt and acceptance of 3.2 A joint holder of unit who is below 18 years of age, a STATEMENT the application by the Manager. photocopy of his/her NRIC, Passport, Birth Certificate or 6.2 In the case of joint holders account, all correspondence Other ID is required. In the case of death of the principal and payments relating to the Units will be sent to the unit holder, before the minor attains the age of 18, the principal account holder. Statement will be sent by post at estate of the principal unit holder will be recognized by the Investor’s own risk. Manager and the Trustee as having title to or interest in such units except where the units are pledged as collateral 7. to the financial/other institution. 7.1 All application under the EPF Member’s Investment EPF PLAN (FOR MALAYSIAN ONLY) 3.3 For joint holders accounts, all correspondences and Scheme shall be deemed to be accepted by the Manager payments relating to the units will be sent only to the at the time of the receipt of payment from EPF. Unit will be principal account holder. credited based on the NAV per unit and initial sales charge (if any) on the date of receipt of payment from EPF. 4. CORPORATE APPLICANT 4.1 For a corporate applicant, please fill in the Name of Corporation, Trust, Co-Operative or Foundation, the 8. REPURCHASE/REDEMPTION OF UNITS 8.1 The registered unit holder may sell all or part of the units by Company/Business Registration Number as in Certificate of completing Incorporation and Correspondence Address in full. Repurchase. 4.2 Please enclose a certified copy of Certificate and signing the Form of Request to of 8.2 The repurchase price shall be based on the NAV per unit Incorporation, Form 24, Form 49, Memorandum & Articles determined at the close of the business day on which the of Association and Board of Directors’ Resolution (include completed and valid repurchase request is received by the specimen signatures). Manager or any IUTA/other distribution branches. 4.3 The application must be signed by the Authorized 8.3 The Manager shall not comply with the request to Signatory(ies) whose name and designation must be repurchase or transfer of units if such compliance would stated. The Company’s Common Seal or the Company’s result in the requisitioner being an applicant of less than Rubber Stamp must be affixed where applicable. If signed minimum balance. under a Power of Attorney, the Attorney should confirm that he/she has noticed of revocation of the power. 9. COOLING-OFF RIGHT The Manager reserves the right to terminate all 9.1 The right is only given to an investor who is investing in the relationship(s) with the customer if any documents AMB family of funds/class of fund for the first time, save requested by the Manager are not received within and except for a corporation or institution, a staff of that eight (8) business days and/or if the customer is management company, and a person registered with a found to have breached and/or not incompliance with body approved by the SC to deal in unit trusts. any laws, regulations and rules on Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorism Financing Act 2001 and ‘Know Your Customer ‘ policy. 10. COOLING-OFF PERIOD 10.1 The cooling-off period of any of the AMB family of 13.2 In the event of termination, units will be redeemed and the funds/class of fund is within six(6) business days repurchase price shall be based on the NAV per unit commencing from the date of purchase i.e. the date on determined at the close of the business day. which the Manager receives the application form and the investment amount. 14. PERSONAL DATA 14.1 The applicant may have provided and may from time to 11. INCOME DISTRIBUTIONS/INSTRUCTIONS time provide personal information to the Manager. 11.1 The income from the investment will either be distributed to 14.2 The personal information and investment data may be used the registered unit holder’s account in the form of units or by the Manager and provided to the relevant Trustee(s) or paid by cheque. any of related companies to the Manager, within or outside 11.2 The Manager reserves the right to reinvest the distribution Malaysia for the purposes of the provision of financial for additional units on behalf of unit holder in accordance services or any related purposes, including direct marketing with the deed of the respective funds/class of fund. unless as required by law. 11.3 Distribution of income from EPF Member’s Investment Scheme will be automatically reinvested. 15. RIGHTS OF MANAGER 15.1 The Manager reserves the right to accept or reject any 12. CLASS OF FUND application in whole or part thereof without assigning any 12.1 Please refer to latest Prospectus and the Supplementary reason. Prospectus (if any) for details Thank you for reading this note. For further information please 13. ANTI-MONEY LAUNDERING STATEMENTS contact or write to the Manager. 13.1 The customer is the underlying principal of the account (where applicable); AMANAH MUTUAL BERHAD (195414-U) No person other than the customer shall have any 34th Floor, Menara PNB, interest in the account (where applicable); and all 201-A, Jalan Tun Razak monies paid to the Manager from time to time shall 50400 Kuala Lumpur come from a legitimate (and not an illegal) source; Malaysia and Tel : +603-20340800 The customer agrees to provide all information and Fax : +603-21633212/21632535 documents to verify the customer’s identity and also Website : to do all acts whatsoever to assist/enable the E-mail : Manager to comply with all relevant laws, regulations and rules with regards to Anti–Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorism Financing Act 2001 and “Know Your Customer” policy. The customer agrees that the Manager shall not be liable for any reason whatsoever and agrees to indemnify the Manager for any losses whatsoever as a result or in connection with any delay or failure to process any application or transaction if such information or documents requested by the Manager have not been promptly provided by the customer to the Manager. PRE-INVESTMENT FORM ATTENTION UNIT TRUST INVESTORS IMPORTANT! Your Unit Trust Consultant (UTC) is required to explain all of the following to you 5) Your UTC may represent a company that uses a nominee system and your rights as a unit holder may be limited if you invest in unit trust funds through it. If his or her company uses a nominee system, ask if your rights as a unit holder will be limited in any way. You Should Also Know Signing this form does not preclude you from taking action against relevant party/parties under any circumstances. Do You Know? 1) You can buy unit trusts either through a Unit Trust Consultant (UTC), Institutional Unit Trust Advisers (IUTA), Corporate Unit Trust Advisers (CUTA) or directly from Unit Trust Management Company (UTMC) or online, but each has different sales charge and level of service. Choose the one that best suits your needs. 2) If you redeem your units in a unit trust fund and then purchase units in another, you will probably have to pay a sales charge. However, if you switch from one fund to another managed by the same UTMC, it is likely that you may not have to pay any sales charge. Ask about switching before you redeem. 3) Different types of unit trust funds carry different levels of risk. Some are higher in risk than others. Ask about the risks before investing in a fund. Make sure you know what your fund is investing in. 4) If you are a first time investor in a UTMC, you may be eligible for cooling-off rights, whereby you can change your mind within six (6) business days after investing and withdraw your unit trust investment. Ask about your eligibility for cooling-off. Yes(√)/ No(X) a) Only registered UTCs are allowed to sell unit trust funds. Your UTC should show you a valid authorisation card confirming that he/she is registered with the Federation of Investment Managers Malaysia (FIMM). Investor’s Confirmation I/We confirm that the UTC has explained all the points overleaf to me/us. 1) Applicant Signature : _______________________________ Name : _______________________________ NRIC/Identification Number/Passport No.: ________________________________________ Date :_______________________________ 2) Joint Applicant (If applicable) b) A unit trust fund may only be offered to the public if it is approved by the Securities Commission Malaysia (SC). Go to for a list of unit trust funds currently available in the market or call 603-6204 8777 for assistance. Signature :_______________________________ Name :_______________________________ NRIC/Identification Number/Passport No.: _______________________________________ c) When you buy into a unit trust fund, you should be given the latest copy of prospectus for free. Read the prospectus carefully; understand its contents before investing. d) You may have to pay direct and indirect fees and possibly other charges too. Ask about applicable fees. e) If you have concerns or complaints about any unit trust fund, you can contact FIMM at 6032092 3800 ( or the Investor Affairs & Complaints Department of the SC at 603-6204 8999. f) You should not make payment in cash to the UTC or issue a cheque in the name of UTC. Date :_______________________________ Unit Trust Consultant’s Declaration I declare that I have explained the points overleaf and the investor(s) understand(s) them. Signature :_______________________________ Name :_______________________________ NRIC/Identification Number/Passport No.: ________________________________________ Registered as UTC of UTMC/IUTA/CUTA^: ________________________________________ ^Delete where not applicable. Note: This form is required for investments in a new fund by INDIVIDUAL investors (excluding additional investment/top ups), th including switching-in to new funds after 15 February 2010.