Hold an Open Day - New Schools Network

Names on Petitions to Pupils on Seats
Your Free School proposal has been accepted!
Amongst the many challenges ahead ...
How do you convert names
on petitions to applications
for places in your new
Free School?
Basic Marketing Advice
Have a clear vision and ethos.
Practice your elevator pitch.
Have a clear logo for your school.
Have a person who is the ‘face’ of your
• Be consistent in your message.
• Don’t get involved in political brawls.
• Don’t expect to convert everyone!
Six Simple Marketing Strategies
Local Media
School prospectus
Open days
Local Authority
Use Local Media
Free Schools are in the news!
The media will be interested in you.
Thousands of people listen to local radio.
Talk on local radio about what your school
will offer parents and pupils.
• Speak to the local papers.
• Explain how to apply for places.
• Promote your website!
Create a Website
Websites are cheap to create yourself.
Lots of people will Google your school.
Set out your vision and ethos.
Set out your curriculum.
Provide your building location.
Include a contact us page and provide
application forms.
• Create a professional educational image.
Publish a School Prospectus
• Parents will want to know what they are
buying into for their child.
• Publish a pre-opening school prospectus
to set out the aims, vision, curriculum and
other services offered by your school.
• Use models for photographs.
• Have a mock-up uniform made.
• Create an educational setting.
Hold an Open Day
Hold a public open day in your building.
Invite parents who signed your petition.
Advertise it in the local press.
Put up a display of what the building will
look like when converted to a school.
• Display the curriculum, uniform, services
and hand out your school prospectus.
• Give out balloons with your logo on.
Adverts in the Press
• Put an advert in the local press to attract
applications for places.
• Advertise your website in the advert to
attract more visitors to it.
• Make your application form available to
download from the website.
• Have a postal address so
parents can contact you.
Local Authority Admissions
• The Local Authority should include you in
their annual admissions cycle.
• School places are advertised to parents
between September and January.
• Prepare a pack of information about your
school for the LA to provide to parents.
• Make sure your prospectus, adverts and
open days coincide with this period!
Retaining Applicants
• Keep parents who have applied for places
updated with a monthly newsletter.
• Hold social events to build your school
community before the school opens.
• Hold an evening when parents can meet
your appointed staff.
• Advertise how many places have
been filled – it attracts more parents!