Quantitative Analysis CHEM 321 Fall 2014, 3 credit hours Department of Chemistry and Physics University of South Carolina Aiken Dr. C. L. Leverette SBDG 312, 803-641-3291 ChadL@usca.edu Lecture: MWF 12:00 — 12:50 PM, SBDG 325 Office Hours: MF 11:00-11:50 AM and by appointment.* *Please feel free to call or e-mail me when needed. In addition, my appointment schedule is very flexible. Therefore, if the office hours stated above do not fit into your schedule, we can set up a time that is convenient for you. Prerequisite: CHEM 112 Corequisite: CHEM 321L Required materials: Quantitative Chemical Analysis, 8th Edition, by Daniel C. Harris CHEM 321: Quantitative Analysis: “Leverette’s Lecture Notebook”, Fall 2014, Version IV Scientific calculator (capable of log, scientific notation, square root, nth root, and exponents) *Although the text for the course is Quantitative Chemical Analysis, the lectures will consist of information pulled from a variety of sources. The assigned homework problems will come from the text. My plan for us is to work straight through the book covering the material in the order Harris suggests. This should allow you to follow along with the text as I lecture. This text is an easy read so I expect students to read the chapters that we cover as we are going through the material. Success in the course is achieved by taking excellent notes, reading the text/assigned readings to reinforce what we do in class, reviewing the material each day, and practicing the problems. Course Objectives: Quantitative analysis is an introduction course into the field of analytical chemistry. The goals of this course, as stated in the Programs Bulletin, are to provide practice of volumetric and gravimetric analysis with exposure to spectroscopic, chromatographic, and electrochemical methods. Beyond these basics, my personal goal is to provide you with the answer to the question, “What is analytical chemistry?” I hope that you will see analytical chemistry as the “measurement science”, and how analytical chemistry impacts all forms of research, from medical applications to industrial product development. Modern day applications of this “measurement science” bridge the scientific fields of biochemistry, physical chemistry, biology, physics, and materials science. David Harvey, author of Modern Analytical Chemistry stated that “the craft of analytical chemistry is not in performing a routine analysis on a routine sample, but in improving established methods and techniques, extending methods to new types of samples, and developing new methods for measuring chemical phenomena.” In essence, analytical chemists are problem solvers. In this course, we will cover more traditional wetchemistry techniques that represent the earliest beginnings of analytical chemistry as well as modern techniques utilizing state-of-the-art instrumentation. After a short review of some key concepts learned in freshman chemistry, we will learn how to evaluate chemical data utilizing data analysis and statistics. We will also cover gravimetric analysis, equilibrium chemistry, titrimetric methods of analysis, spectroscopy, chromatography, and electrochemistry. Quizzes testing a general understanding of these topics will be given at the end of each organized section/chapter. The overall goal of this course is to equip you with needed skills while teaching you the core concepts of analytical chemistry. I will incorporate common terminology used in the field of analytical chemistry and will reference the text when appropriate. I will provide ways that I find to be easier for solving problems that are not in the text. You are more than welcome to use the approaches utilized in the text; however, these techniques will not be extensively covered in class. Grading: Quizzes (8 of 9) at 45 pts each Final Exam Pts 360 65 % of grade 85 15 Total Points for the Course 425 100 I am not giving exams, but rather 9 quizzes during the semester. The idea is that I have divided the material into smaller sections that should allow each student to study the topic as we go and then demonstrate an understanding of the material in a shorter time frame. This will allow me to see where the class is with the information and will identify students earlier on that might be struggling. For the student, it gives you 9 quiz grades instead of 4 major exams and allows you to have one drop during the semester. By dividing the material into smaller sections, it should also make studying the material easier. In an attempt to be as fair and reasonable as possible, I will give partial credit for problems on quizzes if the effort is demonstrated. My giving of partial credit in based solely on my discretion. Write out your calculations or I cannot give you any credit. I reserve the right to stop giving partial credit at any point. No partial credit will be given for the final exam. The final exam is comprehensive and is the standardized American Chemical Society (ACS) exam. Each question answered correctly is worth 1.76 points. Therefore, 37 out of 50 questions should be answered correctly to receive a 100% on the final exam. Final letter grades will be based on the percentage of the total points earned and on the tentative scale below. The tentative grading scale is as follows: ≥ 86 82-85 75-81 71-74 61-70 57-60 51-56 ≤ 50 A B+ B C+ C D+ D F For all quizzes and tests, The USC Aiken Honor Code is in full effect. If the instructor has evidence that a student has violated this honor code for a particular assignment, that student will receive a 0 for that assignment and a written letter detailing and documenting the student’s actions will be sent by the instructor to the Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs (EVCAA). Further information about violations of Academic Integrity can be found in the 20142015 USCA Student Handbook. You will be asked to sign the Honor Pledge on each examination. Graded quizzes will be returned to you in a timely manner. You will not be able to keep the graded quizzes. Therefore, for preparation of the final exam, you will want to review your class notes and the homework problems. Homework: Homework will be assigned regularly throughout the semester. I will not be taking up the homework. I will provide you with a key for each assignment so that you can see the correct answers as well as the correct procedure for solving the problem. Although the homework is not graded, if you do not do the homework you will not be successful in this class. Portable Electronic Devices: The use of any portable electronic devices, including cell phones, MP3 players, iPods, etc., during class is not allowed for any reason unless prior approval has been given to a student from the instructor or unless required for the course. If you are planning to have any of these devices in class, they must be turned off and stowed away for the duration of the class period. If a student is seen touching, holding, or using any portable electronic device during a test period without the prior consent of the instructor, the instructor will assume that the student is cheating and the test will be recovered and a 0 will be given to that student for the assignment. A full description of this policy can be found in the USCA Student Handbook. Attendance: Attendance of all class meetings is expected, though excused absences are understandable. However, regular attendance will be looked upon favorably at the end of the semester for people with borderline grades. An attendance sheet will be passed around each class period for you to sign. Any student who has more than 10% unexcused absences will be assessed a one letter grade penalty off the final course grade. Any student who has been absent (excused and unexcused) more than 25% of all class meetings will receive a failing grade for the class. Unexcused absences on exam days will result in a grade of 0 for the exam. Exams for people with excused absences must be made up as soon as possible at a time convenient to the student and the instructor. Excused absences require a doctor’s note, a note from a family member that includes a telephone number to check, a business note, or a receipt (in the case of car problems). Please contact me with any questions. Disability Statement: If you have a physical, psychological, and/or learning disability that might affect your performance in this class, please contact the Office of Disability Services, B&E 134, (803) 643-6816, as soon as possible. The Office of Disability Services will determine appropriate accommodations based on documentation. 471 University Parkway • Aiken, SC 29801 803-648-6851 • 1-888-WOW-USCA Copyright © 2004 by the Board of Trustees of the University of South Carolina. http://www.usca.edu CHEM 321/321L Fall 2014 Tentative Course/Lab Schedule Date 8/22 F 8/25 M 8/27 W Chapter Ch. 0 and 1; The Analytical Process/Chemical Measurements/Syllabus Read Ch. 2 (Tools of the Trade) on your own. 8/29 F 9/3 W 9/5 F 9/8 M 9/10W Ch. 3-4; Experimental Error, Statistics, Quality Assurance and Calibration Methods 9/12 F 9/15 M 9/17 W 9/19 F 9/22 M 10/10 F 10/13 M 10/15 W Tuesday, 8/26: Introduction/Assign Lab Drawers/Clean Glassware and Lab #1: Perfecting the Art of Pipetting and Calibrating Volumetric Glassware Tuesday, 9/2: Lab #2 The Percent of Water in Hydrated Barium Chloride Tuesday, 9/9: Lab #3 Understanding a Normal Distribution and Statistical Analysis of Weighing Tuesdays, 9/16, 9/23, 9/30: Lab #4 The Gravimetric Determination of Iron in a Commercial Unknown Ch. 6, 7, parts of 10 and 26; Chemical Equilibrium, Activities, Titrimetric Methods of Analysis, Precipitation titrations and Calculations Tuesday, 10/7: Lab #5 Preparation and Standardization of HCl and NaOH Solutions 10/8 W Ch. 8-11; Titrimetric Methods of Analysis, SA/SB, WA/SB, etc., Buffers, Polyfunctional Acids/Bases, EDTA Date Chapter Lab 10/17 F Ch. 5 and 26; Standard Additions and Gravimetric Analysis 9/24 W 9/26 F 9/29 M 10/1 W 10/3 F 10/6 M Lab Tuesday, 10/14: Lab #6 Titrimetric Analysis of a Commerical Soda Ash Unknown for Sodium Carbonate Tuesday, 10/21: No Lab 10/20 M 10/22 W 10/27 M Ch. 8-11 continued. 10/29 W 10/31 F 11/3 M 11/5 W 11/7 F 11/10 M 11/12 W 11/14 F 11/17 M 11/19 W 11/21 F 11/24 M 12/1 M 12/3 W Ch. 17-19; Introduction to Spectrometric Methods Ch. 22-24; Introduction to Analytical Separations, GC, LC 12/5 F Ch. 13-15; Intro. to Electrochemistry, Potentiometry, Redox Titrations 12/10 W 11 AM; Final Exam Tuesdays, 10/28 Lab #7 The Determination of Chloride in a Commercial Unknown by the Mohr Method 11/4 (No Lab – Election Day) Tuesday, 11/11, 11/18: Lab #8 The Determination of Nitrate in Water by UV-Vis Spectrophotometry Tuesday, 11/25: Lab #9 Determination of Ethanol in Wine by GC Chromatography and the Internal Standard Method Tuesday, 12/2: Check-out Quizzes: Quiz 1 (Ch. 0, 1) 9/3, Quiz 2 (Ch. 2, 3) 9/10, Quiz 3 (Ch. 4) 9/24, Quiz 4 (Ch.5, 26) 10/1, Quiz 5 (Ch. 6) 10/8, Quiz 6 (Ch. 7, 10, 26) 10/22, Quiz 7 (Ch. 8, 10) 11/5, Quiz 8 (Ch. 9, 11) 11/19, Quiz 9 (Ch. 17-19, 22-24) 12/3