Aspen Engineering
Known Issues in V8.4
Version Number: V8.4
November 2013
Copyright (c) 2013 by Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.
Aspen Acol+™, Aspen Adsim®, Aspen Adsorption , Aspen Air Cooled Exchanger, Aspen Basic Engineering, Aspen
Batch Process Developer, Aspen Batch Modeler™, Aspen Batch Plus®, Aspen BatchSep™, Aspen Capital Cost
Estimator, Aspen CatRef®, Aspen Chromatography®, Aspen COMThermo®, Aspen Custom Modeler®, Aspen
Distillation Synthesis, Aspen Dynamics®, Aspen Energy Analyzer, Aspen FCC®, Aspen Fired Heater, Aspen
FiredHeater, Aspen Flare System Analyzer, Aspen FLARENET™, Aspen HTFS Research Network™, Aspen HX-Net®,
Aspen Hydrocracker®, Aspen Hydrotreater™, Aspen HYSYS Amines™, Aspen HYSYS Dynamics™, Aspen HYSYS
OLGAS 3-Phase™, Aspen HYSYS OLGAS™, Aspen HYSYS PIPESYS™, Aspen HYSYS RTO™ Offline, Aspen HYSYS
Upstream Dynamics™, Aspen HYSYS Upstream Dynamics™, Aspen HYSYS Upstream™, Aspen HYSYS Upstream™,
Aspen HYSYS®, Aspen HYSYS® Thermodynamics COM Interface, Aspen HYSYS®, Aspen HYSYS® Pipeline
Hydraulics - OLGAS 2-Phase, Aspen HYSYS® Pipeline Hydraulics - OLGAS 3-Phase, Aspen HYSYS® Pipeline
Hydraulics - PIPESYS, Aspen HYSYS® Offline Optimizer, Aspen HYSYS® Hydrocracker, Aspen HYSYS® Reformer,
Aspen HYSYS® CatCracker, Aspen HYSYS® Petroleum Refining, Aspen Icarus Process Evaluator®, Aspen Icarus
Project Manager®, Aspen In-Plant Cost Estimator, Aspen Kbase®, Aspen MINLP Optimization, Aspen Mixed Integer
Optimizer, Aspen Model Runner™, Aspen MPIMS™, Aspen MUSE™, Aspen Online Deployment™, Aspen OnLine®,
Aspen OnLine®, Aspen OTS Framework, Aspen PIMS Advanced Optimization™, Aspen PIMS Submodel Calculator™,
Aspen PIMS™, Aspen Plate Exchanger, Aspen Plate+™, Aspen Plus Optimizer™, Aspen Plus®, Aspen Plus®
CatCracker, Aspen Plus® Dynamics, Aspen Plus® Hydrocracker, Aspen Plus® Hydrotreater, Aspen Plus®
Reformer, Aspen Polymers, Aspen Polymers Plus™, Aspen Process Economic Analyzer, Aspen Process Manual™,
Aspen Process Tools™, Aspen Properties®, Aspen Properties Mobile, Aspen Rate-Based Distillation, Aspen
RateSep™, Aspen RefSYS Catcracker™, Aspen RefSYS Hydrocracker™, Aspen RefSYS Reformer™, Aspen RefSYS™,
Aspen Shell & Tube Exchanger, Aspen Shell & Tube Mechanical, Aspen Simulation Workbook™, Aspen Solubility
Modeler, Aspen Split™, Aspen Tasc+™, Aspen Teams®, Aspen Utilities On-Line Optimizer, Aspen Utilities
Operations™, Aspen Utilities Planner™, Aspen Zyqad™, SLM™, SLM Commute™, SLM Config Wizard™, the Aspen
leaf logo, and Plantelligence are trademarks or registered trademarks of Aspen Technology, Inc., Burlington, MA.
All other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
This documentation contains AspenTech proprietary and confidential information and may not be disclosed, used,
or copied without the prior consent of AspenTech or as set forth in the applicable license agreement. Users are
solely responsible for the proper use of the software and the application of the results obtained.
Although AspenTech has tested the software and reviewed the documentation, the sole warranty for the software
may be found in the applicable license agreement between AspenTech and the user. ASPENTECH MAKES NO
Aspen Technology, Inc.
200 Wheeler Road
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Introduction ............................................................................................................5
aspenONE Overview .........................................................................................5
Known Issues Release Notes..............................................................................5
Accessing aspenONE Documentation ..................................................................5
Aspen Exchange ......................................................................................................7
Aspen Exchange V8.4 .......................................................................................7
Process Modeling (Aspen Plus) ...............................................................................9
Aspen Plus V8.4 ...............................................................................................9
OLI Interface V8.4.......................................................................................... 10
Aspen Properties V8.4..................................................................................... 10
Aspen Properties Mobile .................................................................................. 11
Aspen Custom Modeler V8.4 ............................................................................ 11
Aspen Model Runner V8.4 ............................................................................... 12
Aspen Plus Dynamics V8.4 .............................................................................. 12
Aspen Adsorption V8.4.................................................................................... 13
Aspen Chromatography V8.4 ........................................................................... 13
Aspen Utilities Planner V8.4 ............................................................................. 14
Aspen Batch Modeler V8.4............................................................................... 15
Aspen Version Comparison Assistant V8.4 ......................................................... 15
Process Modeling (HYSYS) ....................................................................................17
HYSYS V8.4 ......................................................................................... 17
HYSYS Dynamics V8.4........................................................................... 17
HYSYS Upstream V8.4 ........................................................................... 19
HYSYS Petroleum Refining V8.4 .............................................................. 19
OTS V8.4 ............................................................................................. 19
Version Comparison Assistant V8.4 ......................................................... 20
Exchanger Design and Rating................................................................................22
Exchanger Design and Rating Products V8.4 ...................................................... 22
Aspen Air Cooled Exchanger V8.4 ..................................................................... 23
Aspen Fired Heater V8.4 ................................................................................. 24
Aspen Shell & Tube Exchanger V8.4 ................................................................. 24
Shell & Tube Mechanical V8.4................................................................. 25
Plate Exchanger V8.4 ............................................................................ 25
HTFS Research Network V8.4 ................................................................. 26
Plate Fin Exchanger V8.4 ....................................................................... 26
Plus / EDR Integration ........................................................................... 26
Economic Evaluation .............................................................................................28
Economic Evaluation V8.4 Product Family.......................................................... 28
Aspen Process Economic Analyzer V8.4 ............................................................. 30
Aspen In-Plant Cost Estimator V8.4 .................................................................. 30
Aspen Capital Cost Estimator V8.4 ................................................................... 31
Icarus Evaluation Engine V8.4 ......................................................................... 32
Energy and Flare Analysis .....................................................................................34
Aspen Energy Analyzer V8.4 ............................................................................ 34
Aspen Flare System Analyzer V8.4 ................................................................... 35
Aspen HYSYS Thermodynamics COM Interface V8.4 ........................................... 35
Aspen Simulation Workbook .................................................................................36
Aspen Simulation Workbook V8.4 ..................................................................... 36
Process Development ............................................................................................38
Batch Process Developer V8.4 ................................................................ 38
Solubility Modeler V8.4 .......................................................................... 39
Adsorption V8.4.................................................................................... 39
Process Tools V8.4 ............................................................................... 40
Process Manual V8.4 ............................................................................. 40
Aspen Basic Engineering .......................................................................................42
Aspen Basic Engineering V8.4 .......................................................................... 42
Operations Support ...............................................................................................44
Aspen Online Deployment V8.4 ........................................................................ 44
Aspen OTS Framework V8.4 ............................................................................ 45
Aspen Online V8.4.......................................................................................... 45
Aspen Plus Based Refinery Reactors .....................................................................46
Catcracker V8.4 ............................................................................. 46
Hydrocracker V8.4 ......................................................................... 47
Hydrotreater V8.4 .......................................................................... 47
Reformer V8.4 ............................................................................... 48
Aspen Open Object Model Framework ...................................................................50
Aspen Open Object Model Framework ............................................................... 50
aspenONE Overview
aspenONE is the comprehensive set of software solutions and professional
services provided by AspenTech; these are designed to help process
companies achieve their operational excellence objectives.
Known Issues Release Notes
This document contains a summary of known issues or limitations relating to
this release. Workarounds are suggested where possible.
Known issues are listed as those relating to:
Coexistence issues (different versions of products on the same computer).
Installation issues (potential problems arising during the install or uninstall
Usability issues.
Please refer to the tables in each product section for issues relating to the
products you are using.
Accessing aspenONE
aspenONE V8.4 includes new ways to access documentation associated with
the aspenONE products. Documentation is now available directly from the
applications. This eliminates the need to search for the Documentation DVD to
find the documents that you need and ensures that you can always find the
most current version of the document that you are looking for.
Documentation can be found in the following ways:
Installation Guides and Release Notes can be found by clicking the
corresponding link on the first page of the Installation Browser.
Context-sensitive help can be accessed by:
Clicking the Help button on an application dialog box
Pressing F1
Clicking the application Help menu and selecting Help
Additional documents in PDF format can be accessed by:
Clicking the Online Documentation link on the product’s Start page or
Start tab or selecting Documentation from the product’s Help menu.
This will open the Online Documentation Center from which you can
view and/or download the product-specific documents.
Logging onto the AspenTech Customer Support site and browsing the
Documentation page.
Downloading all of the available documentation from the Customer
website by downloading the zip file that contains the documentation.
Note: The aspenONE Documentation DVD is no longer included in the DVD
package. If you want a DVD that contains all PDF documents, you may
request one from AspenTech Support.
Aspen Exchange
Aspen Exchange V8.4
Coexistence Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
Installation Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
General Usability Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
Aspen Exchange
Aspen Exchange
Process Modeling (Aspen
Aspen Plus V8.4
Coexistence Issues
No known issues
Not applicable
Installation Issues
No known issues
Not applicable
General Usability Issues
Polystyrene example ps.bkp does not
generate correct results. Other models
containing free-radical reactions which
use default values of rate constants may
be similarly affected.
After opening ps.bkp, make these
changes before running it to fix the
1. Open Reactions block R1.
2. Go to the Reactions sheet.
3. Edit reaction 1 (initiator
4. In the Initiator field, change the
initiator to Cini, then change the
initiator back to TBP.
This causes Aspen Plus to restore the
correct rate constants. A similar
technique can be used to fix other files.
STEAMNBS may generate wrong results
for steam, especially near the critical
Process Modeling (Aspen Plus)
STEAM-TA and STMNBS2 are not
affected by this problem.
OLI Interface V8.4
Coexistence Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
Installation Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
General Usability Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
Aspen Properties V8.4
Coexistence Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
Installation Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
General Usability Issues
Workaround or Comment
STEAMNBS may generate wrong results
for steam, especially near the critical
STEAM-TA and STMNBS2 are not
affected by this problem.
Process Modeling (Aspen Plus)
Aspen Properties Mobile
Coexistence Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
Installation Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
General Usability Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
Aspen Custom Modeler V8.4
Coexistence Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
Installation Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
General Usability Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
Process Modeling (Aspen Plus)
Aspen Model Runner V8.4
Coexistence Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
Installation Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
General Usability Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
Aspen Plus Dynamics V8.4
Coexistence Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
Installation Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
General Usability Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
Process Modeling (Aspen Plus)
Aspen Adsorption V8.4
Coexistence Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
Installation Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
General Usability Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
Aspen Chromatography V8.4
Coexistence Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
Installation Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
General Usability Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
Process Modeling (Aspen Plus)
Aspen Utilities Planner V8.4
Coexistence Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
Installation Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
General Usability Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
Process Modeling (Aspen Plus)
Aspen Batch Modeler V8.4
Coexistence Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
Installation Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
General Usability Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
Aspen Version Comparison
Assistant V8.4
Coexistence Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
Installation Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
General Usability Issues
Workaround or Comment
Only single file simulations can be run
remotely. For each simulation, you
select a file on your home computer,
and the selected file is copied to a
temporary directory on the remote
computer and run. For Aspen Plus, if
there are ancillary files such as .f, .dll,
.ilb, and so on, the simulation must be
packaged as an .apwz file.
Use the .apwz file.
Process Modeling (Aspen Plus)
Process Modeling (Aspen Plus)
Process Modeling (HYSYS)
Aspen HYSYS V8.4
Coexistence Issues
Workaround or Comment
Uninstalling Aspen HYSYS V8.2 or V8.3
can unregister a component shared by
V8.2/V8.3 and V8.4. As a result of this
Aspen HYSYS V8.4 can stop working.
Start a command window as an
administrator. Change the directory to
your Aspen HYSYS V8.4 installation
folder. Re-register this component
running regsvr32 WW10_C32.OCX.
Installation Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
General Usability Issues
Workaround or Comment
The flowsheet window can appear as
empty when loading a HYSYS case
saved in the energy analysis
environment and then switching to the
simulation environment.
Close this window and reopen the
flowsheet using the flowsheet button in
the view tab of the Ribbon.
Starting in Aspen HYSYS V8.3 adding
ions directly to the component list is not
supported any more when using Aspen
Properties property packages. However,
this restriction can be by passed using
the APED database find dialog. This is
not recommended because HYSYS will
not work correctly.
Aspen HYSYS Dynamics V8.4
Coexistence Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
Process Modeling (HYSYS)
Installation Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
General Usability Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
No known issues
Process Modeling (HYSYS)
Aspen HYSYS Upstream V8.4
Coexistence Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
Installation Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
General Usability Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
Aspen HYSYS Petroleum
Refining V8.4
Coexistence Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
Installation Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
General Usability Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
Aspen OTS V8.4
Coexistence Issues
Workaround or Comment
Aspen OTS V8.4 can stop working when
uninstalling previous versions of Aspen
Contact Aspentech Customer Support for
more information how to repair the V8.4
Process Modeling (HYSYS)
Installation Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
General Usability Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
Aspen Version Comparison
Assistant V8.4
Coexistence Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
Installation Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
General Usability Issues
Workaround or Comment
Only single file simulations can be run
remotely. For each simulation, you
select a file on your home computer,
and the selected file is copied to a
temporary directory on the remote
computer and run. For Aspen Plus, if
there are ancillary files such as .f, .dll,
.ilb, and so on, the simulation must be
packaged as an .apwz file.
Use the .apwz file.
Process Modeling (HYSYS)
Process Modeling (HYSYS)
Exchanger Design and Rating
Exchanger Design and Rating
Products V8.4
This section contains a summary of known issues or limitations that apply to
the family of Exchanger Design and Rating products in the release. These
known issues include issues related to the Aspen Plus integration.
Workarounds are suggested where possible.
Coexistence Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
Installation Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
General Usability Issues
Workaround or Comment
CQ00514296 There is a wrong unit of
measure label for pressure in versions
prior to V8.0 (mmHq instead of mmHg).
This was corrected in V8.0 but caused a
problem: If you open such a case in
V8.0 or later the pressure value will be
read incorrectly as kgf/cm2.
Change the units of measure for
pressure to something else in the older
version and save before opening in V8.0
and later.
CQ522813 When the magnification
settings are changed on a machine, the
overlay circles will not be centered
Do not change the magnification settings
on the machine.
CQ00392063 Labels are missing in
Headings / Remarks
Select Tools | Program Settings,
Headings/Drawing tab and click OK. This
only need be done one time; thereafter,
the labels are present.
In Input | Problem Definition
|Headings/Remarks, the labels such as
Company:, Location:, Service of Unit:,
and so on, are missing for new cases.
Affects all EDR applications.
Exchanger Design and Rating
General Usability Issues
Workaround or Comment
CQ00397130 File-Open crashes if EDR
has exported to Excel or Word.
Affects all EDR applications.
If an EDR file has been exported to Excel
or Word and then File-Open is selected,
EDR will crash. The workaround is to
export to Excel or Word and then close
and reopen EDR.
Coexistence Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
Installation Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
General Usability Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
Aspen Air Cooled Exchanger
Coexistence Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
Installation Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
General Usability Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
Exchanger Design and Rating
Aspen Fired Heater V8.4
Coexistence Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
Installation Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
General Usability Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
Aspen Shell & Tube Exchanger
Coexistence Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
Installation Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
General Usability Issues
Workaround or Comment
The Advanced method is not yet
available for kettles.
Affects Shell&Tube.
Nozzles on the side of an exchanger, as
against on the top or bottom, are not
correctly displayed on the Setting Plan
The Example Files provided with the
program have exchanger materials (and
other text strings) omitted from the
None. The Standard Method gives well
proven results.
If the files are re-run, the missing
outputs will re-appear.
Exchanger Design and Rating
Aspen Shell & Tube Mechanical
Coexistence Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
Installation Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
General Usability Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
Aspen Plate Exchanger V8.4
Coexistence Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
Installation Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
General Usability Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
Exchanger Design and Rating
Aspen HTFS Research Network
Coexistence Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
Installation Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
General Usability Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
Aspen Plate Fin Exchanger V8.4
Coexistence Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
Installation Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
General Usability Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
Aspen Plus / EDR Integration
General Usability Issues
Workaround or Comment
CQ00404319 Process conditions should
be grayed out, as they are determined
by the relevant information from Aspen
Plus interface.
CQ00479429 When the embedded EDR
browser in Aspen Plus has input focus
during the Aspen Plus simulation run,
the run status changes to “Input
Any user changes to process conditions
within the embedded EDR Browser will
be overwritten by the next Aspen Plus
Open a different tab before starting the
Aspen Plus run.
Exchanger Design and Rating
Exchanger Design and Rating
Economic Evaluation
Economic Evaluation V8.4
Product Family
The following section describes known issues that can apply to Economic
Evaluation V8.4 Product Family.
Coexistence Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
Installation Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
General Usability Issues
CQ - 522813
Issue Description
In either Aspen Plus or Aspen HYSYS, increasing system magnification
settings in Windows to 125% or 150% will cause incorrect or missing display
of the Activated Economics and EDR overlays as shown below.
Economic Evaluation
Reset the display settings to the default 100% setting as shown below.
General Usability Issues
Workaround or Comment
CQ – 467389 Running any Decision
Analyzer Utility Module - AUM (e.g.
Cooling Water or Instrument Air) on a
machine having Microsoft Office 64 bit
installed is not supported in EE V8.4.
This feature is functional on 64 bit
Operating Systems (e.g. Windows 7 64
bit) with Microsoft Office 32 bit installed.
CQ – 514713 Microsoft Access 2013 is
launched when the Icarus Reporter is
run for the 1st time. This occurs only
once and only with Microsoft Access
2013 if it was never run previously. If
this occurs, close MS Access 2013 and
rerun the desired report if necessary
This issue will not occur if MS Access
2013 is run once even prior to installing
Economic Evaluation V8.4.
Economic Evaluation
Aspen Process Economic
Analyzer V8.4
Coexistence Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
Installation Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
General Usability Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
Aspen In-Plant Cost Estimator
Coexistence Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
Installation Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
General Usability Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
Economic Evaluation
Aspen Capital Cost Estimator
Coexistence Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
Installation Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
The following Known Issues relate to the Excel Spreadsheet
Import/Export Feature (available only in ACCE).
General Usability Issues
Workaround or Comment
While working in a created worksheet for
a component, there may be duplicate
materials listed in the corresponding
materials drop-down list (for example, 2
selections for 304L).
NA. This is a result of “flattening” the
subscroll material lists from the ACCE
GUI. Selecting either material instance is
Economic Evaluation
Icarus Evaluation Engine V8.4
Coexistence Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
Installation Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
General Usability Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
Economic Evaluation
Economic Evaluation
Energy and Flare Analysis
Aspen Energy Analyzer V8.4
Coexistence Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
Installation Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
General Usability Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
Energy and Flare Analysis
Aspen Flare System Analyzer
Coexistence Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
Installation Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
General Usability Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
Aspen HYSYS Thermodynamics
COM Interface V8.4
Coexistence Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
Installation Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
General Usability Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
Energy and Flare Analysis
Aspen Simulation Workbook
Aspen Simulation Workbook
Coexistence Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
Installation Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
General Usability Issues
No known issues
Not applicable
Aspen Simulation Workbook
Aspen Simulation Workbook
Process Development
Aspen Batch Process Developer
Coexistence Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
Installation Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
General Usability Issues
Workaround or Comment
On Windows 7 and Windows 8 remote
desktops, some APBD dialog boxes
might not show the complete label for a
On your remote Windows 7 desktop,
change to Windows 7 Classic Theme
using Control Panel | Appearance and
Personalization | Personalization.
On Windows 7 and Windows 8 remote
desktops, certain atoms connected at an
angle in molecular structures might not
be displayed in the structure.
On your remote Windows 7 desktop,
change to Windows 7 Classic Theme
using Control Panel | Appearance and
Personalization | Personalization.
There is no workaround for Windows 8.
The top level Online Help only shows the
top level Index and Searches will only
find keywords contained at the top level,
rather than finding entries in every topic
of the Online Help. When moving to
different topics in the Contents tab, the
Index and keyword search will only find
entries contained in those topics.
Use the Contents to navigate through the
online help, or making local searches
under the relevant topic.
Process Development
There is an Alias field in the Pure
Component Editor that may be edited by
the user. This Alias is used to identify
the component in the Aspen Properties
databanks and must therefore match a
value in those databanks.
If the user enters an Alias that is not
known by Aspen Properties, the
component will be treated as a user
component and no parameters
available, unless they are entered in the
Pure Component Dialog.
If the user entered Alias contains invalid
characters for Aspen Properties, the
software may crash.
The Alias is usually filled in when
selecting a component from the Aspen
Properties databanks.
If the information is entered manually
instead, the user must be aware of the
above and ensure that no invalid
characters are entered. Please observe
Aspen Properties rules. If the user
intends to use a component from the
Aspen Properties databanks and is not
sure of what its Alias may be, it is useful
to start Aspen Properties, use the
Component Search Wizard and check the
component Alias retrieved
In the Elute-Column operation, there
are specific cases where selecting a
gradient will be ignored.
Specify a percent in elute composition for
each cut, including the last cut. If there
is no specific composition you can
include a negligible percent (1E-05) of a
Loading Operation Instructions dialog
from File menu, Preferences, operating
Instructions may not be successful and
cause a crash on closing.
You currently need to have Administrator
privilege in a specific install folder (e.g.
C:\Program Files (x86)\AspenTech\Aspen
Batch Process Developer V8.0\Database)
Aspen Solubility Modeler V8.4
Coexistence Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
Installation Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
General Usability Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
Aspen Adsorption V8.4
Coexistence Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
Process Development
Installation Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
General Usability Issues
Workaround or Comment
User is unable to use library isotherms
Freundlich 2 and I.A.S. Freundlich 2
with concentration basis.
Use library isotherms Freundlich 2 and
I.A.S. Freundlich 2 with partial pressure
Aspen Process Tools V8.4
Coexistence Issues
No known issues
Not applicable
Installation Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
General Usability Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
Aspen Process Manual V8.4
Coexistence Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
Installation Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
General Usability Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
Process Development
Process Development
Aspen Basic Engineering
Aspen Basic Engineering V8.4
Coexistence Issues
Workaround or Comment
When Aspen Basic Engineering V8.4 is
installed concurrently with a V7.x
version and the user tries to open the
help from V7.x, the help for V8.4 opens
Not applicable
Not applicable
Installation Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
General Usability Issues
Workaround or Comment
When using Simulation Importer to
import a HYSYS simulation, the
connection times out and not all of the
data is imported.
Open HYSYS one time before importing
any simulations to initialize APED.
Engineering installation where only the
End User Tools have been installed, the
Drawing Editor Copy and Cut operations
will fail to copy the selected region to
the clipboard. Paste will return an error
indicating that there is nothing to paste.
Use the Symbol Replication Tool, that is,
run ZyqadSymbolsReplication.exe in
UserServices\bin, to copy the symbol
library to the client system.
Aspen Basic Engineering
Aspen Basic Engineering
Operations Support
Aspen Online Deployment V8.4
Coexistence Issues
Workaround or Comment
Simulator Support
Aspen Online Deployment V8.4 supports
Versions V7.1, V7.3, V8.0, and V8.4 of Aspen
Plus, Aspen HYSYS, Aspen Custom Modeler,
Aspen Model Runner, and Exchanger Design
and Rating, as well as V8.2 of Aspen Plus and
V8.2 and V8.3 of Aspen HYSYS. Earlier
versions are not supported. Version V7.3.2 of
Aspen Plus is not supported.
Simulator version specification
A specific simulator version cannot be
specified for Exchanger Design and Rating
(EDR) cases; the default version of EDR is
A specific version can be specified for Aspen
Plus, Aspen HYSYS, Aspen Model Runner and
Aspen Custom Modeler.
Operating system support
Aspen Online Deployment server does not
currently support Windows Server 2012.
Windows Server 2008 R2 is recommended.
Installation Issues
Workaround or Comment
Installing the online servers for AOD
requires software from the Aspen
Manufacturing suite.
Detailed installation guidelines for installing
the Manufacturing Suite software is provided
in the Aspen Engineering Installation Guide.
Before installing the online application
server and web server, please carefully read
the Aspen Online Deployment sections in the
Installation Guide.
General Usability Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
Operations Support
Aspen OTS Framework V8.4
Coexistence Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
Installation Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
General Usability Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
Aspen Online V8.4
Coexistence Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
Installation Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
General Usability Issues
Workaround or Comment
Location of project files
Project files created in certain locations
(for example, C:\) do not have sufficient
default permissions in order to allow
Aspen OnLine to update database files. It
is recommended that project files are
created and stored in the Aspen OnLine
working directory. This location is
Alternatively, ensure that the project
folder has full access for all users in order
for Aspen OnLine to function properly.
Operations Support
Aspen Plus Based Refinery
Aspen Plus Catcracker V8.4
Coexistence Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
Installation Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
General Usability Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
Aspen Plus Based Refinery Reactors
Aspen Plus Hydrocracker V8.4
Coexistence Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
Installation Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
General Usability Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
Aspen Plus Hydrotreater V8.4
Coexistence Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
Installation Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
General Usability Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
Aspen Plus Based Refinery Reactors
Aspen Plus Reformer V8.4
Coexistence Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
Installation Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
General Usability Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
Aspen Plus Based Refinery Reactors
Aspen Plus Based Refinery Reactors
Aspen Open Object Model
Aspen Open Object Model
Coexistence Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
Installation Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
General Usability Issues
Workaround or Comment
No known issues
Not applicable
Aspen Open Object Model Framework
Aspen Open Object Model Framework