vco0 I: SAN FRANCISCO PLANNING DEPARTMENT Letter of Determination December 13, 2013 1650 Mission St. Suite 400 San Francisco, CA 94103-2479 Reception: 415.558.6378 Robert Carr Park MacArthur Associates LLC 3600 Birch Street, Suite 250 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Fax: 415.558.6409 Planning Information: 415.558.6377 Site Address: Assessor’s Block/Lot: Zoning District: Staff Contact: 139 Townsend Street 3794/021 Mixed Use Office Diego R Sanchez (415)575-9082 Dear Mr. Carr: This letter is in response to your request for a Letter of Determination regarding the property at 139 Townsend Street. This parcel is located in the Mixed Use Office Zoning District and a 105-F Height and Bulk District. The request is to remove an Off-Street Parking Variance (Case No. 83.545V) as well as the Conditions of that Variance, including those requiring the provision of off-street parking within a 1,000 foot walking distance of the entrance to the subject building, from the record of the subject property at 139 Townsend Street. Relevant Background On June 4, 1984 the Zoning Administrator granted a Variance from the Off-Street Parking requirement (Case No. 83.545V) for the subject property at 139 Townsend Street. The Variance allowed a conversion of existing wholesaling spaces to occupancies subject to the off-street parking provisions at a rate of one off-street parking space for each 500 square feet of occupied floor area, subject to Conditions. Conditions Nos. 2, 3 and 4 specifically outline the requirements for the provision of 18 off-street parking spaces provided at an off-site location within 1,000 feet of the entrance to the subject building. It is the understanding of the Planning Department that the property at 345 Brannan has served as the off-site location for those 18 off-street parking spaces and that the same entity, Park MacArthur Associates LLC, is the current owner of the properties at 139 Townsend Street and 345 Brannan Street. An Office Development application to improve the 345 Brannan Street property with an office use was submitted to the Planning Department on September 19, 2008 (Case 2007.0385B). The proposed project is subject to the Transit Impact Development Fee (TIDF) per Planning Code Section 411. This is a fee established by the City of San Francisco that requires the development of new office use to pay a fee that is reasonably related to the financial burden imposed on MUNI by the new development. This financial burden is measured by the cost that will be incurred by MUNI to provide increased service to maintain the applicable base service standard over the life of such new development. www. sfpla nfl n g . org Robert Carr Park MacArthur Associates LLC 3600 Birch Street, Suite 250 Newport Beach, CA 92660 December 13, 2013 Letter of Determination 139 Townsend Street Condition No. 8 of the variance states that in the event the Planning Code is amended to no longer require off-street parking for the subject property, the owner of the subject building would be required to contribute funds for transportation services through a mechanism developed by the City of San Francisco. On January 19, 2009 the Planning Code and Zoning Map were amended as part of the Eastern Neighborhoods Area Plan. As part of the Eastern Neighborhoods Area Plan the subject property was rezoned to the Mixed Use Office zoning district. This zoning district does not require the provision of off-street parking. Determination Given that the properties at 139 Townsend Street and 345 Brannan Street are under the same ownership, it is my determination that Condition No. 8 will be satisfied by the payment of the TIDF for the 345 Brannan proposal (Case 2007.0385B). The Variance (Case 83.545V) is no longer applicable because the Mixed Use Office zoning district does not require the provision of off-street parking. The conditions of that Variance, as stated within the recorded Notice of Special Restrictions, may be removed through recording a Release of Notice of Special Restrictions. APPEAL: If you believe this determination represents an error in interpretation of the Planning Code or abuse in discretion by the Zoning Administrator, an appeal may be filed with the Board of Appeals within 15 days of the date of this letter. For information regarding the appeals process, please contact the Board of Appeals located at 1650 Mission Street, Room 304, San Francisco, or call (415) 575-6880. Sincerely, Corey A. Teague Acting Zoning Administrator cc: Diego R Sanchez, Planner Property Owner Neighborhood Groups BBN Requestor (if any) SAN FRANCISCO PLANNING DEPARTMENT 2 Park MacArthur Associates LLC 3600 BIRCH STREET SUITE 250 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA (949) 757-7776 Fax: (949) 757-7788 I’ August 19, 2013 Mr. Scott Sanchez Zoning Administrator 1650 Mission street #400 San Francisco, CA 94103 Re: REQUEST FOR LETTER OF DETERMINATION FOR THE REMOVAL OF PERMIT NUMBER 83.545V - OFF SITE PARKING VARIANCE ft Dear Mr. Sanchez - R) \& LAJ We are currently in the entitlement process for developing a 5 story, approximately 100,000 square foot office building on a parking lot located at 345 Brannan Street (located in the MUO Zoning District). We have been working closely with the City of San Francisco planning staff and we are on schedule to successfully receive the planning commission approval by the end of the last quarter of 2013. This would allow for us to finalize our construction permits through the building department, pay the required impact fees to the City, and start construction on this exciting new building in late 2013. In the process of developing the plans for this project at 345 Brannan we confirmed with the planning staff that pursuant to the current Parking Code (15.1) that off street parking space is no longer a requirement for buildings in the SOMA Eastern Neighborhood. In fact, long term off street parking in the SOMA area is essentially discouraged. We are also the owner of 139 Townsend Street (also located in the MUO Zoning District and one block from 345 Brannan Street). There currently exists as part of the chain of Title for 139 Townsend an outdated off street parking variance dated June 4, 1984 (variance #83.54V). The 345 Brannan parking lot is currently used to satisfy the off Street parking under this Variance. As part of our efforts to clean up any conflicting issues for our new development for the 345 Brannan office building, we respectively request from the Zoning Department the removal of the above referenced variance from the record which requires that 139 Townsend Street provide 30 offsite parking spaces. Furthermore the maximum number of off street parking spaces that 139 Townsend could provide under the current code (although discouraged from doing so) is approximately 11 spaces. We understand that the process requires that we file a Request for Letter of Determination for the removal of this Variance. The fee for doing so is $588.00 and we have enclosed the same made out to the San Francisco Planning Department. Should you have any questions, please feel free to give me a call. Yours truly, Bob Carr Project Manager cc: File \ / .. j: City and County of San Francisco Department of City Planning ADMINISrHA11ON (4I) MasIi; / 56.468 450 McAllister Street San Francisco, CA 94102 June 4, 1984 V DECIS ION UNDER THE CITY PLANNING CODE CASE NO. 83.545V CTY PLANNING COMMISSION A16) 568 4566 1 D T £ M 1 PLANS AND PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION I ZONING I46 550. 3066 1. U APPLICANT: Mark. M. Garay - 447 Miller Avenue Mill Valley, CA 94941 PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION: 139 Townsend Street, south side, 300 feet west of Second Street; Lot 21 in Assessor’s Block 3794 in an M-2 (Heavy Industrial) Building.. ( DESCRIPTION OF VARIANCE REQUEST: OFF-STREET PARKING VARIANCE SOUGHT: The proposal is to renovate and convert to offices the existing 5-story brick building (formerly the supply warehouse for. C.J. Hendry ship chandlery) without providing off.-street parking as required by the City Planning Code for the change of use and The Code requires approximately 50 offoccupancy. street parking spaces after credit is given for the existing lawful deficiency associated with past occupancy. The project. sponsor claims a larger parking credit resulting in a new parking requirement of 13 spaces. PROCEDURAL BACKGROUND: 1, 2. This proposal was determined to be exempt Environmental Review. from The Zoning Administrator held a public hearing on Variance Application No. 83.545V on January 25, 1984. DECISION: GRANTED, to allow conversion of the subject building to occupancies which under applicable off-street parking provision of the City Planning Code require not more than one parking space for each 500 square feet of occupied floor area, ON CONDITION; ( I. That no more than 49,950 gross square feet of the building be devoted to office space. 2. The owner of the subject property (and any subsequent owners) shall provide a minimum of 30 offstreet parking spaces for occupants and/or visitors of the building. Said Spaces shall consist of up to 12 attendant parked spaces on the vacant rear portion of the subject site. The remainder of the spaces shall be provided within .1,000 feet walking distance of the entrance to the subject building. L Mark M. Garay Variance 83.545V Page 2’ 3. Said 30 parktng spaces shall be ’a:vailablØ continu ously, either, on an owned or leased basis, from the fi’:rs.t date of occupancy. Of any ’portion, of the building by a use having a parking requirement under the City Planning Code greater than one parking space for each 1,000 square feet of occupied floor area. 4. Prior to the issuance of a certificate of temporary occupancy, the owner shall, submit evidence acceptable to the Zoning Administrator that parking as outlined above will be provided upon initial , occupancy of the building and, subsequent to occupancy of the building, . evidence that said parking Is being provided shall be submitted to the Zoning Administrator upon request. 5. The owner of the building shall designate a transportation coordinator within the.buil.dlng who, In’, consultation with the’ Zoning Administrator, shall coordinate, Implement, and monitor programs among tenants and employees to , encourage flex-time transit use and ride sharing, including but not limited to the following: on-site sale of CART tickets and Muni passes and employer-subsidized transit passes, and establishment of an employee carpool/vanp.00l system In cooperation with RIDES for Bay Area Commuters or other such enterprises. 6. Within one year, of completion of the conversion or such later date approved by the Zoning Administrator In recognition of actual building occupancy, the owner shall conduct a survey in accordance with methodology approved by the Zoning Administrator to assess actual trip generation, trip distribution, and model split pattern of projet occupants and visitors, and then existing parking The results of supply in the project vicinity. this survey shall, be submitted to the Zoning Administrator. .. Should the City institute a progani to’expand parking facilites In, the subject area, the owner of the subject property shall contribute funds for this purpose, In an amount proportionate to the unmet demand created by the project through an equitable funding mechanism enacted by the City. : (. ( F Mark M..Garay Variance 83.545V Page 8, Should the City Planning Code be amended in a manner eliminating a requirement for off-street parking for the subject building, Contions 2, 3,4 shall no longer be required however, in lieu of these conditions and In recognition of the need for expanded transit services to meet cumulative office development in the subject area, the owner Of the subject building shall contribute funds for maintaining and augmenting transportation service, in an amount proportionate to the additional demand created by the subject project, through an equitable funding mechanism to be developed by the City. 9. The building owner shall, in consulation with the Municipal Railway, install eyebolts or make provision for direct attachment of eyebolts for MUNI trolley wires on the proposed building, wherever necessary, or agree to waive the right to refuse the attachment of eyebolts to the proposed building, if such attachment is done at City expense. 10. The owner shall provide a minimum of 5 secure spaces for bicycles and/or mopeds within the project. 11. The variance decision, along with these attendant conditions and findings, shall be recorded at the. office of the San Francisco Recorder prior to the issuance of any building permit for the conversion proposed under this variance application. \. PARKING REQUIREMENT: The subject building was last occupied by the C.J. hendry ,s hip chanlers. The Zoning Administrator has determined that this use _ was classified as a wholesale activity which since 1960, the effective date of off-street parking requirements for commercial and industrial uses, had a parking requirement under the City Planning Code of one parking space for each 1,000 square feet of occupied floor area. No parking was provided when the subject building was built in 1909, and the only parking currently available to the building is along the west facade of the building. These parking spaces are in an easement area that serves as an alley connecting Townsend and King Streets, and resulted from the closing of loading docks for the building that originally faced onto this easement. The subject building, which currently is vacant and has had most of the former interior partitions removed in anticipation of rehabilitating the building, has a potential occupied floor area of. 51,200 square feet. The maximum current parking deficiency of the building under its former use for The maximum parking requirement who1ealing activity is 52 parking spaces. Mark M. Garay Variance 83.545V Page. 4 : for occupancy of the building entirely by uses such as general offices and retail sales having an off-street parking requirement under the Planning Code of one parking space for each 500: suqare feet of, occupied floor area is 102 spaces. The Planning Code allows acredit. for the existing, deficiency of 52 spaces. Consequently, a maximum of 50 parking spaces could be required for the conversion of the subject building to general office and other commercial use. No. specific floor plans have. been proposed, and specific occupants of the building are currently unknown, Consequently, a precise computation of occupied floor space, as defined by the City Planning Code, is not feasible at this time. The applicant has submitted evidence that portions of the subject building, In recent years were used for accessory retail sales to the general wholesaling operation and that the wholesaling operation included a substantial amount of office space. ’These occupancies do not have clear building permit authorization. If the specific floor-by-floor use of the former occupancyclainied by the applicant were credited for off-street parking at parking ratios listed In the Planning Code for those specific uses., a credit of 89. spaces, rather than 52, would result, if credit was given based on occupancies accepted by the Bureau of Building: Inspection, resulting from their analysis of the building permit history for the bUilding,, a credit of. 72 spaces would result. . FINDINGS: . FINDING l, The subject building is a sound five-story brick masonry building, is rat ØcF2 on the Department of ’City Planning Architectural Survey, and Is worthy of preservation. The site is in an area where current market forces are resulting In a transition from former warehouse, manufacturing and heavy commercial uses to downtown supporting office. and service functions. No public actions: are being taken to discourage this transition such as the recently adopted interior , controls adopted by the Board of Supervisors to discourage conversion of buildings to office space in the South of Market Street.. area west of the Yerba Buena Center Redevelopment Area. Housing development In the Rincon Point-South Beach Redevelopment Area to the east of the area, and potential siting of a new sports stadiuni and conversion of Southern Pacific Railway land to non-industrial use to the south make viable occupancy of the subject area for other than general commercial use doubtful.’ The subject building occupies, all but a small pOrtion of its site, and the 16 foot on-center column spacing of the structure is" not. readil adaptable to the provisions of on-site park1ng . Although on-street (curb parking i.s congested in the subject area, existing off-street parking lot’s on King Street, within walking distance of, the subject site, are not extensively. used. The project spnsor is participating in a proposal’ by property owners on both sides of Townsend Street between 2nd and 3rd Streets . to establish a special assessment district for street Improvements related to general commercial use of buildings fronting on the 100 block of Townsend Street. FINDING 2. Except for parking on the vacant area to the south of the subject which area can accommodate, at a maximum., 12 automobiles, provision of on-site parking, In the subject case Is impractical and financially InfeaOff-site parking, that sible given the structural system of the building. 6uTTTg ( Mark M. Garay Variance 83,545V Page could be held for "the life of the building’! Is not available within 800 feet of the subject site, and, in any event, would require the demolition of existing buildings. Denial of this variance would in all, probability cause the existing building to remain largely underutilized with no compensating public benefit. of attendant parking on the subject site, the short term leas1n of off-site parking and participation in area-wide parking or transit improvement programs conducted by the City as required under the conditions of this variance are consistent with the off-street parking programs provided by other properties that have been converted, or are currently proposed. for conversion, from industrial of heavy-commercial uses to office and general com mercial uses In the subject vicinity. FINDING 3. Provision FIND I NG 4. The provision of on-site and leased off-site parking, and particitTn1n area-wide parking or transit improvement programs as required under the conditions of this variance will provide for the Immediate parking demand created by the proposed conversion, while working toward finding a. permanent solutlion to the parking and transportation issues in this neighborhood. FINDING 5. The City Planning Code and the Comprehensive Plan both have the fætØnt and purpose of guiding orderly development for the City. The upgrading of an existing building, as proposed in this application, represents a reasonable improvement which will contribute to the orderly change of the neighborhoo’d which Is bound to happen as other plans become a reality. Any aggrieved person may appeal this variance decision to the Board APPEAL: ’iPerniit Appeals within ten (10) days after the date of the issuance of this Variance Decision. Sincerely yours, = = * = Robert iq. Passmore Assistant Director of Planning- Implementation (Zoning Administrator) == THIS IS NOT A PERMIT TO COMMENCE ANY WORK OR CHANGE OCCUPANCY. PERMITS FROM APPROPRIATE DEPARTMENTS MUST BE SECURED BEFORE WORK IS STARTED OR OCCUPANCY IS CHANGED. RWP:vr 905444 Jul-06-2005 03:53pm Pro-SKS T-25 41567OBDOB P002 aa,t4 t LOP Sin Francisco Co Recorder’s Othc 6rasa’V Joph Dis CouhtV RerOer at ReqUeet of; SOMA Parcnoru, L.a. When Recorded Mai1 to pi1lbuiy Madison & 5UtO Poet Office Box 790 ) i.tP Dot - 97-61 U34O3OO -GLD REPUBUC rItle Cołaiij AcCt 19V7 14’,01:14 Thursday. JAN 1 $1. LX) 55.00UIJC ;9.00PAS $4.QU’ I Sir’ p-UOOOli3.W1 c49.00 TU Pd REEL (i800 IMAGL WulfocrF San Franciaco. CA 94120-780 C AD AtCn; GIafln Q. Snyder, Eq. 378. LcJ ;13 I cot RAI11cJQF PMXWO T?rXS MEMOTNIDDM. made an of Junuary Lfp 1997, by and 1etw5enI0A_xare._1P. a california U.attod prtnrchLp, a owner o the Townsend Property. au defined below (together with its au000aeora and aeaignn, Iromsend Owner , and 5Q irtno. LP. a California limitod. partnership. as owier of the $rannan ?roporty, as defined below (together with ita euccoesoxe and auuivau. ’rannan Owner’) . ] WTtBSETHI (a) Upon and subject to the agreqipcnt. covenants and conditions eat forth in the unrecorded Parking Agreement (as amended from tin, to time, the Agreo.tent I of even date herewith between ?owne end Owner and Br*nnan Owner, Branjx Owner, ea awoor of the real property commonly known as 365 Brannan Street. San Francisco, California(the Brannan Propexty"). more particularly deocribed in Ex.hib&; n abtaclwd ber*th. which is used an a parking lot, hereby grants to Townsend Owner the parking rights with reapact. no the hrannen Property described in the Agreement for the use and enjoyment of the uere of the real property commonly known an 13 eina Street, San Pranciuco. California (the ’Townsend Propnzty), Mrs prticularly described in 1zhibit, A attached hereto. including the fLve-ntory building located thereon. The tare of the Agreement shell commence on the date hereof and abaU expire. unless sooner ternina tad in accordance with the 1.zme of the Leaae AgrubmwLt. on PaC.isber 312046. (b) The Agreement i, by this reference, incorporated L and made a pezt of thie Memorandum an if fully net forth heroic,. This Memorandum doe, not altar, modify, a*.nd or change in ejw WAY the Agreement &A4 the Agreement shall determine and govern - .C..-. - Oner: PW-0000039 1313 -. .. a - 4- :1 D&5critfiofl: 1997.103403 - ---------.................. - .-’: S’ Paae 1 of 5 ... Comment; F-683 Jul-06-2005 03:53pm T-335 41 56 TDB006 Fro-Sl(S P.003 G103403 the -rights end dutieu of Brannan owner and Townaegkd respect to th Zrannan P3?opery. Owner with ru WIThESS 1*LEROF, Brannan Owner and Townsend Oar have sxeuted thie Menoxanduin an 0C the date first hrQLn3ove iqritteg BRARNM OWI; SOA P).R9. L.P.. a Ciforria limited partnzu1ip ’; SWROxenherg, MC, a DoUare 11mitudl liability company, 1t Ganeral partner ay; Stain Kina1ey Stain, a CaliforniaiorpoatLon TQSj ORt it9 SOX P7LRThRC L. P., a California IiMitd partnership By[ SKSIRo.enborg. L,C1 a Delaware limited liability .conpan’, ita Ganaxtl Partner Sys stain Kia91ey Stein e California copoxetion its Msb.r .-Paul L I’ -2- __ -_q p. s.,. Drder PW-0000039 1313 Desctlotjon: 1997.103403 ., ’_n_.__ . ,s -,._a-Pace 2 of 5 Cominent: .-. ..," F-983 Jul -06 -2005 D0:5Opm From-SKS T - 35 4159708008 p Gt03403 state of cguf=da Minty of Sanft"=iom Cn ray 35, 1991 błfare r. the u eru1gned a Ncitay Fublic in ard for anid 1c& to- (c ersariaUy iqwid V ily vd to the b,niu ocai(e ’4a riai’e(n L/a nucribod to the! to bo the of titfaety u7c =m in 4tJthz intrxit iiud adcnc*deS to me that /thi’tey w=t higibse,’t?Ieir autkteed opv 4 tyftioo1. and that t y lxio/h ,L4*.ei? i9u9ture0 an the cw the ottity ’.i behaaf of which the ’ea(0) a cted, injtiiint the oiM the int. WrBZW By hod MCI cffic.a1 DM1. 8j IauL ( or printoO BART unnamoRE Cirnn. 11105177 vorm Pam cni ommfL"tj ’A UI - - - - - - order: PW-00000397313 T111 or nar 4r-fl rioscriofion: 1997.103403 .41 flflflflflflfl Pace 3 of 5 Comment: P.004 F- 693 1-335 4159TOBD3 Froni-SKS Ju-06-2005 93;53pri I Gj.oa403 in the store of California, the City and County of Ban ’ARCBX. Z Deginnidg at a point on the southeasterly line of Townsend Street, distant thereon 305 feet. 6-1/2 inchea eehwterLy from the southwesterly Lute of 2nd Streotj unnieg thence iwouthwesterly 106 foot and 11-112 inches along the 2outhoaeturly Line of Townsend 5trcet thence at a right angle (3oatheaater1y 137 feet, 6 inches. thence at right angle nocthaaeterly LOG feet. 11-1/2 inches; thence at a right angle northwntar1y 137 feet, 6 incheo to the southeasterly line of Townsend street and the point of begixining. 13 B =rp part of 100 Vera Block No. 361. PARCEL ITt Any aaaements or lesser rights go contained La the Party well Agreastant dated October 20th. 1967, recorded October 26th, 1967, in Book B188 of Official R.acorcla, Pegs 317, L L21 L3723 .L - .. . Ct,S. 4. - r4 )rder; PV/-00000391313 Dscnotion: 1997.103403 ..T.. 1 . 4J Paqe 4 of 5 Comment: P. 005 F-983 Jul-UI-ZOOS 09:5pni T-305 4]SOT00009 From-SXS I ECHXBIT B In the City and County of San Prgmcluco, Califem1a, the land described an follower I84026WO at a Po ku an th e south ow edy W offlaj Stidt dbut che,on 27$ twt siwthweeerly m tinso uthvMtedy line qtSccod Stre ruwftthmm Muthw4vtody along said line of Brautnzt Street £37 foci and S inchna thence it a ri5M .nIs gwjhmLjWy 275 (eet thance at a ria)* aJi$Ue noithcutedy 217 feet aM 6 i nchd s to the southwotcIy line cfStejijbrtJ Z.r& thence at a ugh iuigh noflhweati along U1& f$lnnfonl Sreec 6* feet and 9 lnchu thaws at a riit angle icuthwaitauly 10 &at. fhawe at righ IlaJs noffinvastarly 206 font aid3inho,tothe point orbegiwng OWO& portion of LOO Vice block No. 360. QCTThIG RPRQ The pipctty dihed In Ow "OomcdarwitpacifiGritle tnurance Company. a CaMmis Corporation, to Robeft ofSan Fceer4ses a Callibrel. Corporatlo& 4a.d May 16, I96I.receudedMs0r8, 196I,1nboukA.27o(Od econje. at Page 305. in the Office of the Rietcedsi ofth. CIty and Cdantr of San Frajco. Slits of librnlg. doacdbvd as follows: BE4N1NG at a polio on tim soudmW lIne o(BrIuilLan &reot 490 foes Own the point of Imtessection ofuid antathetat line of8ramuan Sbvet and the r,oihesd thtsotThlrd Snet iunning thence southr*at parallal with 11Id Street 255 feet thoane noziltuat and parallel with flrannan Street 14 feet. thena northwest sd pviIIeJ with Nrd S1cent4$ feet u.eft lrtthaa thence southwest and par.Qul with Brennan Street *0 feer ihnecs ncsthweat and parallel with TOthil Street 206 fact and 3 Lzichi to the , line of Branitan St?eet Owwwouthwau willie Jo*tdieaic Ito. of Bceztn.ut Street 611 feet to the point ofb*nin . 4 ;: ... ’- MY Order: PW-00000391313 Besctiotion: 1997.103403 Paue 5 of 5 Comment; P.006 P-063 city JosØ ( & County of San Francisco I DrCarltonB,Goodlett Place City Hail, Room 140 San Francisco, CA 94102 Tax Collector Tax Bill aros, Treasurer and Secured Property For Fiscal Year July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012 :FIVED OCT 142011 d on January 1, 2011 PARK MACARTHUR ASSOCS LLC PARK MACARTHUR ASSOCS LLC 3600 BIRCH ST #250 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660-2645 Direct Charges and Special Assessments Telephone -- Code Amount Due Type 89 SFUSD FACILITY 01ST (415) 355-2203 3264 98 SF - TEACHER SUPPORT (415) 355-2203 208.46 C (0 [Ply $241.10__ -- Total Direct Charges and Special Assessments $181,479.16 TOTAL DUE 2nd Installment 1st Installment $90,739.58 $90,73958 list Installment Delinquent after December 10, 2011 .2nd Installment Delinquent after April 10, 2012 Keep this portion fryur r ofs.’5e back Due February l,2012 Due November l,2011 ndddIUrtnol Information. of bill furl City & County of San Francisco Secured Property Tax Bill For Fiscal Year July 1, 2011 through June 30,2012 /’foI I Block Account Number Lot I 021 25 ] 3794 I I Tee Rate 1.1718% 379400210 Statement Property Location Date 139TOWNSEND5T 1010712011 DELINQUENT IF NOT RECEIVED OR POSTMARKED 2nd Installment Due BY APRIL 1O,2012 fl i Dr. Canton B. Goodlett Place City Hall, Room 140 San Francisco, CA 94102 2 Check if contribution to Arts Fund Is enclosed. For other donation opportunities go to wWW.Glpf.65) Please detach this portion and retu San Francisco Tax ) . Secured Property Tax, P.O. Box 7426 Sail Francisco, CA 94120-7426 $ 90,739.58 [ FOR DELINQUENT PAYMENTS $9,073.95 ADO 10% PENALTY S45:00 ADD 2ND INSTA1LMCO5T $99,858.5 LTOTALAMOUNT 1 J E537940002100 13418 00907395 000907395 4500 2003 1 Dr. Canton B, Goodlett Place Oty HalL Room 140 tea Francisco, CA 94102 City & County of San Francisco Secured Property Tax Bill For Fiscal Year July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012 tVol I Block 25 3794 L I Lot 021 I Account Number 379400210 I Tea Rate 1.1718% DELINQUENT IF NOT RECEIVED OR POSTMARKED LI BY DECEMBER10,2011 fl Property Location 139TOWPJSENDST Statement Date 10/07/2011 Check If contribution to Arts Fund is enclosed. For other donation opportunities go to w. iv 1St Installment Due $90,739.58 ____________________________________________ P FOR DELINQUENT PAYMENTS Please detach this portion end return etuth - Secured PropertyTax P.O. Box 7426 San Francisco, CA 94120-7426 PENALTY ADD i10% IJOTAL AMOUNT $9,073.95 $99,813.53 537940002100 13418 009073958 000907395 0000 1003 1 City & County of San Francisco I Dr. Canton B. Goodlett Place City Hall,Room 140 San Francisco CA 94102 Jose C eros, Treasurer and Tax CollectoT Secured Property Tax Bill For Fiscal Year July 1, 2011 through June 30. 2012 Vol Block Lot Account Number ran Rate 25 3788 039 378800390 1.1718% 10/07/2011 d on January 1, 2011 To: PARK MACARTHUR ASSOCS LLC REC E IVED UCT14ZOI1 Property Location 34SBRANNANST natement Date Assessed Dencriptior, Fut Value Value PARK MACARTHUR ASSOCS LLC 3600 BIRCH ST #250 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660-2645 Tanx Amount 3,199,993 37,497.51 3,199,993 37,497.51 3,199,993 $37,497.51 Land Structure Fixtures Personal Property Gross Taxable Value Less HO Exemption Less Other Exemption Net Taxable Value Direct I Type - Charges and Special Assessments TelephoOc SFUSD FACILITY 015T SF -TEACHER SUPPORT 89 98 Arnour,t Due 32.64 208.46 (415)355-2203 (415) 355-2203 ’ 0 $241.10 Total Direct Charges and Special Assessments $37,738.60 TOTAL DUE 2nd Installment 1st Installment November 1, 2011 .2nd Installment Delinquent after April 10, 2012 Keep this portionfor your record,.See Due February 1, 2012 Due 1st Installment Delinquent after December 10, 2011 8 back of bill for payment options and additional information: - CiEy& County of San Francisco Secured Property Tax Bill 1 . For Fiscal Year July 1, 2011 through June 30,2012 I Blurt, Lot I 3788 25 Account Number 378800390 I 039 Tao Rate 1.1718% I 345BRNST ANNA 2ndlnstallmentDue BY APRIL10.2012 2 t h( Please detach this portion and rett Sari Francisco Tax Cor . Secured Property TaIj P.O. Box 7426 San Francisco, CA 94120-7426 -. $18,869. 30 __ [ $1,u6.92 [ADD 10% PENALTY ADD 2ND I’ISTALLMENTCOST $4500 $20,601 TOTAL AMOUNT L I Block 3788 I Lot 039 I . Account Number 378800390 I Tao Rate 11718% S Dc. Carton B. DoodleD Place City Hall, Room 140 San Francisco, CA 94102 Property Location 345 BRANNAN ST Statement Date 10/07/2011 DELINQUENT IF NOT RECEIVED OR POSTMARKED BY DECEMBER 10.2011 Check if contribution to Arts Fund is enclosed. For other donation opportunities go to www. iv Please detach this portion and retur San Francisco Tax Secured Property Tax N’ P.O. Box 7426 San Francisco, CA 94120-7426 1 003 4500 City & County of San Francisco Secured Property Tax Bill For Fiscal Year July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012 25 J ___ FOR DELINQUENT PAYMENTS 25378800113400 134073 0OJ,693D 0001869 Vol Dr. Carlton &Goodlett Place City Hall, Room 140 San Francisco, CA 94102 Property Locution statement Date 10/07/2011 DELINQUENT IF NOT RECEIVED OR POSTMARKED Check If contribution to Arts Fund is enclosed For other donation opportunities go to - $18,869.30 $18,869.30 L , 1st Installment Due $18,869.30 - FOR DELINQUENT PAYMENTS 1 ADD 10% PENALTY TOTALAMOtJNT 2537880003400 134073 001886930 $1,886.92 $20,756.22 000188692 [1000 11103 1 j - - - - - ---.--...----- - - r .. - T -. W - - - -__ j2 FECOSDW tF1IES2ED BY ws TITLE INS. CORP And when Ru4d Ioi1 to Mark M. Garay D514464 Sk JL11, 26 OP : flC Address: 447 Miller Ave. ci-y& State: Mill Valley Space Above This miifcrnia9q9q1 tSr Recoer’ Till J NOTICE OF SPECIAL RTRICTiOKS UNDa THE CITY PLANNING CODE . the rna nf thatI. RJ.CARAv’ -San Francisco, certain real i’pert7 situate in the Cit.- and County State or California, more particularly described as ollowc: LEGAL DESCRIPTION (SEE ATTACHED EXH. 8) BEING Assessor’s Block 3794 , Lot 21 commonly knoun as 139 TOWNSEND STREET hereby Give notice that there arp specil restrictions on the use of said property under Part II, Chapter II of the San Francisco rr.icipal Code kCity Planning Code). This Notice of Special Restrictions supersedes the NOtice recorued December 8, 1983 by Mark W (.aray as Document NO. 0433682 as a condition of approal for ’Tuilling Permit Application NS, 8308687 for the reason that the Variance attached as ExHbit A to this Notice his been granted eaktng unnecessary the condtions imposed in flocument No. 0433682 and said document Is hereby dimmed NULL AND VOID, and Is superseded by this present document. Said restrictions consist of conditions attached to a variance granted by the Zoning Administrator of the City aim; Cty of Son ) permitting Francisco on 198. (Docket 1TO.83-555V June 4 the conversion of the subject building to occupancies which under applicable off-street parking provision of the Cit y Planning Code require not more than one parting space for each 500 square feet of vcupied floor area, ON NOITEIN: 1. That no more than 49,950 gross square feet of the building be devoted to office space. 2. The owner of the subject property (and any subsequent owners) shall provide a minimum of 30 offStreet parting spaces for occupants and/Of cIsitors of the building. Said Spaces shall consist of up to 2 a2tendant parted spaces on the vacant rear portion of the subject site. The reminder of thi spaces shall be provided within 1,000 feet walking distance of the entras to the subject building. - ___________ -- rontsprouedbyDt reLLCu spt - Paoe 2 Vain 3. Said 30 parking spaces shall be available continuously. eltner on an owned or leased basis, from the first li t e of occucancy of any portion of the building by a use having a parking requirement under the City Planning Code greater than one, parking space for each 1,000 square feet of occupied floor area. 4. Prior to the issuance of a certificate of torary occunncv 1-fl. wner shall submit evidence acceptable to the Zoning Administrator that parklnq ac 11 ned CbOye will be provided upon initial , occupancy of the building and, subsequent to occupancy of the building, evidence that said parking is being provided shall be submitted to th. ?nnino Administrator upon teaU.St. 5. Theowner of the building shall designate a transportation coordinator within the building who, in consultation with the Zoning Ddmlnistratnr, shall coordinate, icV)efnent, and mcnitor programs among tenants and employees to encourage flex-time transit use and ride sharing, including but not limited to the following: as-site sale of BARI tickets and Muni passes and employer-subsidized transit passes, and establishment of an amployce cnOl/van f nn1 ’ystem in cooperation with RIDES for Bay rea Conwuterc or other Such enterprises. C. Within one year oU sompleticn, of th conversion or such later date approved by the Zoning mlnistrator in recognition of actual building occupancy, the owner shall conduct a survey in accordance with methodology approved by the Zoning Administrator to assess actual trip generation, trip distributi, and model split pattern of projet occupants and visitors, and then existing parking supply in the project vicinity. The results of this survey shall be submitted to the Zoning Admin1trator, 7. Should the City institute a proam to expand parking facilites In the sub3r araa, the owner of the subject property shall contribute funds for this purpose, In an amount proportionate to the urmiet demand created by the project through an equitable fs.ndirig mechanism enacted by tne City. - _,. - =-. I _L - r"- - -w- ____ I .5 rae. B. Should the City Planning Code be 6M&xW in a manner eliminating a requirement for off-street parking for the subject building, Contions 2, 3 4 shall no longer be required; sowever, in lieu of thee conditions and In recognition of the n for expanded transit services to meet CIIletive office development In the subject area, the Oer of the subject building shall contribute funds ’or maintaining and augmenting transportation service. in an amount proportionate to the additional demand created by ths subject project, through an equitable funding mechanism to be de’elcped by the Ci ty. iii consulatlon with the Municipal Ra1way, InStall eyeDltS Or make provision for direct att&cPnsat of eyebolts for MIJNI trolley wires on the oroposed building, wherever necessary, or agree to waive the right to refuse the attachment of eyebolts to the proposed building, if such attachment is done at Cit y expense. 10. The owner shall provide a minimum of 5 secure spaces for bicycles and/or mopeds within the project 11. The variance decision, along with attendant conditions and findings, shall be .ecorded at the office of the San Frartcsco Recorder prior to the issuance of any building permit for the conversion propuad Zhi. s variance appl1catin. (I The use of sai4 property contrary: to these special restrictions shall constitute a violation of the City ?1enin6 Code, aW no release, modification or eliejinstion of them, restrictions shall be valid unless notice thereof in recorded on the Land Records by me Zoning Administrator of the City end County of San Francisco. Date June 20. 1984 at MILL VALLZT , California. ill Qra of own 5tT! Of C*L!?onItk City of Mill Val-ley, County of Mau _, before as,reen Daly Mann on Jun._20.1984 und.ns2.ucd. a Motary public,in a su4 for .s 4 Ot y and the and Stats. Personally peeredbrkH_Garay ’cn3wfl to as (or logo Sdto Se on the beau_of 84C&Sfactocy evirsaw to be tas p.rwU wino’s namoM is AM auDeoribed to Sne utthon tnscrnt. and acwmowl.dqnd to as that se ww 14’4f .ascnat.d vn. seas. a --- I W1U1 my nand and offtctsl. a, omhft WAN&A 16 10 N - --..- - -.-. - Sr.. for offLetal mound eel) - - -- ---’ ---.-----____ I D 6 413 @ City and County of San Francisco Department of City Planning _ ’"’-"’’ in *wDPOGA 450 McAibsw $vwt S% FfWlCiSG. CA 54102 June 4, 1984 VAR!ANCE DECISION UNDER THE CITY PLANNING C(D CASE NO. 83.545V et.flftTAtIO..; ZO ,t.0 115I -3056 APPLICANT: Mark N. Garay 447 MIller Avenue Mill Valley, CA 94941 Townsend Street, cith side, 300 feet west of Secijid Street, mt 21 in Assessor’s Block 3794 in an 11-2 (Heavy Industrial) Building. 000PERTY IDENTIFICATION: DESCRIPTION OF VARIANCE REQUEST:* OFF-STREET PARKING VARIANCE SCU4IIT: Thiiioposal is to renovate and convert to offices i;tinq 5-story brick building for’nerly the t! !-J. Hendry ship chant[lery) supply warehouse without providing off-street parking as rpquired by the City Piannng Code for the change of use and occupancy. The Code requires approximately 50 offstreet parking ipaces after credit is given for the existing lawful deflclwncy associated with past occupancy. The project sponsor claims a larger parking credit rculting in a new parking requirement of 13 spaces. PROCEDURAL BACKGROUND: 1. 2. This proposal was determined to be ept from Envirnowntal Review. IheZoning Administrator held a public hearing on Variance Application Mc. 83.545Y on January 25, 1984. DECISION: GRANTED, to allow conversion of the subject building to occupancies which under applicable off-street parking provision of the City Planning Code require not more than one parking space for each 500 square feet of occuoied floor area, ONCONDITION: 1. That no more than 49,950 gross souare feet of the building be devoted to office space. 2. The owner of the subject Droperty (and any subsequent owners) shall provide a minimum of 30 offstreet parking spaces for ocupants and/or visitors of the building. Said spaces shell consist of up to 12 attendant parked spaces on the vacant rear portion of the subject site. The remainder of the spaces shell be provided within 1,000 fist walking distance of the -itrance to the subject building. EXHIBIT A IT Mark M. Garay Variance 83.545V Page 2 3. Said 30 parking spaces shall be available continuously, either on an owed or leased bass, from the first date of occupancy of any portion of the building by a use having a parking r.’quiranent under the City Planning Code greater than one par’ng space for each 1,000 square feet of occupied flour area. 4. Prior to the issuance of a certificate or tempo-. racy occupancy, the owner shal submit evidence acceptable to the Zoning Administrator that parking as outlined above will be prOvided upon ini tial occupancy of the bIldlng and, subsequent to occupancy of the building, evidence that said parking is being providad shall be submitted to the Zoning Administrator upon request. S. The owner of the building shall designate a transportation coordinator within the building who, in consultation with the Zoning Administrator. shall coordinate s Implement, and mnMor proqrans aooi. tenants and employees to encourage flex-time transit use and ride sharing. including but not limited to the following; on-site sale of 8ART tickets and Muni passes andemployer-subsld1zed transit passes, and establlsheent of anloyem carpool/vampool system in cooperation with RIDES for Bay Area Commuters or other such enterprises. 6. Within one year of completion of the conversion or such later date approved by the Zoning ln1strator In recognition of actual building, the owner shall conduct a survey in accordance with methodology approved by the Zoning Aisinistrator to assess actual trip generation, trip distribution, and model split pattern of projet occupants and visitors, and then existing parking The MZ4 146 of supply In the project vicinity. this survey shall be submitted to the Zoning Administrator. 7. Should the City institute a progam to expand parking facilites in the subject area, the owner of the subject property shall contribute fz; rur this purpose, in an mount proportionate te the unmet demand created by the project throuO an euiteble funding .echanism enacted by the City. _ - ,------w_,- LJJUL - -- -- -r7-- ir -’,----- ’ _’1L w - j -------w - -- ----. -- II D694 1=1310 Mnrjc M. Garay Variance 53,45y Page 3 8. Should the City Planning Cods be amended in a manner elirinating requirenent for off-street Parking for the suDt building, C’rntions 2, 3,4 shall no lrper be required; however, in flee of these condition and in recognition of the need for expanded transit services to meat cumulative Office devsioment in the subject area, the cucr of the subject building shall contribute funds for maintaning and aupoenting transportation service, in an amount proportionate to the additional demand created by the subject project, throuan an equitable funding mechanism to be developed by the City. 9. The building owner shall, in consulatlon with the iluniciDal Railway. Install *yebolts or make provinon for direct atcecim,ent of eyebolts for MUIII trolley wires - the proposed building, whnrcr necessary, or egi-ee to waive the right to refuse the att3clva.nt of eyrbolts to the proposed building, If such attichnWnt is Cone at City expense. 10. The owner shall prcvloe a minimum of 5 secure spaces for bicycles smi/or mopeds within the project. 11. Tii. variance decision, along with these attendant conditions and findings, shall be recorded at the office of the San Francisco Recorder prior to the Issuance of any building permit for the conversion R reposed under this tarlance application. I PPKIN NCaJIWNT: The subject building was last occupied by the C.J. Hendry Co., shi p IiandTari. Thq Zoning Administrator has determined that this use was classified is a IdlClesae activity which since 1960, the effective date of elf-street parking requirausnts for commercial and industrial uses, had a Parking r*qviremsnt under the City Planning Code of one parking space fc- each 1.000 squire feet of occupied floor area. No parking was prodded when the subject building was built in 1909, and the only parking currently available to the Wilding is along the west facade of the building. fliese parking spites are is in satMent area that serves as an alley connecting Townsend and King Steseti, ssd resulted from the closing of loading docks for the building that Pigipally faced onto this easement. The subject building, which iitly is vacant and has had most of the former Interior partitions removed In anticipation of rehabilitating the building, has a potential occupied floor area of 51,200 square feet. The miai.w current parking deficiency of the building under its fever use for wholesaling acti’.ty Is i parking space’. The maximum parking requirement - .g .. . ________ D694 mw1311 Mark M. 6aray, Variance 83.545V Page 4 for occupancy of the Luildirig entirely by uses suci as general offices and retail sales hiving an off-street parking requirement under the Planning Code of one parking space for each 500 suqare feet of occupied floor sea is 102 spaces. The Planning Code allows a credit for the existing deficiency of 52 spaces. Consequently, a maximum of 50 parking spaces could be required for the conversion of the subject building to gemini office and other commercial use. No specific floor plans have been proposed, and specific occupants of the Wilding are currently unknown. Consequently, a precise computation of occupied floor space, as defined by the City Planning Code, Is not feasible at this tine. The applicant has submitted evidence that portions of the subject building, in recent years were used for accessory retail sales to the general whoiealing operation and that the wholesaling operation included a substantial arount of office space. These occupancies do not have clear building permit authorization. If the specific floor-by-floor use of the former occupancy claiid by the applicant were creoited for off-street parking at parking rOtloS istcdn tho Plsnr.lngC ’or tee spec 4.c ees, credit of 99 spaces, rather than 52, would result. If credit was given based on occupar’cies accepted by the Bureau of Builoing Inspection, resulting from their analysis of the building permit history for the building, a credit of .72 spaces would result. FINDINGS , FIhD!NG 1. The subject buildig is d sound five-story brick masonry builc’.... T3arec12 on the Depart.4eat of City Planning Architectural Survey, are is worthy of -..rvt1on. The site Is In an area where current market forces are resulting in a transition from former warehouse, manufacturing and neavy P’n commercial uses to downtown supporting office and service functions. public actions are being taken to discourage this transition such as the recently adopted interior controls adopted by the Bcard of Supervisors to discourage conarsion of buildings to office space In the South of Market Street area west of the Yerba Buena Center Redevelopment Area. Ibusing developat In the Rincon Point-South Beach Redevelopment Area to the east of the area. and rotential. iftlay of a new sports stodi.m and conversion of 5wzhern Pacific Railway lard to non-industrial use to the south make viable occupancy of the subject area for other than general commercial use doubtful. The subject building occupies all but a small portion of its site, and the 16 foot on-canter col.i spacing of the structure is not readil adaptable to the provisions of en-site parking. Although on-street (curb parking is congested in the subject area, existing off-street parking lots on King Street, within walking dlst,nce of the subject site, are not extensively used. -;nv project sgnsor is participating in a proposal by property owners on both sides of Townsend Street between 2nd and 3rd Streets to establish a special assessment district for street iurovements related to general commercial use of buildings fronting n the 100 block of Townsend Street. FINDING 2. Except for ioarking on the vacant arcs io the a,,ith of the subjact building, which area can accommodate, at a maximum. 12 automobiles, provision of on-site parking, in the subject case Is impractical and financially infeaOff--site parking, that sible given the structural system of the building. II - I D694 w13J2 Mark N. Garay Variance 83. 45i Page 5 could be held for "the life of the building" is not available within BOC feet of the subjt site, and. In any event, would require the dlit1on of existing buildings. Denial of this variance would ;n all prcbbillty cau.e the existing building to remain largely underutilized with no coaVensting public benefit. FINDING 3. Provision of attendant parking on the cubject site, the short term f off-site parking and participation In area-wide parking or transit iroveaiient programs conducted by the City as required under the conditions of this variance are consistent with the c4-street parking programs provided by other properties that have been converted, or are currently proposed for confrow Industrial of hey-commercial uses to office and general commercial uses In the subject vicinity. 1iii1i FINOIN5 4 . The provision of on-site and leased off-site parting, and participation In area-wide parking or transit improvement programs as required under the conditions of this variance will provide for the lnwiedlete parking demand created by the proposed conversion, while working toward finding a permanent soluti Ion to the parking and transportation issues in this neighborhood. FINDING 5. The City Planning rode and the Comprehensive Plan both have the intent aid purpose of guiding orderly development for the City. The upgrading of an existing building, as prcposed in this application, represents a reasonable improvement which wit Contribute to the orderly CilifIge O the nCig)ibOfhood which is bound to happen as other plans become a reality. APPEAL: Any aggrieved person may appeal this variance decision to the Board rPtnit Appeals within ten (10) days after the date of the 1551’dnce of this Variance Decision. Sincerely yours, Robert ii. Pass.ore Assistant Director of Planning-Implementation (Zoning Mielnistrator) 2St..SSSZ THIS IS NOT A PERMIT TO C0(ICE ANY WORK OR CHANGE OCCUPANCY. PERMITS FROM APPROPRIATE DEPARTP(NTS MUST BE SECURED BEFORE WORK 15 STARTED OR OCCUPANCY IS CHANGED. RWP:vr 9054A - --- -- - - V.- ’ S .- V. -- 1c4 fA fl k1 U ’* Viu.a. LECAL I2ESCRIPTION OF 139 TOWNSEND STREET, SAN FRACiSC The land referred to in this report i: situated in tie state of California, County of SAN FRANCISCO, and is described at ’.,Ilovc CITY OF SAN FRANCISCO BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE SOUTHEASTRL.’I !.INE OF TOWNSEND STREET, DISTANT THEREON 305 FEET 6 112 INCHES SOITHWETEPLY THE NI?UUTEWIV TiNE OF SECOND STREET; R"NN1NG THETcCE SOUTHWESTERLY 106 FEE, ANT) II 1/2 INCHES ALONG THE SClurtitASTERLY LINZ OF STREET THENCE AT A RIGHT ANGLE SOUTHEASTERLY 13’ FEET 6 INCHES; THENCE AT A RIGHT ANGLE NORTHEASTERLY 106 FEET ii 1/2 iNCHES; THENCE AT A RIGHT ANGLE !IOTHWF.STERL.? 131 FEET 6 INCHES TO THE SOUTHEASTERLY UHF OF TOWNSEND STREET AND THE POINT OF RECINNINC. At.Lrv r7 . ’,CC ?ARA BLOCK NO. 361. XHIIT h8 5 ... ....... -r ....... ... - - -- S------