March 21, 2011 TO: PARTIES INTERESTED IN PIN-CONNECTED OPEN-WEB TRUSSES WITH WOOD CHORDS AND TUBULAR OR ANGULAR STEEL WEBS SUBJECT: Revisions to the Acceptance Criteria for Pin-connected Open-web Trusses with Wood Chords and Tubular or Angular Steel Webs, Subject AC306-0211-R5 (JS/RK) Dear Colleague: Enclosed is a copy of the subject revised acceptance criteria approved by the ICC-ES Evaluation Committee on February 10, 2011, effective March 1, 2010. The approved revisions to AC306 clarify testing and analysis procedures for pinconnected open-web trusses and their components. Revisions were approved as described in the ICC-ES staff letter dated December 29, 2010, (available at, with modifications as noted in the staff memo dated February 3, 2011, (available at The following additional modifications were approved at the hearings: 1. The revision to Section C4.1 as noted in the staff memo dated February 3, 2011 – effectively limiting the applicable load duration factor to CD=1.33 under Method A – was stricken. 2. The words “or angular” were added after “tubular” in the first sentence of Section 1.1. 3. References to UL 263-03 have been added to Sections 1.3 and 4.7, as an allowable alternative to testing in accordance with ASTM E 119. ICC-ES evaluation reports issued on or after the effective date noted above, both new reports and conversions of legacy reports, must comply with this criteria if they fall within its scope. AC306-0211-R5 2 If you have any questions, please contact Jason V. Smart, Senior Evaluation Specialist, at (800) 423-6587, extension 5692. You may also reach us by e-mail at Yours very truly, Gary G. Nichols, P.E., SECB Vice President GGN/raf Enclosure cc: Evaluation Committee | (800) 423-6587 | (562) 699-0543 A Subsidiary of the International Code Council ® ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA FOR PIN-CONNECTED OPEN-WEB TRUSSES WITH WOOD CHORDS AND TUBULAR OR ANGULAR STEEL WEBS AC306 Approved February 2011 Effective March 1, 2011 Previously approved April 2007, February 2006 PREFACE Evaluation reports issued by ICC Evaluation Service, LLC (ICC-ES), are based upon performance features of the International family of codes and other widely adopted code families, including the Uniform Codes, the BOCA National Codes, and the SBCCI Standard Codes. Section 104.11 of the International Building Code® reads as follows: The provisions of this code are not intended to prevent the installation of any materials or to prohibit any design or method of construction not specifically prescribed by this code, provided that any such alternative has been approved. An alternative material, design or method of construction shall be approved where the building official finds that the proposed design is satisfactory and complies with the intent of the provisions of this code, and that the material, method or work offered is, for the purpose intended, at least the equivalent of that prescribed in this code in quality, strength, effectiveness, fire resistance, durability and safety. Similar provisions are contained in the Uniform Codes, the National Codes, and the Standard Codes. This acceptance criteria has been issued to provide all interested parties with guidelines for demonstrating compliance with performance features of the applicable code(s) referenced in the acceptance criteria. The criteria was developed and adopted following public hearings conducted by the ICC-ES Evaluation Committee, and is effective on the date shown above. All reports issued or reissued on or after the effective date must comply with this criteria, while reports issued prior to this date may be in compliance with this criteria or with the previous edition. If the criteria is an updated version from the previous edition, a solid vertical line (|) in the margin within the criteria indicates a technical change, addition, or deletion from the previous edition. A deletion indicator (→) is provided in the margin where a paragraph has been deleted if the deletion involved a technical change. This criteria may be further revised as the need dictates. ICC-ES may consider alternate criteria, provided the report applicant submits valid data demonstrating that the alternate criteria are at least equivalent to the criteria proposed in this document, and otherwise meet the applicable performance requirements of the codes. Notwithstanding that a product, material, or type or method of construction meets the requirements of the criteria proposed in this document, or that it can be demonstrated that valid alternate criteria are equivalent to the criteria in this document and otherwise meet the applicable performance requirements of the codes, ICC-ES retains the right to refuse to issue or renew an evaluation report, if the product, material, or type or method of construction is such that either unusual care with its installation or use must be exercised for satisfactory performance, or malfunctioning is apt to cause unreasonable property damage or personal injury or sickness relative to the benefits to be achieved by the use of the product, material, or type or method of construction. Acceptance criteria are developed for use solely by ICC-ES for purposes of issuing ICC-ES evaluation reports. Copyright © 2011 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA FOR PIN-CONNECTED OPEN-WEB TRUSSES WITH WOOD CHORDS AND TUBULAR OR ANGULAR STEEL WEBS (AC306) 1.0 1.3.12 ASTM D 5055-05, Specification for Establishing and Monitoring Structural Capacities of Prefabricated Wood I-Joists, ASTM International. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose: The purpose of this criteria is to establish minimum requirements for recognition of pin-connected open-web trusses with wood chords and tubular or angular steel webs in ICC Evaluation Service, LLC (ICC-ES) evaluation reports under the 2009 and 2006 International ® Building Code (IBC), the 2009 and 2006 International ® ® Residential Code (IRC), the BOCA National Building ® Code/1999 (BNBC), the 1999 Standard Building Code (SBC), and the 1997 Uniform Building Code™ (UBC). 1.3.13 ASTM D 5456-05a, Specification for Evaluation of Structural Composite Lumber Products, ASTM International. 1.3.14 ANSI/AF&PA NDS National Design Specification (NDS) for Wood Construction, 2005 edition, American Forest and Paper Association. 1.3.15 AISI S100-07, North American Specification for the Design of Cold-formed Steel Structural Members, American Iron and Steel Institute. The reason for the development of this criteria is to provide information in regard to a combined analytical and empirical approach to qualify the trusses, since the current codes do not provide such information. 1.3.16 UL 263-03, Standard for Fire Test of Building Construction and Materials, Underwriters Laboratories Inc. 1.2 Scope: This acceptance criteria applies to proprietary pin-connected open-web trusses with wood chords, consisting of sawn lumber or other wood-based material, cold-formed tubular or angular steel webs, steel pins and bearing hardware (e.g., bearing clips), used as structural members. The chord members are continuous, or are fabricated with finger joints, or proprietary connections, as required by design. The steel web members are fabricated from flat coil stock which is cold-rolled to form the tube or angle member and then die-stamped to the lengths required by design. The web members are pin-connected to the chord members. The trusses are used as floor or roof framing members. 1.3 2.0 2.1 ® 1.3.2 2009 and 2006 International Residential Code (IRC), International Code Council. ® ® 1.3.3 BOCA National Building Code/1999 (BNBC). 1.3.4 1999 Standard Building Code (SBC). 1.3.5 1997 Uniform Building Code™ (UBC). General Information: 2.1.1 Product Description: The top and bottom chords consist of visually graded or machine stress rated (MSR) sawn lumber, or structural wood-based lumber complying with the ICC-ES Acceptance Criteria for Structural Wood-based Products (AC47) and recognized in a current ICC-ES evaluation report. Chord members are of either single-chord or double-chord configuration. The minimum thickness of top and bottom chord members is a nominal 2 inches (51 mm). Web members consist of coldformed steel tubing or angles having various steel thicknesses and sizes, which are die-stamped to the lengths required by design, with a flattened end profile that is punched or drilled with the proper hole size. The web members are connected to the chord members with steel pins. The trusses are connected to bearing supports through proprietary bearing hardware (bearing clips), connected to the trusses at either the top or bottom chord locations, in order to transfer bearing loads from the truss bearing pins to the supports, as required by design. The trusses are manufactured in either parallel chord, tapered chord (single slope), pitched chord (double slope), or other shapes with and without cantilevers, as needed to fit the end use. The chord members, steel webs, steel pins and bearing hardware are as specified in the manufacturer’s approved quality control manual and manufacturing standard. The proprietary trusses evaluated as per this acceptance criteria shall be recognized in a current ICC-ES evaluation report. Codes and Referenced Standards: 1.3.1 2009 and 2006 International Building Code (IBC), International Code Council. BASIC INFORMATION © 1.3.6 ASTM D 2559-10, Specification for Adhesives for Structural Laminated Wood Products for Use Under Exterior (Wet Use) Exposure Conditions, ASTM International. 1.3.7 ASTM E 73-83 (2007), Practice for Static Load Testing of Truss Assemblies, ASTM International. 1.3.10 ASTM D 4442-07, Test Method for Direct Moisture Content Measurements of Wood and Wood-Base Materials, ASTM International. 2.1.2 Installation Instructions: Installation instructions, truss design drawings and truss placement diagrams shall accompany the product to the final jobsite. The instructions shall include any special instructions required for the product, as well as weather protection and handling requirements. Where attachment requirements, lateral support details, framing details and bearing or connection requirements are not adequately covered by general notes, standard details and charts shall be included with the installation instructions, or specific job drawings shall cover these requirements. 1.3.11 ASTM D 4444-08, Standard Test Method for Laboratory Standardization and Calibration of Hand-Held Moisture Meters, ASTM International. 2.1.3 Identification: The trusses shall be clearly identified by the evaluation report number, product name, company name, plant location or identifier, inspection 1.3.8 ASTM E 119-07, Test Method for Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials, ASTM International. e1 1.3.9 ASTM D 2395-07a , Test Method for Specific Gravity of Wood and Wood-Based Materials, ASTM International. 2 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA FOR PIN-CONNECTED OPEN-WEB TRUSSES WITH WOOD CHORDS AND TUBULAR OR ANGULAR STEEL WEBS (AC306) bearing deformation around the pin hole, the test results derived under Sections 3.3.1(a) and 3.3.2(a) are permitted to be combined for the purposes of determining R.] agency name or logo, and a means of establishing the date of manufacture. 2.2 Testing Laboratories: Testing Laboratories shall comply with Section 2.0 of the ICC-ES Acceptance Criteria for Test Reports (AC85) and Section 4.2 of the ICC-ES Rules of Procedure for Evaluation Reports. 2.3 b. The allowable compression load based on analysis of the web member’s pinned-end connection configuration, in accordance with AISI S100 Section E3.3.2. c. In cases where the evaluation report will specify maximum allowable web lengths corresponding to allowable web compression design values, the allowable axial compression strength calculated in accordance with AISI S100 Section C4.1. (Note: If the web members are attached to the pin connections in such a manner that the resultant compressive load on the member is not applied directly through the centroid of the effective section, the allowable compressive strength shall be calculated in accordance with AISI S100 Section C5.2.1.). Test Reports: Test reports shall comply with AC85. 2.4 Product Sampling: Product sampling for tests under this criteria shall be in accordance with Sections 3.1 and 3.3 of AC85. Specimens for qualification testing shall be representative of production. 3.0 TEST AND PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS 3.1 General: Testing and analysis shall be performed in accordance with Sections 3.2 through 3.8 for trusses and their components. The test program and analytical approach shall be approved by ICC-ES prior to the commencement of any testing. Calculations shall be sealed by a registered design professional. For calculations in accordance with AISI S100 Section C4.1, the effective length factor, K, shall be taken as 1.0. The laterally unbraced length, L, shall be taken as the distance from centerline to centerline of the pin holes in the web member. For cases where the evaluation report will not specify maximum allowable web lengths corresponding to the allowable web compression design values, see Section 6.0 of this criteria. 3.2 Chord Members: Qualification and development of design properties for chord members shall be in accordance with ASTM D 5055 Sections through, or ASTM D 5456. An analysis of the stresses within chord members at pin holes and other critical locations shall be performed in accordance with NDS Section 10.1.2. Where chord members contain finger joints, joint qualification shall be performed in accordance with Section 6.4 of ASTM D 5055. 3.4 Pin Connections: Allowable lateral loads for pin connections shall be derived in accordance with Appendix C. 3.5 End Reactions: Allowable truss end reaction values for proprietary bearing hardware shall be derived in accordance with Appendix D. 3.3 Web Members: For qualification of web member design values, testing of web members shall be in accordance with Appendix A. Test values from Appendix A shall be adjusted in accordance with Appendix B. Also, web members shall be analyzed for tension and compression in accordance with AISI S100. The steel used to fabricate test samples shall be within the tolerance limits specified within the manufacturer’s quality documentation. Allowable tension and compression design values for web members shall be derived in accordance with Sections 3.3.1 and 3.3.2, respectively. 3.6 Confirmatory Full-scale Truss Tests: Confirmatory full-scale truss tests shall be conducted to verify the assigned design capacities and design assumptions of the truss components, as derived, in Sections 3.2 through 3.5. The test program shall be in accordance with Sections 3.6.1 and 3.6.2. 3.6.1 Material Properties Verification: Tests to verify material properties of the components within the tested trusses, such as mill certification, or specified quality control tests or checks at the component manufacturing location or the truss manufacturing location, shall be required for the chord material, steel web members, steel pins and proprietary bearing hardware. 3.3.1 Allowable tension design values for web members shall be the least of the following: a. The allowable design strength, R, derived in accordance with Appendix B using tension test results from Appendix A. [Note: When the observed failure mode from both the tension and compression tests is limited to bearing deformation around the pin hole, the test results derived under Sections 3.3.1(a) and 3.3.2(a) are permitted to be combined for the purposes of determining R.] 3.6.2 Full-scale Truss Test Program: A full-scale truss test program shall be developed and conducted in accordance with ASTM E 73, or an equivalent test method, for verification of the assembled truss performance and representative failure modes, and to confirm applicability of the design values derived for the individual components described in Sections 3.2 through 3.5. A minimum of three trusses of each selected configuration shall be tested. The tested truss configurations shall be selected based upon the following: b. The allowable tension load based on analysis of the web member in accordance with AISI S100 Sections C2(a) and C2(b). c. The allowable tension load based on analysis of the web member’s pinned-end connection configuration in accordance with AISI S100 Sections E3.1 and E3.2 (Appendix A of AISI S100) and E3.3.2. a. Size of chord members (extreme capacities, minimum and maximum dimensions) b. Chord member configuration (single or double 3.3.2 Allowable compression design values for web members shall be the least of the following: chord) c. Moment capacity a. The allowable design strength, R, derived in accordance with Appendix B using compression test results from Appendix A. [Note: When the observed failure mode from both the tension and compression tests is limited to d. Shear and reaction capacity e. Deflection 3 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA FOR PIN-CONNECTED OPEN-WEB TRUSSES WITH WOOD CHORDS AND TUBULAR OR ANGULAR STEEL WEBS (AC306) truss chord members consisting of sawn lumber or structural composite lumber. Repetitive member factors may not be applied to allowable pin bearing values. f. Creep recovery g. Duct chase (if included within truss designs) h. Multiple spans 4.6 Notching and Holes: Not permitted in any truss component members. 3.7 Special Details: Special details, such as concentrated loads, blocking, and bracing, shall conform to accepted engineering practice, and shall be acceptable to ICC-ES. 4.7 (Optional) Fire-resistance-rated Construction: When recognition is sought for use in fire-resistance-rated construction, tests shall be conducted in accordance with ASTM E 119 or UL 263. 3.8 Moisture Content and Specific Gravity: The moisture content and specific gravity shall be measured and reported for representative samples of the truss chord members from the trusses tested as per Sections 3.2 and 3.6. Measurements of moisture content shall be in accordance with ASTM D 4442 or ASTM D 4444, and measurements of specific gravity shall be in accordance with ASTM D 2395. 4.0 DESIGN PROPERTIES CONSIDERATIONS AND 5.0 QUALITY CONTROL 5.1 The trusses evaluated under this acceptance criteria shall be manufactured under an approved quality control program with inspections by an inspection agency accredited by the International Accreditation Service, Inc. (IAS), or otherwise acceptable to ICC-ES. OTHER 5.2 Quality documentation complying with the ICC-ES Acceptance Criteria for Quality Documentation (AC10) shall be submitted. 4.1 Truss Design Properties: Allowable moment, shear and reaction capacities shall be determined using appropriate analytical and statistical methods based on the established truss component properties. Design properties shall be derived and verified from the testing and analysis required in Sections 3.2 through 3.6. 5.3 Sections 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 and 10 of Appendix A of AC14 (the ICC-ES Acceptance Criteria for Prefabricated Wood Ijoists) shall be covered in the quality control manual. 6.0 EVALUATION REPORT RECOGNITION 6.1 The evaluation report shall include a statement indicating that the installation instructions, truss design drawings and truss placement diagrams must accompany the product to the final jobsite, along with any special instructions, as noted in Section 2.1.2. The statement shall indicate that the truss design drawings must include, at a minimum, the information specified in 2009 IBC Section 2303.4.1.1 or 2006 IBC Section 2303.4.1.2, as applicable. 4.2 Stiffness: Truss stiffness shall be determined analytically and verified by the deflection data obtained during the tests required in Section 3.6.2. 4.3 Design Details: Where applicable, design details for wood products noted in the NDS are applicable to trusses evaluated to this acceptance criteria. 4.4 Duration of Load: Code-prescribed adjustments for duration of load, CD, with sawn lumber are applicable to the truss chord members. Allowable pin bearing loads in chord members may be adjusted for duration of load where permitted under Appendix C. Load duration factors shall not be applied to allowable web tension or compression design values, or allowable end reaction (bearing hardware) design values derived in accordance with Appendix D. 6.2 In cases where the evaluation report will not specify the maximum allowable web lengths corresponding to the allowable web compression design values, the evaluation report must include a statement indicating that the web compression design values must be further limited by long column buckling, as determined by analysis in accordance with AISI S100. ■ 4.5 Repetitive Member Factor: Code-prescribed adjustments for repetitive members, Cr, are applicable to the 4 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA FOR PIN-CONNECTED OPEN-WEB TRUSSES WITH WOOD CHORDS AND TUBULAR OR ANGULAR STEEL WEBS (AC306) APPENDIX A A1.0 INTRODUCTION The purpose of this appendix is to specify the test protocol to be used for tension and compression testing of tubular and angular steel web components of the open-web trusses addressed in this criteria, for the purpose of determining design values in accordance with Appendix B. Scope: This appendix details the procedures to be used to determine the ultimate load and proportional limit test values for web tension and compression. The web tension test procedure described herein includes consideration for pin bearing on the web member, end shear and net section failure. The web compression test procedure described herein includes consideration for pin bearing on the web member and buckling in the flattened portion at either end of the web member. Long column buckling limitations shall be determined by analysis in accordance with AISI S100 specifications using the specified Fy of the web member. The intent of the confined test procedure is to replicate as closely as possible the conditions found in a truss with web members pinned and the flattened web profile confined in the routed chord of the truss in the case of a single chord member, or between two chord members in the case of double chord members. The steel pins used for testing shall be in compliance with applicable openweb truss manufacturing standard. The web members used for testing shall be in compliance with and shall be manufactured as per the specific open-web truss manufacturing standard. A2.0 TEST PARAMETERS The final test program shall be approved by ICC-ES prior to the commencement of any testing. A minimum of 10 tests shall be conducted on each critical combination of tube wall thickness or angle thickness, tube diameter or angle size, and connecting pin diameter for tension tests and for compression tests. The web member length used for the tension tests may be any length suitable for use with the test setup. The web length used for the compression tests shall be selected to avoid long column (Euler) buckling failures. The load rate shall be set at a uniform rate to cause failure in two to three minutes. Load versus deformation of the total assembly (i.e. cross-head movement) shall be continuously recorded during the tests by use of an LVDT or similar device. Plots of the load versus deformation curves up to the point of failure shall be included in the test report. The actual thickness, t, of the steel tubes or angles used in the web member tests shall be measured and recorded for each test specimen. The actual yield stress, Fy, and ultimate tensile stress, FU, of the steel tubes or angles used in the web member tests shall be documented on the submitted mill certificates. The mode of failure shall be recorded for each test specimen. A3.0 WEB TENSION TEST A3.1 The test setup shall be as depicted in Figure A1, with the approved pins inserted through the web holes. A3.2 No preload shall be applied. A3.3 The pins shall be loaded in double shear adjacent to the web-pin interface placing the web member in tension. A3.4 For single or double chord member truss application, the test web member and dummy web member shall be pinconnected between two sections of wood or steel members as part of the load application apparatus (see Figure A1). The load application apparatus shall not interfere with the web failure mechanisms at or near the web-pin interface. If the truss manufacturer’s standard allows a gap between the flattened portion of the web member and the side or face of the rout within the chord, this condition shall be duplicated in the test setup by leaving the same gap between the face of the test web and the face of the wood or steel spacer for each combination of web steel thickness, pin diameter and rout width used. The diameter and location of the pin hole in the web member shall be as specified in the open-web truss manufacturing standard, using the maximum gap specified for each combination of web gauge and diameter. A3.5 The average value of test results, Rn (see Appendix B), shall be taken as the average of the ultimate loads, adjusted in accordance with Section B3.0 of Appendix B where necessary. If the plots of load versus deformation have more than one peak, Rn shall be taken as the average of the lesser of a) the load values at the first peak, or b) the proportional limit load offset by 5 percent of the pin diameter. A4.0 WEB COMPRESSION TEST A4.1 The test setup shall be as depicted in Figure A1, with the approved pins inserted through the web holes. A4.2 No preload shall be applied. A4.3 For single or double chord member truss application, the test web member and dummy web member shall be pinconnected between two sections of wood or steel members (see Figure A1). The diameter and location of the pin hole in the web member shall be as specified in the open-web truss manufacturing standard. The load application apparatus shall not interfere with the web failure mechanisms at or near the web-pin interface. If the manufacturer’s standard allows a gap between the flattened portion of the web member and the side or face of the rout, this condition shall be duplicated in the test setup by leaving the same gap between the face of the test web and the face of the wood or steel spacer for each combination of web steel thickness, pin diameter and rout width used. The load apparatus shall be configured to prevent contact under load between the ends of the compression webs and the load apparatus. A4.4 The pins shall be loaded in double shear adjacent to the web-pin interface placing the web member in compression. A4.5 The average value of test results, Rn (see Appendix B), shall be taken as the average of the ultimate loads, adjusted in accordance with Section B3.0 of Appendix B where necessary. If the plots of load versus deformation have more than one peak, 5 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA FOR PIN-CONNECTED OPEN-WEB TRUSSES WITH WOOD CHORDS AND TUBULAR OR ANGULAR STEEL WEBS (AC306) Rn shall be taken as the average of the lesser of a) the load values at the first peak, or b) the proportional limit load offset by 5 percent of the pin diameter. FIGURE A1⎯FULL-LENGTH WEB TEST 6 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA FOR PIN-CONNECTED OPEN-WEB TRUSSES WITH WOOD CHORDS AND TUBULAR OR ANGULAR STEEL WEBS (AC306) APPENDIX B B1.0 INTRODUCTION The purpose of this appendix is to specify the methodology to be used for the determination of the safety factor to be applied to the results of steel web tests performed in accordance with Appendix A, and the determination of the web member design properties to be recognized in the evaluation report. Scope: This appendix uses the procedures of Section F1.1 of AISI S100 as the methodology to be used for the derivation of the safety factors, Ω, to be applied to the results of steel web tests (performed in accordance with Appendix A), to determine the allowable design strength (R) for allowable strength design (ASD) method of design. B2.0 DETERMINATION OF SAFETY FACTORS Ω = Factor of Safety = 1.6/Ф, but not less than 1.75 Ф = Resistance factor: Ф = CФ(MMFMPM)e , where: A 2 2 2 2 1/2 A = (-1)βO(VM +VF +CPVP +VQ ) CФ = Calibration coefficient = 1.52 MM = Mean value of material factor = 1.10 FM = Mean value of fabrication factor = 1.0 PM = Mean value of professional factor = 1.0 βO = Target reliability index = 2.5 VM = Coefficient of variation of material factor = 0.08 VF = Coefficient of variation of fabrication factor = 0.05 CP = Correction factor = (1+1/n)m/(m-2) for n≥4, and 5.7 for n=3 m = Degrees of freedom = n-1 n = Number tests (minimum = 10 tests) VP = Coefficient of variation of test results, but not less than 6.5% (0.065) VQ = Coefficient of variation of load effect = 0.21 e = Natural logarithmic base = 2.718 B3.0 ADJUSTMENT FOR ACTUAL STEEL STRENGTH The adjusted average value of web member test results, Rn, adj, shall be calculated from the average value of test results from Appendix A, Rn, for each set of tests as follows: If FU > FUSPEC, then Rn, adj = Rn(FUSPEC/FU) If FU ≤ FUSPEC, then Rn, adj = Rn. where: Rn = Average value of test results from Appendix A (lbs). Rn, adj = Adjusted average value of test results from Appendix A (lbs.) FUSPEC = Specified ultimate tensile strength of the steel (psi) FU = Actual average ultimate tensile strength of the steel (psi) B4.0 ALLOWABLE DESIGN STRENGTH The allowable design strength, R, shall be calculated as: R = Rn,adj/Ω 7 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA FOR PIN-CONNECTED OPEN-WEB TRUSSES WITH WOOD CHORDS AND TUBULAR OR ANGULAR STEEL WEBS (AC306) APPENDIX C C1.0 INTRODUCTION The purpose of this appendix is to detail the test protocol to be used for pin bearing tests in the chord members, for the purpose of determining allowable pin bearing design values. C2.0 TEST SPECIMENS A minimum of 10 tests shall be conducted for each combination of pin diameter, chord width and depth, chord material and load direction with respect to the wood grain of the chord members. All truss components of the tested assemblies shall be manufactured and assembled per the approved truss manufacturing standard. If the manufacturer’s standard allows a gap between the flattened portion of the web member and the side of face of the rout, this condition shall be duplicated in the test setup. If the manufacturer’s standard specifies washers on the pin, this condition shall be duplicated in the test setup. C3.0 TEST PROCEDURE Tests for pin bearing in chord members shall be in accordance with either Section C3.1 (Method A) or C3.2 (Method B). C3.1 Method A: Tests conducted in accordance with Method A shall be performed as shown in Figures C1 and C2 for loading parallel and perpendicular to grain, respectively. Loads shall be applied at a uniform rate that will cause failure in two to three minutes. No preload shall be applied. Load versus deformation of the steel member relative to the wood chord member(s) shall be recorded for each test. Deformations shall be measured using an LVDT or similar device. The proportional limit load offset by 5 percent of the pin diameter, yield mode, ultimate load, and failure mode shall be recorded for each test. Yield modes shall be reported as defined in Appendix I of the NDS. C3.2 Method B: Tests conducted in accordance with Method B shall be performed as shown in Figures C3 and C4 for loading parallel and perpendicular to grain, respectively. Loads shall be applied at a uniform rate that will cause failure in two to three minutes. No preload shall be applied. Load versus deformation shall be recorded for each test. For parallel-to-grain tests performed as shown in Figure C3, deformation shall be measured between each pin and its bearing attachment. For perpendicular-to-grain tests performed as shown in Figure C4, deformation shall be measured at the center pin between the top of the chord and the bearing surface. The ultimate reaction load at the center pin, R2, and mode of failure shall be recorded for each test. C4.0 DESIGN VALUES The allowable pin bearing design value, Z, for each combination of pin diameter, chord width, chord material, and load direction with respect to the wood grain shall be determined in accordance with Section C4.1 for pin bearing tests conducted in accordance with Section C3.1 (Method A), or Section C4.2 for tests conducted in accordance with Section C3.2 (Method B). Allowable pin bearing design values, Z, shall be determined using the same method for both the parallel and perpendicular to grain load directions. C4.1 Method A: The allowable pin bearing design value, Z, for each combination of pin diameter, chord width, chord material, and load direction with respect to the wood grain shall be determined as follows: Z = P5% / R where: P5% = The average proportional limit load, offset by 5 percent of the pin diameter R = 4.0 (for Yield Mode Im or Is, parallel to grain) = 5.0 (for Yield Mode Im or Is, perpendicular to grain) = 3.2 (for Yield Mode IIIs or IV, parallel to grain) = 4.0 (for Yield Mode IIIs or IV, perpendicular to grain) Allowable pin bearing design values derived in accordance with Section C4.1 (Method A) are permitted to be adjusted by the load duration factor, CD, in accordance with the NDS. C4.2 Method B: The allowable pin bearing design value, Z, for each combination of pin diameter, chord width, chord material, and load direction with respect to the wood grain shall be the lesser of the following: a. The minimum ultimate reaction load at the center pin, R2, divided by a factor of 2.1, b. The average ultimate reaction load at the center pin, R2, divided by a factor of either 3.0 for solid-sawn lumber chords, or 2.8 for structural composite lumber chords. Allowable pin bearing design values derived in accordance with Section C4.2 (Method B) are permitted to be adjusted by the load duration factor, CD, in accordance with the NDS, up to a maximum value of CD = 1.33. 8 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA FOR PIN-CONNECTED OPEN-WEB TRUSSES WITH WOOD CHORDS AND TUBULAR OR ANGULAR STEEL WEBS (AC306) FIGURE C1⎯METHOD A PARALLEL TO GRAIN TEST FIGURE C2⎯METHOD A PERPENDICULAR TO GRAIN TEST 9 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA FOR PIN-CONNECTED OPEN-WEB TRUSSES WITH WOOD CHORDS AND TUBULAR OR ANGULAR STEEL WEBS (AC306) 9 in 12 in 30 in 9 in . FIGURE C3⎯METHOD B PARALLEL TO GRAIN TEST P b a Pin 1.5” l Rout R2 Where: P l a b R2 = cross-head load (lbs.) = distance between bearings (in.) = 22.5 in. = distance from outside bearing to load (in.) = 16.5 in. = distance from load to center bearing (in.) = 6.0 in. = reaction at center bearing (lbs.) Dimensions may be adjusted to test other chord depths, provided all other dimensions are adjusted in proportionally. FIGURE C4⎯METHOD B PERPENDICULAR TO GRAIN TEST 10 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA FOR PIN-CONNECTED OPEN-WEB TRUSSES WITH WOOD CHORDS AND TUBULAR OR ANGULAR STEEL WEBS (AC306) APPENDIX D D1.0 INTRODUCTION The purpose of this appendix is to specify the test protocol to be used for the reaction testing of the bearing assembly of open-web trusses, for the purpose of determining allowable design end reaction values of the trusses. Scope: This appendix details the test procedures to be used to determine the reaction loads to determine the allowable design strength for the allowable strength design (ASD) method of design. D2.0 TEST PARAMETERS A minimum of three tests shall be conducted on each critical combination of: (1) bearing hardware; (2) maximum distance between the bearing pin and the edge of the truss bearing support; (3) minimum bearing length; (4) minimum distance from the bearing pin to the end of the chord; and (5) any other special bearing conditions specified in the manufacturer’s installation instructions (such as those requiring a bevel or shaped support plate for proper bearing). The diameter and location of the pin hole in the chord and web members shall be as specified in the open-web truss manufacturing standard. Dimensions and material properties of the pins, web members and chord members used in the tested assemblies shall be as specified within the truss manufacturer’s quality documentation. If the manufacturer’s standard allows a gap between the flattened portion or the web member and the rout or bearing hardware, this condition shall be duplicated in the test setup by leaving the same gap between the web or strap and one face of the rout or bearing hardware for each combination of web steel thickness, pin diameter and rout width used. The “B” distance shown in Figure D1 shall be the maximum distance for which design values will be established. Tests shall be conducted on specimens with the minimum and maximum “PTE” distances for which design values will be established. If the manufacturer’s standard requires the use of head and/or spring washers on the pin, the same shall be used in the tested assemblies. The angle of the web members from vertical shall be equivalent to the minimum web angle (from vertical) used within the truss. D3.0 TEST PROCEDURE D3.1 The load rate shall be set at a uniform rate to cause failure in two to three minutes. Load versus deformation of the total assembly (i.e., cross-head movement) shall be continuously recorded during the tests by use of an LVDT or similar device. Plots of the load-versus-deformation curves up to the point of failure shall be included in the test report. The moisture content and specific gravity of the chord member shall be measured and recorded for each test specimen in accordance with Section 3.8 of this criteria. The mode of failure shall be recorded for each test specimen. D3.2 The test setup shall be as depicted in Figure D1 with the pins inserted through the hole in chord and bearing hardware. D3.3 No preload shall be applied. D3.4 The pin shall be loaded in double shear adjacent to the chord-pin interface by placing the web or strap member in tension. D3.5 The load application apparatus shall not interfere with the bearing assembly failure mechanism. D4.0 DESIGN VALUES D4.1 The allowable truss reaction design value, RA, for each critical combination of test parameters described in Section D2.0 shall be based on the lesser of the following: a. The lowest ultimate load of three test replicates divided by 3.0 (provided none of the ultimate load values differs by more than 20% from the average ultimate load) or the average ultimate load of six or more test replicates divided by 3.0. b. The average load from all tests at a vertical deflection of 0.125 inch (3.2 mm), measured directly above the pin on the top of the chord relative to the spacer block. D4.2 Where the actual steel yield strength of the tested bearing hardware, Fy, test, is greater than the specified yield strength, Fy,spec, the allowable reaction design value, RA, for truss bearing assemblies transmitting reaction loads through bearing clips or other steel hardware shall be adjusted accordingly. The adjusted allowable reaction design value, RA, adj, shall be as follows: If Fy, test > Fy,spec, then RA, adj = RA(Fy, spec/Fy, test) If Fy, test ≤ Fy, spec, then RA, adj = RA. 11 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA FOR PIN-CONNECTED OPEN-WEB TRUSSES WITH WOOD CHORDS AND TUBULAR OR ANGULAR STEEL WEBS (AC306) FIGURE D1⎯TRUSS END REACTION TESTS (Bearing hardware not shown, for clarity) 12