GENERALIZED DURATION MEASURES IN A RISK IMMUNIZATION SETTING. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE HEATH-JARROW-MORTON MODEL Alina Kondratiuk-Janyska1 Marek Kaluszka2 Applicationes Mathematicae 33,2 (2006), 145-157 Abstract. The aim of this paper is to set different lower bounds on the change of the expected net cash flow value on time H > 0 in general term structure models referring to the studies of Fong and Vasiček (1984), Nawalkha and Chambers (1996), and Balbás and Ibánez (1998) among others. New immunization strategies are derived with new risk measures: generalized duration and M-Absolute of Nawalkha and Chambers and exponential risk measure. Furthermore, examples of specific one-factor HJM models are provided and the problem of immunization is discussed. MSC: 62P20, 91B28 Keywords: Asset-liability portfolio; Immunization; Duration; M-Absolute; One-factor HJM models 1. Introduction Bondholders are subject to interest risk caused by changes in interest rates. Therefore the problem of bond investment immunization against interest risk is an important issue to bond portfolio managers and researchers. This problem has persisted in the literature since the Macaulay’s definition of duration (1938) and it is shown independently by Samuelson (1945) and Redington (1952) that if the Macaulay duration of assets and liabilities are equal, the portfolio is protected against a local parallel change in the yield curve. Fisher and Weil (1971) formalize the traditional theory of immunization defining the conditions under which the value of an investment in a bond portfolio is hedged against any parallel shifts in the forward rates. The main result of this theory is that Date: 19th June 2007. 1 Center of Mathematics and Physics Technical University of Lodz, Al. Politechniki 11, 90-924 Lodz, Institute of Mathematics Technical University of Lodz, ul. Wolczanska 215, 93-005 Lodz, Poland, Email: 2 Institute of Mathematics Technical University of Lodz, ul. Wolczanska 215, 93-005 Lodz, Poland, E-mail: 2 immunization is achieved if the Fisher-Weil duration of the portfolio is equal to the length of the investment horizon (see Rządkowski and Zaremba, 2000). Unfortunately, this traditional approach has serious limitation since it implies arbitrage opportunity inconsistent with the rules of modern finance theory. To overcome it, the pioneer work of Fong and Vasiček (1984) indicates new direction in studying immunization. They propose to determine a lower bound of the changes in a portfolio value which leads to a risk controlling strategy. Nawalkha and Chambers (1996), Balbás and Ibáñez (1998), Balbás et al. (2002), Nawalkha et al. (2003) and Kaluszka and Kondratiuk-Janyska (2004) follow their approach immunizing a single liability. However, in reality investors have to deal with multiple liabilities (see Hürlimann, 2002) under multiple shocks in the term structure of interest rates (TSIR for short). Moreover, there is a demand for research considering portfolio immunization under stochastic duration in the case of a stream of liability outflows, as over the last decade one of the cornerstones of interest risk management is modeling the stochastic behavior of interest rates. Senay Agca (2002) investigates empirically classical and stochastic durations but does not discuss any portfolio value in connection e.g. with a stochastic duration. To our knowledge the first to study the lower bounds of the net present portfolio value under the above conditions was Gajek (2005) (see also Gajek and Ostaszewski, 2004). He considered the hedging problem at time 0 under random changes of the basic TSIR corresponding to e.g. a supermartingale-like shift factors structure for an insurance companies. The derived lower bounds include asset and liability durations as a risk measure. We do not generalize Gajek’s (2005) novel results but inspired by this article we focus on immunizing multiple liabilities formulating the problem from a different standpoint (see also Kondratiuk-Janyska and Kaluszka, 2006), namely of protected fixed income asset inflows (bonds) and random liability outflows. The aim of this paper is to set different lower bounds on the change of the expected net cash flow value (difference between asset and liability stream) on time H > 0 which is called a rebalanced time in general term structure models. New immunization strategies are derived with new risk measures like generalized durations (Proposition 3) or M-Absolute of Nawalkha and Chambers (Proposition 1) and a completely new risk measure (Proposition 2). The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 defines a generalized duration measure and presents examples of the stochastic and polynomial durations as particular cases. Section 3 gives the notation and assumptions. Sections 4 presents immunization strategies based on single-risk measure or multiple-risk measure models. Section 5 provides examples of specific one-factor HJM models and discusses the problem of immunization. 3 2. Generalized duration measures Duration is unquestionably the most widely used risk measure with a long history. We introduce a generalized duration with respect to a fixed function γ = γ(t), where particular γ functions yield well-known durations get from different models of interest rates behavior, either deterministic or stochastic. Define DA (γ) = Z 0 T Z t γ(s)dsdA(t), (1) 0 where A(t) is an accumulated value of assets described precisely in the next Section. In the case γ(t) ≡ 1, generalized durations become a classical duration. When γ(t) = tk , k ­ 2, we obtain higher order duration risk measures derived from polynomial models;see e.g. Chambers et al. (1988), Prisman and Shores (1988), Rządkowski and Zaremba (2000). On the other hand, generalized durations appear in stochastic models of instantaneous forward rates behaviors with appropriate γ functions. The most popular arbitrage-free model for describing term structure is the Heath, Jarrow and Morton (1992) model. This is a very general and popular approach due to its flexibility to the number of random factors used and different volatility structures that can be assumed for different maturity forward rates. When there is one source of randomness, multi-factor HJM model becomes a one-factor. Most of the available short rate models are specific cases of one-factor HJM models. Given that short rate models are relatively simple compared to their multi-factor counterparts and that about 90% of the variation in the yield curve can be explained by only one factor (see Litterman and Scheinkman, 1991), we focus on one-factor HJM models, where the evolution of the instantaneous forward rate on [0, T ] is specified by the following stochastic process: df (t, T ) = α(t, T, ω)dt + σ(t, T, ω)dWt , where t ¬ T , α(t, T, ω) is the instantaneous forward rate drift function, σ(t, T, ω) is the instantaneous forward rate volatility function and Wt is the Brownian motion on a probability space (Ω, F, P) equipped with a filtration F = (Ft )0¬t¬T . Au and Thurston (1995) and Munk (1999) derive the duration measures of certain continuous time onefactor HJM models generalizing the previous Cox, Ingersoll and Ross (1979) result. Denote by P (t, m) the time-t price of a zero-coupon bond maturing at time m and paying one unit, (t ¬ m ¬ T ). By B(t, T ) we mean the time-t price of a bond portfolio with coupons C1 , . . . , Cn at dates t1 , . . . , tn , where t ¬ ti ¬ T for i = 1, . . . , n. In a classical approach duration is a measure of the proportional percentage in a bond’s price due to shifts in the term structure. Basing on it, Au and Thurston (1995) use the 4 definition of duration at time t which is a special case of (1) DHJM = − ∂B(t, T ) /B(t, T ) ∂f (t, t) which yields DHJM = n σ(t, s, ω)ds X / Ci P (t, ti ). σ(t, t, ω) i=1 R ti i=1 Ci P (t, ti ) t Pn Some examples are given below for different volatility functions in one-factor HJM models: • Constant volatility σ (t, T, ω) = σ, (Merton, 1973, Ho-Lee, 1986), DHJM = Pn i=1 Ci (ti − t)P (t, ti ) Pn . i=1 Ci P (t, ti ) • Exponentially decaying volatility σ (t, T, ω) = σe−b(T −t) , (Vasiček, 1977), DHJM = Pn −b(ti −t) i=1 Ci P (t, ti ) 1 − e b Pn i=1 Ci P (t, ti ) • Constant decay volatility σ (t, T, ω) = DHJM = σ 1+T −t , i=1 Ci P (t, ti ) ln (1 + ti Pn i=1 Ci P (t, ti ) DHJM = σ 1+T , . (Au and Thurston, 1995), Pn • Constant maturity σ (t, T, ω) = − t) . (Au and Thurston, 1995), Pn 1+ti i=1 Ci P (t, ti ) ln 1+t PT i=1 Ci P (t, ti ) . • Stochastic volatility (Cox, Ingersoll and Ross, 1985), Z T t p q 2σ f (t, t) sinh(γ(T − t)) σ (t, s, ω) ds = , σ (t, t, ω) = σ f (t, t), 2γ cosh(γ(T − t)) + b sinh(γ(T − t)) DHJM = where 2γ = √ T X i=1 T X 2Ci P (t, ti ) sinh(γ(ti − t)) / Ci P (t, ti ), 2γ cosh(γ(ti − t)) + b sinh(γ(ti − t)) i=1 b2 + 2σ 2 and b, σ > 0, sinh(x) = ex −e−x , 2 cosh(x) = ex +e−x . 2 Although a class of duration measures for the HJM interest rate model has been constructed (Cox, Ingersoll and Ross, 1979, Au and Thurston, 1995, Munk, 1999), there are no studies determining the lower bound of the change in a bond portfolio value in this model. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to introduce arbitrage-free models setting different lower bounds on the change of the expected net cash flow value (difference between asset and liability stream) where a generalized duration is an immunization measure. 5 3. Preliminary notations Denote by [0, T ] the time interval with t = 0 the present moment, and let H be an investor planning horizon, 0 < H < T , when the portfolio is rebalanced. The portfolio consists of bond inflows At ­ 0 occurring at fixed time t ¬ T (t = t1 , t2 , . . . , td ) to cover multiple liabilities Lt due at dates t ¬ T (t = t1 , t2 , . . . , td , ), where td = T . This is a typical situation e.g. when an insurance company has to discharge its random liabilities and invests the money in acquiring an immunized bond portfolio. Denote the set of available bonds by A. Generally, this is an arbitrary subset of [0, ∞)d that might be nonconvex since we do not assume that the market is complete and bonds are infinitely divisible. Additionally, we assume that liabilities are nonnegative random variables. Consequently, Nt = At − Lt is the net cash flow at time t. By f (t, s) we mean an instantaneous forward rate over the time interval [t, s] and therefore we can write Rs that investing 1 at time t in a zero coupon-bond we get exp ( t f (t, u)du) at time s. The set of instantaneous forward rates {f (t, s) : 0 < t ¬ s} determines a random term structure of interest rates. Hence • lt = R H t f (0, u)du R Lt exp tH f (0, u)du • at = At exp is the time-H value of At , is the time-H value of Lt , • nt = at − lt is the time-H value of net worth, • A(t) = • L(t) = P s¬t as P s¬t ls is an accumulated value of assets, is an accumulated value of liabilities, • N (t) = A(t) − L(t), • V (0) = E P t nt = EN (T ) is the time-H average value of the portfolio of asset and liability flows if forward rates equal future spot rates. A decision problem of an investor is to design the stream of bonds to cover a stream of liabilities. If among available bonds there are such that Nt = 0 for all t, then the portfolio is immunized. In reality, the market is incomplete, which excludes an ideal adjustment assets to liabilities. An investor constructing a bond portfolio meets two kinds of risks: reinvestment and price. The first one is connected with the way of reinvesting coupons paid before an investment horizon. The other appears by pricing bonds before their expiry dates. Since a portfolio value at time H depends on the reinvestment strategy, we require the following open-loop strategy: (a) If t < H then the value of Nt at time H is equal to Nt exp Z H ! f (t, s)ds . t That means that if Nt = At − Lt > 0 for 0 < t < H, an investor purchases (H − t)-year strip bonds. Otherwise, he sells short (H − t)-year strip bonds. 6 (b) If t > H, the value of Nt at H equals Nt exp − Z t f (H, s)ds = Nt exp H Z H ! f (H, s)ds , t which means that at time H the portfolio priced according to the TSIR is sold by the investor. As a consequence, the value of the net cash flow at H equals X H Z Nt exp f (t ∧ H, s)ds t t ! = X nt exp (k(t)) , t where k(t) = Z H t [f (t ∧ H, s) − f (0, s)] ds (2) is a shock in the instantaneous forward rate and a ∧ b = min(a, b). From the investor’s standpoint, the average time-H value of Nt under the scenario (a)-(b) is given by V (k) = E Z ! T exp (k(t)) dN (t) . (3) 0 The classical immunization problem is to find a portfolio such that V (k) ­ V (0) for all k ∈ K, where K stands for a feasible class of shocks. Our aim is to find a lower bound on inf k∈K V (k) which is dependent only on bond portfolio proportions. Next, we select at t = 0 a portfolio among available bonds on the market such that this lower bound is maximal. 4. Risk measure models M-Absolute as a Risk Measure The linear cash flow dispersion measure the M-Absolute defined by Nawalkha and Chambers (1996) MN Ch = RT 0 |t − H| dA(t) RT dA(t) is an immunization risk measure designed to build immunized bond portfolios in the 0 case of a single liability. In the case of multiple liabilities, define the generalized MAbsolute of Nawalkha and Chambers by M= Z 0 T |A(t) − A(T ) + E(L(T ) − L(t))| dt. It is easily seen that M = A(T )MN Ch in the case of a single nonrandom liability at time H. The following assumptions will be needed throughout the paper: A1. A random variable lt is independent from the TSIR for every t > 0 . A2. Eek(t) 0 is continuous on [0, T ]. 7 Define Z DA (γ) = T 0 t Z T Z γ(s)dsdA(t), DL (γ) = E 0 0 t Z γ(s)dsdL(t) 0 as the generalized durations of assets and liabilities, respectively, and γ = γ(t) is a fixed function. Proposition 1. Under assumptions A1 − A2, a lower bound on the post-shifts change in the value of the net cash flow at H is given by inf V (k) − V (0) ­ −kM + DA (γ) − DL (γ), (4) k∈K1 where K1 = k(·) : | 0 Eek(t) − γ(t)| ¬ k f or all t ∈ [0, T ] , with k being a nonnega- tive number. Proof. From assumption A1, we get E nt ek(t) = Z T = Eek(T ) EN (T ) − Z T X V (k) = h i 0 t = Z T Z T Z T 0 (EN (T ) − EN (t)) 0 + EN (t) Eek(t) (EN (T ) − EN (t)) Eek(t) 0 = Eek(t) dEN (t) 0 k(t) Ee 0 dt dt + EN (T ) 0 − γ(t) dt γ(t) (EN (T ) − EN (t)) dt + EN (T ). 0 Since EN (T ) = V (0), for all k(·) ∈ K1 we have V (k) − V (0) ­ −k + Z 0 T Z T Z t |EN (t) − EN (T )| dt + 0 Z t 0 T γ(s)ds (EN (T ) − EN (t)) γ(s)dsdEN (t), 0 as desired. As a corollary of Proposition 1 we get the following immunization strategy: min (At )∈A Z 0 T |A(T ) − A(t) + E (L(t) − L(T ))| dt. subject to DA (γ) − DL (γ) = d, where d is a fixed nonnegative value of a duration gap. 0 8 Example 1. Suppose that three kinds of zero coupon bonds are available on the market. The face value of the bond at the maturity date t = 1, 2, 4 is Bt and an investor is to discharge fixed liabilities Pt at t = 3, 5. Take T = 5 and let the planning horizon be H = 3. The time-3 value of Bt and Pt is denoted by bt and pt , respectively. Consider the situation when an expenditure-income plan is such that N (5) = 0, γ(t) ≡ γ and d is a nonnegative real number. Denoting by xt the amount of purchased t-year bond units, the immunization problem should be solved due to the model: min (xt ) subject to X T Z | 0 X (xs bs − ps ) |dt (5) s¬t xt bt = t X pt , γ t X t (xt bt − pt ) = d, t bt ­ 0 f or t = 1, 2, 4. d 1 d 1 2b2 p3 − p5 − γ , x4 = 2b4 p3 + 3p5 + γ under the condition p3 ­ p5 + γd . If p3 < p5 + γd , then the set of constraints is empty. 7 5 If we take γ(t) = γt, we get x1 = 0, x2 = b12 12 p3 + 34 p5 − 16 γd , x4 = b14 12 p3 + 14 p5 + 16 γd when p3 ­ 27 γd − 97 p5 . Otherwise, the set of constraints is empty. Solving problem (5) we obtain x1 = 0, x2 = Exponential Risk Measure In this subsection we present a lower bound on the change of the expected net cash flow value based on an exponential risk measure. Let us introduce an entropy function H(f ) = RT 0 f (t) ln f (t)dt − Rt 0 RT f (t)dt ln( 0 f (t)dt). Proposition 2. Let assumptions A1 − A2 hold. Then inf V (k) − V (0) ­ −k1 − k2 ln k∈K2 where K2 = Z T |E(N (T )−N (t))| e 0 0 R k(·) k(·) : H Ee − γ(·) ¬ k1 , 0T k2 are nonnegative numbers. ! dt + DA (γ) − DL (γ), 0 Eek(t) − γ(t) dt ¬ k2 , k1 and Proof. By the proof of Proposition 1 we get V (k) − V (0) = Z E (N (T ) − N (t)) Eek(t) 0 ­ − + T Z 0 Z T 0 T (6) 0 dt 0 k(t) − γ(t) dt |E (N (T ) − N (t))| Ee γ(t) (E (N (T ) − N (t))) . 9 Applying the Young inequality we obtain 0 k(·) V (k) − V (0) ­ −H Ee − γ(·) Z T Z 0 k(t) dt ln − Ee − γ(t) 0 Z + T |E(N (T )−N (t))| e dt ! 0 T γ(t) (EN (T ) − EN (t)) dt 0 which completes the proof of (6). Inequality (6) implies the following immunization problem: f ind a portf olio which minimizes T Z 0 exp |E (N (T ) − N (t))| dt (7) subject to DA (γ) − DL (γ) = d, where d is a fixed nonnegative value of a duration gap. Example 2. Under the assumptions like in Example 1 in the case γ(t) ≡ γ, strategy (7) leads to the following optimization problem min (xt ) subject to Z X T 0 X exp (xs bs − ps ) dt s¬t xt bt = t X pt , γ t X (8) t (xt bt − pt ) = d, t bt ­ 0 f or t = 1, 2, 4. Solving problem (8) we obtain the same results as in the previous Example, i.e x1 = 0, x2 = 1 2b2 p3 − p 5 − d γ , x4 = 1 2b4 p3 + 3p5 + d γ under the condition p3 ­ p5 + γd . If p3 < p5 + γd , then the set of constraints is empty. Generalized Duration as a Risk Measure The appropriate strategy would be to hold a portfolio of assets whose schedule of cash flow covered the pattern of liabilities under a constant TSIR. Thus, it is worth considering immunization among portfolios satisfying weak version of the Axiom of Solvency (Gajek, 2005): A0 = {A(·) : A(t) ­ E (N (T ) + L(t)) f or all t ∈ [0, T ]} . (9) 10 Proposition 3. Under assumptions A1 − A2 and for all A(·) ∈ A0 , inf V (k) − V (0) ­ DA (γ) − DL (γ), (10) k∈K4 where K4 = k(·) : Eek(t) 0 ¬ γ(t) f or all t ∈ [0, T ] . Proof. By the proof of Proposition 1 we get T V (k) − V (0) = Z Z T ­ 0 0 (EN (T ) − EN (t)) Eek(t) 0 dt (EN (T ) − EN (t)) γ(t)dt, which completes the proof. As a consequence of Proposition 3 we obtain the strategy: DA (γ) − DL (γ) f ind a portf olio which maximizes subject to A(t) ­ E (N (T ) + L(t)) f or all t ∈ [0, T ]. 5. Non-standard selection of γ functions in stochastic models To apply Propositions 1-3 we need a γ function. Obviously, one may take γ(t) = 1 or γ(t) = 2t for 0 ¬ t ¬ T , which gives well-known traditional duration or convexity, respectively. But such a choice is justified only if we cannot modeled the TSIR because of the lack of data or an unexpected event. In the case when we use stochastic models of the TSIR, the main question is what a shock concerns. We will say that a shock appears when a model is incorrectly fitted to the reality or when the assumed model parameters differ from real ones. According to the above remark we require in Proposition 1 this deviation to be within a band of width k. Hence and by the definition of K1 we conclude that 1. If k = 0, then a model is perfectly fitted and Eek(t) 0 = γ(t) for 0 ¬ t ¬ T . 2. If k > 0, the model under assumed parameters is unadjusted and k measures the 0 deviation size of γ(·) around the real unknown Eek(·) . Therefore we propose to take γ function such that Eek(t) 0 = γ(t) f or 0 ¬ t ¬ T. In particular, in the HJM model we see that Eek(t) is given by 0 which is not a constant function 11 • in the Merton model, where f (t, t) = r0 + at + σWt∗ , and r0 , a, σ are positive constants, we have Eek(t) 0 = σ2 2 2 2(t − H)2 − 2t(t − H) − t2 exp σ2 6 (t − H)3 + 3t(t − H)2 + H 3 − t3 for t ¬ H σ2 2 (t − H)2 + 2H(t − H) − t exp σ2 6 (t − H)3 + 3H(t − H)2 + H 3 − t3 for t > H. • in the the Vasiček model described by df (t, t) = (a − bf (t, t))dt + σdWt∗ where a, b, σ are positive constants, we get 2 σ −b(H−t) + 2e−2b(H−t) − e−b(H+t) + 2e−bt · −3e 2b2 σ2 −b(H−t) + e−2b(H−t) + e−b(H+t) + 2(e−bH − e−bt ) − e−2bH + 2 −3e exp 3 2b 0 for t ¬ H Eek(t) = σ2 −b(t−H) − e−b(H+t) + 2e−bt · 2b2 −e σ2 −b(t−H) + e−b(H+t) + 2(e−bH − e−bt ) − e−2bH − 1 exp e 3 2b for t > H. In the above models W ∗ is a one-dimensional standard Brownian motion under the spot martingale measure P∗ . 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