Wind Turbines Steve Hoersten 7-17-14 - University of Wisconsin

Wind Turbines
Steve Hoersten
Activity modified from, contributed by the Integrated Teaching and Learning Program, College
of Engineering, University of Colorado, Boulder.
Grade Level and Subject Area
Grade 6, Technology & Engineering
Time Frame
Four 45 minute classes
Day One – Science/engineering content area background and context of problem:
wind, potential energy, kinetic energy, wind turbine anatomy, renewable vs. non-renewable energy, vocabulary
Day Two – Students use the engineering design process to begin designing, building, and testing a wind turbine blade system
Day Three – Testing and improving the blade system, recording testing data
Day Four – Evaluate competing turbine blade systems, communicating and reflecting on results of testing
Objectives: Upon completion of this unit, students will be able to:
After this activity, students should be able to:
Describe how wind turbines transfer the energy of the wind into electricity.
Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages for using wind power.
Use the engineering design process to create prototype wind turbines.
Describe potential effects of wind turbines on eco-systems
Next Generation Science Standards
Students who demonstrate understanding can:
Construct, use, and present arguments to support the claim that when the kinetic energy of an object changes,
energy is transferred to or from the object.
Engineering Design
Students who demonstrate understanding can:
Define the criteria and constraints of a design problem with sufficient precision to ensure a successful solution,
taking into account relevant scientific principles and potential impacts on people and the natural environment
that may limit possible solutions.
Evaluate competing design solutions using a systematic process to determine how well they meet the criteria and constraints of t
Analyze data from tests to determine similarities and differences among several design solutions to identify the best
characteristics of each that can be combined into a new solution to better meet the criteria for success.
Develop a model to generate data for iterative testing and modification of a proposed object, tool, or process
such that an optimal design can be achieved.
Standards for Technological Literacy
The Nature of Technology
Standard 2: Students will develop an understanding of the core concepts of technology.
Standard 3: Students will develop an understanding of the relationships among technologies and the connections
between technology and other fields of study.
Technology and Society
Standard 5: Students will develop an understanding of the effects of technology on the environment.
Standard 9: Students will develop an understanding of engineering design.
Standard 10: Students will develop an understanding of the role of troubleshooting, research and development,
invention and innovation, and experimentation in problem solving.
Abilities for a Technological World
Standard 11: Students will develop abilities to apply the design process.
Standard 13: Students will develop abilities to assess the impact of products and systems.
Common Core State Standards in Mathematics
Reason abstractly and quantitatively. (MS-PS3-1),(MS-PS3-4),(MS-PS3-5)
Understand the concept of ratio and use ratio language to describe a ratio relationship between two
quantities. (MS-PS3-1),(MS-PS3-5)
Recognize and represent proportional relationships between quantities. (MS-PS3-1),(MS-PS3-5)
Summarize numerical data sets in relation to their context. (MS-PS3-4)
Common Core State Standards in English and Language Arts
Follow precisely a multistep procedure when carrying out experiments, taking measurements, or performing
technical tasks. (MS-PS3-3),(MS-PS3-4)
Integrate quantitative or technical information expressed in words in a text with a version of that information
expressed visually (e.g., in a flowchart, diagram, model, graph, or table). (MS-PS3-1)
Write arguments focused on discipline content. (MS-PS3-5)
Prior Learning
Students have some life experience with using wind to accomplish tasks in the form of windmills, flying kites, etc. Students have
previously learned the steps of the engineering design process which they will employ in the development process of the wind turbine.
In addition, prior learning has included units and instruction on simple machines.
For each group:
Small DC toy motor (available at science or electronics supply catalogs, websites or stores)
Rubber band
Stiff ruler or paint stir stick
various materials from which to construct turbine blades, such as foam core board, index cards, plastic bottles, cardboard,
particle board, thick poster board, foam board, thin dowel rods, bamboo skewers, etc. cylindrical-shaped cork paper clips
Wind Turbine Worksheet
For the entire class to share:
3 multi meters or voltmeters
2 pieces of thin electrical wire with alligator clips (about 50 cm or 20 inches each)
6 double-ended alligator clip wire test leads
Drill and drill bit equal to the diameter shaft of the hobby motor
Glue (both hot and white)
Strong tape, such as masking, duct or packing tape
3 fans with three (3) speed settings
3 testing devices for attaching wind turbines
Wind Turbine Worksheet included at end of lesson plan
Objective: Upon completion of this lesson, students will be able to:
Describe how wind turbines transfer the energy of the wind into electricity.
Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages for using wind power.
Use the engineering design process to create prototype wind turbines.
Describe potential effects of wind turbines on eco-systems
Have you ever felt a really strong wind? How does it feel? Have you ever felt blown around by the wind? Wind can
actually do work for us by moving things around. Sometimes we do not want the wind to move things, like when it
blows our papers around and we have to pick them up. But sometimes we want the wind to move things around for
us. For example, when the wind moves the blades of a wind turbine (a machine that converts the moving energy of
wind into mechanical energy and electrical energy), the turbine actually produces some useful energy (in the form of
Let's talk about what happens to get electricity from the wind. First of all, to change the wind energy to electricity,
rotor blades spin the hub (center) of the turbine. Inside the turbine is an electric generator, which is a rotating machine
that supplies an electrical output with voltage and current. The rotating action of the hub turns a coil of wire inside a
magnet in the generator, producing electricity.
A turbine is basically a motor connected backwards. Rather than connecting a battery to the motor to make
something move, a wind turbine is connected to the motor, and its movement generates electricity. You can measure
how much electricity (voltage) is produced with a voltmeter.
Engineers design wind turbines that turn the kinetic energy of the wind (the movement of the wind) into mechanical
or electrical power.
So, when does a wind turbine work best? The power produced by a wind turbine depends on elevation, wind speed
and air temperature. Wind speeds of at least 23 kilometers (14 miles) per hour are required to generate electricity.
Wind turbines are best located in areas in which wind speeds are 26-32 kph (16-20 mph) with the windmill at 50
meters (55 yards) high. That's pretty high up. The greater the wind speed, the more power generated. Think about it,
when the wind blows harder, those papers move around even faster. If the wind speed doubles, the power available
to a wind turbine increases by a factor of eight. That means the power doubles and doubles and doubles again!
Today, we are going to be engineers and create a wind turbine that converts wind energy connected to a motor
into electrical energy (voltage). Then, we will measure how the wind speed affects our wind turbine. This will help us
understand what engineers need to know when designing and placing wind turbines in the best locations.
Electrical Energy: Electrical energy exists when charged particles attract or repel each other. Television sets,
computers and refrigerators use electrical energy.
Energy: The ability to do work.
Generator: A device that transforms mechanical energy into electrical energy.
Hub: The center part of a wheel, fan or propeller.
Kinetic Energy: The energy of motion. For example, a spinning top, a falling object and a rolling ball all have kinetic
energy. The motion, if resisted by a force, does work. Wind and water both have kinetic energy.
Mechanical energy: Energy that can be used to do work. It is the sum of an object's kinetic and potential energy.
Potential Energy: Energy stored by an object as a result of its position. A roller coaster at the top of a hill has
potential energy.
Renewable Energy: Energy that is made from sources that can be regenerated. Sources include solar, wind,
geothermal, biomass, ocean and hydro (water).
Rotor: The rotating part of an electrical or mechanical device.
Turbine: A machine in which the kinetic energy of a moving fluid is converted into mechanical energy by causing a
series of buckets, paddles or blades on a rotor to rotate.
Voltmeter: An instrument that measures electromotor force in units called volts.
Wind Turbine: A machine that converts the moving energy of wind into mechanical and/or electrical energy.
In advance
It is helpful to build and test a wind turbine in advance, to use as an example.
Attach wires to the DC motors.
Set up measuring stations, with a voltmeter and a wind source (fan or hair dryer), for student teams to
take turns measuring the output of their wind turbine generator.
Test to make sure the motors and voltmeters are working accurately.
A few days before the activity, have students gather and bring from home a variety of plastic bottles,
cardboard and other materials from which turbine blades can be made.
Gather materials and make copies of the Wind Turbine Worksheet, one per group.
Day one of the lesson involves a discussion of content area knowledge necessary for the activity. The
discussion should include:
wind, potential energy, kinetic energy, wind turbine anatomy, renewable vs. non-renewable energy
Assemble the wind turbine support stations as shown below:
Ruler or paint stir stick can be clamped to device using jumbo butterfly clips.
With the Students
Divide the class into groups of two to four students each.
Distribute the wind turbine worksheets.
In a class discussion, generate the problem that the students are trying to solve by designing wind
turbines; this should include how to generate electricity for a house using a renewable energy source.
Have students help generate criteria by asking questions. Possible questions to ask: How many blades?
How to space them? From what material should we make the blades? What shape for the blades?
In their engineering notebook, have students take 4-5 minutes to individually brainstorm ideas for a wind
In groups, have students share brainstormed designs and make notes on the wind turbine worksheet. Have
a student record all brainstorm ideas on their worksheets in the form of drawings and notes.
From a review of their brainstorming exercise results, have each group choose a design to build for their
wind turbine model. Direct them to draw their designs on their worksheets and explain why they chose
that design.
Next, have each group build their turbines.
Once a group has finished building their designs, have them test them. Each group take turns testing their
turbine designs at three different fan speeds, recording the output data on their worksheets.
After all teams have tested their designs, teams should be instructed to make modifications/improvements
to their blade systems with the hopes of improving the efficiency.
The modified turbines should be retested and data collected in order to compare the results of the
After all data results have been collected, teams should reflect on their designs and complete the open
ended questions on the wind turbine worksheet.
Formative Assessment
Strategies used for formative assessment include:
One Minute Essay - A one-minute essay question focused on specific content covered in a previous class.
Observation - Walk around the classroom and observe students as they work to check for learning.
Exit Card - Exit cards will be written in student engineering notebook in response to questions posed at the
end of class or learning activity.
Conclude with a class discussion. Describe the movement of energy in your generator, starting with the wind
and ending at the voltmeter. Review each team's results and observations. Did the turbine design of any
team produce more voltage at the same distance, compared to the rest? Did anyone adjust the angle of
the blades? What did that do? What happened as you moved your wind turbine closer or further away
from the wind source? Were you able to alter your turbine design or position it to better capture the
wind and produce more voltage? What factors would engineers consider when deciding where to put
a wind turbine generator or a wind farm?
Summative Assessment
Strategies used for summative assessment include:
a review of student’s engineering notebook
a quiz on content covered within the unit
student performance on utilizing engineering design process to arrive at a viable solution
Names: ____________________________________________ Date: ____________________
Wind Turbine Worksheet
What is the problem that you are trying to solve with the design of a wind turbine?
Background Knowledge
What are some things that you already know about wind turbines?
Brainstorming Ideas
Before building your wind turbines, designs must first be thought up. Many different designs exist for wind turbines. Some use blades shaped like a fan’s blade with a curvature; some might be flat; some look like egg beaters. The possibilities are almost endless. Take some time to do some individual brainstorming and then use the space below to record your group’s brainstorming session (ideas, drawings, etc.) for each of the designs of your turbines. You are designing a horizontal-­‐axis wind turbine. Remember no idea or suggestion is "silly."
Use the space below to detail your group’s final design for your wind turbine. Be specific. Include drawings and dimensions as appropriate. Science Learning Community: Science and Engineering Lesson
Testing and Analysis
Collect and record the following data at each of three fan speeds. Be sure that for each trial you keep the turbine about 6 inches in front of the fan. 1. Initial Design data Voltage Produced
Voltage Produced
2. Modified Design data
Voltage Produced
Voltage Produced
Funded by an Elementary and Secondary Education Act Title IIb Wisconsin Improving Teacher Quality Grant in
Partnership with the University of Wisconsin-Stout
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Science Learning Community: Science and Engineering Lesson
3. Based on the data your group collected, were you able to increase the efficiency of our design? (Did your team get a higher average voltage after modifying your design? 4. If your modified turbine performed better, why do you think it performed better than the original? (size, blade angle, materials, improved craftsmanship, etc.)
5. One of the biggest benefits of wind power is that it is a clean energy, meaning it does not produce any emissions that are bad for the Earth’s environment. However, one disadvantage to using wind power is that it can be dangerous to the local bird population. With your group, brainstorm an idea to keep birds away from the turbine blades and then write a short note to electrical company about your idea to keep birds in your community away from wind turbines. Funded by an Elementary and Secondary Education Act Title IIb Wisconsin Improving Teacher Quality Grant in
Partnership with the University of Wisconsin-Stout
Page 11
Science Learning Community: Science and Engineering Lesson
(An interesting fact, birds do not see like we do. Rather, they see ultraviolet light which to us might seem like looking at a strangely colored x-­‐ray) Write in full sentences.
Funded by an Elementary and Secondary Education Act Title IIb Wisconsin Improving Teacher Quality Grant in
Partnership with the University of Wisconsin-Stout
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