Twinningový Projekt FINANCNÍ NÁSTROJE pro implementaci acquis v oblasti životního prostredí Regional Seminar Waste Jihlava 4th October 2004 Praha 5th October 2004 Walter HAUER Tim YOUNG Financní nástroje pro implementaci Acquis v oblasti životního prostredí - Waste Management - Walter HAUER / Tim YOUNG 1 Content • EC Landfilling Directive • Waste quantities, currently and prognosis, examples, contribution of separate collection • Capacities needed for stabilisation of residual MSW and investments needed in the CR • Basic Technologies for the stabilisation of residual MSW • Creating and Assessing Waste-ManagementOptions, Cost accounting • OP-Infra and Cohesion Fund • Manual and CD Financní nástroje pro implementaci Acquis v oblasti životního prostredí - Waste Management - Walter HAUER / Tim YOUNG 2 The System Landfill landfill gas landfill leachate groundwater Financní nástroje pro implementaci Acquis v oblasti životního prostredí - Waste Management - Walter HAUER / Tim YOUNG 3 Sanitary Landfill: The Multi-Barrier-System Safeguard 1: Site selection (hydrogeology) Safeguard 2: Top sealing (capping) Safeguard 3: Leachate control (mineral liner, mineral + HDPE liner) Safeguard 4: prescriptive Leachate collection described and treatment Technical Standard Safeguard 5: objective based targets Reduction of landfilling biodegradable waste About the European approach... Financní nástroje pro implementaci Acquis v oblasti životního prostredí - Waste Management - Walter HAUER / Tim YOUNG 4 Targets given by EC Landfill Directive Quantity of landfilled biodegradable MSW in relation to the year 1995 Four years extension period for member states landfilled more than 80% of MSW in the year 1995 100% 75% 50% 2020 2013 2009 2010 2006 0% 1995 25% Year Financní nástroje pro implementaci Acquis v oblasti životního prostredí - Waste Management - Walter HAUER / Tim YOUNG 5 Waste Management Targets MSW TKO Treatment for disposal „stabilisation“ 50% Separate Collection for: Recycling Composting Recovering 100% 50% 20-30% required by the Landfilling EC Landfill Directive required by the Waste Management Plan of the CR Financní nástroje pro implementaci Acquis v oblasti životního prostredí - Waste Management - Walter HAUER / Tim YOUNG 6 Content • EC Landfilling Directive • Waste quantities, currently and prognosis, examples, contribution of separate collection • Capacities needed for stabilisation of residual MSW and investments nedded in the CR • Basic Technologies for the stabilisation of residual MSW • Creating and Assessing Waste-ManagementOptions, Cost accounting • OP-Infra and Cohesion Fund • Manual and CD Financní nástroje pro implementaci Acquis v oblasti životního prostredí - Waste Management - Walter HAUER / Tim YOUNG 7 Example for the development of MSWquantities - Federal State of Bavaria 600 kg MSW per inh.yr 500 103 122 400 138 156 162 164 5 13 19 25 114 115 124 130 152 161 161 50 recycled MSW 74 300 94 22 23 130 138 energy recovery of MSW biological recovered MSW residual MSW 200 359 285 100 253 223 214 207 203 195 190 0 1991 1993 1995 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Financní nástroje pro implementaci Acquis v oblasti životního prostredí - Waste Management - Walter HAUER / Tim YOUNG 8 Example for the development of MSWquantities - City of Innsbruck 600 57 500 45 34 51 37 49 57 68 204 87 113 141 168 172 190 219 226 216 220 226 Biowaste Recyclables Residual + Bulky Waste 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 0 1989 100 Target Environmental 293 305 307 299 294 283 267 262 Plan: 180 kg 264 254 250 226 224 228 233 243 248 1988 200 1987 kg / inh., yr 59 38 400 300 45 46 47 Financní nástroje pro implementaci Acquis v oblasti životního prostredí - Waste Management - Walter HAUER / Tim YOUNG 9 Example for forecast-scenarios of Waste-quantities - City of Vienna 1.000 tons per year 2.300 WORST CASE (PESSIMISTIC) yearly growing rate of Waste quantity: 3,48% 2.200 2.100 2.000 1.900 1.800 TREND (PLAUSIBLE DEVELOP.) yearly growing rate 1,77% (until 2010 in total 19%) 1.700 yearly growing rate 0,56% 1.600 yearly growing rate 1,32% optimistic waste avoidance optimistic recycling realistic waste avoidance realistic recycling 1.500 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Year 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Financní nástroje pro implementaci Acquis v oblasti životního prostredí - Waste Management - Walter HAUER / Tim YOUNG 10 Development of MSW-Quantities in Austria 1.000 t/a t/rok kg/inh.a 3.500 3.000 Other Recycleables Packagings (Plastics, Metals) 400 350 Biowaste 2.500 300 Glass 2.000 250 Paper 1.500 200 1.000 Bulky waste Residual MSW 100 500 2000 1998 1996 1994 1992 1990 1988 1986 1984 1980 1978 1972 Waste from households total 0 Waste diposed Year Financní nástroje pro implementaci Acquis v oblasti životního prostredí - Waste Management - Walter HAUER / Tim YOUNG 11 Waste Management Targets MSW TKO Treatment for disposal 50% Separate Collection for: Recycling Composting Recovering 100% 50% 20-30% required by the EC Landfill Directive Landfilling required by the Waste Management Plan of the CR Financní nástroje pro implementaci Acquis v oblasti životního prostredí - Waste Management - Walter HAUER / Tim YOUNG 12 Quantity and composition of residual MSW in Austria, 1991 and 1998 2.250 1.000 t/yr 255 kg/inh.a Biowaste 2.000 Paper 1.750 1.500 1.250 biodegradable 140 kg/inh.a 1.000 160 kg/inh.a Other waste Textiles 54 kg/inh.a 750 Hazardous waste Metals Other plastics 500 Plastic and compound packagings 250 0 Glass packagings 1991 1998 Separate collection of Paper/Cardboard and Biowaste can deliver the highest contribution to the reduction of residual MSW-quantity Financní nástroje pro implementaci Acquis v oblasti životního prostredí - Waste Management - Walter HAUER / Tim YOUNG 13 The effect of separate collection of biodegradable MSW - Example Task landfilled biodegradables are to be reduced by 65% MSW to 35% biodegradable 50% 150 kg/inh.yr not biodegradable 50% 150 kg/inh.yr 300 kg/inh.yr biodegradable 52.5 kg/inh.yr 105 kg/inh.yr landfilling no separate collection and recycling separate collection and recycling of 50% of all biodegradables minimum treatment of residual MSW minimum treatment of residual MSW biodegradable residual MSW 50% for further not biolandfilling degradable 50% biodegradable 50% 195 kg/inh.yr stabilisation residual not biodegradable MSW to be stabilised 50% 300 kg/inh.yr biodegradable 33% 52,5 kg/inh.yr 157,5 kg/inh.yr not biodegradable 67% biodegradable 50% separate collection 75 kg/inh.yr biodegr 22,5 kg not biodegradable 67% 67,5 kg/inh.yr 300 kg/inh.yr Financní nástroje pro implementaci Acquis v oblasti životního prostredí - Waste Management - Walter HAUER / Tim YOUNG 14 Economic advantage of separate collection of biodegradable MSW • Separate collection and recycling of biodegradable MSW (Paper, cardboard, biowaste) saves money even the separate collection has higher specific costs than MSW disposal • in the example before separate collection can cost 2.500 Kc/t while MSW disposal costs Kc/t 2.000; landfilling calculated with Kc/t 1.300 Financní nástroje pro implementaci Acquis v oblasti životního prostredí - Waste Management - Walter HAUER / Tim YOUNG 15 Exemplary cost comparison of alternatives (for 2020) €/t 40 20 0 -20 -40 Competition Operational costs Investment costs Grant 70%of investment Earnings from selling Separate collection of biodegradable MSW, Landfill Separate Splitting of residual Incineration MBTh collection MSW and landfilling of and recycling not biodegradable (paper) parts of MSW is advantagous 16 Financní nástroje pro implementaci Acquis v oblasti životního prostredí - Waste Management - Walter HAUER / Tim YOUNG Possible Future Možná budoucnost 500 kg/inh.a kg/obyv. rok Hazardous waste Problemové látky Textiles Textilie ? 400 Wood Drevo Plastic packagings plastové obaly Glass 300 Sklo Metals Kovy Paper 200 Papír Biogenics Biologický odpad Bulky Waste 100 Neskladný odpad MSW Moravskoslezský kraj 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1992 200? 2001 0 2000 Domovní odpad MSW and Bulky Waste Domovní a neskladný odpad Gänserndorf Financní nástroje pro implementaci Acquis v oblasti životního prostredí - Waste Management - Walter HAUER / Tim YOUNG 17 Financní nástroje pro implementaci Acquis v oblasti životního prostredí - Waste Management - Walter HAUER / Tim YOUNG 18 Financní nástroje pro implementaci Acquis v oblasti životního prostredí - Waste Management - Walter HAUER / Tim YOUNG 19 Prognosis for the CR Quantity [1.000 t/a] calculated average growing rates: 4.500 4.000 MSW: + 0,8% per year 3.500 separate collected MSW: + 4,1% per year 3.000 residual MSW: constant with 287 kg/inh.yr 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 optimistic scenario minus 3%/a until 2013 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 0 2001 500 2005 1.000 2004 1.500 2003 2.000 2002 other waste collected separately hazardous waste wood textiles metals plastics glass paper biowaste residual MSW 2.500 Financní nástroje pro implementaci Acquis v oblasti životního prostredí - Waste Management - Walter HAUER / Tim YOUNG 20 Waste Management Targets MSW TKO Treatment for disposal 50% Separate Collection for: Recycling Composting Recovering 100% 50% 20-30% required by the EC Landfill Directive Landfilling required by the Waste Management Plan of the CR Financní nástroje pro implementaci Acquis v oblasti životního prostredí - Waste Management - Walter HAUER / Tim YOUNG 21 Content • EC Landfilling Directive • Waste quantities, currently and prognosis, examples, contribution of separate collection • Capacities needed for stabilisation of residual MSW and investments nedded in the CR • Basic Technologies for the stabilisation of residual MSW • Creating and Assessing Waste-ManagementOptions, Cost accounting • OP-Infra and Cohesion Fund • Manual and CD Financní nástroje pro implementaci Acquis v oblasti životního prostredí - Waste Management - Walter HAUER / Tim YOUNG 22 Targets of EC Landfill Directive and Situation in the CR BRKO target 1.000 tons per year of BRKO 2.000 BRKO total 1.770.000 t/a 1.800 1.600 1.530.000 t/a 1.400 1.327.500 t/a 1.622.500 t/a 1.380.000 t/a BRKO remaining for disposal considering existing incinerators without rising share 1.265.000 t/a 1.147.500 t/a 1.200 1.000 800 400 200 3 765.000 t/a optim. scenario minus 3%/a residual MSW until 2013 600 2 1 1.035.000 t/a 535.500 t/a 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 BRKO to be stabilised considering raising shares of biodegradables BRKO to be stabilised considering stable shares of biodegradables 0 2004 BRKO remaining for disposal considering existing incinerators year Financní nástroje pro implementaci Acquis v oblasti životního prostredí - Waste Management - Walter HAUER / Tim YOUNG 23 Capacities for stabilising residual MSW needed in the CR 2.000 ~2.050.000 t/a 1.000 tons per year ~1.750.000 t/a 1.800 ~1.550.000 t/a 1.600 1.400 1.250.000 t/a 1.200 1.000 1 800 3 2 650.000 t/a 600 400 existing incineration capacities Residual MSW treatment capacities needed considering constant BRKO share Residual MSW treatment capacities needed considering rising shares of BRKO (following metodika BRKO) Minimum additional capacities needed for residual MSW treatment 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 0 2004 200 BRKO target year Financní nástroje pro implementaci Acquis v oblasti životního prostredí - Waste Management - Walter HAUER / Tim YOUNG 24 Capacities for stabilising residual MSW needed in the CR - optimistic scenario 2.000 1.000 tons per year BRKO target 1.800 Residual MSW treatment capacities needed considering constant BRKO share 1.600 1.400 1.200 ~950.000 t/a 1.000 3 800 650.000 t/a 600 400 existing incineration capacities 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 0 2004 200 Minimum additional capacities needed for residual MSW treatment year Financní nástroje pro implementaci Acquis v oblasti životního prostredí - Waste Management - Walter HAUER / Tim YOUNG 25 Capacities for stabilising residual MSW needed in the CR • From 2013 at least 600.000 t/yr, following the metodika BRKO with rising shares of biodegradable residual MSW 900.000 t/yr • From 2020 capacities of at least 1.100.000 t/yr are needed in addition to current existing capacities • Considering the optimistic scenario the existing capacity would be enough until 2019 and from 2020 additional capacities of about 300.000 t/yr would be needed Financní nástroje pro implementaci Acquis v oblasti životního prostredí - Waste Management - Walter HAUER / Tim YOUNG 26 Investments needed • To install the additional capacities investments in a range of Kc 7.8 billion to Kc 11.4 billion respectively Kc 11.8 - 17.3 billion have to be estimated needed until the year 2012. The range of the investment is dependent from the chosen technology. • Until the year 2020 the investments needed are to be estimated with a range of Kc 14 billion to Kc 21 billion. Investment in Billion Kc • In case of the optimistic scenario 20 investments of Kc 4 billion to 6 billion until 2020 are sufficiant 15 • The calculation uses the following input data: - specific investment costs for mass burn incinerator facilities: Kc/t 13,000 - 19,000 - specific investment costs for mechanical biological treatment plants: Kc/t 4,500 - 7,500 10 5 0 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 Year Financní nástroje pro implementaci Acquis v oblasti životního prostredí - Waste Management - Walter HAUER / Tim YOUNG 2020 27 Content • EC Landfilling Directive • Waste quantities, currently and prognosis, examples, contribution of separate collection • Capacities needed for stabilisation of residual MSW and investments nedded in the CR • Basic Technologies for the stabilisation of residual MSW • Creating and Assessing Waste-ManagementOptions, Cost accounting • OP-Infra and Cohesion Fund • Manual and CD Financní nástroje pro implementaci Acquis v oblasti životního prostredí - Waste Management - Walter HAUER / Tim YOUNG 28 Basic technical alternatives for residual waste treatment prior to landfill Thermal Treatment Residual Waste (Mechanical Treatment) Mechanical / Biological / Thermal Treatment Residual Waste Mechanical Treatment Heavy Fraction Biological „Inerting“ Thermal Treatment Landfill Light Fraction Thermal Treatment Landfill (+ some utilization for landscaping etc.) Landfill Financní nástroje pro implementaci Acquis v oblasti životního prostredí - Waste Management - Walter HAUER / Tim YOUNG 29 Mechanical-Biological-Thermal Treatment Residual MSW 100% Possibility for adding bulky waste Shredding Sieving magn. Sep. Heavy fraction 47% Light fraction 50% Metals 3% rotting losses 25% Biologic degradation Landfill 0,47*0,75=35% Recycling Incineration Possibility for adding sewage sludge Financní nástroje pro implementaci Acquis v oblasti životního prostredí - Waste Management - Walter HAUER / Tim YOUNG 30 Conventional MSW Incineration Plant Delivery Grid Bunker Energy recovery Vessel Flue Gas Cleaning Unit Financní nástroje pro implementaci Acquis v oblasti životního prostredí - Waste Management - Walter HAUER / Tim YOUNG 33 Technologies for Stabilisation of residual MSW used in Austria Wels Dürnrohr Spittelau Flötzersteig Arnoldstein Lenzing Niklasdorf WSO4 (EBS) Kufstein Siggerwiesen Oberpullendorf Frohnleiten Linz ab 2009 Mechanische Behandlung Mechanisch-Biologische Behandlung > 50.000 t/a Müllverbrennungsanlage (Rostfeuerung) > 100.000 t/a Müllverbrennungsanlage (Rostfeuerung) < 100.000 t/a Nutzung der hochkalor. Fraktion (Wirbelschichtfeuerung) > 100.000 t/a Nutzung der hochkalor. Fraktion (Wirbelschichtfeuerung) < 100.000 t/a Mechanisch-Biologische Behandlung < 50.000 t/a Financní nástroje pro implementaci Acquis v oblasti životního prostredí - Waste Management - Walter HAUER / Tim YOUNG 34 Technologies for Stabilisation of residual MSW used in Austria Federal “Land” Kraj Capital Population (millions) MSW management in 2004 Vienna 1,70 Classical incineration, partially production of RDF Lower Austria St. Pölten 1,40 Mainly classical incineration Burgenland Eisenstadt 0,25 Mechanical Biological Thermal Styria Graz 1,10 Mechanical Biological Thermal Carinthia Klagenfurt 0,45 classical incineration Salzburg Salzburg 0,70 Mechanical Biological Thermal Tyrol Innsbruck 0,65 ? Mechanical Biological Thermal Vorarlberg Bregenz 0,40 ? Export 1,35 Classical incineration and MBT 8,0 45-50 % Incin., 40-45 % MBT, 10 % Export / not yet decided Upper Austria Linz Financní nástroje pro implementaci Acquis v oblasti životního prostredí - Waste Management - Walter HAUER / Tim YOUNG 35 Technical Standards Best Available Technique BAT • Incineration: Best Available Techniques for Waste Incineration • MBT-plants Best Available Techniques for the Waste Treatment Industries – Definition of the term “stabilised” is needed Details see CD Financní nástroje pro implementaci Acquis v oblasti životního prostredí - Waste Management - Walter HAUER / Tim YOUNG 36 Content • EC Landfilling Directive • Waste quantities, currently and prognosis, examples, contribution of separate collection • Capacities needed for stabilisation of residual MSW and investments nedded in the CR • Basic Technologies for the stabilisation of residual MSW • Creating and Assessing Waste-ManagementOptions, Cost accounting • OP-Infra and Cohesion Fund • Manual and CD Financní nástroje pro implementaci Acquis v oblasti životního prostredí - Waste Management - Walter HAUER / Tim YOUNG 37 Planning Process Time schedule finance planning PR Activities needed Renewing existing plants new plants organisational structure Political decision Strategic environmental assessment Regional WMP Regional targets Vision values Waste amount / composition forecast Legislative Infrastructural NWMP basis basis Regional and Legal Frame Current WM-figures Financní nástroje pro implementaci Acquis v oblasti životního prostredí - Waste Management - Walter HAUER / Tim YOUNG 38 Creating Options Collection normal separate collection Treatment of remaining MSW Disposal of remaining MSW Incineration 2. RDF-Incineration 3. intensified Mechanical separate treatment collection The four most interesting options are as follows. All of them start with more intense separate collection (in line with the waste hierarchy and EU and Czech waste management policy), followed by one of the following: 1. Landfilling of the remaining MSW (reference option) 2. Conventional incineration of the remaining MSW 3. Mechanical treatment of the remaining MSW followed by incineration or co-incineration of refuse-derived fuel for the high calorific fraction, and direct landfilling of the low calorific fraction 4. As for option 3 but also with biological treatment of the low calorific fraction Biological treatment 4. Landfilling 1. Not compliant In compliance with landfill directive No need for MSW, butHAUER e.g./ Tim for sludge39 Financní nástroje pro implementaci Acquis v oblasti životního prostredí - Waste Management - Walter YOUNG Calculation Principles • All options are concerning the same system boundaries • As few treatment as needed to meet ECLandfilling-Directive requirements and Landfilling as much as possible • Regional BRKO-target is calculated according to calculation method of MoE • Share of BRKO increases in the future according to calculation method of MoE • Treatment of sewage sludge is not included in the capacities needed Financní nástroje pro implementaci Acquis v oblasti životního prostredí - Waste Management - Walter HAUER / Tim YOUNG 40 System Boundaries • • Inside the system boundaries (effects considered) – Transport of waste from transfer stations to the facility (if any) – Utilization of energy as heat and/or electricity at the planned facility – Disposal / recovery of all output materials – Employment in direct connection with the planned facility – Effects of accidents within the facility - possibly for the risk assessment Outside the system boundaries (effects not considered) – Waste collection and transport direct to the facility or to transfer stations – Collection and treatment of other wastes than residual MSW – Distribution of energy (heat and/or electricity) – Production of by-products and operation materials – Environmental effects of the construction phase Financní nástroje pro implementaci Acquis v oblasti životního prostredí - Waste Management - Walter HAUER / Tim YOUNG 41 Current Situation MSW Residual MSW 156.000 t/a Recycling Recovery Landfilling 156.000 t/a Should be increased up to 50% until 2010 Financní nástroje pro implementaci Acquis v oblasti životního prostredí - Waste Management - Walter HAUER / Tim YOUNG 42 Option 1 Classical Incineration MSW Residual MSW 156.000 t/a Recycling Recovery Landfilling Conventional Incineration Financní nástroje pro implementaci Acquis v oblasti životního prostredí - Waste Management - Walter HAUER / Tim YOUNG 43 Option 1 Classical Incineration Incineration MSW Landfilling without other treatment Capacity needed for HK [t/a] 160.000 140.000 120.000 100.000 80.000 60.000 40.000 20.000 0 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 Year 2014 2016 2018 2020 Financní nástroje pro implementaci Acquis v oblasti životního prostredí - Waste Management - Walter HAUER / Tim YOUNG 44 Option 1 - Classical Incineration Regions of Hradec Králové and Pardubice MSWIncineration Plant Catchment areas for landfilling Financní nástroje pro implementaci Acquis v oblasti životního prostredí - Waste Management - Walter HAUER / Tim YOUNG 45 Option 2a – MBT with Priority on Incineration of Light Fraction MSW Residual MSW 156.000 Mechanical Pretreatment Heavy Fraction Landfilling Biological treatment Recycling Recovery Light Fraction Incineration Financní nástroje pro implementaci Acquis v oblasti životního prostredí - Waste Management - Walter HAUER / Tim YOUNG 46 Option 2a – MBT with Priority on Incineration of Light Fraction Capacity needed for HK [t/a] Incineration MSW Landfilling without other treatment Biological treatment 160.000 140.000 120.000 100.000 80.000 60.000 40.000 20.000 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Year Financní nástroje pro implementaci Acquis v oblasti životního prostredí - Waste Management - Walter HAUER / Tim YOUNG 47 Option 2b – MBT with Priority on Biological Treatment of Heavy Fraction MSW Residual MSW 156.000 t/a Mechanical Pretreatment Light Fraction Landfilling Incineration Recycling Recovery Heavy Fraction Biological treatment Financní nástroje pro implementaci Acquis v oblasti životního prostredí - Waste Management - Walter HAUER / Tim YOUNG 48 Option 2b – MBT with Priority on Biological Treatment of Heavy Fraction Capacity needed for HK [t/a] Incineration RDF Landfilling without other treatment Biological treatment 160.000 140.000 120.000 100.000 80.000 60.000 40.000 20.000 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Year Financní nástroje pro implementaci Acquis v oblasti životního prostredí - Waste Management - Walter HAUER / Tim YOUNG 49 Option 2c – MBT with balanced treatment of Light and Heavy Fraction MSW Residual MSW Mechanical Pretreatment Minimum quantity needed Land filling Maximum quantitiy possible 50% Light Fraction 47% Heavy Fraction Incineration 100% Biological treatment 100% Recycling Recovery Financní nástroje pro implementaci Acquis v oblasti životního prostredí - Waste Management - Walter HAUER / Tim YOUNG 50 Option 2c – MBT with balanced treatment of Light and Heavy Fraction Capacity needed for HK [t/a] Incineration RDF Landfilling without other treatment Biological treatment 160.000 140.000 120.000 100.000 80.000 60.000 40.000 20.000 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Year Financní nástroje pro implementaci Acquis v oblasti životního prostredí - Waste Management - Walter HAUER / Tim YOUNG 51 Option 2c - MBTh Regions of Hradec Králové and Pardubice Mechanical treatment Plant Biological treatment Plant Landfill Incineration Plant light fraction Catchment area for landfilling Financní nástroje pro implementaci Acquis v oblasti životního prostredí - Waste Management - Walter HAUER / Tim YOUNG 52 Combination of 1 and 2c, Year 2013 Regions of Hradec Králové and Pardubice MSW Residual MSW 300.000 t/a Mechanical Pretreatment 80.000 t/a Recycling Recovery Conventional Heavy Light Incineration Fraction Fraction (HK-town+Pard.)38.000 t/a40.000 t/a 80.000 t/a Landfilling 140.000 t/a Biological treatment 38.000 t/a Incineration 40.000 t/a Financní nástroje pro implementaci Acquis v oblasti životního prostredí - Waste Management - Walter HAUER / Tim YOUNG 53 Combination of 1 and 2c Figures only for region of HK Capacity needed for HK [t/a] 160.000 Incineration MSW Incineration RDF Landfilling without other treatment Biological treatment 140.000 120.000 100.000 80.000 60.000 40.000 20.000 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Year Financní nástroje pro implementaci Acquis v oblasti životního prostredí - Waste Management - Walter HAUER / Tim YOUNG 54 Combination of 1 and 2c Regions of Hradec Králové and Pardubice Mechanical treatment Plant Biological treatment Plant Landfill MSW- Incineration Light fraction- Plant Catchment area for landfilling Financní nástroje pro implementaci Acquis v oblasti životního prostredí - Waste Management - Walter HAUER / Tim YOUNG 55 Uniform Collection Systems for MSW needed • The collection system for MSW should be uniform at least for one region because of public relations / information • The treatment of collected wastes can differ at each local/regional level Financní nástroje pro implementaci Acquis v oblasti životního prostredí - Waste Management - Walter HAUER / Tim YOUNG 56 Economic Assessment • Technical Standard BAT has to be considered • Data have to be good enough, not necessarily as good as possible • No subsidies have to be considered when evaluating and comparing options • Clear distinction between – Operating Costs – Investment Costs Financní nástroje pro implementaci Acquis v oblasti životního prostredí - Waste Management - Walter HAUER / Tim YOUNG 57 Basic structure of a calculation of operational costs Item •Annuities •Repair and Maintenance Cost •Consumables Energy, chemicals… •Staff •Disposal of residues (including transport) Incineration slag, residues of flue gas cleaning, … •Ancillary Administration, insurance, … •Secondary raw materials Ferrous scrap •Energy Heat, electricity Minus Revenues = net cost Given per ton (Kc/t) Financní nástroje pro implementaci Acquis v oblasti životního prostredí - Waste Management - Walter HAUER / Tim YOUNG 58 Recommended Basis Data for Cost Calculation Parameter comment Depreciation / Reinvestment period for mobile equipment (as vehicles, container etc.) for machinery (fixed plant equipment) for civil works Interest rate (for calculation of annuities) Depending on current finance market conditions Value to be chosen 7 years 10 – 15 years 25 years …4 – 6 % … 5 for mobile equipment Repair and maintenance cost Utilization of Capacity Staff % for machinery 3,5 % for civil works 1,5 % Not less than … should be assumed; and after start-up full capacity utilization should be assumed (no holding out of capacities to be eventually filled up by external sources at a later stage) Including all charges, taxes, fringe benefits etc; a typical average value for the CR at present seems to be 90 % 300.000 Kc/staff.yr Financní nástroje pro implementaci Acquis v oblasti životního prostredí - Waste Management - Walter HAUER / Tim YOUNG 59 Example for calculation of Investment Costs MSW Treatment Center Data on investment: Civil Works Access arrangements, site preparation Building (30 x 40 x 8 m), insulated, with doors, ... Planning, gathering of approvals, documentation amount price per unit 1 9.600 m3 based on total investment 5.000.000 Kc 2.500 Kc 10% 31.900.000 Kc 5.000.000 Kc 24.000.000 Kc 2.900.000 Kc M & E-part Shredder (multifunctional: bag opener MSW, volume reduction bulky waste...) 1 Separation unit 1 Magnet 2 Conveyors 3 Container press 1 Ventilation 1 Control system 1 Steel structure 1 Biologic treatment step (´medium´ lumpsum eg. for triangular windrows ..) 1 Contingencies based on total investment Planning, gathering of approvals, documentation based on total investment 8.000.000 Kc 7.000.000 Kc 1.000.000 Kc 1.000.000 Kc 2.000.000 Kc 1.500.000 Kc 1.500.000 Kc 2.000.000 Kc 15.000.000 Kc 5% 5% 46.305.000 Kc 8.000.000 Kc 7.000.000 Kc 2.000.000 Kc 3.000.000 Kc 2.000.000 Kc 1.500.000 Kc 1.500.000 Kc 2.000.000 Kc 15.000.000 Kc 2.100.000 Kc 2.205.000 Kc 3.000.000 Kc 2.000.000 Kc 65.000 Kc 85.000 Kc 0% 2.770.000 Kc 3.000.000 Kc 2.000.000 Kc 260.000 Kc 510.000 Kc 0 Kc Mobile equipment Feeding device (shovel loader, mobile crane...) 3 axle truck equipped with roll-on/roll off system Container (open, ca. 33 m3) Container (closed, for RDF transport) Planning, gathering of approvals, documentation Total 1 1 4 6 based on total investment 81.000.000 Kc Financní nástroje pro implementaci Acquis v oblasti životního prostredí - Waste Management - Walter HAUER / Tim YOUNG 60 Typical prices / costs for mass burn incineration Facility / facilities • Medium sized (< 150.000 t/a) Bavarian incinerators (Schwandorf, Augsburg, Kempten…) ‚ Result of recent tenders (BOO, Austria, capacity 150.000 … 250.000 t/a) ƒ Result of recent tenders (BOO, Germany, capacity ~ 300.000 t/a) „ Result of in-depth cost estimates performed for CR (capacity > 100.000 t/a) Cost / gate fee Remarks 125 … 180 €/t Top values: 250 €/t (South Bavaria). This group of plants is altogether characterized by much less attractive conditions for marketing the produced energy compared to potential sites in the CR evaluated within the present project (Plzen, Opatovice). 120 … 130 €/t Lower Austria: ~ 120 €/t (2002), Upper Austria 130 €/t (2003) – Carinthia even 141 €/t ! (however only 80.000 t/a) 100 €/t Dictum German waste treatment industry: “100 € in the price envelope works, but 95 € is ruinous” 75 … 85 €/t Treatment costs 15 - 25 % lower compared to the ‘German tender cost line’ are due to (slightly) lower costs for civil works, sites which are already developed, lower disposal cost for residuals and good conditions for energy marketing (heat sale all year round) Financní nástroje pro implementaci Acquis v oblasti životního prostredí - Waste Management - Walter HAUER / Tim YOUNG 61 Example for the results of an economic assessment in the CR Option 1 tons specific costs costs per year Kc/t Mio Kc/a Thermal 165.000 2.210 365 MBT 0 1.032 0 Transport Therm+MBT 111.150 165.000 111 2.284 12 377 total average costs including operational costs and depreciation investment Mio Kc 3.136 3.136 specific investment Kc/t 19.006 19.006 Thermal MBT Transport Therm+MBT Option 2a tons 150.000 300.000 150.000 300.000 specific costs Kc/t 2.220 1.156 83 2.308 costs per year Mio Kc/a 333 347 13 692 Landfilling 135.000 800 108 Landfilling 0 0 0 total average costs including operational costs and depreciation investment Mio Kc 3.338 1.281 4.618 specific investment Kc/t 22.250 4.269 15.394 Thermal MBT Transport Therm+MBT Option 2b tons 0 260.000 0 260.000 specific costs Kc/t 1.156 0 1.156 costs per year Mio Kc/a 0 301 0 301 Landfilling 40.000 800 32 total average costs including operational costs and depreciation investment Mio Kc 1.110 1.110 specific investment Kc/t 4.269 4.269 Thermal MBT Transport Therm+MBT Option 2c tons 80.000 165.000 120.000 165.000 specific costs Kc/t 2.220 1.032 120 2.196 costs per year Mio Kc/a 178 170 14 362 Landfilling 130.000 800 104 total average costs including operational costs and depreciation investment Mio Kc 1.780 704 2.484 specific investment Kc/t 22.250 4.269 15.057 Thermal MBT Transport Therm+MBT Option 1+2c tons 120.000 80.000 40.000 170.000 specific costs Kc/t 2.283 1.032 40 2.107 costs per year Mio Kc/a 274 83 2 358 Landfilling 140.000 800 112 Total 485 300.000 1.616 3.136 10.453 Total Mio Kc/a t/a avg Kc/t Mio Kc avg Kc/t 692 300.000 2.308 4.618 15.394 Total Mio Kc/a t/a avg Kc/t Mio Kc avg Kc/t 333 300.000 1.109 1.110 3.700 Total Mio Kc/a t/a avg Kc/t Mio Kc avg Kc/t 466 300.000 1.554 2.484 8.281 Total Mio Kc/a t/a avg Kc/t Mio Kc avg Kc/t 470 Mio Kc/a 300.000 t/a total average costs including operational costs and depreciation 1.567 avg Kc/t investment Mio Kc 2.500 342 2.842 2.842 Mio Kc Financní nástroje pro Kc/t implementaci Acquis v oblasti životního - Walter HAUER / Timavg YOUNG specific investment 20.833 4.269 prostredí - Waste Management 16.715 9.472 Kc/t 62 Results of an Economic Assessment range of results of sensitivity analyses result of standard calculation - specific costs Investment needed Investment [Mio. Kc] Costs [Kc/t] 2.500 5.000 2.000 4.000 1.500 3.000 1.000 2.000 500 1.000 0 0 1 2a 2b Option 2c 1+2c Financní nástroje pro implementaci Acquis v oblasti životního prostredí - Waste Management - Walter HAUER / Tim YOUNG 63 Sensitivity Analyses concerning cost calculation Kc/t 1.500 2.500 500 0 1.000 2.000 3.000 Standard energy revenue 0,5 Kc instead of 0,6 Kc energy revenue 0,7 Kc instead of 0,6 Kc Transport Kc/km 200 instead of Kc/km 120 calorific value of light fraction 13 MJ/kg instead of 11 Option 1 2a not compliant 2b with WM Hierarchy 2c 1+2c Interest rate 7% instead of 5% doubled depreciation periods Simple biological treatment (half of investment of biol part) no costs for landfilling slag from incineration heat only used for producing electricity Kc 500 tax for landfilling (slag and MSW) Financní nástroje pro implementaci Acquis v oblasti životního prostredí - Waste Management - Walter HAUER / Tim YOUNG 64 Competition with Landfilling Support from OP-Infra and Cohesion Fund The current prices for landfilling MSW in the Czech Republic are very low. With these prices no stabilisation technologies are competitive. The challenge of new facilities is to become competitive with landfilling. Otherwise the facility cannot survive in a free market. Making facilities which represent the state of the art competitive is one main task of the EC funds OP-Infra and Cohesion Fund. Financní nástroje pro implementaci Acquis v oblasti životního prostredí - Waste Management - Walter HAUER / Tim YOUNG 65 Comparison of Utilizable Energy 1.400.000 Utilizable heat [GJ/a] 1.200.000 1.000.000 800.000 does not comply with Waste Management Hierarchy 600.000 400.000 200.000 0 1 2a 2b Option 2c 1+2c Financní nástroje pro implementaci Acquis v oblasti životního prostredí - Waste Management - Walter HAUER / Tim YOUNG 66 Comparison of Transport 8.000.000 tons*km/a 7.000.000 6.000.000 5.000.000 4.000.000 does not comply with Waste Management Hierarchy 3.000.000 2.000.000 1.000.000 0 1 2a 2b Option 2c 1+2c Financní nástroje pro implementaci Acquis v oblasti životního prostredí - Waste Management - Walter HAUER / Tim YOUNG 67 Comparison of Options, Period 2013-2019 Share of Incineration and Heat Recovery If biological treatment would be done by anaerobic methods the energyy recovery could be increased in options 2 Option 1 Mass burn incineration of 100% of the MSW gives 100% 60% incinerated mass [%] utilized energy [%] Flue gas quantity [%] 50% Option 2c 40% 30% 20% 10% incinerated mass [%] utilized energy [%] Flue gas quantity [%] Option 1+2c incinerated mass [%] utilized energy [%] Flue gas quantity [%] 0% Financní nástroje pro implementaci Acquis v oblasti životního prostredí - Waste Management - Walter HAUER / Tim YOUNG 68 Multi Criteria Analyses Example 1 1 2a 1 Economic assessment Ecologic assessment Utilizable energy Emissions to the air Transport Risk assessment 4 5 Option 2b Not compliant 1 3 3 1 Total 3 Legal assessment 2 5 3 1 4 5 2c 1 1+2c 1 3 2 3 2 5 1 1 4 2 4 No special disadvantages Not 4 2 compliant 3 3 2 1 Note: For the purpose of a submittion to the Cohesion Fund the economic aspects have to be weighted with at least 50% of the total weight Financní nástroje pro implementaci Acquis v oblasti životního prostredí - Waste Management - Walter HAUER / Tim YOUNG 69 Content • EC Landfilling Directive • Waste quantities, currently and prognosis, examples, contribution of separate collection • Capacities needed for stabilisation of residual MSW and investments nedded in the CR • Basic Technologies for the stabilisation of residual MSW • Creating and Assessing Waste-ManagementOptions, Cost accounting • OP-Infra and Cohesion Fund • Manual and CD Financní nástroje pro implementaci Acquis v oblasti životního prostredí - Waste Management - Walter HAUER / Tim YOUNG 70 Cohesion Fund - Guidance Assessment of Options • Listing of different options which could solve the problem • Qualitative presentation of advantages and disadvantages of options • Justification of why some options are not taken into further consideration • Description of the evaluation method • Sensitivity analysis • Risk analysis • Clear explaination of the final choice Financní nástroje pro implementaci Acquis v oblasti životního prostredí - Waste Management - Walter HAUER / Tim YOUNG 71 Cohesion Fund - Guidance Descriptiion of the chosen Option • Description of treated types of waste and their sources • Catchment area • Summary technical description of the chosen option • mass and energy balance • If other wastes than MSW are to be treated: how is the Polluter Pays Principle to be implemented? • Availability of waste for the planned plant Financní nástroje pro implementaci Acquis v oblasti životního prostredí - Waste Management - Walter HAUER / Tim YOUNG 72 Cohesion Fund - Guidance Costs • • • • • Pre-project costs Planned Investment Operational costs Earnings, total and specific Expected rate of support based on achieving cost competitiveness with landfilling • Approximate financial plan Financní nástroje pro implementaci Acquis v oblasti životního prostredí - Waste Management - Walter HAUER / Tim YOUNG 73 Cohesion Fund - Guidance Organisation • Basic data concerning the investor • Basic data concerning the operator • Relationship between owner/investor and operator, including method of selection of any private partner • Basic data on owner of any other infrastructure linked to the project • Time schedule with milestones Financní nástroje pro implementaci Acquis v oblasti životního prostredí - Waste Management - Walter HAUER / Tim YOUNG 74 Content • EC Landfilling Directive • Waste quantities, currently and prognosis, examples, contribution of separate collection • Capacities needed for stabilisation of residual MSW and investments nedded in the CR • Basic Technologies for the stabilisation of residual MSW • Creating and Assessing Waste-ManagementOptions, Cost accounting • OP-Infra and Cohesion Fund • Manual and CD Financní nástroje pro implementaci Acquis v oblasti životního prostredí - Waste Management - Walter HAUER / Tim YOUNG 75 Manual, CD, www CD regseminar_waste.ppt Manual_waste.doc Financní nástroje pro implementaci Acquis v oblasti životního prostredí - Waste Management - Walter HAUER / Tim YOUNG 76 Vision The environment will be the winner Vítezem bude životní prostredí Who is the environment? Kdo je životní prostredí? We / Humans are the environment My / lidé jsme životním prostredím Financní nástroje pro implementaci Acquis v oblasti životního prostredí - Waste Management - Walter HAUER / Tim YOUNG 77