Course/Section Professor/TA Activity 32.1133.1What can we learn about the evolution of the animal kingdom by examiningmodern invertebrates? Fill in the chart on the next two pagesto organize the major characteristics of key invertebrate phyla. Activitv 32.1133.1 Copyright@PearsonEducation,Inc., PublishingasBenjaminCummings 195 C) o (, !') (, oa !, o oa s) H (D oa t o Symmetry? Cephalization? True muscle cells? Tissueversus organlevel development Numberof tissuelayersin embryo organisms Examples of Characteristics No Quasi-tissue level Doesn't apply Sponges Porifera No; have epitheliomuscular cells Tissuelevel 2; ectoderm and endoderm Cnidaria Platvhelminthes Nematoda Annelida Key invertebratephyla Mollusca Arthropoda Echinodermata o o 0a j H (D c) oe a o { !^, (JJ P (J) .? o Other Type? Nervous system? Ciculatory system? Type? Digestivetract? Type? Coelom? Type? Characteristics Porifera Cnidaria Platvhelminthes Nematoda Annelida Key invertebrate phyla Mollusca Arthropoda Echinodermata I II I II I II I I II II I ,t I U) () o a o o z Using the information in the chart and in Chapters32 and 33 of Biology,8th edition, answerthe questions. 1. What set of characteristics is sharedby all of the invertebrateanimal phyla in the chart? 2. What uniquecombinationof characteristics defineseachof the invertebratephyla as separatefrom the other phyla? 3. If you comparethe characteristics of one phylum of the invertebrateswith the nex1. what key differencesseparatethe groups from each other? 4. a. Looking acrossthe rows, what major trendsappearto occur in the evolutionof variousorgansor organsystemsin theseanimal groups? b. What developmentalevidenceis usedto link Annelids,Arthropods,and Molluscs evolutionarily? c. what evidenceis usedto separatethe phylain from the Echinodermsand Chordates? Activity32.1/33.1 Copyright @ PearsonEducation,Inc., Publishingas Benjamin Cummings Name Course/Section_ d. Doesthis analysisprovideevidencefor or againstthe statement: "Evolutionadds ontoor modifieswhatalreadyexists"?Explain. 5. The chart organizesthe major groups of animals basedon grade,or sharedbody plan features. What changeswould you need to make in this organization to reflect the possible phylogeneticrelationshipsuncoveredusing molecular evidence?To answer this: a. On a separatesheet of paper, redraw the chart to reflect the new phylogenetic relationshipsbasedon molecular evidence. b. What specific molecular characteristics/dataare being used to determine evolutionary relationships:rmonganimal phyla? 6. How wouldyour answersto questions2, 3, and4 differ (if at alD whenthe chartis redrawnandfilled in to reflectchangesin relationshipsbasedon molecular evidence? Activity32.1133.1 Copyright @PearsonEducation,Inc., PublishingasBenjaminCummings r99 1 . In biological terms,a group of organismsis said to be successfulif it is represented by a large numberof speciesor if the massof all the organismsin the group is large. (In both cases,"large" is determinedrelativeto other groupsor organisms.)Given this definition of success,which of the major groupsof animalswould you argueis the most successful?Be sureto provide evidencefor your argument. 200 Activity 32.1133.1 Copyright @ PearsonEducation,Inc., Publishingas Benjamin Cummings