SPA SECURITIES LTD. STATE BANK OF INDIA : Public Issue of Lower Tier-II Bonds (Tranche I) A COMPARITIVE SUMMARY AMONGST INVESTMENT OPTION. TERM SHEET OF THE CURRENT ISSUE. A COMPARATIVE SUMMARY AMONGST INVESTMENT OPTION (AVAILABLE IN PSU/ BANK CATEGORY FOR RETAIL INVESTOR) INSTRUMENT TRADING & LISTING PREMATURE WITHDRAWL FIXED DEPOSIT/ TERM DEPOSIT RATED , LISTED, TRADEABLE lower tier II BOND Current Public Issue of SBI RATED , LISTED, TRADEABLE lower tier II Bonds Non- tradable & Unlisted Tradable & exchange stock Tradable & listed on stock exchange post closure and allotment of the public issue. Allowed with loss of interest Can be sold in the market at the then prevailing market rates Can be sold in the market at the then prevailing market rates Listed on ISSUER SBI** PNB REC^ IDFC^ SBI ^^ CREDIT RATING AAA # AAA# AAA by CRISIL, ICRA AAA by ICRA & FITCH “CARE AAA” by CARE and “AAA/ STABLE” by CRISIL TENURE * 1000 days * 1000 days 10 years 15 years 10 years 15 years CALL OPTION N.A. N.A. None At the end of 10 th year After 5 years After 10 years RATE OF INTEREST / COUPON RATE 9.25% 9.15% 9.20% 9.35% 9.75% 9.95% *In case of term deposit tenure has been considered earning maximum rate of interest for general public stated on the respective Banks website have been considered for comparison. ^ Recently concluded issue in primary markets/ structured deal through private placement. # Issuer credit rating ^^ Only retail option offered in the public issue of SBI bonds Tranche I has been considered offering maximum interest. **Premature Payment of Term Deposits: Interest to be paid on premature withdrawal of term deposits at 1.00% below the rate applicable for the period deposit has remained with the Bank, or 1.00% below the contracted rate, whichever is lower SPA SECURITIES LTD. OTHER SALIENT FEATURES of STATE BANK OF INDIA : Public Issue of Lower Tier-II Bonds (Tranche I) Interest on Refunds Interest on any refund of subscription amount paid by an Applicant will be paid separately by the Bank @ 7% p.a. on the amount refunded to Allottees and @ 4% p.a. on the amount refunded to Non-allottees (“Refund Interest”). Interest on Application Money Interest on Application money will be paid @ 9.75 p.a. for Retail Applicants and @ 9.30% p.a. for Non-retail Applicants for Series 3 Lower Tier II Bonds and @ 9.95 p.a. for Retail Applicants and @ 9.45% p.a. for Non-retail Applicants for Series 4 Lower Tier II Bonds. Tax Deduction at Source Interest on Application money together with Refund Interest shall be paid with respect to the value of Bonds Allotted, subject to deduction of income tax at source under the Income Tax Act, as applicable, if it exceeds the prescribed limit of Rs. 10,000, in any Fiscal Year to any Applicant. Basis of Allotment Allocation for the Series Bonds shall be made on a first come first served basis based on the date of Application in accordance with reservation for each Category as set out on page 17 of this Tranche 1 Prospectus. In case any Category is under subscribed, the unsubscribed portion of the reservation for such Category will be allocated first to Retail Applicant Category, second to HNI Category and then to the Non-Individual Category, upto Rs. 20,000 million. Reservation and Application size for each Category Particulars Retail Applicant HNI Reservation for each Category (to be read with Basis of Allotment as stated in the Prospectus/ offer document) 25% of Rs. 20,000 million Minimum Application In Multiples of 50% of Rs. 20,000 million. In addition the Bank has the option to retain all valid Applications from Retail Applicants upto the Residual Shelf Limit. Rs. 10,000 Rs. 10,000 NII, Corporate, QIB (“Non-individual”) 25% of Rs. 20,000 million Rs. 5,10,000 Rs. 10,000 Rs. 10,000 Rs. 10,000 Maximum Application Rs. 500,000 Rs. 250,00,00,000 Rs. 250,00,00,000 SPA SECURITIES LTD. TERM SHEET : STATE BANK OF INDIA PUBLIC ISSUE BY THE STATE BANK OF INDIA (“BANK” OR “ISSUER”) OF LOWER TIER II BONDS (THE “BONDS”) NOT EXCEEDING AN AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF RS. 100,000 MILLION (THE “SHELF LIMIT”) BY WAY OF ISSUANCE OF BONDS IN ONE OR MORE TRANCHES (EACH A “TRANCHE ISSUE”, AND TOGETHER ALL TRANCHE ISSUES UPTO THE SHELF LIMIT, THE “ISSUE”). THIS TRANCHE ISSUE BY THE ISSUER IS OF SERIES 3 LOWER TIER II BONDS AND SERIES 4 LOWER TIER II BONDS AGGREGATING TO RS. 10,000 MILLION WITH AN OPTION TO RETAIN OVER-SUBSCRIPTION UP TO RS. 10,000 MILLION FOR ISSUANCE OF ADDITIONAL BONDS, IN AGGREGATE UP TO A TOTAL OF RS. 20,000 MILLION, WITH A RETAIL OVERSUBSCRIPTION OPTION AS SET OUT BELOW (THE “TRANCHE 1 ISSUE”) Series Series 3 Lower Tier II Bonds Series 4 Lower Tier II Bonds Tranche 1 Issue Opens Monday, February 21, 2011 Tranche 1 Issue Closes Monday, February 28, 2011 State Bank of India Issuer Listing NSE and BSE Issuance & Trading Compulsorily in dematerialized form One Bond Market Lot/ Trading Lot NSDL and CDSL Depositories Unsecured Security “CARE AAA” by CARE and “AAA/ STABLE” by CRISIL Rating Frequency of Interest payment Annual Annual Face Value per Bond Rs. 10,000/Rs. 10,000/Coupon (%) p.a 1) For Retail Applicants 9.75% p.a. 9.95% p.a. 2) For Non Retail Applicants 9.30% p.a. 9.45% p.a. Effective yield p.a 1) For Retail Applicants 9.75% p.a. 9.95% p.a. 2) For Non Retail Applicants 9.30% p.a. 9.45% p.a. Tenure 10 years 15 years Redemption Date 10 years from deemed date of allotment 15 years from deemed date of allotment (These Series Bonds are not redeemable (These Series Bonds are not redeemable at at the option of the Bondholders or the option of the Bondholders or without without the prior consent of RBI.) the prior consent of RBI.) Redemption Amt (Rs/bond) Rs.10,000/Rs.10,000/Put Option No No Call Option The Bank has a “call option” in an The Bank has a “call option” in an amount amount of the principal amount of the principal amount outstanding of outstanding of the Series 3 Lower Tier the Series 4 Lower Tier II Bonds after 10 II Bonds after 5 (five) years following (ten)years following the Deemed Date of the Deemed Date of Allotment being Allotment being the payment date falling the payment date falling 5 (five)years 10 (ten)years and one day after the and one day after the Deemed Date of Deemed Date of Allotment of the Series Allotment of the Series 3 Lower Tier II 4 Lower Tier II Bonds, and subject to the Bonds, and subject to the prior prior approval of RBI. approval of RBI. Registrar Datamatics Financial Services Limited Who can apply? Public financial institutions, statutory corporations, commercial banks, cooperative banks and regional rural banks; Provident, superannuation and gratuity funds; Pesnsion funds Mutual funds; The National Investment Fund set up by resolution no. F. No. 2/3/2005-DDII dated November 23, 2005 of the Government of India published in the Gazette of India; Resident Indian individuals - in their own names or in the names of their minor children as natural/legal guardians in single or joint names (but not exceeding three); Hindu Undivided Families through the Karta; Companies, bodies corporate and societies registered under the Applicable Laws in India and authorised to invest in the Bonds; Public/private trusts (charitable/religious or otherwise) authorised to invest in the Bonds; Scientific and/or industrial research organisations authorised to invest in the Bonds; SPA SECURITIES LTD. Partnership firms through a Partner; and Associations of persons. FIIs, NRIs and OCBs are not permitted to apply in this Tranche 1 Issue. Retail Applicant Individual Applicants who have applied for the Series Bonds for an aggregate amount not more than Rs. 500,000 in the Tranche Issue (including HUFs applying through their Karta) Bankers to the Issue and State Bank of India. Refund Bank Minimum Subscription for Tranche I Issue If the Bank does not receive the minimum subscription of 75% of the base issue amount of this Tranche 1 Issue of Rs. 10,000 million, i.e. Rs. 7,500 million, on or before the closure of this Tranche 1 Issue, the entire subscription amount shall be refunded to the applicants within 15 days from the date of closure of this Tranche 1 Issue. If there is a delay in the refund of the subscription amount by more than 8 (eight) days after the Bank becomes liable to pay the same, the Bank will pay interest for the period of delay, at rates prescribed under subsections (2) and (2A) of Section 73 of the Companies Act. Interest on Refunds Interest on any refund of subscription amount paid by an Applicant will be paid separately by the Bank @ 7% p.a. on the amount refunded to Allottees and @ 4% p.a. on the amount refunded to Non-allottees (“Refund Interest”). The Refund Interest shall be paid along with the refund of application money whether in case of total refund to Non-allotees or partial refund to Allotees, as the case maybe. The interest shall be payable from the third working day following the date of receipt of the Application Form excluding the date of receipt of such Application Form and shall be payable until one day prior to the Deemed Date of Allotment. Interest on Application Money Interest on Application money will be paid @ 9.75 p.a. for Retail Applicants and @ 9.30% p.a. for Non-retail Applicants for Series 3 Lower Tier II Bonds and @ 9.95 p.a. for Retail Applicants and @ 9.45% p.a. for Non-retail Applicants for Series 4 Lower Tier II Bonds separately by the Bank to allottees and the same should not be deducted from the amount on application. The interest shall be payable from the third working day following the date of receipt of the Application Form excluding the date of receipt of such Application Form and shall be payable until one day prior to the Deemed Date of Allotment. Tax Deduction at Source Interest on Application money together with Refund Interest shall be paid with respect to the value of Bonds Allotted, subject to deduction of income tax at source under the Income Tax Act, as applicable, if it exceeds the prescribed limit of Rs. 10,000, in any Fiscal Year to any Applicant. The interest warrant will be dispatched along with the letter(s) of Allotment at the sole risk of the Applicant, to the sole/first Applicant. Basis of Allotment Allocation for the Series Bonds shall be made on a first come first served basis based on the date of Application in accordance with reservation for each Category as set out on page 17 of this Tranche 1 Prospectus. In case any Category is under subscribed, the unsubscribed portion of the reservation for such Category will be allocated first to Retail Applicant Category, second to HNI Category and then to the Non-Individual Category, upto Rs. 20,000 million. In such an event of undersubscription, Series Bonds are allocated to another Category, interest on such Series Bonds will be as per the interest rate specified for such Applicants. In case of over subscription under the Retail Applicant Category, over-subscription will be retained upto the Residual Shelf Limit, at the option of the Bank. In case of over subscription under the Retail Applicant Category beyond the Residual Shelf Limit, the HNI Category and the Non-Individual Category, Applications received on the day of such over-subscription in respect of such Category, will be allotted on a pro rata basis, in consultation with the DSE / Lead Managers. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ CAVEAT: This broad comparative is made considering the retail application for longest tenure. Reasonable caution has been taken to make the comparison however, investor/ prospective investor/s should take their own independent decision while making investment and consult their tax consultant/ advisors and under no circumstance SPA Securities Ltd. or its associate companies or its employees or its directors shall be held responsible in any manner what-so-ever.