Revised1/99 LifespanDevelopmentTest-outStudyOutline Page1 of 4 PS230Lifespan DevelopmentTest-out Study Outline Baseduponthe text: Jolley, J. M., & Mitchell, M. L. (1996).LifespanDevelopment:A TopicalApproach. Madison,Wisconsin:Brown & Benchmark.ISBN: 0-697-12981-0 Exam:200 questionscovering all fourteenchapters,in a multiple choiceformat, coveringthe following topics: T GoalsandObjectives A. Issuesand Methods 1. Define lifespandevelopmentalpsychology 2. Understandthe threemajor goalsof lifespandevelopmentalpsychology(description, prediction, explanation) 3. Understandhow normativeage-gradedevents,non-normativeevents,andcohortor historical eventsinfluencedevelopment 4. Know what the macrogenicmethodis andunderstandits value 5. Describethe major developmentalcontroversies:Continuity versusdiscontinuity, stability versuschange,natureversusnurture,maturationversuslearning,freewill versus determinism,and individuality versusuniversality 6. Understandwhat the scientificmethodis andwhy it is importantto developmental psychology 7. Know the qualities of a goodmeasure 8. Be able to describethe most commonmeasuringtechniquesusedin lifespan developmentalpsychology 9. Understandthe strengthsandweaknesses of commonmeasuringtechniques 10. Know what a researchdesignis 11. Know major researchdesignsusedin developmentalpsychology 12. Know what kinds of measuringtechniquesareusuallyusedwith specificresearchdesigns 13. Know the differencebetweendescriptiveandexperimentaldesigns B. Theoriesof humandevelopment 1. Know the qualitiesof an idealtheory 2. Know core conceptsofFreuds' andErikson'spsychoanalytictheories 3. Know how Freud's andErikson'stheoriesandsimilar and how they differ 4. Know the core conceptsof the learningperspectives 5. Know how social learningtheorydiffers from operantand classicalconditioning 6. Know the coreconceptsof Piaget's cognitivestructuralview 7. Know the coreconceptsof the humanistictheoriesof Maslow andRogers 8. Understandthe scientific meritsandweaknesses of eachtheory c-. Genesand environment 1. Understanddifferent views of how natureandnurtureinteractto producedevelopment 2. Have a basicunderstandingof humangenetics 3. Know commongeneticdefectsandprenatalteststhat candetectthosedefects 4. Know what the major teratogensareandwhat effectsthey may haveon a developing embryoand fetus 5. Know the commonchemicalfactorsthat influencedevelopmentprenatallyand 6. postnatally Know what sensorystablefactorsareandhavea basicunderstandingof how theymight influencedevelopment Revised1/99 LifespanDevelopmentTest-outStudyOutline Page 2 of 4 7. D. E. F. G, H. Know what sensoryvariablefactorsareandhavea basicunderstandingof how they might influence development 8. Know why the conceptsof canalization,critical periods,heritability, andrangeof reaction are importantto understandinghumandevelopment 9. Know Bronfenbrener'shumanecologymodel 10. Know the major researchstrategiesusedby developmentalpsychologiststo help separate the effectsof natureandnurture:within speciescomparisons,selectivebreeding,kinship studies,andtwin studies PhysicalDevelopment 1. Know the stagesandmajor eventsassociatedwith prenataldevelopment 2. Know the threephasesof birth 3. Be familiar with the Apgar andBrazeltonNeonatalBehavioralAssessmentScale 4. Know the factorsassociated with pretermbirths and low birth weight babies 5. Havea basicunderstandingof how neuronaland brain developmentaffect behavior 6. Know the major glandsof the endocrinesystemandunderstandtheir role in human development 7. Know the sequenceof physicalandmotor developmentand decline 8. Now major structuresof the senseorgansandtheir developmentalcourse 9. Understandthe major theoriesof biological aging LearningandMemory 1. Know the differencebetweenproceduralanddeclarativeknowledge 2. Understandthe role that classicalandoperantconditioningplay in humandevelopment 3. Know the role of sociallearningin humandevelopment 4. Understandthe importanceof sensationandperceptionfor memory 5. Know the functions andcapacitiesof the threememorystages 6. Know what aspectsof memorytendto remainstableaswe age,andwhich aspectstendto changewith age 7. Know at what agespeopletendto usespecificmemorystrategies The developmentof intelligenceandcognition 1. Know the history and assumptions of the psychometricapproach 2. Understandthe nature/nurturedebateasit appliesto the developmentof intelligence 3. Understandthe stability/changedebateasit appliesto the developmentof intelligence 4. Be familiar with commonagetrendsin mentalabilities 5. Be familiar with Piaget'sviewsof cognitivedevelopment 6. Be familiar with the systemsapproachto intelligence 7. Know the similarities anddifferencesbetweenvariousviews of intelligence Languagedevelopment 1. Know the differencebetweenlanguageandcommunication 2. Know the functional andstructuralpropertiesof language 3. Know the developmentalstagesof languageacquisition 4. Know commonage-relatedchangesin language 5. Be familiar with major theoreticalapproaches to languagedevelopment Self andmoral development 1. . Understand howcognitivedevelopment is relatedto moralandselfdevelopment 2. 3. Know the major theoriesof self Understandhow the self developsduringthe lifespan Revised1/99 I. J. K. L, LifespanDevelopmentTest-outStudyOutline Page3 of 4 4. Know Loevinger's stagesof egodevelopment 5. Know what factorsareimportantfor the developmentof self-esteem 6. Know what factorsareassociatedwith learnedhelplessness 7. Understandthe major views of role-takingand social interaction 8. Be familiar with Piaget'sandKohlberg'stheoriesof moral reasoning 9. Know Hoffman's theoryof the developmentof empathy 10. Know Restand Carroll's four processmodel of moral development 11. Know which techniqueswork bestfor teachingchildrento be moral Attachment 1. Know the major theoriesof attachment 2. Know which behaviorspromoteattachment 3. Know what researchstrategiesareusedto studyattachment 4. Know the characteristicsof secureand insecureattachment 5. Know the effectsof maternalseparationon child development 6. Be familiar with researchon alternativeor multiple caregivingsituations 7. Be familiar with researchon father-infantattachment 8. Know the bestway to promoteattachment 9. Be familiar with HazanandShaver'sresearchon adult attachment 10. Be familiar with Ausubel's theoryof satellization Love and friendships 1. Know how friendshipschangeduring the lifespan 2. Know what factorsareassociated with lonelinessand lack of intimacy 3. Know why intimacy is importantfor people 4. Know what factorsareimpQrtantfor establishingintimacy 5. Know the major theoriesof how relationshipsareformed andwhy relationshipsmay deteriorate Know biological andpsychologicalaspectsof humansexuality 6. 7. Know Sternberg'stheoryof love Know the factorsassociated with happyandunhappymarriages 8. Know the factorsassociated with divorce. 9. Family Understandthe role of the family as an agentof socialization 1. Be able to describethe basicconceptsandpremisesof the family life-cycle approach 2. Know the major familial developmentaltasksfor eachageperiod 3. ~ Be able to describedifferentfamily forms andthe developmentalimpacttheseformshave on family members Be able to describeBaurnrind'sthreeparentingstylesandthe impact of eachstyleon 5. children Be able to describethe bestgeneralguidelinesfor rearingchildren 6. Be able to describeresearchon the effectsof family sizeandbirth orderon children 7. Understandhow both genesandhomeenvironmentinfluencedevelopment 8. Gender Describethe similarities andmajor psychologicaldifferencesbetweenthe genders 1. Describethe possiblerolesof natureandnurturein determiningdifferencesbetweenthe 2. genders Explain why self-reporteddifferencesin suchvariablesasfearfulnessandempathydo not 3. ~~ Revised1/99 necessarilymeanthat thereis a naturalor real difference Know the major theoriesof genderdifferences Describedevelopmentalchangesin genderdifferences Describecommonforms of genderstereotypingand their effectson malesandfemales Understandthe importanceof scientificresearchfor understandinggenderdifferencesand similarities Personalitydevelopment 1. Be familiar with early views of personality 2. Know the coreconceptsof the psychoanalyticview of personalitydevelopment 3. Know the core conceptsof egopsychology 4. Know the core conceptsof humanisticpsychology 5. Know the coreconceptsof learningtheory 6. Know commoncriticismsof eachapproachto personalitydevelopment 7. Understandthe natureversusnurturecontroversyas it appliesto personalitydevelopment 8. Understandthe stability versuschangecontroversyas it appliesto personality development Deathanddying 1. Know the different typesof death 2. Know the biological indicatorsof death 3. Be familiar with historicalindicatorsof death 4. Be familiar with currentviewsof death 5. Know how people'sviews of deathchangeasthey develop 6. Be familiar with major theoriesof dying 7.,Be familiar with the grief process 8: Know which variablesinfluencethe experienceof grief 4. 5. 6. 7. M. N. LifespanDevelopmentTest-outStudyOutline Page4 of 4