1066 Nortb TonEtPirwsRoad I-aJolla,CA92037 lxsrirurr @ mnScruppsrusnancH Telephone 619.455.9Kn For information: Robin B. Goldsmith (619)554-8134 For immediaterelease # 112993 Scripps Scientist DiscussesTechniquesand Strategiesfor Improving Developmentof Catatytic Antibodies Boston,Mass. November29, 1993- DonaldHilvert, Ph.D., memberof the Deparfrnentof Chemistryat The ScrippsResearchInstitutein La Jolla, Calif., discussedthe preparationof antibodymoleculeswith tailoredcatalyticpropertiesat the symposium,"Biomolecular Materialsby Design," sponsoredby the MaterialsResearchSocietyin Bostonthis week. By current estimates,the immunesystemof mammals,man included,hasthe potentialto generateat least 100 million different antibodymolecules,eachwith a distinctiveshape.This capacityexiststo protectthe body againstdisease-causing microorganismsand toxins, but scientistshave learnedthat this remarkableprot'ein-generating systemcan also be exploitedto produceantibodyproteinswith enzymeactivity, or "catalyticantibodies." It has beenknown for many yearsthat naturalenzymeshastentheir reactionsby selectively binding and stabilizingmoleculesin their high energytransitionstates.The productionof catalyticantibodiesexploitsthis principle of transitionstatestabilization.Stablemoleculesthat mimic the essentialfeaturesof the relevanttransition stateare usedto generatean immune response.The antibody binding pocketsthat are producedare complementaryin shapeto the transition stateanalogin much the sameway a mold is complementaryin shapeto its correspondingstatue.If the transitionstateanaloghasbeendesignedwell, theseantibodies also catalyzethe targetreaction. MORE Page2 - Strategiesfor Improving Developmentof catalytic Antibodies Using this approach,antibodycatalystshavebeenpreparedfor many classesof chemical reaction, including reactionsthat are difficult or impossibleto carry out using conventional chemistry.Moreover, becauseboth the synthesisof transitionstateanalogsand the production of antibodiesare routinetechniques,theseagentscan be producedin the courseof a relatively short laboratory experiment,in contrastto natural enzymeswhich have evolved over many millions of years. Consequently,accordingto Hilvert, "This technologyputs at our fingertipsthe meansto createentirely new enzymesfor use in researchtools and also in medicineand industry." For example,it might be possibleto preparecatalyticantibodiesthat can cut throughviral coat proteins,deactivatetoxic chemicals,or repair DNA damagecausedby exposureto solar ultraviolet radiation.Catalyticantibodiesmight also be usedsomedayin enzymereplacement therapiesto treat humangeneticdiseases.Alternatively,they may makethe productionof many valuablepharmaceuticals cheaperand more efficient than is possiblewith currently availablemethods. Hilvert's discussionhighlightedthe preparation.ofcatalyticantibodiesfor reactionsinvolving the formation of carbon-carbon bonds.Suchreactionsare importantin the constructionof many useful molecules,from relativelysimplecommoditychemicalsto novel polymeric materials and denselyfunctionalizednatural productsand therapeuticagents.However, they are often difficult to carry out with high ratesand high selectivity in the laboratory. Hilvert describedthe basic strategiesfor designingeffectivetransitionstateanalogsfor thesereactions as well as the propertiesof the resulting catalysts. Knowledge gained in the courseof thesestudiesis expectedto guide future efforts to capitalizeon the immunesystem's"hidden"capacityfor catalysis. Becauseantibodiesare biocompatiblemolecules,they can be usedin principle to carry out MORE Page3 - Strategiesfor Improving Developmentof catalytic Antibodies reactionsin living cells. The teamled by Hilvert hasdemonstrated that this is indeedthe case,showingthat an antibodytl:o;tcatzlyzesa metabolicallyessentialreaction- the conversionof chorismateinto prephenate- is catalyticallyactivein yeastcells and can, to a limited degree,replacethe activity of the natural enzymethat normally carries out this reaction.Theseexperimentsshow "that eukaryoticcells can be directedto produceman-made catalystsnot normally found in their evolutionaryrepertoire." This ability could provide scientistswith a new tool for regulatingcellular function, alteringcellular metabolism,and destroyingtoxins in vivo. Progressin the field of antibodycatalysishasbeenrapid since 1986when theseagentswere first described.Not only do catalyticantibodiesexhibit atl the propertiesof enzymes, including substantialrate accelerations,and exactingsubstratespecificitiesand selectivities, but they appearto achievetheseeffects via mechanismssimilar to thoseof their naturallyoccurring counterparts.The challengefor the future will be to expandthe repertoire of reactionsthat can be acceleratedwith immunoglobulinsand to increasethe chemical efficiency of the first-generationcatalysts.Modern molecularbiologicaltechniqueswhich allow the expressionand engineeringof individual antibodiesand which provide greater accessto the full diversity inherentwithin the immunologicalrepertoire,togetherwith powerful geneticscreensand selections,will greatlyfacilitatetheseefforts. The field of catalyticantibodiesis inherentlymultidisciplinary;by successfullyintegratingchemistryand immunologywith molecularbiology and geneticsan evenmore versatilepaletteof catalysts for practicalapplicationsin chemistry,biology and medicinemay becomeavailable. ###