4. Detection of Photons 4.1 Advanced Optical Microscopy 4.1.1 wide field microscopy 4.1.2 confocal microscopy 4.1.3 photothermal microscopy 4.1.4 STED microscopy below the diffraction limit 4.1.5 PALM/STORM detection techniques for super-resolution optical microscopy direct imaging bright field microscopy dark field microscopy differential interference contrast micr. phase contrast microscopy fluorescence microscopy +++ advantages illumination of the whole sample highly parallel very fast imaging drawbacks illumination of the whole sample no sectioning capabilities (usually) background fluorescence raster scanning confocal microscopy near field microscopy STED microscopy spinning disc microscopy +++ advantages illumination of a small sample volume detection from a small sample volume sectioning capability lower background drawbacks slow imaging first microscope poor mans microscope luxory microscope http://www.microscopyu.com/articles/formulas/conjugatemicroscope.html raster scanning microscopy microscope objective typical microscope objectives are so called “infinity-corrected” image is created at infinite distance from the objective very useful, because we then have infinite space to place optical elements complex optical system replaced by simple lens microscope objective immersion objective lens no immersion medium immersion medium immersion medium ray path through microscope simplified wide field microscope intermediate image plane microscope objective object image eye piece tube lens magnification tube lens focal distance (mm) • tube lens focal distance is typically fixed for each microscope objective manufacturer • varying tube lens focal distance leads to new magnification Olympus 180 Nikon 200 Zeiss 165 imaging small objects single PS particle with 600 nm emission Bildgröße [µm] 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 diffraction limit 0.5 1.0 1.5 Partikelgröße [µm] microscopy image works down to 380 nm 2.0 diffraction limit resolution = two or one object? the point spread function (psf) = intensity pattern in the focal area of a lens this is equivalent to the image of a point source (light path is reversible) light is diffracted on the aperture of the microscope objective pattern is square magnitude of complex amplitude lens aperture p(ξ, ρ) = |a(ξ, ρ)|2 a(ξ, ρ) is Fourier transform of the aperture (Fraunhofer diffraction) dimensionless variables ξ(z) = 2π N A2 z nλ ρ(r) = 2π N A2 r λ the integrated intensity in every transverse plane is the same diffraction limit ρresel 0.6 Intensity distribution in the focal plane 0.5 • only true for paraxial optics, but similar for high NA intensity 0.4 0.3 • usually termed resel (resolution element) 0.2 ρresel 0.1 0.0 -10 is the radius of the so called Airy disc ρresel = 1.22π -5 0 5 10 distance in focal plane rresel 1.2 λ = 0.61 NA intensity 0.8 Intensity distribution along the optical axis 0.4 0.0 -40 -20 0 20 distance along optical axis 40 the point spread function in 3d the psf is a complicated pattern in 3d space often psf refers to the radial distribution in the focal plane opt ical axi s diffraction changes with wavelength therefore psf too!!! focal p lan radius e R. H. Webb, Rep. Prog. Phys. 59 (1996) 427. optical resolution optical resolution two psf separated by one resel in plane ρresel 0.6 • dip between the maxima is resolved • dip is 26 % = Rayleigh criterion 26 % 0.4 intensity Rayleigh: two objects can be resolved if rresel = 0.61 0.2 0.0 -10 λ NA 338 nm for wavelength 500 nm, NA=0.9 406 nm for wavelength 600 nm, NA=0.9 -5 0 5 10 15 distance in focal plane • same can be done along the optical axis first minimum at zaxis = 2nλ N A2 this is the axial resolution about 1.2 µm for 500 nm, NA=0.9 about 1.5 µm for 600 nm, NA=0.9 Beugungsbild -1000 -500 0 x,y [nm] 500 1000 Mikroskopie - zwei Partikel 490 nm PS Kugeln Beugungsminimum -1000 -500 0 x,y [nm] 22 % -500 0 x [nm] 500 500 1000 Auflösung - Abbe die Information, dass es zwei Quellen sind wird nicht aufgesammelt Auflösung - beugungsbegrenzt Abbe Rayleigh Ein 1 nm kleines Objekt, dass Licht mit 600 nm emittiert sieht so aus, als wäre er 300 nm groß! reality is different same psf but different noise level 0.5 0.4 0.2 intensity intensity 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 -10 0 10 distance in focal plane 0.0 -10 0 10 distance in focal plane the resolution criterion is arbitrary, but can be at least exactly determined always hunt for the best signal to noise ratio! special techniques special techniques - dark field microscopy dark field image of a silicified cell special techniques - phase contrast microscopy Related Laureate: The Nobel Prize in Physics, 1953 - Frits (Frederik) Zernike » double 1/4 wavelength retardation of the source and the diffracted wave leads to destructive interference in the image plane special techniques - DIC microscopy DIC - differential interference contrast special techniques - DIC microscopy special techniques - DIC microscopy special techniques - DIC microscopy special techniques - DIC microscopy special techniques - field fluorescence microscope prism lens I-CCD intensified frame transfer CCD (Pentamax) filter microscope objective Ar+ laser 514 nm sample cryostat wide field microscope in the POM Lab measurement of the airy disc 15 µm Michael Barth. Molecule in Photonic Crystal, POM Lab R. H. Webb, Rep. Prog. Phys. 59 (1996) 427. single molecule defocused imaging typically defocusing is unwanted, but it contains information single DiI molecules in a wide field fluorescence microscope defocused imaging (orientational imaging) Michael Barth, POM Lab wide field dynamic imaging single CdSe quantum dots F. Cichos, POM Lab Brownian motion of single dye molecules F. Cichos, POM Lab this lecture • raster scanning microscopy - confocal microscopy - principle - optical resolution - point spread function - role of the pinhole - beyond the Abbe limit of resolution - point spread function engineering - stimulated emission depletion raster scanning microscopy - confocal microscopy • raster scanning microscopy = optical properties are evaluated point wise • smaple or the laser beam has to be moved (this makes the hole thing slow) moving the sample moving the beam sample scanning confocal microscopy laser scanning confocal microscopy optical near field microscopy 100 µm x 100 µm x 20 µm scanner as used in the POM lab (Physik Instrumente) confocal microscopy - idea wide field microscopy • image is sharp in depth of field • other areas unsharp but contribute to background • pinhole blocks light from unsharp regions (this is a spatial filter) • light from small sample volume is detected confocal microscopy • combine this with local illumination better contrast, slightly higher resolution but at the cost of imaging a point only Marvin Minsky,1955 patented 1957 first page of the patent (Marvin Minsky) photo of the confocal microscope prototype their centers are further apart than the first minimum of the Airy function (see figure 2.12, the minimum is at 1.22 ). Following this typical confocal definition, the resolution can be defined as in equation 2.63.setup The height of the intensity dip in the middle of the structure amounts to 26.5%. confocal microscope Dichroic Mirror filter Excitation Pinhole Sample pro • small excitation volume ø 300 nm Δz 500 nm Microscope Objective • small detection volume • spatial filtering due to pinhole (sectioning capabilities) Detection Pinhole con • small excitation volume no parallel data acquisition Detector/APD Figure 2.14: In this figure the principle setup of a confocal microscope is shown. One major component is the pinhole in the detection arm, which allows a higher resolution in the depth of the sample. Objects which are not in the image plane are virtually cut out by • imaging by scanning (slow) confocal microscopy - lateral resolution illumination and imaging is done with the same lens psf is a the product of illumination and detection psf ! pconf (ξ, ρ) = p(ξ, ρ) × p(ξ, ρ) confocal detection with an infinitely small detector (pinhole) ρresel 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.4 intensity intensity 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.0 -10 -5 0 5 10 distance in focal plane 0.0 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 distance in focal plane to obtain a 26 % dip two psf ’s are separate by • the psf is narrower than in wide field • fringes are deacreased in intensity the squared psf makes the resolution! ∆rconf = 0.44 λ NA lateral resolution is 72% of wide field microscopy 500 nm, NA=0.9 gives 244 nm resolution intensity 0.4 0.3 confocal microscopy - axial resolution 0.2 0.1 0.0 -10 ∆zaxis = 1.5 nλ N A2 5 10 1.2 0.8 intensity Iaxis ∝ ! " ! ""4 ξ ξ / sin 4 4 0 distance in focal plane was only square for wide field microscopy ! -5 0.4 about 0.9 µm for 500 nm, NA=0.9 axial resolution is 75% of wide field microscopy 0.0 -40 -20 0 20 distance along optical axis but goes with the squared psf makes the resolution of the confocal microscope! 40 the effect of squared psf Confocal optical microscopy 436 R H Webb wide field psf Figure 8. p(⇤, ⌥) for the parallel to it: in (a) this diffraction pattern, and in ( case. Figure 7. The point-spread function in through-focus series. Each sub-picture is from a plane parallel to the focal plane. These are actual photographs as a microscope is stepped through the confocal psf in 3d confocal psf wide field psf main difference in the lobes gives better contrast integrated intensity over each plane is constant integrated intensity over each plane is not constant R. H. Webb, Rep. Prog. Phys. 59 (1996) 427. getting contrast 444 R H Webb the surpression of the diffraction pattern increases contrast, since dim objects are not obscured by the diffraction fringes Figure 16. Two points of very different (200:1) remission intensity, are well resolved (4.5 resels). In (a) the conventional view leaves the dimmer point obscured, but in (b) the confocal contrast enhancement allows its display. Arrows indicate the weaker remitter. So a bright object near a dim one is less likely to contribute background light—to spoil the contrast. In turn, that means that the resolved dim object can be seen as resolved. As an example, figure 16 shows two point objects in the focal plane that are separated the pinhole resolution and contrast • the pinhole does not change the psf • the psf is a property of the objective (NA) but the pinhole corresponds to a certain area in the object plane the bigger the pinhole, the more photons will go through it example: 1 mm pinhole corresponds to 10 µm in the object plane for a 100x objective each point light source in the object plane gives rise to a psf in the image plane (pinhole) the detection intensity is a convolution of psf and pinhole large pinhole blurs the psf this has o be multiplied by the excitation psf 10 µm a pinhole smaller than 1 resel will not improve resolution it will only reduce detected light effect of the pinhole despite the large pinhole confocality preserved R. H. Webb, Rep. Prog. Phys. 59 (1996) 427. the truth so far the psf was only for paraxial approximation for objective lenses the paraxial approximation is not valid true electric field I0 (ξ, ρ) = !θ √ 2 J0 (ρ sin α/ sin θ) cos α sin α(1 + cos α)eiξ cos α/ sin θ dα !θ √ 2 J1 (ρ sin α/ sin θ) cos α sin2 α eiξ cos α/ sin θ dα 0 I1 (ξ, ρ) = 0 I2 (ξ, ρ) = !θ √ iξ cos α/ sin2 θ J2 (ρ sin α/ sin θ) cos α sin α(1 + cos α)e dα 0 J0 , J1 , J2 are Bessel function of first kind the real point spread function three Bessel functions J0 , J1 , J2 point spread function for a high NA lens 1.0 J0,J1,J2 p(ξ, ρ) = {|I0 |2 + 2|I1 |2 + |I2 |2 } (unpolarized light) 0.5 confocal psf for a high NA lens 0.0 -0.5 0 pconf (ξ, ρ) = {|I0 |2 + 2|I1 |2 + |I2 |2 }2 10 20 30 40 distance I1 (ξ, ρ = 0) = I2 (ξ, ρ = 0) = 0 50 example confocal image silicon quantum dots 10 µm J. Martin, POM/OSMP Lab Disk Microscopy 59 special techniques - spinning disc confocal microscopy B How to improve the resolution? lateral resolution of 244 nm is not bad (SNR is important) but axial resolution (0.9 µm) is bad! axial resolution scales with NA-2 ∆zaxis = 1.5 nλ N A2 currently NA=1.6 is the current microscope objective limit, but for n=1.5 simple idea: use a larger solid angle with two microscope objectives 4pi psf: p(ξ, ρ, φ)4P i = |a(ξ, ρ)|2 = |a1 (ξ, ρ, φ) + a2 (ξ, ρ, φ)|2 S. Hell and E. H. K. Stelzer, ‘‘Properties of a 4Pi confocal fluorescence microscope,’ ’ J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 9, 2159–2166 1992. axial resolution - 4pi point spread function illumination two objective illumination interference of the two optical fields sharper main maximum in the middle but two strong side lobes det exc p(ξ, ρ)conf 4P i = p(ξ, ρ)4P i p(ξ, ρ) image from M. Martinez-Corral, G.I.T. Imaging & Microscopy 2/2002 4pi confocal setup 4pi excitation - 4pi detection image from M. Martinez-Corral, G.I.T. Imaging & Microscopy 2/2002 increasing lateral resolution fluorescence of organic molecules Rhodamine 6G emission spectrum of a single R6G molecule emission intensity fluorescence excitation S1 S0 50 vibrational levels electronic level vibrational levels electronic level 40 30 20 10 0 500 600 emission wavelength [nm] vibrational relaxation ~10-13 s spontaneous emission ~10-9 s 700 stimulated emission incident photon flux stimulates emission at frequency of incident light if molecule is in the excited state (and if it can emit/absorb at this frequency) for monochromatic light probability density for stimulated emission excited organic molecules incident photon flux S1 absorption cross section stimulated photon photon S0 for polymchromatic light (but narrower than linewidth) mean incident photon flux stimulated emission and absorption have the same probability point spread function engineering modify the shape and phase of the exciting beam to manipulate the shape of the point spread function phase plate objective lens phase shift depending on the phase shift and the form of the the wave plate, different focal intensity patterns are obtained no phase shift point spread function engineering different point spread functions for different phase plates Type I Type II π π π Phasefilter y y x 76 x 36 x 0.5 µm 0.5 µm 0 0.5 µm 0 y 0 y z 5 in xy 4 z Axial Section z 76 75 0.5 µm 0.5 µm 0 π y 25 Lateral Section Type III 36 0.5 µm 0 http://www.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/archiv/4902 0 stimulated depletion microscopy objective lens tube lens detector stimulated depletion microscopy combines confocal microscopy and emission depletion with an engineered psf to increase resolution bandpass filter phase plate STED laser 40 typically pulsed fs-ps typically pulsed 10-100 ps 30 20 STED exciting laser excitation 50 10 time 0 500 600 700 Examples - Stimulated Depletion Microscopy Examples - Single Molecule STED Excitation STED y y 0.5 µm x x Phasefilter: π y 0.4 µm Conventional Lars Kastrup, phd thesis, Heidelberg x STED http://www.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/archiv/5033