hero esl teach guide

Teacher’s Page
by Elizabeth Webster (p. 131)
Prereading: Cultural Background
In this story there are a few corporate references, such as Nikes (sneakers) and A & P (a supermarket). At the end
of page 132, the narrator makes fun of Brad by imitating child-like speech. The narrator feels that Brad is a “momma’s
boy” (someone tied to his mother’s authority).
Before Students Read: Writing
Ask your students to answer the questions on the Student’s Page (Part A) and to share their answers with another
student. Then ask for volunteers to share their answers with the whole class. This activity takes advantage of your
students’ prior knowledge of the story’s central issues, which in turn will aid their reading comprehension.
Grammar Review
(on Student’s Page)
Antonyms are words with opposite meanings, and synonyms are words with the same or almost the same meaning.
Having your students identify antonyms and synonyms is a good way to expand their vocabulary and to see relationships
within a story. “Theft” is a good example of a story that employs opposition and similarity to create tension and meaning
in the story.
After Students Read
Divide your students into groups and ask them to prepare a skit that resolves an issue presented in the
story. Then ask your students to act out the skits. The following are suggested starters for the groups:
1. You have recovered some stolen property. Then you realize someone else has taken credit for recovering it.
2. You chase and catch a thief. You find that the thief is a sad and mistreated nine-year-old boy. Do you turn him in to
the police?
3. You are walking home and someone you really do not like is walking with you.
4. You find that someone you know is having a hard time. He doesn’t have any money or parental help. You have some
money you could give him if you wanted to.
5. Your family is poor. You don’t have the right clothing for a very cold day. Someone asks you why you aren’t wearing a
hat or gloves. What do you say?
Guide to Something like a Hero
(p. 131)
Student’s Page
Name _____________________________
Date _____________
Part A: Before You Read
Write answers to the following questions. Continue on a separate sheet of paper if necessary.
1. Do you think that life is fair or unfair? ______________________________________________________________________
2. If you saw someone steal someone’s pocketbook, would you chase the thief? Under what circumstances? ___________
3. If you caught the thief, what would you do next?____________________________________________________________
Part B: Grammar Review
Antonyms are words with opposite meanings, and synonyms are words with the same or almost the same meaning.
Directions: Write the antonym and the synonym for the bold words below.
Example: I left school that day in one of the worst moods of my entire life. (p. 131)
antonym: best synonym: foulest
1. He lived in one of those rich, three-story houses . . . (p. 132)
antonym __________________________
2. . . . the sneakers seemed to be absorbing more water . . . (p. 132)
antonym __________________________
3. . . . she trusted me . . . (p. 133)
antonym __________________________
synonym __________________________
4. . . . a kid who had no one to look out for him, no one to love him. (p. 135)
antonym __________________________
synonym __________________________
5. And he looked so afraid—so pitiful! (p. 135)
antonym __________________________
Guide to Something like a Hero
synonym __________________________
(p. 131)
Student’s Page
Name _____________________________
Date _____________
Part C: Vocabulary
Based on the way each word below is used in the story, write what you think the word means. Then look up the same
word in your dictionary and copy the definition that comes closest to the way the word is used in the story. Finally, write
a sentence of your own using the word. Use a separate sheet of paper.
Example: pleasant (p. 131)
A. Your definition: happy
B. Dictionary definition: agreeable
C. Your new sentence: It was a pleasant day to go to the beach.
1. advice (p. 131)
6. articles (p. 132)
2. managed (p. 132)
7. neighborhood (p. 133)
3. consolation (p. 132)
8. realized (p. 134)
4. absorbing (p. 132)
9. reluctant (p. 134)
5. repelling (p. 132)
10. hesitate (p. 135)
Part D: Reading Check
After reviewing the story, please answer the following questions:
1. With whom does the narrator walk home? __________________________________________________________________
2. Describe Bradley English. _________________________________________________________________________________
3. What happens to Mrs. Rutherford? ________________________________________________________________________
4. Why does the narrator feel that life is unfair (p. 137)? ________________________________________________________
Guide to Something like a Hero