growth team m e m b e r s h i p ™ 1 Market Research and Competitive Intelligence Priorities 2013 global survey results Share this survey on Twitter and Linkedin The contents of these pages are copyright © 2013 Frost & Sullivan. All rights reserved. Co-Sponsor growth team m e m b e r s h i p ™ 2013 survey results CONTENTS Market Research and Competitive Intelligence Executive Summary . . . . . . . 3 INTRO Survey Overview and Distribution of Respondents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 What is the Growth Team Membership™? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Overarching Challenges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 SECTION 1 SECTION 2 SECTION 3 SECTION 4 SECTION 5 SECTION 6 Key Market Research Challenges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Market Research Resource Trends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Key Competitive Intelligence Challenges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Competitive Intelligence (CI) Resource Trends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Special Interest Topic: Supporting Stakeholder Decision‑Making . . . . . . . . 27 Respondent Demographics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 The contents of these pages are copyright © 2013 Frost & Sullivan. All rights reserved. 2 growth team m e m b e r s h i p ™ 2013 survey results Introduction 3 Market Research and Competitive Intelligence (CI) Survey Executive Summary KEY INTERNAL CHALLENGE KEY INTERNAL CHALLENGE ROOT CAUSE Key Market Research Challenge Ensuring research insights are actionable and included in stakeholders’ decision-making Lack of process reinforcement SECTION 2: BUDGETS RESOURCES Market Research Resource Trends R&D typically has an annual budget of less than $500,000* For 2013, budgets and staffing levels will remain constant SECTION 3: KEY INTERNAL CHALLENGE KEY INTERNAL CHALLENGE ROOT CAUSE Key Competitive Intelligence Challenges Developing, implementing, and monitoring counter-intelligence tactics Inadequate skills SECTION 4: BUDGETS RESOURCES Competitive Intelligence (CI) Resource Trends R&D typically has an annual budget of less than $250,000* For 2013, budgets and staffing levels will remain constant SECTION 1: SECTION 5: Supporting Stakeholder Decision-Making PRIMARY INTERNAL CLIENT TOP ACTIVITY TO SUPPORT SALES TOP ACTIVITY TO SUPPORT EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT Sales/Business Development Customer/consumer research SWOT analysis *All monetary values in this report are in US dollars ($USD). The contents of these pages are copyright © 2013 Frost & Sullivan. All rights reserved. Growth Team Membership™ research. growth team m e m b e r s h i p ™ 2013 survey results Introduction 4 Survey Overview and Distribution of Respondents Survey Purpose To understand the most pressing challenges shaping market research and competitive intelligence executives’ 2013 planning Methodology Web-based survey platform Survey Population Co-Sponsor Market research and competitive intelligence executives at manager level and above 93 survey respondents * Europe 7% respondents’ roles* Corporate 44% Business Unit/Division 17% Asia-Pacific Americas 50% Both Corporate and Business Unit/Division 39% 14% Africa 1% Middle East South Asia 19% 0% *Percentages do not include respondents who answered “Other” or did not complete the question. The contents of these pages are copyright © 2013 Frost & Sullivan. All rights reserved. Growth Team Membership™ research. growth team m e m b e r s h i p ™ 2013 survey results Introduction 5 What is the Growth Team Membership™? GTM is a research and consulting program that supports executives within the functions that report to the CEO CEO’s Growth Team™ GTM: Creating Client Value R&D/ Innovation GTM’s case-based best practices help executives: Sales Leadership Corporate Strategy CEO Marketing GTM provides best practices, events, and services that enable executives to address challenges within their companies Corporate Development Market Research Market Research Investors/ Finance Speed the design and implementation of initiatives by not reinventing the wheel Save money and reduce risk by avoiding mistakes made by other companies Accelerate problem-solving with a cross‑industry perspective Competitive Competitive Intelligence Intelligence Improve their functions’ and companies’ performance and productivity The contents of these pages are copyright © 2013 Frost & Sullivan. All rights reserved. Growth Team Membership™ research. growth team m e m b e r s h i p ™ 2013 survey results Introduction 6 What’s Keeping Market Research and Competitive Intelligence Executives Up at Night in 2013? Market Research’s Overarching Challenges Best Practice Solutions from GTM Ensuring Research Insights are Actionable Market Research must deliver actionable customer insights to drive the company’s decision-making. Learn how BP’s market research function used segment-based consumer insights to shape companywide marketing initiatives. Competitive Intelligence’s Overarching Challenges Capturing Employees’ Competitive Information Learn how Cintas developed a companywide intelligence network that incorporated employee insights into the company’s decision‑making. Competitive Intelligence needs to harness the competitive insights of its employees. Devising Effective Competitive Strategies Competitive Intelligence executives must continually assess the company’s unique strengths, identify high‑growth market opportunities, and analyze potential responses to competitive threats. Learn how our Competitive Strategy toolkit helps you perform internal competency evaluation, market due diligence, and threat mitigation. Contact us at The contents of these pages are copyright © 2013 Frost & Sullivan. All rights reserved. Growth Team Membership™ research. growth team m e m b e r s h i p ™ 2013 survey results 7 INTRO SECTION 1 Key Market Research Challenges SECTION 2 SECTION 3 SECTION 4 SECTION 5 SECTION 6 The contents of these pages are copyright © 2013 Frost & Sullivan. All rights reserved. Growth Team Membership™ research. growth team m e m b e r s h i p ™ 2013 survey results Section 1 8 Top Five Key Market Research Challenges CHALLENGE 1 SURVEY QUESTION: Ensuring research insights are actionable and included in stakeholders’ decision‑making 2 Developing an integrated customer and market insights dashboard to support decision-making 3 Creating an insight generation process that yields high-quality outputs 4 Integrating global, regional, and local customer/ market information to generate insights 5 Demonstrating the ROI of market research IN 2011, respondents were concerned with providing valuable insights for strategic decision-makers. BY 2012, respondents were focusing on demonstrating the ROI of market research. What are the top five functional challenges shaping your market research plans? The contents of these pages are copyright © 2013 Frost & Sullivan. All rights reserved. Growth Team Membership™ research. growth team m e m b e r s h i p ™ 2013 survey results Section 1 9 Respondents’ challenges are attributed to staff and process limitations Top Five Market Research Challenges Root Cause of Top Five Market Research Challenges CHALLENGE 1 Ensuring research insights are actionable and included in stakeholders’ decision‑making Process: Lack of enforcement 2 Developing an integrated customer and market insights dashboard to support decision-making Staff: Inadequate headcount 3 Creating an insight generation process that yields high-quality outputs Process: Lack of process 4 Integrating global, regional, and local customer/market information to generate insights Staff: Inadequate headcount Process: Lack of enforcement 5 SURVEY QUESTION: Demonstrating the ROI of market research Strategic Alignment: Insufficient support by senior management Please indicate the root cause—staff, process, technology/systems, or strategic alignment—of your top five market research challenges. The contents of these pages are copyright © 2013 Frost & Sullivan. All rights reserved. Growth Team Membership™ research. growth team m e m b e r s h i p ™ 2013 survey results Section 1 10 B-to-B respondents prioritize dashboards and future trends, while B-to-C respondents focus on portfolio balance and insight quality Top Five Market Research Challenges (By Business Model) CHALLENGE B-to-B B-to-C 1 Engaging stakeholders to pinpoint their research needs Ensuring the research portfolio balance strategic and tactical projects 2 Developing an integrated customer and market insights dashboard to support decision-making Ensuring research insights are actionable and included in stakeholders’ decision‑making 3 Ensuring research insights are actionable and included in stakeholders’ decision‑making Creating an insight generation process that yields high-quality outputs 4 Demonstrating the ROI of market research Integrating global, regional, and local customer/ market information to generate insights 5 Identifying and prioritizing future trends/ Mega Trends Demonstrating the ROI of market research The contents of these pages are copyright © 2013 Frost & Sullivan. All rights reserved. Growth Team Membership™ research. growth team m e m b e r s h i p ™ 2013 survey results 11 INTRO SECTION 1 SECTION 2 Market Research Resource Trends SECTION 3 SECTION 4 SECTION 5 SECTION 6 The contents of these pages are copyright © 2013 Frost & Sullivan. All rights reserved. Growth Team Membership™ research. growth team m e m b e r s h i p ™ 12 2013 survey results Section 2 B-to-C market research departments have larger budgets than those in B-to-B companies 2013 Market Research Budgets (By Business Model) percentage of revenue dedicated to department budget (by business model) 50% The median percentage of company revenue dedicated to the market research budget is: •• All companies = 1% •• B-to-B companies = 1% •• B-to-C companies = 0.9% Median = $374,999 41% Average = $374,999 40% 35% Survey Question: What is your 2013 total market research budget as a percentage of your company’s total 2012 revenue? 31% 29% 30% 26% 22% 21% 20% 14% 16% 15% 13% 9% 10% 7% 2% 0% Below $250,000 $250,000 to $499,999 $500,000 to $999,999 $1 Million to $2.99 Million All Companies SURVEY QUESTION: 3% 0% $3 Million to $4.99 Million B-to-B Companies 2% 3% 0% $5 Million to $9.99 Million 2% 7% 2% 0% $10 Million to $19.99 Million 0% $20 Million or more B-to-C Companies hich of the above ranges (in $USD) best describes your 2013 total market research budget (all expenditures on market research W activities and general & administrative—including staff)? The contents of these pages are copyright © 2013 Frost & Sullivan. All rights reserved. Growth Team Membership™ research. growth team m e m b e r s h i p ™ 2013 survey results Section 2 13 B-to-C respondents put more emphasis on branding, pricing, and customer satisfaction research than their peers in B-to-B companies Market Research Portfolio Composition (By Business Model) market research’s budget allocated to vendors (by business model) 20% The median percentage of budget allocated to vendors is: •• All companies = 45% •• B-to-B companies = 27.5% •• B-to-C companies = 60% 18% 15% Survey Question: What percent of your 2013 budget is allocated to vendors/suppliers? 13% 10% 10% 18% 18% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 9% 8% 8% 8% 5% 5% 2% 1% 0% 0% Market Size/Structure Product/Service Development and Testing Branding, Messaging, Customer/ and Market Consumer Behavior Communications (segmentation, attitudes, usage studies, etc.) All Companies SURVEY QUESTION: B-to-B Companies Pricing Research 0% Customer Business/Competitive Satisfaction/Market Intelligence Tracking B-to-C Companies How have you allocated your market research project portfolio across the above research categories? The contents of these pages are copyright © 2013 Frost & Sullivan. All rights reserved. Growth Team Membership™ research. growth team m e m b e r s h i p ™ 2013 survey results Section 2 14 The majority of respondents expect staffing levels to remain constant in 2013 Market Research Staffing Changes (By Business Model) 2011 Average Rating = 3.21 2012 Average Rating = 3.11 2013 Average Rating = 3.23 70% 67% 70% RESPONDENTS’ expectations for additional staff has recovered after a sharp decline in 2012. 60% 54% 50% market research staff (by business model) 38% 40% The median number of staff is: All companies = 3 employees, B-to-B companies = 3 employees, B-to-C companies = 4.5 employees. 30% 25% 21% Survey Question: Approximately how many full-time employees are in your market research department? 20% 10% 2% 0% 6% 3% 8% 0% 5 Increase Substantially 0% 4 Increase Moderately All Companies SURVEY QUESTION: 6% 3 Stay the Same B-to-B Companies 2 Decrease Moderately 0% 0% 1 Decrease Substantially B-to-C Companies In comparison to 2012, your 2013 market research staffing will… The contents of these pages are copyright © 2013 Frost & Sullivan. All rights reserved. Growth Team Membership™ research. growth team m e m b e r s h i p ™ 2013 survey results Section 2 15 Most respondents expect budgets to remain static in 2013 Market Research Budget Changes (By Business Model) 2011 Average Rating = 3.14 2012 Average Rating = 3.06 2013 Average Rating = 3.23 49% 50% 47% 46% EXPECTATIONS for additional funding have increased. 39% 40% 32% 31% 30% 20% 13% 13% 15% 10% 4% 0% 6% 2% 0% 5 Increase Substantially 4 Increase Moderately All Companies SURVEY QUESTION: 3 Stay the Same B-to-B Companies 2 Decrease Moderately 3% 0% 1 Decrease Substantially B-to-C Companies In comparison to 2012, your 2013 market research budget will… The contents of these pages are copyright © 2013 Frost & Sullivan. All rights reserved. Growth Team Membership™ research. growth team m e m b e r s h i p ™ 2013 survey results Section 2 16 Most respondents rate their departments’ effectiveness as “Average” Market Research Effectiveness (By Business Model) 2012 Average Rating = 3.31 2013 Average Rating = 2.74 69% 70% 60% 50% 48% 41% 40% 37% 33% 30% 20% 15% 11% 10% 13% 8% 4% 0% 8% 4% 3% 0% 5 Exceptional 4 Above Average All Companies SURVEY QUESTION: 6% 3 Average B-to-B Companies 2 Below Average 1 Poor B-to-C Companies How would you rate the performance or effectiveness of your function compared to others within your industry? The contents of these pages are copyright © 2013 Frost & Sullivan. All rights reserved. Growth Team Membership™ research. growth team m e m b e r s h i p ™ 2013 survey results 17 INTRO SECTION 1 SECTION 2 SECTION 3 Key Competitive Intelligence Challenges SECTION 4 SECTION 5 SECTION 6 The contents of these pages are copyright © 2013 Frost & Sullivan. All rights reserved. Growth Team Membership™ research. growth team m e m b e r s h i p ™ 2013 survey results Section 3 18 Top Five Key Competitive Intelligence Challenges CHALLENGE SURVEY QUESTION: 1 Developing, implementing, and monitoring counter-intelligence tactics 2 Packaging and communicating competitive data and insights to drive stakeholder decision-making 3 Capturing the competitive information held by your company’s employees 4 Developing an integrated competitive insights dashboard to support decision-making 5 Conducting actionable win/loss analysis FOR the previous two years, the top challenge was “Aligning Key Intelligence Topics (KITs) to the company’s strategic priorities.” What are the top five functional challenges shaping your competitive intelligence strategy? The contents of these pages are copyright © 2013 Frost & Sullivan. All rights reserved. Growth Team Membership™ research. growth team m e m b e r s h i p ™ 2013 survey results Section 3 19 Respondents’ challenges are attributed to staff and process limitations Top Five Competitive Intelligence Challenges Root Cause of Top Five Competitive Intelligence Challenges CHALLENGE 1 Developing, implementing, and monitoring counter-intelligence tactics Staff: Inadequate skills 2 Packaging and communicating competitive data and insights to drive stakeholder decision-making Process: Lack of process 3 Capturing the competitive information held by your company’s employees Process: Lack of process 4 Developing an integrated competitive insights dashboard to support decision‑making Technology/Systems: Inadequate/outdated technology 5 Conducting actionable win/loss analysis Staff: Lack of experience SURVEY QUESTION: P lease indicate the root cause—staff, process, technology/systems, or strategic alignment—of your top five competitive intelligence challenges. The contents of these pages are copyright © 2013 Frost & Sullivan. All rights reserved. Growth Team Membership™ research. growth team m e m b e r s h i p ™ 2013 survey results Section 3 20 B-to-B respondents focus on dashboards and counter-intelligence tactics, while their B-to-C peers prioritize stakeholder needs and competitive alerts Top Five Competitive Intelligence Challenges (By Business Model) CHALLENGE B-to-B B-to-C 1 Developing, implementing, and monitoring counter-intelligence tactics Packaging and communicating competitive data and insights to drive stakeholder decision-making 2 Capturing the competitive information held by your company’s employees Diagnosing stakeholders’ specific intelligence needs 3 Packaging and communicating competitive data and insights to drive stakeholder decision-making Capturing the competitive information held by your company’s employees 4 Developing an integrated competitive insights dashboard to support decision-making Creating effective and timely competitive alerts 5 Conducting actionable win/loss analysis Conducting actionable win/loss analysis The contents of these pages are copyright © 2013 Frost & Sullivan. All rights reserved. Growth Team Membership™ research. growth team m e m b e r s h i p ™ 2013 survey results 21 INTRO SECTION 1 SECTION 2 SECTION 3 SECTION 4 Competitive Intelligence (CI) Resource Trends SECTION 5 SECTION 6 The contents of these pages are copyright © 2013 Frost & Sullivan. All rights reserved. Growth Team Membership™ research. growth team m e m b e r s h i p ™ 2013 survey results Section 4 22 The majority of CI departments have budgets that do not exceed $250,000 2013 Competitive Intelligence Budgets (By Business Model) percentage of revenue dedicated to budget (by business model) Median = $125,000 70% 61% 60% 63% Average = $191,500 The median percentage of company revenue dedicated to the CI budget is: All companies = 1%, B-to-B companies = 1%, B-to-C companies = 1%. 60% Survey Question: What is your 2013 total competitive intelligence budget as a percentage of your company’s total 2012 revenue? percentage of budget allocated to vendors (by business model) 50% The median percentage of budget allocated to vendors is: All companies = 10%, B-to-B companies = 10%, B-to-C companies = 3%. 40% Survey Question: What percentage of your 2013 budget is allocated to vendors/suppliers? 30% 22% 20% 20% 15% 11% 10% 0% 9% 11% Below $250,000 $250,000 to $499,999 7% 6% 2% 0% All Companies SURVEY QUESTION: 13% $500,000 to $999,999 B-to-B Companies $1 Million to $2.99 Million 0% $3 Million or more B-to-C Companies hich of the above ranges (in $USD) best describes your 2013 total competitive intelligence budget (all expenditures on competitive W intelligence activities and general & administrative—including staff)? The contents of these pages are copyright © 2013 Frost & Sullivan. All rights reserved. Growth Team Membership™ research. growth team m e m b e r s h i p ™ 2013 survey results Section 4 23 The majority of respondents expect staffing levels to remain static Competitive Intelligence Staffing Changes (By Business Model) 2013 Average Rating = 3.12 2012 Average Rating = 3.21 2011 Average Rating = 3.25 EXPECTATIONS for additional 70% 65% 65% staff have declined over the past three years. 64% 60% competitive intelligence staff (by business model) 50% The median number of employees in 2013 is: •• All companies = 2 employees •• B-to-B companies = 1.5 employees •• B-to-C companies = 2.5 employees 40% 30% 19% 20% Survey Question: Approximately how many full-time employees are in your competitive intelligence department? 22% 18% 14% 10% 10% 4% 0% 6% 8% 2% 0% 5 Increase Substantially 4 Increase Moderately All Companies SURVEY QUESTION: 3 Stay the Same B-to-B Companies 2 Decrease Moderately 3% 0% 1 Decrease Substantially B-to-C Companies In comparison to 2012, your 2013 competitive intelligence staffing will… The contents of these pages are copyright © 2013 Frost & Sullivan. All rights reserved. Growth Team Membership™ research. growth team m e m b e r s h i p ™ 2013 survey results Section 4 24 The majority of respondents expect little to no budget increase for 2013 Competitive Intelligence Budget Changes 2013 Average Rating = 3.08 2012 Average Rating = 3.18 2011 Average Rating = 3.25 69% 70% 60% 58% RESPONDENTS’ forecasts for 52% additional funding have declined over the past three years. 50% 40% 30% 27% 22% 18% 20% 18% 19% 12% 10% 2% 0% 3% 0% 5 Increase Substantially 0% 4 Increase Moderately All Companies SURVEY QUESTION: 3 Stay the Same B-to-B Companies 2 Decrease Moderately 0% 0% 1 Decrease Substantially B-to-C Companies In comparison to 2012, your 2013 competitive intelligence budget will… The contents of these pages are copyright © 2013 Frost & Sullivan. All rights reserved. Growth Team Membership™ research. growth team m e m b e r s h i p ™ 2013 survey results Section 4 25 B-to-C respondents are twice as likely to rate their departments’ effectiveness as “Average” than their B-to-B peers Competitive Intelligence Effectiveness (By Business Model) 2013 Average Rating = 3.12 2012 Average Rating = 3.22 60% 56% 50% 40% 37% 33% 30% 28% 30% 29% 25% 21% 20% 13% 10% 8% 9% 6% 2% 0% 5 Exceptional 4 Above Average All Companies SURVEY QUESTION: 3 Average B-to-B Companies 2 Below Average 3% 0% 1 Poor B-to-C Companies How would you rate the performance or effectiveness of your function compared to others within your industry? The contents of these pages are copyright © 2013 Frost & Sullivan. All rights reserved. Growth Team Membership™ research. growth team m e m b e r s h i p ™ 2013 survey results Section 4 26 Most CI departments report into Marketing Direct Line Report of Competitive Intelligence (By Business Model) 50% 46% SINCE 2012, the percentage of CI departments reporting into Marketing has decreased by 10%, and the percentage reporting into Executive Management has doubled. 40% 32% 30% 26% 20% 20% 20% 20% 21% 20% 16% 12% 14% 10% 10% 6% 0% 6% 7% 12% 7% 2% 0% Marketing Market Research Corporate Strategy/Planning All Companies SURVEY QUESTION: Sales/Business Development B-to-B Companies R&D/Innovation and Product Development Executive Management (CEO/President/ General Manager) 3% 0% Other B-to-C Companies To which department does your competitive intelligence function directly report? The contents of these pages are copyright © 2013 Frost & Sullivan. All rights reserved. Growth Team Membership™ research. growth team m e m b e r s h i p ™ 2013 survey results 27 INTRO SECTION 1 SECTION 2 SECTION 3 SECTION 4 SECTION 5 Special Interest Topic: Supporting Stakeholder Decision‑Making SECTION 6 The contents of these pages are copyright © 2013 Frost & Sullivan. All rights reserved. Growth Team Membership™ research. growth team m e m b e r s h i p ™ 2013 survey results Section 5 28 Sales/Business Development accounts for most of the B-to-B respondents’ research portfolio, while Marketing is the primary client for B-to-C respondents Top Three Clients (By Business Model) All Companies B-to-B Companies Sales/Business Development Sales/Business Development (67%) (78%) Marketing (66%) Corporate Strategy/Planning (65%) SURVEY QUESTION: B-to-C Companies Marketing (74%) Corporate Strategy/Planning Corporate Strategy/Planning (50%) (50%) Marketing (63%) Sales/Business Development (47%) Please identify your top three internal clients (in terms of the percentage of your research portfolio they account for). The contents of these pages are copyright © 2013 Frost & Sullivan. All rights reserved. Growth Team Membership™ research. growth team m e m b e r s h i p ™ 2013 survey results Section 5 29 Market assessments are a critical activity conducted for Marketing Activities to Support Marketing (By Business Model) 67% 61% Market Assessments 78% Pricing Research Currently Conducting 50% (55%) 61% (59%) (58%) measuring success Branding, Messaging, and Marketing Communications (61%) (60%) (68%) The primary method used to measure impact on Marketing is: •• All companies = Customer Satisfaction or Net Promoter Scores (33%) •• B-to-B companies = Customer Satisfaction or Net Promoter Scores (44%) •• B-to-C companies = Key Intelligence Topics (34%) Customer/Consumer Research 56% Not Conducting * (60%) (61%) Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty Research (61%) (67%) (68%) Survey Question: What metric(s) do you use to measure the impact of your department’s work for Marketing? Voice of the Customer (67%) (100%) (80%) (60%) (40%) All Companies (20%) 0% 20% B-to-B Companies 40% 60% 80% 100% B-to-C Companies *Percentages indicate the number of people not using this activity. SURVEY QUESTION: Which of the above activities does your department perform to support Marketing’s decision-making (please check all that apply)? The contents of these pages are copyright © 2013 Frost & Sullivan. All rights reserved. Growth Team Membership™ research. growth team m e m b e r s h i p ™ 2013 survey results Section 5 30 The majority of respondents do not conduct win/loss analysis for Sales Activities to Support Sales (By Business Model) 70% 69% Customer/Consumer Research 69% Currently Conducting 60% Tools that Position Sales Against Specific Competitors (e.g., Battle Cards) 63% 57% (57%) measuring success (59%) Sales Forecasts and Pipeline Analytics 54% (62%) Not Conducting * (59%) Win/Loss Analysis (69%) Survey Question: What metric(s) do you use to measure the impact of your department’s work for Sales? (79%) (75%) The primary method used to measure impact on Sales is: •• All companies = Sales or Win/Loss Ratio (46%) •• B-to-B companies = Sales or Win/Loss Ratio (50%) •• B-to-C companies = Forecast Accuracy (40%) War-gaming (85%) (100%) (80%) (60%) (40%) All Companies (20%) 0% 20% B-to-B Companies 40% 60% 80% 100% B-to-C Companies *Percentages indicate the number of people not using this activity. SURVEY QUESTION: Which of the above activities does your department perform to support Sales’ decision-making (please check all that apply)? The contents of these pages are copyright © 2013 Frost & Sullivan. All rights reserved. Growth Team Membership™ research. growth team m e m b e r s h i p ™ 2013 survey results Section 5 31 SWOT analysis is the primary activity conducted for Executive Management Activities to Support Executive Management (By Business Model) 80% 82% SWOT Analysis 80% 53% Currently Conducting 50% Customer/consumer segmentation 60% (62%) (61%) measuring success Scenario planning The primary method used to measure impact on Executive Management is: •• All companies = Verbal feedback (39%) •• B-to-B companies = Key Intelligence Topics (38%) •• B-to-C companies = Verbal feedback (60%) (60%) Not Conducting * (80%) (76%) Strategic Early Warning (SEW) (87%) Survey Question: What metric(s) do you use to measure the impact of your department’s work for Executive Management? (84%) (82%) War-gaming (87%) (100%) (80%) (60%) (40%) All Companies (20%) 0% 20% B-to-B Companies 40% 60% 80% 100% B-to-C Companies *Percentages indicate the number of people not using this activity. SURVEY QUESTION: Which of the above tools/methods do you use to support Executive Management’s decision-making (please check all that apply)? The contents of these pages are copyright © 2013 Frost & Sullivan. All rights reserved. Growth Team Membership™ research. growth team m e m b e r s h i p ™ 2013 survey results Section 5 32 SWOT analysis is the primary activity conducted for Corporate Strategy Activities to Support Corporate Strategy (By Business Model) 74% 78% SWOT Analysis 64% Currently Conducting 52% Customer/Consumer Segmentation (56%) 64% (63%) (58%) measuring success Scenario Planning The primary method used to measure impact on Corporate Strategy is: •• All companies = Sales (40%) •• B-to-B companies = Sales (50%) •• B-to-C companies = Key Intelligence Topics (50%) (71%) (84%) Not Conducting * (78%) Strategic Early Warning (SEW) (100%) Survey Question: What metric(s) do you use to measure the impact of your department’s work for Corporate Strategy? (87%) (86%) War-gaming (86%) (100%) (80%) (60%) (40%) All Companies (20%) 0% 20% B-to-B Companies 40% 60% 80% 100% B-to-C Companies *Percentages indicate the number of people not using this activity. SURVEY QUESTION: Which of the above tools/methods do you use to support Corporate Strategy’s decision-making (please check all that apply)? The contents of these pages are copyright © 2013 Frost & Sullivan. All rights reserved. Growth Team Membership™ research. growth team m e m b e r s h i p ™ 2013 survey results Section 5 33 Most respondents provide front-end inputs (needs analysis and brand positioning) for Product Development Activities to Support Product Development (By Business Model) 86% 86% Customer Needs Analysis 83% Currently Conducting 57% 50% Brand Positioning 67% (51%) (55%) Product Concept and Packaging Testing 50% (54%) Not Conducting * Post-launch Evaluations (68%) 67% (66%) (73%) Product Testing (58%) (100%) (80%) (60%) (40%) All Companies (20%) 0% 20% B-to-B Companies 40% 60% 80% 100% B-to-C Companies *Percentages indicate the number of people not using this activity. Note:The number of respondents who measure their support for product development, was not statistically significant enough for analysis. SURVEY QUESTION: Which of the above activities do you conduct to contribute to Product Development’s decision-making (please check all that apply)? The contents of these pages are copyright © 2013 Frost & Sullivan. All rights reserved. Growth Team Membership™ research. growth team m e m b e r s h i p ™ 2013 survey results 34 INTRO SECTION 1 SECTION 2 SECTION 3 SECTION 4 SECTION 5 SECTION 6 Respondent Demographics The contents of these pages are copyright © 2013 Frost & Sullivan. All rights reserved. Growth Team Membership™ research. growth team m e m b e r s h i p ™ 35 2013 survey results Section 6 Respondent Demographics Enterprise Type Not for Profit Government/Public Sector 4% 6% Venture Capital 1% Hybrid 2% Business Model B-to-C Company (Indirect) Most respondents are from Public companies. The majority of the respondents come from B-to-B companies. 25% 46% Public 8% B-to-C Company (Direct) 41% Private 67% B-to-B Company N = 91 N = 87 Company Revenue 40% 20% 19% SURVEY QUESTION: Below $50 Million 25% $1 Billion to $11 Billion More than $11 Billion 17% 9% 6% 0% 24% $50 Million to $99.99 Million $100 Million to $499.99 Million $500 Million to $999.99 Million N = 88 Please indicate the type of enterprise, business model, and revenue that best represents your company. The contents of these pages are copyright © 2013 Frost & Sullivan. All rights reserved. Growth Team Membership™ research. growth team m e m b e r s h i p ™ 2013 survey results Section 6 36 Respondent Demographics: Top Five Participating Industries 40% 37% 31% 30% 20% 20% 19% 18% 10% 0% Information and Communication Technologies Healthcare and Life Sciences Automotive and Transportation Chemicals, Materials, and Food Energy and Power Systems N = 85 SURVEY QUESTION: Please indicate which industry categories best describe your company (check all that apply). The contents of these pages are copyright © 2013 Frost & Sullivan. All rights reserved. Growth Team Membership™ research.