VOLUME 14, ISSUE 1 AUGUST 28, 2015
Date Event
Sept 2
Schoola Clothing Drop Off
Primary Back to School Night ~ 7 PM
Intermediate Back to School Night ~ 7:45
Sept 3
Sept 7
Sept 10
Sept 14
Schoola Clothing Drop Off
PreK & K Back to School Night ~ 7 PM
Middle School Back to School Night ~
Writing Club ~ 3:30 PM
Parent Transportation Both Ways
Volunteer Sign-Up
Lunch Volunteers
We are looking for volunteers to help out a lunch. Our volunteers help distribute hot lunch and monitor lunch and recess. We need a volunteer from 11:30 AM -1:00 PM and two volunteers from 11:45
AM - 1:15 PM on all full school days. All volunteers must be Stand/
Shield compliant. If you are interested in helping out go to http:// . Thank you and see you at lunch!
Office Coverage Signup ~ go/20f044aaaad22a2fc1-office
Library volunteers are needed on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 8:30 -9:05 AM to help middle school students check out books. Volunteer by going to go/20f044aaaad22a2fc1-library .
NFL Day ~ Volunteers are needed for NFL day on Friday,
September 18th. You may volunteer to help out for the entire day or a portion of the day. Contact Mrs. Kerns at
to volunteer or for additional info. Also
Sept 18 NFL Day and Soccer Shoot Out
Box Tops for Education
Auditions for Chorus
Back To School with Box Tops!
Welcome back to a new school year! Our first contest is already underway; check the Green Envelope for a new Box Tops collection sheet. The student or family that collects the most Box
Tops will win a gift certificate to a local retailer.
Chorus on tember 3.
Mrs. Kerns will be holding in-school auditions for our 2015-16 School
August 31, September 1, and Sep-
Students in grades 1 thru 8 are encouraged to audition. This year, our Chorus will participate in a
"Purpose for Our Praise" session led by Mrs.
For those new to the program: Just check your cupboards for products with Box Tops, or look for them at local stores. They can be found on many grocery items from your favorite brands, such as General Mills, Pillsbury, Motts, and Avery office supplies (to name a few). Clip the Box Tops (don't forget to check the expiration date!), tape them to a collection sheet, and have your child submit them to his or her teacher. Every Box Top earns 10 cents for OLPH!
Kerns, Javier Plumey, and Erin White, and will debut at our October 1st School Mass. Our
If you have questions about the Box Tops program, please contact
Chorus rehearses on a rotating in-school the Box Tops coordinator, Kathy Booth, at
Dear Parents:
As you know, we have students within our OLPH community who have a variety of moderate to severe food allergies. Only room parents and teachers can coordinate with the school nurse for special class events involving food such as Halloween and Valentine’s Day or a birthday celebration for the children during a certain month or season. Foods can be planned that are safe for the children with allergies and special dietary requirements based on the needs of a specific class.
We often receive requests from parents to bring in foods for their child’s birthday or another special event. When it is not a planned event with the room parents and teachers as stated above, we will only allow parents to purchase ice cream from the school cafeteria.
Parents must first inform the school nurse, teacher and room parent. Ice cream is only sold on
Fridays at school.
We would also like for you to consider non-food items as class treats to celebrate your child’s special day. Ideas include:
Birthday child brings in a wrapped gift to share with the class (game/activity)
Gel pens
Decorative pencils
Thank you for your support,
Sally Minardi, RN
Karen Mellendick, RN
Connect 5 Text Messaging
Dear Parents/Guardians,
This year our communication system, Connect 5, has the added feature of text messaging. This feature will be used only in cases of emergency. Parents should indicate up to two numbers to receive the messages. Your first message will include the chance to “Opt Out” of the program.
Please complete the information below and return the form to school tomorrow.
Student’s Name & Grade ___________________________
Cell Phone # 1 ______________________________________
Cell Phone # 2 ______________________________________
Parent Signature __________________________________
OLPH Family Service Plan
School Year 20152016
The two purposes of the OLPH Family Service Plan are: first, to help OLPH School by having parent volunteers assist in activities that occur during the school day or are considered schoolsponsored enrichment activities and second, to enlist parent volunteers in helping the
School to reach its fundraising goals.
The OLPH Family Service Plan requires each family to perform 30 hours of service (15 hours per family with a single, disabled, or deployed parent) from a predetermined list of activities.
The Principal and HSA Executive Board may approve other activities on a casebycase basis.
The Family Service Plan year begins on May 16, 2015 and ends on May 15, 2016 . Families that fail to complete the required 30 (or 15) hours of service by May 15, 2016 will be required to pay
fees as explained below.
Families that are unable to meet the necessary service hours set forth above shall be required to pay $20 per hour for any hours not performed. Families can mitigate this payment by performing service hours. The maximum that may be charged is $ $20 per hour).
Likewise, a family with a single, disabled, or deployed parent will be required to pay a $
fee (15 hours X $20.00 = $ 300.00). This fee will also be reduced by $ 20.00 for every hour of service completed.
Families of students enrolled during the course of the school year are required to perform on a prorated basis. For example, should a student start in January, then 15 service hours shall be required by that family in effort not to be charged the fees discussed above.
It is the to maintain an accurate record of service hours. Each family will maintain their Family Service Record on a later determined recommended Volunteer
Center Site. Once the OLPH Volunteer Center is up and running into The OLPH Volunteer Center within 30 days of the service will not be counted toward your Family Service Hours. The OLPH Volunteer Center will only allow hours to be entered within 30 days of completion. passed.
Once your family has submitted 30 service hours, you will receive confirmation that your hours
are complete. No additional tracking is required.
Prior to April 1 st
Vice President will send a notice to all families that have reported fewer than 20 hours of service as of March 31 st
will be notified if fewer than 10 hours are reported.
If a family cannot complete the required hours due to extenuating circumstances, a request shall be sent to the Principal or the HSA Executive Board outlining the reason(s). Based on this
request the family may be granted a for the “current school year” from completing the required hours.
Family Service Opportunities will be listed on The OLPH Volunteer Center.
Questions regarding the Family Service Plan or service volunteer opportunities should be
directed to the HSA 2
Please sign and return the form below to school no later than September 9:
PRINT Family Name____________________________________________________
PRINT Child(s) Name _____________________________ Grade for 1516 school year ____
_____________________________ Grade for 1516 school year ____
I have read the OLPH Family Service Plan requirements.
I understand that I must track my family’s service hours using The OLPH Volunteer
Center and that all hours must be entered within 30 days of completion. I understand that no exceptions will be made.
I understand that my family must complete 30 service hours unless we qualify for a reduction to 15 hours.
I understand that I will be required to pay $20.00 for each service hour not completed/credited, up to $ 600.00 ($300.00 for reduced requirement).
Parent/Guardian Signature
Date ______________________
Educating the Heart, Mind & Soul
Established 1879
School Year 2015 - 2016
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Sharing photos and videos of student activities and school events are a wonderful way to show you as well as our broader community the interesting and fruitful work that happens at OLPH School throughout the year.
Our Facebook page and Twitter feed are updated almost daily. Selected images are also used in marketing material and on our website. We ask that you allow your child to be included for these purposes. Students are identified by name (with your approval below) only when they earn an award, have a noteworthy accomplishment, or participate in a school-related event.
Please sign and return the bottom form by August 26 to let us know your preference.
Thank you,
Mr. Victor Pellechia
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. I give permission to have photos/videos of my child/children included on the OLPH School
1.a. ______ social media and website and 1.b ______ in marketing material (post cards, brochures, ads)
1.c. _____ I do not give my permission.
2. _____ I give permission for my child's name to be included in digital and print media (Facebook, Twitter, school website, press releases) when he/she earns an award, has a noteworthy accomplishment, or participates in a school-related event.
2.a_____ I do not give permission.
___________________________________________ _______________________________________
(Student’s printed name) (Student’s printed name)
___________________________________________ _______________________________________
(Student’s printed name) (Student’s printed name)
(Parent/Guardian signature)
(Parent/Guardian signature)
“Like” Our Lady of Perpetual Help School on Facebook and/or follow us on Twitter @OLPHSchoolMD for interesting school news!
Our Lady of Perpetual Help School 4801 Ilchester Rd. Ellicott City, MD 21043 410-744-4251
Fill a bag with clothes for children & women.
Women’s handbags and shoes get extra smiles.
No sleepwear, undies, socks or damaged/ stained/ altered items. Let’s keep it clean.
Pop the attached label onto the bag to make sure our school gets credit.
Drop the bag off with its new friends to
Back to School Night on September 2nd and September 3rd.
Schoola will take it from there. They will sort, spiff and sell the items, and 40% of the proceeds go to Our Lady Of Perpetual
Help School!
Questions? Talk to Stephen Rodas at 415-430-9225 or
How do we get to know our Creator on a personal level? Saturate our lives with His Word! If your child is in need of his or her own Bible, please consider buying one. It’s one thing to read from a Bible, but it’s another to read, write, and interact with God in your own Bible. Students from many grades read scripture on a daily basis.
If you’re interested, please send $28 (Checks made out to OLPH School) along with this flyer in to Mr. Malone by Wednesday, September 9 . If you have any questions you may contact him at
I am interested in buying a paperback Catholic Youth
Student Name: ___________________________
Grade: __________
Back-to-School Boxtops Collection !!!!!
Each collection sheet earns $2.50 for your school!
Remember neatly trim and check expiration date.
Glue or Tape, No Staples.
Due by September 30, 2015
Name: Grade:
Volunteers are needed to staff the school library on Monday,
Wednesday, and Friday from 8:30-9:05. This position mainly involves checking out books to middle school students, and training will be provided. Drop off your child and earn service hours! Contact Lisa Costello at
if you would like to help out.
Volunteers are needed on all full school days. These volunteers help distribute hot lunch and monitor lunch and recess. Volunteer lunch shifts are 11:30-1:00 and 11:45-1:15. This is a fantastic opportunity to spend time with your child and get to know their friends while earning service hours at the same time. Sign up by going to
Assist in the office while Brandy has lunch. Help is needed between 11:30 and 12. Sign up by going to .
OLPH School is sponsoring the donut reception after the 9:00 Children’s Mass on Sunday,
November 8 th
. Help is needed with setup at 8:00 and cleanup following the reception (approximately 11:00).
Contact Lisa Costello at
to volunteer.
The OLPH Annual
NFL Punt Pass and Kick and
The Knights Of Columbus
Soccer Shoot-Out Competition
Our Fun-Filled Day begins with set- up at 8:30 a.m. and will end with break-down at 3 p.m.
Our day host a Football Themed Obstacle Course for Grades Pre-K thru 1
The Official NFL Punt Pass and Kick Competition
For Grades 2 and Up
The Fr. Comyns Knights of Columbus
Soccer Shoot-Out Local Competition
For ages 6 and Up
*Both The NFL PPK and The K of C Soccer Shoot-Out Competitions have sent OLPH
Students to Regional and Divisional Competitions!
If You want to be a part of the fun, please contact
Mrs. Kerns
Note: This same form must be used for the Council, District, and State Competition – please be sure it is passed on accordingly.
I wish to enter THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS SOCCER CHALLENGE in the category and age group below.
My eligibility is to be determined by my age as of September 1 st
BOY GIRL 6 & Under 7-8 9-10 11-12 13-14 15-18
Name of Entrant
Street Address
Date of Birth
Zip Code
Signature of Entrant
2. This Section To Be Completed By Parent / Guardian :
The undersigned hereby request and approve entrant’s registration in the KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS SOCCER CHALLENGE. In consideration of such registration and participation, the undersigned hereby agree; that the entrant’s and the undersigned and without liability to Knights of Columbus Supreme Council and any of its subordinate units and their officers, members, agents, and employees, all of whom the undersigned hereby agree to release, indemnify and hold harmless from any and all claims and expenses resulting from or relating to entrant’s said participation. The entrant may compete in only one council level competition.
Witness Father/guardian Date signed Mother/guardian
3. This Section To Be Completed By K of C Officials:
SCORING INSTRUCTIONS: each contestant will be allowed five shots at the goal from anywhere on the penalty line which is twelve yards from the goal and directly between the goal posts. Each contestant will be allowed three side line throw-in’s; the best throw of the three will be used.
Each contestant will be allowed three straight kicks; the best kick of the three will be used. Throw and kick will be measured for distance and accuracy.
Council Number:
District Number:
0 pts
5 pts
10 pts
20 pts
0 pts
5 pts
10 pts
20 pts
0 pts
5 pts
10 pts
20 pts
Use this layout on the back of Form 4578
If a Supreme Council Scoring Sheet #4578 is used for Registration, the following can be printed or transcribed on the back of that form. Points for penalty kicks on the front are then written here and points for Throw and
Kick are added to obtain the Total.
BOY GIRL 6 & Under 7-8 9-10 11-12 13-14 15-18
Council Number:
District Number:
0 pts
5 pts
10 pts
20 pts
0 pts
5 pts
10 pts
20 pts
0 pts
5 pts
10 pts
20 pts
PPK Entry Form and Release of Liability
In return for being allowed to participate in the local, sectional, Team Championship, and/or National NFL Punt,
Pass & Kick competition(s) ( collectively, the “Event”), I release and agree not to sue USA Football, Inc., the National
Football League, its member professional football teams, NFL Properties LLC, NFL Ventures L.P., and their respective subsidiaries employees, subcontractors, sponsors, agents, and affiliates (collectively the
“Releasees”), from all present and future claims that may be made by me, my family, estate, heirs, or assigns for property damage, personal injury, or wrongful death arising as a result of my participation in the Event, wherever, whenever, or however the same may occur even if caused by a releasee’s ordinary negligence. I understand and agree that those listed above are not responsible for any injury or property damage arising out of the Event. I understand that participation in the Event involves certain risks, including, but not limited to, serious injury. I am voluntarily participating in the Event with knowledge of the danger involved and agree to accept all risks of participation. I also agree to indemnify and hold harmless those listed above for all claims arising out my participation in the Event and all related activities including, but not limited to, first aid and/or other medical treatment.
I agree to participate in only ONE Local Competition this year and if I qualify I may advance to the sectional, Team
Championship and National Finals. I understand the Event may be photographed, videotaped or otherwise recorded, I agree to let the above parties use my name, photo likeness, and demographic information free of charge in any manner and for any purpose in any media now known or hereafter created. I consent to the administration of first aid and other medical treatment in the event of injury or illness. I understand that this document is intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by the laws of the state in which the Event is taking place and agree that if any portion of this Agreement is invalid, the remainder will continue in full legal force and effect. I further agree that any legal proceedings related to this waiver will take place in Indianapolis, Indiana, using Indiana law.
Name of Participant
Age as of December 31, 11:59 PM of current Year
Email Address of Guardian
City State Zip
Phone Number Birthdate
(If Participant is under 18 years of age, the parent(s) or guardian(s) must execute in addition to the above, the following waiver:)
The undersigned, _________________________, referred to as the parent(s) and natural guardian(s) or legal guardian(s) of , does hereby represent that he/she (they) is (are), in fact, acting in such capacity and agrees to indemnify, save and hold harmless each and all of the parties herein referred to above as Releasees from all loss, liability, damage, cost or claim whatsoever that may be imposed upon said Releasees because of any defect in or lack of such capacity to so act and release said Releasees on behalf of the undersigned.
Relationship to Minor
Check here if you would like receive information and offers from the NFL
Check here if you would like your child to receive youth-related information and offers from the NFL
The Graccis, Geimans, & Carrolls participated in our Summer Fun Photo Contest. The
Geiman’s name was drawn and they won a $100 prize. Contest information was in the last
Angel Ink . We will have a Christmas break contest, too; don’t miss out!
We welcome any ideas on how to keep the OLPH name in front of prospective families.
Contact Mrs. Phelan if you can help with marketing activities for the school.
Summer Fun Photo Contest Paricipants, the Gracci, Geiman, and Carroll families.