European Journal of Neuroscience, Vol. 19, pp. 2039±2046, 2004 ß Federation of European Neuroscience Societies Neurons in the corpus callosum of the cat during postnatal development Beat M. Riederer,1,2 Pere Berbel3 and Giorgio M. Innocenti4 1 Institut de Biologie Cellulaire et de Morphologie, Universite de Lausanne, Rue du Bugnon 9, 1005 Lausanne, Switzerland Centre des Neurosciences Psychiatriques, Site de CERY, 1008 Prilly, Switzerland 3 Instituto de Neurosciencias, Universidad Miguel HernaÂndez-CSIC, Apartado de Correos 18, 03550 San Juan (Alicante), Spain 4 Karolinska Institutet, Laboratory of Neuroanatomy and Brain Development, Department of Neuroscience, 17177 Stockholm, Sweden 2 Keywords: cat, corpus callosum, cytoskeleton, development, MAP2, neuron Abstract The corpus callosum (CC) is a major telencephalic commissure containing mainly cortico-cortical axons and glial cells. We have identi®ed neurons in the CC of the cat and quanti®ed their number at different postnatal ages. An antibody against microtubuleassociated protein 2 was used as a marker of neurons. Immunocytochemical double-labelling with neuron-speci®c enolase or gaminobutyric acid antibodies in the absence of glial ®brillary acidic protein positivity con®rmed the neuronal phenotype of these cells. CC neurons were also stained with anti-calbindin and anti-calretinin antibodies, typical for interneurons, and with an anti-neuro®lament antibody, which in neocortex detects pyramidal neurons. Together, these ®ndings suggest that the CC contains a mixed population of neuronal types. The quanti®cation was corrected for double counting of adjacent sections and volume changes during CC development. Our data show that CC neurons are numerous early postnatally, and their number decreases with age. At birth, about 570 neurons are found within the CC boundaries and their number drops to about 200 in the adult. The distribution of the neurons within the CC also changes in development. Initially, many neurons are found throughout the CC, while at later ages they become restricted to the boundaries of the CC, and in the adult to the rostrum of the CC close to the septum pellucidum or to the indusium griseum. Although origin and function of transient CC neurons in development and in adulthood remain unknown, they are likely to be interstitial neurons. Some of them have well-developed and differentiated processes and resemble pyramidal cells or interneurons. An axon-guiding function during the early postnatal period can not be excluded. Introduction The corpus callosum (CC) is a major telencephalic commissure with well-de®ned boundaries containing axons that interconnect neurons in the two cerebral hemispheres (reviewed by Innocenti, 1986). In addition, in the mature CC there is an important number of glial cells (in particular astrocytes and oligodendrocytes). However, neurons at the periphery of the CC were described, whose dendrites intermingle with callosal axons (Molobabic et al., 1984), suggesting that the CC, as other regions of the cortical white matter, might contain a permanent population of interstitial neurons (Kostovic & Rakic, 1980). Microtubule-associated proteins are known to be intimately involved in the differentiation of neurons and the growth of axons and dendrites (reviewed by Matus, 1988; Riederer, 1990). Microtubule-associated protein 2 (MAP2) was already found, at different postnatal ages, in the earliest generated neurons of the cortical subplate (Chun & Shatz, 1989a). The high molecular weight forms of MAP2 (MAP2a and b, of 280 and 260 kDa, respectively) are con®ned to somata and dendrites (Matus et al., 1981; Burgoyne & Cumming, 1984; Caceres et al., 1984; De Camilli et al., 1984). The occurrence of a low molecular weight form, MAP2c, had been reported (Riederer & Matus, 1985). The subcellular distribution and particularities of both isoforms have been described, with a presence also in axons or glial cells (Tucker et al., 1988; Doll et al., 1993; Sha®t-Zagardo et al., 2000). In kittens, we have previously observed MAP2-positive processes, often with many varicosities, and occasional somata in the subcortical white matter, including the CC (Riederer & Innocenti, 1992). These observations strongly suggested that the developing CC might also contain a population of transient neurons. Therefore, in the present paper our aim has been to quantify and characterize the population of neurons in the CC during development and in the adult animal. We have used the monoclonal antibody AP14 against the high molecular weight forms of MAP2 because it is a good neuronal marker (Binder et al., 1984; Riederer & Innocenti, 1992; Riederer et al., 1995). In addition, we used a panel of antibodies against other proteins, speci®c either for glia or for neuronal subpopulations or neurotransmitters. Materials and methods Tissue preparation Correspondence: Dr B. M. Riederer, as above.1 E-mail: Received 28 April 2003, revised 6 February 2004, accepted 10 February 2004 doi:10.1111/j.1460-9568.2004.03305.x Kittens at birth (postnatal day 0; P0), P1, P3, P11, P19, P28, P39, P45 and adult cats over 1 year were obtained by timed pregnancies from a breeding colony. For immunohistochemical analysis, animals were deeply anaesthetized with Nembutal (50 mg/kg) and 2040 B. M. Riederer et al. perfused for 20 min with 4% paraformaldehyde in phosphatebuffered saline (5 mM phosphate buffer, pH 7.4 and 0.9% sodium chloride). The two hemispheres (with intact CC) were post®xed for 6 h in the same ®xative used for the perfusion and kept in phosphatebuffered saline with 0.05% Na-azide at 4 8C. Most cerebral hemispheres were cut sagittally, while only a few were cut coronally. Medial, coronal and parasagittal sections of 50 mm thickness were cut with a vibratome and processed for immunohistochemistry (see below). Electrophoresis and immunoblots Fig. 1. Western blot of tissue of kittens at postnatal day 3 (P3), P11, P19, P28 and adult animals of the corpus callosum (CC) and P3 and adult animals of the visual cortex (CX), stained for MAP2 with monoclone AP14. Note that only little MAP2 is found in white matter tissue. The location of the high molecular weight form of MAP2b is indicated to the left. Tissue from the CC was dissected as previously described (Riederer & Innocenti, 1992). Proteins (50 mg/slot) were separated on a 3.6±15% sodium dodecyl sulphate±polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis according to Laemmli (1970). Gels were either stained with Coomassie Blue or electrically transferred to nitrocellulose sheets (Towbin et al., 1979) and stained with monoclonal antibody AP14 for MAP2a and 2b (Binder et al., 1984). Fig. 2. Immunohistochemical location of MAP2-positive cells in sagittal sections close to the midline of corpus callosum (CC) in kitten and adult. The regions shown are the trunk (A, F and G) and the genu (B±E) of the CC. The samples were taken at P1 (A and C), P11 (F), P39 (D and G) and adult (B, E and H). The dashed line indicates the border between CC and fornix (FX). The magni®cation bars in A and B are 100 mm and pertain to F; the bar in E is 50 mm and pertains to C, D, G and H. ß 2004 Federation of European Neuroscience Societies, European Journal of Neuroscience, 19, 2039±2046 Neurons in the corpus callosum of the cat Immunohistochemistry Floating sagittal sections of whole series of CC from one hemisphere were incubated overnight with anti-MAP2 (clone AP14, hybridoma supernatant, l : 10) or alternate serial CC sections were exposed to one of the following primary monoclonal antibodies: anti-MAP2 (clone AP14, hybridoma supernatant, l : 10), anti-medium-sized neuro®lament subunit (clone FNP7, 1 : 1000), anti-calbindin (1 : 1000), anti-calretinin (1 : 1000) and anti-vimentin (Boehringer; 1 : 100), and subsequently incubated for 2 h either with 2% rhodamine-conjugated or 1% peroxidase-conjugated rabbit anti-mouse antibodies (Dako), the last further reacted with 4-chloro-1-naphthol (Riederer & Innocenti, 1992). Non-speci®c binding was blocked with 3% foetal calf serum in Tris-buffered saline. Double-labelling was performed as described before (Riederer et al., 1990) in coronal sections using monoclonal AP14 against MAP2a and 2b and then one of the following polyclonal antibodies: anti-neuronspeci®c enolase (NSE, Polyscience, Warrington, PA, USA; 1 : 100), anti-cow glial ®brillary acidic protein (GFAP; Dako: 1 : 200), anti-gaminobutyric acid (GABA, Sera Laboratory; 1 : 100; Romijn et al., 1992) and the monoclone M22 against NF-M (1 : 10). After, sections were incubated with 2% rhodamine- and 2% ¯uorescein-conjugated secondary antibodies. Sections were mounted and coverslipped in a semisolid mounting medium (Lenette, 1978). Monoclonal antibodies anti-MAP2 was generously provided by Dr Lester (Skip) Binder (Birmingham, AL, USA), anti-calbindin and anti-calretinin were gifts of Dr M. Celio (Fribourg, Switzerland), for references see Schwaller (1996) and Hunziker (1996). The use of antibodies against calciumbinding proteins as markers for neurons has been reviewed in detail (Andressen et al., 1993). The monoclonal antibody FNP7 against NFM was a gift of Dr V.Y.-M. Lee (Philadelphia, USA). This antibody 2041 recognizes exclusively pyramidal cells in the cerebral cortex (Hornung & Riederer, 1999). Another antibody against NF-M, the M22, was used to show a general neuro®lament distribution (Riederer et al., 1996). Quantification The MAP2-positive neurons in the CC were drawn using a camera lucida or a computer-assisted microscope (Neurolucida, MicroBrightField, Colchester, VT, USA) and counted in serial sagittal sections of three animals per age group, except at P39 for which only two animals were available. To obtain the total number of neurons per half of CC, serial sections from the callosal midline up to the point where the trunk of CC fuses with the cingulate cortex were used. Only cell bodies were counted. The number of sections used for counting MAP2-positive neurons in half of CC was 16 sections at P1, 18 sections at P11, 20 sections at P19, 22 sections at P29, 28 sections at P39 and 34 sections in the adult. The number of neurons in each section was correct for double counting in adjacent sections with the Abercrombie correction factor, calculated (according to Clarke, 1993) to be 0.70, considering that the section thickness was 50 mm and the average cell diameter was 20.9 4.6 mm (n 10 neurons). The number of neurons per half CC was multiplied by two to obtain the total neuron number. In order to correct for the volumetric increase of the CC and to test for a dilution effect during development, a volume correction factor was also applied. This was obtained from ®g. 6 of Fleischhauer & SchluÈter (1970) by dividing the volume of each speci®c age with volume at P1. Thus, the values were at P0±P11 1.0; at P19 1.25; at P28 1.4; at P39 1.7; at P45 2.1; and adult 3.2. However, the correction did not alter the result, which was that a dramatic decrease in the number of neurons in the CC occurred, and the corrected values were not included in the results. Fig. 3. Double-labelling of coronal sections of CC tissue with anti-MAP2 (monoclonal AP14) and a variety of polyclonal antibodies, followed by ¯uorescein and rhodamine-conjugated secondary antibodies. MAP2 labelling (A and C) is compared with anti-NSE staining (B and D). Anti-MAP2 staining (E and G) is compared with anti-GABA labelling (F and H). CC tissue was taken at P5 (E and F), P19 (A and B), P45 (G and H) and adult (C and D). The arrow in G and H points to a neuron that contains MAP2 but lacks GABA. Scale bars, 40 mm. ß 2004 Federation of European Neuroscience Societies, European Journal of Neuroscience, 19, 2039±2046 2042 B. M. Riederer et al. Results Identification of MAP2b-positive neurons in developing CC On immunoblots, the AP14 antibody reacted intensely with MAP2b in P3 and adult cat cortex (Fig. 1). Less intense MAP2b staining was found in the CC at all ages. This was surprising because MAP2b localizes in the somatodendritic part of neurons and a location in white matter is therefore unusual. Therefore, the weak staining in CC blots suggested the presence of a few neuronal cell bodies. Immunostained sections of the CC revealed the presence of MAP2positive cells at all studied ages (Fig. 2). More cells and processes were stained in the developing CC (Fig. 2A), fewer in the adult (Fig. 2B). At Fig. 4. Double-labelling of a coronal corpus callosum (CC) section of a newborn kitten with monoclonal anti-microtubule-associated protein 2 (MAP2; A, C and E) and polyclonal anti-glial ®brillary acidic protein (GFAP; B, D and F). The location of the area of interest is indicated with an arrow in all panels. At low magni®cation the glial scaffold is seen at the lateral border of the CC (B). At medium (C and D) and better visible at higher magni®cation (E and F) no overlap of glial staining in MAP2-positive cells was seen. CCX, cingulated cortex; E, ependyma; RCC, radiatio corpus callosum. The asterisk indicates the end of the CCX. This point indicates the transition zone of the CC into its radiation, according to Fleischauer & SchluÈter (1970). Scale bar, 100 mm (B); 30 mm (D and F). ß 2004 Federation of European Neuroscience Societies, European Journal of Neuroscience, 19, 2039±2046 Neurons in the corpus callosum of the cat all ages, the morphological characteristics of MAP2-positive cells were very variable; some cells exhibited short and poorly rami®ed processes, while others had well developed ones (Fig. 2C±E). Different morphological types were observed, pyramidal-like neurons with impressive dendrites and rami®cations (Fig. 2F), interneuron-like cells with ®ne and varicose processes (Fig. 2G), and bipolar shaped neurons resembling migrating neurons (Fig. 2H). The neuronal phenotype of these MAP2 cells was demonstrated by double-labelling experiments with NSE and GABA. Coronal sections of CC at various ages were stained with AP14 (Fig. 3A, C, E and G), and double-labelled either for NSE (Fig. 3B and D) or GABA (Fig. 3F and H). All MAP2-positive neurons were also positive for NSE but less than half of them were positive for GABA at an early (P5) and a later (P45) postnatal age, as indicated with an arrow in Fig. 3G and H. In coronal sections of the CC, near the callosal radiation a particular GFAP staining was observed, with glial ®bres forming a scaffold between cingulated cortex and ependyma (Fig. 4A). Usually, MAP2and GFAP-positive processes ran in parallel trajectories but did not colocalize (Fig. 4C and D). This is better visualized at higher magni®cation (Fig. 4E and F). Serial sagittal sections with anti-GFAP and monoclonal antibodies M22 against NF-M (a marker for axons) and MAP2 showed that at several locations, GFAP-positive processes (Fig. 5B) had similar trajectories to the NF-M-positive axons (Fig. 5C), while MAP2-positive processes showed more dispersed trajectories (Fig. 5D). In peroxidaselabelled MAP2 sections, the processes were seen more clearly when using polarized light than with conventional light microscopy; however, this was only possible in early postnatal stages with little myelination (not shown). At all ages, most of the processes were above or below the CC, at the border with the indusium griseum and the fornix. These processes, however, penetrated the CC over a short distance ( 50 mm or less). Instead, the neurons whose body was 2043 located in the CC established a rich dendritic arbor within it. In the genu of the CC, near the septum pellucidum, some MAP2 processes arising from neurons located in the border of the CC and remained in the adult while they disappeared in other regions of the CC. The neurons of the CC were further characterized with antibodies against different neuronal subtypes. The FNP7 antibody against an epitope of NF-M, which labels exclusively pyramidal cells in the cerebral cortex (Hornung & Riederer, 1999), also marked several neurons in the CC. They had their soma in the CC, from which arose two±three primary dendrites that occasionally gave off secondary branches. Their axon was occasionally followed into the fornix (Fig. 6B). This suggests that some of the neurons of the CC are pyramidal cells somewhat modi®ed in their morphology, as they are often found in the deep cortical layers and in the subcortical white matter. Antibodies against calretinin and calbindin (Fig. 6C and D) labelled spindle-shaped cell bodies and localized at the upper and lower borders of the CC, from which one or two poorly developed primary dendrites emerged. The distribution of MAP2-positive neurons at different ages is shown in Fig. 7. The density of neurons clearly decreased with age, and in the adult the few remaining neurons were mainly concentrated in the rostrum, particularly near the border with the septum pellucidum. Corrected quantitative measurements for double cell counting and CC growth (see Materials and methods) showed that the total number of neurons in the CC remains fairly stable during the ®rst postnatal month (on average 585 80 neurons). In Fig. 8, the slight and non-statistically signi®cant (P > 0.05) decrease in the number of cells per section during the same period is most probably an artefact, due to the increased volume of the CC (see also Fleischhauer & SchluÈter, 1970). However, this number dropped signi®cantly (P < 0.001) in the adult CC where fewer neurons were counted (on average 204 60 neurons). Fig. 5. (A) A low magni®cation of the distribution of glial ®brillary acidic protein (GFAP; top), medium-sized neuro®lament subunit (NF-M; monoclone M22; middle) and microtubule-associated protein 2b (MAP2b; monoclone AP14; bottom) in serial, sagittal sections of a P19 kitten CC and surrounding structures visualized with peroxidase-conjugated secondary antibodies and 4-chloro-1-naphthol. Parts of the fornix (FX) and hippocampus (HI) are also shown. The square indicates the area shown at higher magni®cation in B, the views in C and D correspond to similar areas, although not squared. Note the different staining patterns with GFAP-, NF-M- and MAP2-positive ®bres in®ltrating the CC. The arrow points to an area were often MAP2-positive cells extend their processes throughout the thickness of the callosal trunk from the indusium griseum to the fornix. GE, genu; TR, trunk; SP, splenium. Scale bar, 100 mm (B±D). ß 2004 Federation of European Neuroscience Societies, European Journal of Neuroscience, 19, 2039±2046 2044 B. M. Riederer et al. Fig. 6. Immunohistochemical staining of P19 kitten corpus callosum (CC) with anti-microtubule-associated protein 2 (MAP2; A), anti-medium-sized neuro®lament subunit (NF-M; monoclone FNP7), which marks pyramidal cells in the cerebral cortex (B), anti-calretinin (arrow in C) and anti-calbindin (arrow in D), which mark interneurons. They were visualized by peroxidase-conjugated secondary antibodies and 4-chloro-1-naphthol. Note the axon of the NF-M-positive neuron passing towards the fornix (FX). Interneuron-like cells align rather at the borders of the CC and resemble migrating neurons. Borders of the CC are indicated with dashed lines (B±D). Scale bar, 50 mm. Discussion CC neurons in development and adulthood MAP2 is a good neuronal marker and has been used to identify neuronal morphology (reviewed by Matus, 1988), neuronal development in the cat visual cortex (Riederer & Innocenti, 1992) or to characterize the neuronal nature of cells found in subcortical white matter (Chun & Shatz, 1989a). Here we have used a well-characterized MAP2 antibody to identify and quantify neurons during postnatal development of cat corpus callosum. The detection by Western blots of minute MAP2 quantities in the CC indicated the presence of somatodendritic neuronal components in this structure. Indeed, MAP2-positive cells were subsequently identi®ed by immunohistochemistry. The MAP2-positive cells were not double-labelled with GFAP, which excludes their astrocytic nature. Instead, their neuronal nature was con®rmed with an antibody against neuro®laments and by double-labelling with antibodies against NSE and GABA. CC neurons are a mixed population with different morphological characteristics. Some exhibit pyramidal-like features, with elaborated, thick and long dendrites, others have interneuron-like morphologies with ®ne and varicose dendrites, still others have bipolar shape and resemble migrating neurons. The CC is a de®ned morphological structure that changes shape and volume during development (Fleischhauer & SchluÈter, 1970). These changes could render the quanti®cation of the total number of neurons in the CC dif®cult. However, we found that in the developing brain GFAP-stained ®bres form a scaffold at the junction between the CC and the hemispheric wall. These ®bres allowed the identi®cation of the lateral border of the CC, and therefore its volume. In addition we have applied a correction factor to avoid double counting of neurons in adjacent sections (see Materials and methods). It was found that the number of CC neurons remained stable during the ®rst postnatal month, at about 580 neurons, while the volume of the CC increased and the neuron number dropped to about 200 cells in the adult. The origin, role and fate of CC neurons Questions regarding the origin, function or fate of CC neurons were beyond the scope of this paper and remain open for speculations. These are based on the similarity between the neurons of the CC and those in other compartments of the subcortical white matter. Additional hints come from the morphology of the neurons and their changing number in development. The occurrence of interstitial neurons in white matter has been known for a long time (Kostovic & Rakic, 1980). NADPH diaphorase cells are evenly distributed throughout the cat neocortex and some were found also in the white matter and the CC (Kuchiiwa et al., 1994). Unfortunately, their role and fate is still debated. Earliest-generated ß 2004 Federation of European Neuroscience Societies, European Journal of Neuroscience, 19, 2039±2046 Neurons in the corpus callosum of the cat Fig. 7. Distribution of MAP2-positive neurons shown in computer-assisted drawings of representative sagittal CC sections near the midline from kittens at ages postnatal day 1 (P1), P11 and P39, and an adult cat. Note the dramatic decrease of labelled neurons in the splenium (SP) and body of the adult CC. In the adult, almost all labelled neurons in the CC are in the ventral area of the rostrum. FX, fornix; GE, genu; Spe, septum pellucidum; TR, trunk. neurons of the cat cerebral cortex have also been characterized by MAP2 and neurotransmitters during foetal life (Chun & Shatz, 1989a). In addition to the radial migration of developing neurons, more recently a tangential migration of GABAergic neurons with extracortical origin has been investigated (Zhu et al., 1999; MarõÂn & Rubenstein, 2001; Tamamaki et al., 2003). It cannot be excluded that the CC neurons might be part of the tangentially migrating cohorts, travelling via the CC. Deng & Elberger (2001) also described some cells in the CC of the mouse, which they interpreted as migrating cells. Another possibility is that the neurons of the CC are subplate neurons. Subplate neurons, as CC neurons, are a partially transient and heterogeneous neuronal population. They are found in the Fig. 8. Numbers of MAP2-positive neurons counted for three series of sagittal sections of CC [except two for postnatal day 39 (P39)]. The total number of neurons counted for the whole CC at P1 and P39 was between 504 and 732 neurons and in the adult 204 neurons per CC. These numbers had been corrected with the Abercrombie correction factor for double counting (scale to the right). The difference between young and adult was signi®cant, P < 0.001 by Student's t-test. 2045 subcortical white matter and are involved in the formation of thalamocortical connections (Allendoerfer & Shatz, 1994). Subplate neurons in the cat were also found to be positive for MAP2, GABA, as well as for the neuropeptide Y and cholecystokinin (Chun et al., 1987; Chun & Shatz 1989a; see also Allendoerfer & Shatz, 1994 for review). At least some of the subplate neurons therefore appear to be inhibitory in nature, although others might be excitatory, as based on the evidence that they retrogradely transport 3H-aspartate (Antonini & Shatz, 1990). Excitatory subplate neurons are generated early, at embryonic day 24± 30 (Luskin & Shatz, 1985), in the cat and follow a radial migration. Unfortunately, the time of generation of the neurons of the CC is not known. The hypothesis that the neurons of the CC might be subplate neurons implies that they might provide cues for axonal growth. This role has also been ascribed to the neurons of the subplate (Shatz et al., 1988; Aggoun-Zouaoui & Innocenti, 1994). Axon number in the CC is highest at birth. The period of axonal elimination extends over the following 20±40 days when the juvenile cytoskeleton changes to the adult type (Riederer & Innocenti, 1991). It is, however, surprising that the number of neurons in the CC decreases well after 40 days. That seems to be considerably later than the subplate neurons, most of which are eliminated during the ®rst postnatal month (Chun & Shatz, 1989b). The mechanism by which CC neurons disappear is unclear. It seems improbable though that they might be migrating out of the CC, as no clear topographical displacement towards the periphery of the CC was noticed. However, this possibility cannot be fully discarded, although it seems more plausible that the neurons of the CC might disappear by neuronal death. This awaits con®rmation with speci®c indicators of neuronal death, i.e. assays for DNA fragmentation, caspase immunohistochemistry and/or ultrastructural studies. Other explanations for the presence of neurons in the CC are that such neurons are part of neighbouring structures, such as the fornix or septum pellucidum, as they are found close to their borders. In the case of bipolar cells their processes have the same trajectory as those of the cells observed in the fornix. CC neurons located close to the septum may also establish connections through the genu of the CC into which they extend their dendrites or even as far as the cingulate cortex which sometimes they reach with their dendrites. As to the function of the neurons of the CC, the positivity for GABA indicates that some of them are inhibitory. In other species, GABAergic cells positive for glutamic acid decarboxylase have been identi®ed in the CC (Kaufman et al., 1986; DeDiego et al., 1994). Some CC neurons contained calretinin or calbindin. In the neocortex, calbindin is found in double bouquet neurons, and in Martinotti cells while calretinin is found in bipolar and double-bouquet neurons (Andressen et al., 1993). Other cells in the CC were labelled with an antibody against an NF-M epitope which identi®es speci®cally pyramidal neurons (Hornung & Riederer, 1999). Calbindin was also found in a subpopulation of layer II/III pyramidal cells (Andressen et al., 1993). Therefore, the neurons of the CC are neurochemically and probably functionally a heterogeneous population. This heterogeneity is con®rmed by the morphology of the neurons, mentioned above. In particular, some neurons exhibited large dendrites and resembled pyramidal-like cells. These cells mostly disappear from the CC towards adulthood and might be ectopic neurons, which failed to complete migration. In conclusion, we have documented the existence of neurons in the CC of the cat in development and have provided their detailed characterization. Concerning the role of these neurons several hypotheses are possible, based on their time of occurrence, morphology and location. ß 2004 Federation of European Neuroscience Societies, European Journal of Neuroscience, 19, 2039±2046 2046 B. M. Riederer et al. Acknowledgements We thank R. Porchet and I. Riederer for their excellent technical help. B.M.R. was supported by grants of the Swiss National Science Foundation no. 3153725.98 and 3100-067201.01. Abbreviations CC, corpus callosum; GABA, g-aminobutyric acid; GFAP, glial ®brillary acidic protein; MAP2, microtubule-associated protein 2; NF-M, medium-sized neuro®lament subunit; NSE, neuron-speci®c enolase; P, postnatal day. References Aggoun-Zouaoui, D. & Innocenti, G.M. (1994) Juvenile visual callosal axons in kittens display origin and fate-related morphology and distribution of arbors. 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