Having trouble viewing this email? Click here Please Welcome Dr. Teri Wahlig, ChildServe's New Medical Director "I'm looking forward to building relationships and rolling up my sleeves to help!" - Dr. Wahlig For many of us, Dr. Wahlig is already a familiar face in the halls at ChildServe. She began her relationship with ChildServe more than 10 years ago, serving first on the Board of Directors, then on our Board of Trustees. She chaired the "Great Life" capital campaign in 2006 that enabled us to create the Transitional Care Unit and five community group homes. And in 2007, she was given the "Spirit of ChildServe" award in recognition of her many contributions to our organization. "Dr. Wahlig has a long history of involvement with ChildServe, and we are very excited that she has now agreed to serve in the capacity of medical director," said ChildServe's president and CEO, Lloyd VanderKwaak. In her new role for ChildServe, she will provide leadership to the medical teams and guide our strategic plans to implement physician services and palliative care programs. FEBRUARY 2011 In This Issue Introducing Dr. Wahlig Hey Lloyd! Variety Telethon Childcare Staff Training Day Run, Walk, & FUN 4 the Kids The Food Mentor Coming to ChildServe Update Your Mailing Address Nominations Needed for I'm a Believer! Save The Date FEBRUARY 8 · 5:30-7:00PM The Scoop on Children's Health: Sensory Strategies to Improve Attention ChildServe Training Center FEBRUARY 15 11:30AM-12:30PM The Food Mentor Lunch & Learn ChildServe Training Center MARCH 5-6 Variety Telethon Polk County Convention Center; Broadcast Live on WOI-TV MARCH 8 · 5:30-7:00PM The Scoop on Children's Health: Dr. Wahlig graduated from the University of Iowa College of Music, Mind, and Health Medicine, and she is board certified in pediatrics, neonatal perinatal medicine, and palliative care - hospice medicine. Prior to ChildServe Training Center joining ChildServe, Dr. Wahlig was medical director of the Mercy APRIL 1 · 7:00PM Medical Center's Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. ChildServe Bubble Ball Embassy The position of medical director had previously been filled by Dr. Sayeed Hussain, who will be continuing his practice at the West Des Moines Child & Adolescent Clinic. Club West MAY 14 Run, Walk, & FUN 4 the Kids ChildServe Center - Johnston "We are so grateful for the compassionate medical leadership that Dr. Hussain has provided ChildServe for the last 30 years," Quick Links says Tammy Stapp, VP for Program. "He provides excellent February Training Calendar medical care for our children and will continue to be a valued resource for ChildServe and to all of the families that we support." iBelieve Set Up Instructions Dr. Wahlig officially began working at ChildServe on February 1, Printable Version of and she says her main priority in her new role is to "be a resource February's Communicator for all staff. My immediate goal is to meet as many staff as possible and hear from them about what they find important and how they see my role in working with them. I'm looking forward to PUBLISHING INFORMATION The ChildServe Communicator is building relationships and rolling up my sleeves to help!" Hey Lloyd! I've Got a Question... I'm so pleased to be welcoming Dr. Teri Wahlig to our staff as VP/Medical Director! She has such a strong relationship and long history with ChildServe, and her skills and background will make her a welcome addition to our team. You may also have questions for her, so I'm inviting you to submit your questions to Dr. Wahlig this month, and her responses will appear in this column next month. You can still send your questions to heylloyd@childserve.org and she will respond. Please give her a warm welcome! Can You Lend a Hand For a Good Cause? Volunteers Needed for the Variety Telethon March 5 ChildServe has been asked to again participate in the Variety Telethon! This year's event will be March 5 and 6 at the Polk Country Convention Center, Fifth and Grand Avenues. As in years past, the telethon will be broadcast live on WOI-TV Channel 5. Variety would like ChildServe to staff the corporate phone panel from 10:30pm to midnight on Saturday, March 5. We need 32 volunteers since we will not be sharing the panel with another organization. Variety has been a long time supporter of ChildServe and has partnered with us in every major initiative we've undertaken. Helping with the telethon is a wonderful way for us to say thank you to Variety and their many volunteers for all that they do for us and all children in need in our community. If you're interested in helping, please contact one of the following people with your name and shirt size (you'll receive a very cool, long-sleeved t-shirt for participating) by February 21. We'll fill slots on a "first volunteered" basis. published monthly by the Staff Relations Department for all ChildServe staff. All questions or suggestions should be directed to Jay Winger at 515.727.2357. If you are not receiving a copy, or are having trouble viewing the e-newsletter version, please contact Roxanne Wicks at 515.727.1480. Communicator articles may also be viewed at our website: www.childserve.org/communicator. HOW TO MAKE SUBMISSIONS Staff are invited to submit their newsletter items to Suzanne Edson. Submissions are due by the 15th of the month prior to publication. CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Sarah Anderson, Bob Bailey, Cheri Burns, Katie Ceolla, Suzanne Edson, Lisa Sinclair, and Roxanne Wicks. Cheri Burns · cheribu@childserve.org · 727-2356 x356 Kelsey Parker · kelseyp@childserve.org · 727-1495 x335 Roxanne Wicks · roxannh@childserve.org · 727-1480 x320 Childcare Staff Training Day Provide Children with Positive Choices to Produce Results On January 17, 2011, almost 70 childcare staff descended on the Training Center at ChildServe in Johnston to learn how to better serve their kids and to strive for excellence! The day began with a keynote by the Vice President for Program at ChildServe, Tammy Stapp, leading a discussion on the values of ChildServe. The day continued with a variety of sessions available to staff, including classes on Sign Language, Emotional Intelligence, Customer Service, Coaching and Teambuilding, and Creating Sensory-Friendly classrooms. One of the classes, Choices, which comes from the Conscious Discipline series by Dr. Becky Bailey, challenged the participants to think differently about how they work with and talk with the kids to help them gain compliance while increasing the self-esteem of the children. The tips and ideas fit in very nicely with the positive behavior support concepts taught at ChildServe and can be useful to us all. For example, when you are trying to get a child to try to do something, rather than looking for new answers, we need to ask a new question. Instead of asking yourself, "How do I get the child to __________?" shift your thinking to, "How do I help the child more likely choose to _________?" Once we have shifted our focus we can create an environment where the child is more likely to choose to do what you want them to. One of the ways to do this is through the use of two positive choices. Think about it, when you want your child to do something, what are the choices you give them? "Clean your room or you're grounded!" We have given them two choices, but one is positive, "Clean your room." And the other is very negative, "you're grounded." Instead give them two positive choices or ways to accomplish what it is that you want them to do. Now we know that this will not always solve the problem, but it is one great step along the way to help gain compliance from the child while building self-esteem in them at the same time. We also know from Positive Behavior Support that giving choices decreases unwanted behavior while building the child's view of themselves and what they can do (selfesteem). Feel free to talk with any of the childcare staff about other nuggets they may have picked up from this day dedicated to improving the lives of the children under our care! Run, Walk, & FUN 4 the Kids Save the Date for Saturday, May 14, 2011 "The Food Mentor" Coming to ChildServe Join the Wellness Committee for a Lunch and Learn The Wellness Committee will be hosting a Lunch and Learn on Tuesday, February 15, 2011 from 11:30 - 12:30 pm in the break area by the Accounting Department. Jennifer Simpson "The Food Mentor" will be joining us and demonstrating cooking techniques for a healthy lifestyle. She says healthy habits start in the Kitchen! Cooking can be intimidating, frustrating, time consuming, and not natural to you, but it is a skill that can be learned (maybe even fun). Food can be tempting, tasty, social, emotional, and situational, but it can also be healthy. Recipes can be foreign, complicated, long, and intimidating, but you control your confidence in cooking. Flavors: Learn techniques for enhancing the flavors of healthful foods via marinades and spices. Take favorite meals and find healthy alternatives. Preparation: Tips and tricks for easy recipes. Find the inner cook within you during hands-on demonstrations. Repurpose: Take one recipe and alter slightly to make many meals out of the same ingredients. Samples: Taste your creations and enjoy new flavors! Jennifer will be cooking, instructing and providing lunch. If you are interested in attending please sign up on the training e-partner site or contact Katie Ceolla at katiece@childserve.org ext 323. The skill you will learn and menu for the lunch and learn are as follows: Chicken Wrap (Dips) Tossed Salad/Veggies (dressings) Demo - seasoning, preparing of chicken for sandwich/salad use Demo - 3 dressing selections Demo - 2 dip/spread selections Label reading information/instruction as needed along with question and answer time Do We Have Your Current Mailing Address? W-2 Tax Forms Have Been Mailed It's that time of year again when W-2 tax forms are being mailed out to all ChildServe staff members. It is important to make sure we have your current address on file. If the address we currently have on file for you is incorrect, it will take longer for your W-2 to arrive. Please check your pay stub and confirm that we have the correct address listed. If the address is incorrect or you have not yet received your W-2, please contact your Staff Relations Coordinator. Staff Relations Coordinators: Amanda Blackman 515.727.1465, extension 305 amandab@childserve.org Katie Ceolla 515.727.1483, extension 323 katiece@childserve.org Andy Jennings 515.727.1479, extension 319 andyjen@childserve.org I'm a Believer! - Nominations Needed A Quick Email with 1-2 Sentences is All it Takes! Do you have a co-worker who truly believes in the spirit of a child? Do you have a great story that you think will inspire us all? Nominate someone you know to be next month's Believer! You don't have to be a supervisor - anyone can nominate staff to be the Believer. Just email sarahan@childserve.org with the nominee's name, department, and contact information as well as your own and 1-2 sentences on why you think the nominee is a Believer. We'll take care of the rest! Going Green: Run Fans in Reverse A Quick Tip to Help You Stay Warm this Winter! Did You Know? Most people think of fans only when they want to be cool, but many ceiling units come with a handy switch that reverses the direction of the blades. How It Works: Counterclockwise rotation produces cooling breezes while switching to clockwise makes it warmer: air pooled near the ceiling is circulated back into the living space- cutting your heating costs as much as 10%! Source: www.thedailygreen.com ChildServe Welcomes New Staff We're So Glad You're Here! Celebrate February Staff Birthdays Join ChildServe in Wishing These Staff Members a Happy Birthday! Staff birthdays, along with service anniversaries, are also posted on the Staff Relations Department's homepage on e-Partner. Your Feedback is Welcome We Want to Know What You Think! Have a question or comment on this month's Communicator issue? Need help navigating to stories on the ChildServe website? Wondering how to register for iBelieve staff access? Please email communications@childserve.org with your questions or comments. This email was sent to sarahan@childserve.org by communications@childserve.org | Update Profile/Email Address | Instant removal with SafeUnsubscribe™ | Privacy Policy. ChildServe | 5406 Merle Hay Road | Johnston | IA | 50131