Exhibit 2.4.a.4: Common Metrics Entry Survey NExT Common Metrics Entry Survey Last updated December 2013 Entry Questionnaire for Teacher Education-NExT Introduction/Rationale Dear Candidates: The information we seek from you is not part of the selection process; we simply want to know more about the group pursuing teaching degrees and licensure. We have several aims in collecting these data. We want to know who our students are. Second, knowledge about students’ route(s) into the field of education may help us reach students who may not be familiar with career choices. Third, we want to know more about students’ interests so that we can better explain career options in high need teaching areas. Finally, as part of our effort to improve programming, we may use the information to find early indicators of future teaching success and to reach out to high school and college students who may be interested in teacher education. Your college or university is a member of the Network for Excellence in Teaching (NExT), which includes 14 institutions of higher education (IHEs) in Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota. The NExT IHEs have committed to transform their training programs, with explicit emphasis on using data to measure the effectiveness of the teachers that they prepare and gauge the effectiveness of their programs. Continuous program improvements can only be possible if faculty and administrators have access to data that document their teacher candidates’ attributes and effectiveness as they move through preparation programs and into professional careers. Each university has agreed to participate in a comprehensive assessment system that includes the administration of four common metrics instruments: entry survey; exit survey; transition to teaching survey; and supervisor survey. This entry survey is the first in a series of four that are designed to improve our teacher preparation programs and the experiences of our students. Prior to graduation you will complete the exit survey, which asks you to assess the quality of our institution’s teacher education programs and the ways in which they prepared you to be teachers. Approximately one year after graduation, we plan to conduct the transition to teaching survey that will ask you how well our programs prepared you for your first year of teaching. If you are in a full-time teaching position a year after you graduate, we will administer the supervisor survey that will ask your principal or assistant principal about how well we prepared you to enter the teaching profession. The information collected in this document will be used to assess programs and will be kept confidential. Survey results will only be reported in the aggregate without any individual responses and not used to compare publicly individuals, programs, colleges, or universities. Exhibit 2.4.a.4: Common Metrics Entry Survey NExT Common Metrics Entry Survey Last updated December 2013 A. ABOUT YOU A1. Name: First __________________ Middle _________________ Last _________________________ A2. Date of birth (MM/DD/YYYY) ___________________________ A3. State of birth (use two letter abbreviation) _______________ A4. If born outside of the United States, country of birth ________________________ A5. Gender: Male Female A6. University student ID number _______________________________ A7. Are you an undergraduate or graduate student? Undergraduate Graduate A8. Are you already a licensed teacher? Yes No A9. What is your race/ethnicity? Mark ALL that apply. American Indian or Alaska Native Asian Black or African American Hispanic or Latino/a Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander White (not Hispanic) Other (please specify): ______________________________ A10. Is English your primary language? Yes No A11. Are you proficient in a language other than English? Yes No Exhibit 2.4.a.4: Common Metrics Entry Survey NExT Common Metrics Entry Survey Last updated December 2013 A12. What is the highest level of education your parents/guardians completed? Mark only one. No formal schooling Elementary school education Some high school High school graduate or GED Some college Two-year or technical degree Four-year degree Some graduate school Graduate degree A13. What types of high schools did you attend? Mark ALL that apply. Comprehensive public (a traditional public high school) Vocational/technical public Preparatory private Public charter Public alternative Religious affiliated private Bureau of Indian Education or tribal school Home school Online program A14. While you were in high school, did you participate in: Yes Dual Credit Courses AP Courses International Baccalaureate Program PSEO (Post-Secondary Education Option) in Minnesota A15. Did you receive a high school diploma or a GED? High school diploma GED A16. Where did you graduate from high school or receive your GED? Minneapolis or St. Paul Other city in Minnesota Suburban area in Minnesota Rural area in Minnesota City in North Dakota Suburban area in North Dakota Rural area in North Dakota City in South Dakota Suburban area in South Dakota Rural area in South Dakota Other urban area in the U.S. Other suburban area in the U.S. Other rural area in the U.S. Outside the U.S. American Indian Reservation Other: No Exhibit 2.4.a.4: Common Metrics Entry Survey NExT Common Metrics Entry Survey Last updated December 2013 A17. In what year did you graduate from high school or receive a GED? ___________ A18. Did you attend another college/university prior to this one? Yes No A18a. If yes, did you earn a two- or four-year degree from another college/university? Yes No B. ABOUT YOUR GENERAL ACADEMIC INTERESTS B1. Please rate your level of academic interest in the following areas. Mark only ONE response per row. Please note that we consider it appropriate for your level of personal interest to vary by area—there is no correct way for you to answer these items. Very High a. Mathematics b. Language Arts and Literacy (e.g., English, reading, written expression, speech) c. Fine Arts (e.g., theatre, visual arts, music) d. Social Sciences (e.g., psychology, government/political science, geography, economics, history) e. Sciences (e.g., biology, physics, chemistry, geology, astronomy) f. Business and commercial enterprises g. Technology (e.g., information, manufacturing, engineering) h. Health, Physical Education, or Sports Sciences i. Family and Consumer Sciences, Home Economics j. World Languages k. Reading for pleasure outside of coursework or classes l. Other (please describe): High Low Very Low Exhibit 2.4.a.4: Common Metrics Entry Survey NExT Common Metrics Entry Survey Last updated December 2013 C. ABOUT YOUR INTEREST IN TEACHING C1. To what extent do you agree or disagree that each of the following motivated you to become interested in the teaching profession? Mark only ONE response per row. Agree a. An influential elementary teacher b. An influential middle school teacher c. An influential secondary (high school) teacher d. An influential college professor e. An interest in children, their growth, development, and well-being f. An interest in adolescents, their growth, development, and well-being g. An interest in making society better by working with (guiding) children/youth or young adults h. An interest in teaching/pedagogy (the art and science of presenting knowledge, skills; helping young people with discovery and learning) i. An interest in subject matter that you could explore as a teacher j. A curiosity about the “way that the world works” k. A curiosity about learning issues such as memory and attention l. Other (please describe): Tend Tend to to Agree Disagree Disagree Exhibit 2.4.a.4: Common Metrics Entry Survey NExT Common Metrics Entry Survey Last updated December 2013 C2. To what extent do you agree or disagree that each of the following motivated you to become interested in the teaching profession (or the choice does not apply to you)? Mark only ONE response per row. Agree a. Parents were educators b. Another close relative was an educator c. Family friend or friends were educators d. A career course that addressed teaching and/or human service careers e. Experience teaching or guiding others (Boy/Girl Scouts, 4-H, work at a religious institution) f. Experience helping someone with learning difficulties (experience helping them learn) g. Previous experience during secondary school years serving as a volunteer or classroom helper h. Service as a paraprofessional i. Coaching a sport or activity j. Summer work with children k. Child care/babysitting family members or others Tend to Agree Tend to Disagree Disagree Did Not Have This Experience Exhibit 2.4.a.4: Common Metrics Entry Survey NExT Common Metrics Entry Survey Last updated December 2013 C3. In what area(s) do you intend to teach? Mark ALL that apply. Early Childhood Education Elementary Education Special Education K-12 Education license If interested in a K-12 program, indicate your subject area (mark all that apply): Art English as a Second Language (ESL) Library Media Specialist Music Physical Education Reading World Languages Other (no abbreviations): Secondary Education license (5-12, 7-12, or 9-12) If interested in a secondary education program, indicate your subject area (mark all that apply): Business English Health Mathematics Science Social Studies Technology Other (no abbreviations): C4. Where would you consider teaching? Mark ALL that apply. Minneapolis or St. Paul Other city in Minnesota Suburban area in Minnesota Rural area in Minnesota City in North Dakota Suburban area in North Dakota Rural area in North Dakota City in South Dakota Suburban area in South Dakota Rural area in South Dakota Other urban area in the U.S. Other suburban area in the U.S. Other rural area in the U.S. Outside the U.S. American Indian Reservation Other: C5. Do you hope to teach within 50 miles of your hometown? Yes Maybe No Exhibit 2.4.a.4: Common Metrics Entry Survey NExT Common Metrics Entry Survey Last updated December 2013 C6. How long do you plan to teach? Mark only ONE answer. 1-2 years 3-5 years 6-10 years 11 or more years I do not plan to teach C7. Either before, during, or after your teaching career, do you plan to go into any of the educationrelated fields listed below? Yes Coaching Counseling School Administration (special education director, principal, superintendent, curriculum director) Other (Please describe): D. OTHER D1. Are you currently taking a teacher education course? Yes No D2. Have you completed a teacher education course? Yes No D3. Have you been admitted to a teacher education program? Yes No D4. At what point in your life did you first think of becoming a teacher? Elementary school Middle school High school Between high school and college College After leaving college Other (please specify): ________________________________ Maybe No Exhibit 2.4.a.4: Common Metrics Entry Survey NExT Common Metrics Entry Survey Last updated December 2013 D5. Did anyone discourage you from pursuing a teaching career? Yes No (Do not complete questions 5a or 5b) D5a. If yes, who (e.g., relative, friend, teacher, etc.) discouraged you from teaching? ________________________________________________________________________________________ D5b. Why did they discourage you? ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Thank you for your response to this survey. We appreciate your input! © 2014 Bush Foundation