QFT 3 : Problem Set 2 1.) Peskin & Schroeder 16.1 Arnowitt-Fickler gauge In this problem we are supposed to look at the Faddeev-Popov (FP) quantization of Yang-Mills (YM) theory in the Arnowitt-Fickler gauge: LYM A 3a 1 a 2 = − (Fµν ) + ψ(i6D − m)ψ 4 = 0 (1) (2) Let us consider a 4-vector ηµ so as to write our Gauge condition in a covariant way: ηµ ≡ (0, 0, 0, 1) (3) µa = 0 (4) ηµ A In order to work out the FP quantization of the YM theory, we consider the Lagrangian for the gauge field and a generalized gauge condition: 1 a 2 L = − (Fµν ) 4 µa G(A) = ηµ A (x) − ω(x) (5) (6) Following the FP quantization process then we obtain the following Lagrangian: LF P 1 1 µ a 2 = LYM − c ( η µ Dµ ) c − (η Aµ ) g 2ζ (7) The equation-of-motion for the ghost field c is: η µ Dµ c = 0 ⇒ η µ ∂µ c = 0 (8) (9) ⇒ ∂3 c = 0 (10) where we have used the gauge condition A3a = 0 and that η µ = (0, 0, 0, 1). Evidently the ghost field doesn’t have a propagating solution. The gauge condition A3a = 0 restricts the polarization vectors to be perpendicular to the z-axis. Using the residual gauge degree of freedom of Aµa (a gauge parameter independent of z, but dependent on the other variables) one can remove one more polarization. This reduces the gauge field to two positive metric degrees of freedom. Feynman Rules: Notice that the ghost field is completely decoupled as we dont have any propagating ghost solutions. The Feynman Rules are same as normal for Yang-Mills theory in any other covariant gauge except for the gauge boson propagator which gets contributions from the extra term in the Lagrangian. The gauge boson propagator takes the form: kµ ην + kν ηµ iδ ab kµ kν − − 2 g µν − (11) k (η · k)2 η·k 2.) Peskin & Schroeder 16.2 Scalar field with non-Abelian charge. (a.) The Lagrangian for the non-Abelian gauge theory coupled to a scalar field may be written as: 1 1 a 2 ) − (∂ µ Aaµ )2 − ca ∂ µ Dµac cc + Dµ φ∗i Dµ φi − m2 φ∗i φi L = − (Fµν 4 2ζ 1 (12) One can read off the Feynman Rules for the scalar field from the above Lagrangian. The scalar field has the usual propagator. Also there are couplings of 2 scalars (momenta p and p 0 ) + a gauge boson, and a 4-point coupling (2 scalars + 2 gauge bosons): P ropagator : 3 − P oint V ertex : 4 − P oint V ertex : iδij p2 − m2 + i ig(p + p0 )µ taij ig 2 g µν ta , tb jk (13) (14) (15) Evidently there are minor modifications over the Abelian results displayed in P &S 9.1. (b.) The standard way to obtain the (1-loop) β-function is to calculate the counter-terms at one-loop level. The corrections to the gauge-boson propagator come from 5-diagrams (scalar, ghost and gauge loops; scalar and gauge bubbles.) Since we are interested in UV-divergences we may take the limit in which the scalar mass goes to zero. One obtains the following counter-term upon evaluating the one loop level correction to the gauge boson propagator: δA = g 2 5 C2 (G) − C(r) 24π 2 (16) Next we need to find corrections to the scalar field propagator. Only 2 diagrams (gauge rainbow and a gauge bubble) contribute. We introduce a mass term for the gauge field and take limit of vanishing gauge boson mass. We obtain the counter-term for the scalar propagator: δφ = g 2 C2 (r) 4π 2 (17) Finally we need the corrections to the 3-point vertex (2 scalars and a gauge boson) which is needed for one loop corrections to the coupling constant. Once again there are 5 diagrams (2 triangular diagrams with 2 gauge bosons and a scalar or 2 scalars and a gauge boson forming the 3 sides of the triangle; 2 diagrams with a gauge rainbow on a scalar external leg with the rainbow ending at the vertex; a gauge boson tadpole with 2 external scalar legs on the gauge boson loop.) Evaluating these diagrams one finds the counter-term for the 3-point vertex: δg = − g 3 µ/2 (C2 (G) − 2 C2 (r)) 8π 2 (18) Finally we use logg0 = (1 + δA )−1/2 (1 + δφ)−1 (gµ/2 + δg ) where g0 being the bare coupling is a constant. This gives us the β-function: β(g) ∂g ∂(logµ) g3 1 11 C2 (G) − C(r) = − (4π)2 3 3 = (19) (20) Notice that the only contribution from the scalar field to the β-function comes from the correction to the gauge boson propagator. The correction (due to the scalar field) to the scalar propagator and the vertex function cancel each other and hence don’t show up in the final β-function. If we work in the background field gauge (as discussed in class), our work is reduced to computing the 1 corrections to δA (from which we get δg by Zg ZA2 = 1: Zg = 1 + δg defines the running of g). [Background field method beyond 1-loop reference: L.F.Abbott, Nucl. Phys. B185, 189(1981)] 2 Alternatively, one could also evaluated functional determinants directly to read off β(g) directly, as in the text (the background field gauge is used here) : 1 nf 3 β(g) = g cG,1 − cG,0 − cr,1/2 (21) 2 2 with cr,0 = cr,1/2 = cr,1 = 1 C(r) (+ ) 2 (4π) 3 C(r) 8 (− ) 2 (4π) 3 C(r) 20 (− ) 2 (4π) 3 (22) (23) (24) (25) 3.) QCD β-function from supersymmetric gauge theory a) We note the following results : σ2 ~σ σ2 ∗ iγ 2 ψ1,2 = = ta = − (ta )∗ −~σ ∗ = −~σ T ψ1,2 (26) = − (ta )T ; real representation The Dirac fermion kinetic term may be written as † µ † µ ψi6Dψ = iψR σ Dµ ψR + iψL σ Dµ ψ L (27) The two Majorana fermion terms may be written as ψ 1 i6Dψ1 ψ 2 i6Dψ2 = † µ T ∗ iψL σ Dµ ψL + iψL σ2 σ µ Dµ σ2 ψ L (28) = † µ iψR σ Dµ ψ R (29) + T ∗ +iψR σ2 σ µ Dµ σ2 ψ R The second terms in the above expressions may be further simplified using Eq.(27) and the anti-commutation properties of the fermion fields (the simplification is perhaps done most conveniently using gauge and lorentz indices). It then turns out that they are identical to the first terms in the above expression and we get the desired result. For example, T ∗ iψL σ2 σ µ Dµ σ2 ψ L ∗ µ a ∗ β = i(ψL )a (σ2 σ µ σ2 )ab ∂µ (ψL )b + gAaµ (ψL )α a (σ2 σ σ2 )ab (t )αβ (ψL )b = = i(−1)(−1)(ψL )∗b (σ2 σ µ σ2 )Tba ∂µ (ψL )a † µ iψL σ Dµ ψ L + (30) µ T a T α (−1)gAaµ (ψL )∗β b (σ2 σ σ2 )ba (t )βα (ψL )a where in the first term of the second step the two negative signs are from the anticommutation of the fermion fields and integration by parts, and the negative sign in the second term is because of the anticommutation of the fermion fields. In the last step we have used Eq.(27). b) We are given with the fact that the β-function for the full N = 4 supersymmetric theory SU (N c ) gauge theory vanishes. The supermultiplet consists of one massless vector field, four massless Majorana fermions, and six real (three complex) scalar fields all of them belonging to the adjoint representation 3 of SU (Nc ). We may thus write the total β-function as a sum of contributions from the individual components: βg = β1 + 4 β1/2 + 6 β0 = 0 (31) where β1/2 and β0 are the respective contributions due to one Majorana fermion and one real scalar field, and β1 is the contribution due to the vector field. In Problem 2 we saw that a complex scalar field in the representation r contributes to the β-function: β0c (r) = g 3 C(r) (4π)2 3 (32) Hence a real scalar field in the adjoint rep of SU (Nc ) should give: β0 = = = 1 β0c (G) 2 g 3 C(G) (4π)2 6 g 3 Nc 6(4π)2 (33) (34) (35) Furthermore we know that the contribution to the β-function from a Dirac fermion field in the adjoint rep of SU (Nc )is given as (Refer to P &S16.85) : β1/2D g 3 4 C(G) (4π)2 3 = 2 β1/2 = 8 β0 = (36) (37) Using Equations 21, 25 and 27 we find: β1 = − 22 β0 g 3 11 Nc = − (4π)2 3 (38) (39) This result may also be reasoned from the general expression for β(g) obtained using the background field method (spin-1 adjoint comes with the coefficient 11/3)and the fact that for an SU (N ) adjoint C(G) = C2 (G) = N (40) [Background field method beyond 1-loop reference: L.F.Abbott, Nucl. Phys. B185, 189(1981)] In fact using the background field method one can work out the β-function in a supersymmetric theory. For a non-supersymmetric theory we have X 2 1 X g 3 11 − C2 (G) + (41) C(r) + C(r) β(g) = + (4π)2 3 3 3 i f ermion j scalar where the first term is from the gauge bosons in the adjoint representation (with Casimirs C 2 (G)), the second term is from the fermions in reperesetation ‘r 0 and the third term from scalars in representation ‘r0 (C(r) are the represetation constants). Note that that the coefficient for fermions is taken as 2/3 instead of 4/3 since we count the Weyl fermions separately. In a supersymmetric theory every gauge boson has a fermionic superpartner, the gaugino, in the adjoint representation and every fermion has a scalar superpartner, the sfermion, in the same representation. Hence using the fact that for an adjoint C2 (G) = C(G) we get " # X g3 SU SY β(g) = −3C2 (G) + C(r) (42) (4π)2 i 4 Thus in a supersymmetric SU (Nc ) theory with Nf fermions the above gives β(g)SU SY = − g3 [3Nc − Nf ] (4π)2 which is a well know result. 5 (43)