ASCENSION OF THE LORD / LA ASCENSIÓN DEL SEÑOR Collecons for Aug 27- Sept 2 Your gift is still needed! Know that every gift, no matter the amount, CAN and WILL make a difference. This is not just another collection, but rather an annual commitment from all parishes in Western Washington to provide a Future Full of Hope for years to come. As Disciples of Christ, we are calledCollecon to share the Good News and minister to those in need. If you Revenue* have not already done so, please consider making your annual commitment Fiscal Year Catholic Appeal. If you cannot make a financial today to the Annual 7/1/2011 commitment at this time, please fill out an envelope and pledge to offer a thru prayer (write it in the pledge amount box). Or Donate online today: 6/30/2012 Registered 6,157 Loose 2,263 Budgeted June MTD Actual Difference % 42,010 -3,390 -7% 584,670 -31,230 -5% 45,400 Average Online Total 1,650 YTD 10,070 *Includes Sunday, Loose, Holy Day & Online todavía! Giving Sepa 615,900 ¡Su donativo es muy necesario que cualquier donativo, no importando la cantidad,10,625 PUEDE y HARÁ la diferencia. Ésta no es una Budget Income vs colecta más, sino más bien un compromiso Expensesanual de todas las parroquias del Oeste de Washington para proveer un Futuro (Total) FYTDLleno de Esperanza en años thruestamos June 30, llamados a compartir la venideros. Como discípulos de Cristo, 2012 Buena Nueva y ayudar a los necesitados. Si usted no lo ha hecho todavía, Over/(Short) 771,968 por favor considere hacer (556) su compromiso anualRevenue hoy a la Petición Católica Anual. financiero por ahora, por 693,880 Thank Si youusted for no puede hacer un compromisoExpenses favor your llene un sobre y comprométase a ofrecer una oración (escríbala en laconnued parte que dice cantidad a comprometerse). ¡Muchísimas gracias! genNet Inerosity! come** 78,088 **does not include loan/ mortgage payments St. Anthony of School currently has openings for the 2013-2014 $73,135 St. Anthony School school year. Please call the school office for details at 425-255-0059 or Collecons for Apr 29 - May 5 Registered Loose Average Online Total Budget Over/(Short) Thank you for your connued generosity! 6,530 2,581 1,655 10,766 10,625 141 Collecon Revenue* Fiscal Year 7/1/2012 thru 6/30/2013 Budgeted Actual Difference % Mar MTD 56,125 62,892 6,767 12% YTD 438,700 436,402 -2,298 -1% *Includes Sunday, Loose, Holy Day & Online Giving Income vs Expenses (Total) FYTD thru Feb 28, 2013 Revenue 607,887 536,158 Expenses Net Income 71,729 HOLY SPIRIT PARISH / PARROQUIA DEL ESPIRITU SANTO Rachel’s Corner Un Fin de Semana de descubrimiento. Una vida eterna de amor.. Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial Invita a todo matrimonio a que Hope and Healing After Abortion O God of infinite goodness and mercy, fill our hearts with a great confidence in Thy dear Mother, whom we invoke under the title of Our Lady of Fatima, and grant us by her powerful intercession all the graces, spiritual and temporal, which we need. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. - Our Lady of Fatima, Feast: May 13 Renueve su romance Mercy greater than you can imagine awaits you on a Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat™. ¿Por qué se quedan conformes con un matrimonio “bueno”, cuando pueden tener un matrimonio “magnifico”? Próximo Fin de Semana será en el mes de Junio los dias 14, 15 y 16 del 2013 Para más información, llamar a: Gabriel ♥ Atala Olivas (206) 909-4944 Margarito ♥ Domi9la Mon9el (425)350-0781 Vidal ♥ María Toro (425) 531-2712 Ramón ♥ Cin9a Arguelles (425) 702-9642 Next retreat: August 2-4, 2013 Call Valerie: 1-800-822-HOPE (4673) You are loved with an everlasting Love! Project Rachel is a program of Catholic Community Services. FELICIDADES!!! Padres de Familia, que han completado su preparación para la Primera Comunión. 103 niños y niñas recibieron el Sacramento de la Eucaristía. Mary As the Mother of God, the Virgin Mary has a unique position among the saints, indeed, among all creatures. She is exalted, yet still one of us "Redeemed by reason of the merits of her Son and united to Him by a close and indissoluble tie, she is endowed with the high office and dignity of being the Mother of the Son of God, by which account she is also the beloved daughter of the Father and the temple of the Holy Spirit. Because of this gift of sublime grace she far surpasses all creatures, both in heaven and on earth. At the same time, however, because she belongs to the offspring of Adam she is one with all those who are to be saved." Mary embraces God's will and freely chooses to cooperate with God's grace, thereby fulfilling a crucial role in God's plan of salvation. Throughout the centuries, the Church has turned to the Blessed Virgin in order to come closer to Christ. Many forms of piety toward the Mother of God developed that help bring us closer to her Son. In these devotions to Mary, "while the Mother is honored, the Son, through whom all things have their being and in whom it has pleased the Father that all fullness should dwell, is rightly known, loved and glorified and . . . all His commands are observed." The Church honors her as the Mother of God, looks to her as a model of perfect discipleship, and asks for her prayers to God on our behalf. ASCENSION OF THE LORD / LA ASCENSIÓN DEL SEÑOR Free Tickets in King County The Transit Incentives Program offers you tickets for eight free rides on King County Metro Transit. King County residents receive an order form when they renew their vehicle tabs. The program begins with June, 2012 tab renewals and will continue through May, 2014 tab renewals. Each household at least one vehicle per year during the two-year life of the program Collecons for in King County that registers Collecon isAug eligible for this for more information or for an order form. Revenue* 27- Sept 2 offer. Go to Fiscal Year These tickets put the entire Metro bus system to work for you. Choose from more than 200 routes, thousands of bus 7/1/2011 stops, 130 park-and-ride lots and garages, and 13 transit centers—all designed to make public transportation thru accessible and convenient to use. Have a bike? Use a mobility device? Traveling with children? Visit Metro’s How to 6/30/2012 Ride page to find information on these topics and more! Our accommodations for a range of rider needs are one reason why Metro has become one of the most popular—and greenest—transit agencies in the nation. Registered 6,157 Budgeted Actual Difference % When you ride Metro, you help reduce congestion and pollution, and improve the quality of life for everyone in our Loose 2,263 June MTD 42,010 -3,390 -7% community. You may also be surprised by how much money you can save when you ride the bus and leave your 45,400 car at home! Average Online 1,650 YTD 615,900 584,670 -31,230 -5% Remember if you don’t ride the bus, you can donate your tickets to our St. Vincent de Paul Society to help Total less fortunate. 10,070 *Includes those Sunday, Adapted from Loose, Holy Day & Online Giving Budget May 12th May 17-19th May 24th Over/(Short) May 25th Thank you for th May 30 your connued generosity! Upcoming Youth Events Income vs 10,625 Expenses Confirmation Mass (Total) FYTD th thru Retreat (May 17-19 ) June 30, 2012 Youth Group (556) Destination Creation (Paradise Mt. Rainier Hike) Youth Group Sunday Friday Friday Revenue Saturday 12:30pm 3:30pm 7:00pm 771,9688:30am Expenses 693,880 Friday Bilingual 7:00pm Net Income** Jesús ascendió al cielo, bendiciendo78,088 a Sus discípulos y **does not prome9endo que recibirían pronto elpoder del Espíritu Santo. include loan/ Nosotros mortgage que hemos recibido ese regalo prome9do del Espíritu estamos ahora con el poder de ser Sus tes9gos hasta los fines payments of de$73,135 la 9erra — a u9lizar nuestro 9empo y talentos para esparcir la buena nueva de la salvación. Jesus ascended into heaven, blessing His disciples and promising that they would soon receive the power of the Holy Spirit. We who have received that promised giG of the Spirit are now empowered to be His witnesses to the ends of the earth — to use our 9me and talents to spread the good news of salva9on. SERVICIOS ERVICIOS DE DEL S LOCALES OCALES C CATÓLICOS ATÓLICOS LOCAL CATHOLIC SERVICES Sociedad de San Vicente de Paul: 206-767-6449 Servicios Católicos de la Comunidad: 253-854-0077 Recursos del Condado de King Linea: 2-1-1 ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY: 206-767-6449 CATHOLIC COMMUNITY SERVICES: 253-854-0077 KING COUNTY RESOURCE LINE: 2-1-1 HOLY SPIRIT PARISH / PARROQUIA DEL ESPIRITU SANTO CONFIRMATION PRAYER Spirit of God, grant me: Collecons for Aug 27- Sept 2 Collecon Revenue* Fiscal Year 7/1/2011 thru 6/30/2012 The gift of wisdom To see the world through your eyes, Registered 6,157 Loose 2,263 Budgeted Actual The gift of counsel42,010 June MTD Difference % -3,390 -7% -31,230 -5% 45,400 Average Online Total 1,650 10,070 To makeYTDdifficult 615,900decisions, 584,670 *Includes Sunday, Loose, Holy Day & Online Giving The gifts of knowledge and understanding To use my mind to know you and to love you, Budget 10,625 Income vs Expenses (Total) FYTD thru June 30, 2012 The gift of fortitude To have the courage to live in the faith Over/(Short) Thank you for your connued generosity! (556) Revenue 771,968 Despite the difficulties and disappointments, Expenses 693,880 Net InThe gift of piety come** 78,088 **does not To be able to express my special love include loan/ mortgage payments of $73,135 And commitment to you, And the right kind of awesome fear That makes me pause to wonder and revere God’s Love. Amen. SERVICIOS DE LOCALES CATÓLICOS Sociedad de San Vicente de Paul: 206-767-6449 Servicios Católicos de la Comunidad: 253-854-0077 Recursos del Condado de King Linea: 2-1-1 Congratulations and God bless our 23 Confirmandi! HOLY SPIRIT PARISH / PARROQUIA DEL ESPIRITU SANTO LA ASCENCIÓN DEL SEÑOR Hch 1,1-11: Se elevó a la vista de ellos Salmo 46: Dios asciende entre aclamaciones, el Señor al son de trompetas Ef 1,17-23: Lo sentó a su derecha en el cielo Lc 24,46-53: Mientras les bendecía, iba subiendo al cielo Preguntas para Reflexionar: ¿Estoy asumiendo la misión propia de mi identidad como bautizado/a en Cristo Jesús? ¿En qué doy verdadero «testimonio» de Jesús y de su Causa, y en qué no lo doy aún? ¿Qué me falta para madurar más en la fe? ¿Conozco suficientemente el Proyecto de Jesús? ¿Busco vivir por su Causa con la fuerza de su Espíritu y su experiencia de Dios Padre-Madre? ¿Qué señales doy de interés por los demás y por su liberación de esclavitudes o angustias, de sufrimientos, marginación, opresión o depresión? COME PRAY THE ROSARY IN THE CHAPEL 7:00PM WEDNESDAYS IN MAY HOSTED BY KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS 10:00 AM SUNDAYS HOSTED BY THE ROSARY GROUP MEMORIAL DAY MASS MONDAY, MAY 27TH 10:30AM ST. PATRICK’S CEMETERY S 204TH & ORILLA RD KENT, WA 98031 Rain or Shine — Bring your own chair Did You Know We Have A Cemetery? St. Patrick Cemetery was created when the O’Connell family in 1880 set aside 4½ acres on their farm south of Seattle to be a cemetery for the mainly Irish Catholic families in the area. They named it for St. Patrick, and in 1902, formally transferred title to the cemetery to the local Catholic Church for the sum of $1. Over the years, the cemetery fell into disrepair due to non-use, a lack of volunteers, and vandalism. Since the 1970s, all records, services and maintenance for St. Patrick have been provided by Gethsemane Cemetery in Federal Way. The farm where St. Patrick Cemetery was started was owned by the O’Connell Family. Richard O’Connell was born in Co. Limerick in 1839 and Sarah (Mullen) was born in Co. Galway in 1870. After his first wife died, Richard married Sarah in 1887 and they had three children, Catherine (b. 1888), Richard (b. 1890), and Monica (b. 1897). Richard died in 1935 and Sarah died in 1952. Today, their grandson, great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren still live on the original O’Connell family farm, located just down the hill from St. Patrick. ASCENSION OF THE LORD / LA ASCENSIÓN DEL SEÑOR Martyrs, Maryknoll, and a Marker On June 8, 2013 Archbishop J. Peter Sartain will formally dedicate and bless a historical marker remembering the former Our Lady Queen of Martyrs parish and school in Seattle. The parish was set up and administered by the Maryknoll Society at the invitation of Bishop Edward O’Dea in 1920 to serve the Japanese-American immigrant community, and later the Filipino-American immigrant community as well. In 1920, Maryknoll Sisters Gemma Shea and Gerard Gallagher opened a kindergarten for sixteen Japanese children of working immigrant mothers. By 1922, enrollment had grown to eighty-four pupils so the kindergarten was relocated to a larger house at 17th & E Jefferson St. By 1926, twelve Maryknoll Sisters were educating over one-hundred students and had added a children’s home and day care nursery. Fr. Leopold Tibesar, MM, became the parish priest in 1935. Following the December 7, 1941 bombing of Pearl Harbor by Japan, President Franklin Roosevelt issued Executive Order 9066 in February, 1942 which led to military orders to evacuate all people of Japanese descent from the U.S. West Coast to relocation camps. Fr. Tibesar accompanied the parish evacuees first to the fairgrounds in Puyallup (“Camp Harmony”), a few blocks away from the current location of All Saints church, then to the Minidoka Relocation Center in Idaho, where he was assisted by two Maryknoll Sisters from the parish, Srs. Thomas Marie (Regina) Johnson and Marie Rosaire Greaney. The dedication and blessing is scheduled for Saturday, June 8, at 3:00pm to which the public is invited. The blessing will take place on the corner of 16th and Jefferson Streets just outside the Jefferson Tower entrance of Swedish Hospital. There will be a social afterwards in the foyer of the Jefferson Tower. June 8 marks the 151st Anniversary of the canonization of the Martyrs of Japan (16th and 17th centuries). The event is co-sponsored by your Missions Office and the Maryknoll House in Seattle. Taken from Archdiocese of Seattle’s May 2013 issue of Good News from the Missions Office