036 Feb 14.pub

Dear Friends,
I want to share with you this final section of Pope Francis’ message for Lent as it
pushes us out to share the love of God that has been poured in to our hearts. And this season is one in which God’s grace is ever present to inspire us in this regard as we seek to
walk with Him more closely.
3. The works of Mercy: God’s mer cy tr ansfor ms human hear ts; it enables us,
through the experience of a faithful love, to become merciful in turn. In an ever new miracle, divine mercy shines forth in our lives, inspiring each of us to love our neighbour and
to devote ourselves to what the Church’s tradition calls the spiritual and corporal works of
mercy. These works remind us that faith finds expression in concrete everyday actions
meant to help our neighbours in body and spirit: by feeding, visiting, comforting and instructing them. On such things will we be judged. For this reason, I expressed my hope
that “the Christian people may reflect on the corporal and spiritual works of mercy; this
will be a way to reawaken our conscience, too often grown dull in the face of poverty, and
to enter more deeply into the heart of the Gospel where the poor have a special experience
of God’s mercy” (ibid., 15). For in the poor, the flesh of Christ “becomes visible in the
flesh of the tortured, the crushed, the scourged, the malnourished, and the exiled… to be
acknowledged, touched, and cared for by us” (ibid.). It is the unprecedented and scandalous mystery of the extension in time of the suffering of the Innocent Lamb, the burning
bush of gratuitous love. Before this love, we can, like Moses, take off our sandals (cf. Ex
3:5), especially when the poor are our brothers or sisters in Christ who are suffering for
their faith.
In the light of this love, which is strong as death (cf. Song 8:6), the real poor are
revealed as those who refuse to see themselves as such. They consider themselves rich,
but they are actually the poorest of the poor. This is because they are slaves to sin, which
leads them to use wealth and power not for the service of God and others, but to stifle
within their hearts the profound sense that they too are only poor beggars. The greater
their power and wealth, the more this blindness and deception can grow. It can even reach
the point of being blind to Lazarus begging at their doorstep (cf. Lk 16:20-21). Lazarus,
the poor man, is a figure of Christ, who through the poor pleads for our conversion. As
such, he represents the possibility of conversion which God offers us and which we may
well fail to see. Such blindness is often accompanied by the proud illusion of our own
omnipotence, which reflects in a sinister way the diabolical “you will be like God” (Gen
3:5) which is the root of all sin. This illusion can likewise take social and political forms,
as shown by the totalitarian systems of the twentieth century, and, in our own day, by the
ideologies of monopolizing thought and technoscience, which would make God irrelevant
and reduce man to raw material to be exploited. This illusion can also be seen in the sinful
structures linked to a model of false development based on the idolatry of money, which
leads to lack of concern for the fate of the poor on the part of wealthier individuals and
societies; they close their doors, refusing even to see the poor.
For all of us, then, the season of Lent in this Jubilee Year is a favourable time to overcome our existential alienation by listening to God’s word and by practising the works of
mercy. In the corporal works of mercy we touch the flesh of Christ in our brothers and
sisters who need to be fed, clothed, sheltered, visited; in the spiritual works of mercy –
counsel, instruction, forgiveness, admonishment and prayer – we touch more directly our
own sinfulness. The corporal and spiritual works of mercy must never be separated. By
touching the flesh of the crucified Jesus in the suffering, sinners can receive the gift of
realizing that they too are poor and in need. By taking this path, the “proud”, the
“powerful” and the “wealthy” spoken of in the Magnificat can also be embraced and undeservedly loved by the crucified Lord who died and rose for them. This love alone is the
answer to that yearning for infinite happiness and love that we think we can satisfy with
the idols of knowledge, power and riches. Yet the danger always remains that by a constant refusal to open the doors of their hearts to Christ who knocks on them in the poor,
the proud, rich and powerful will end up condemning themselves and plunging into the
eternal abyss of solitude which is Hell. The pointed words of Abraham apply to them and
to all of us: “They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them” (Lk 16:29). Such
attentive listening will best prepare us to celebrate the final victory over sin and death of
the Bridegroom, now risen, who desires to purify his Betrothed in expectation of his coming.
Let us not waste this season of Lent, so favourable a time for conversion! We ask this
through the maternal intercession of the Virgin Mary, who, encountering the greatness of
God’s mercy freely bestowed upon her, was the first to acknowledge her lowliness (cf. Lk
1:48) and to call herself the Lord’s humble servant (cf. Lk 1:38).
From the Vatican, 4 October 2015, Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi
In His Most Sacred Heart,
Fr. Jack D. Shrum
Weekly Parish Focus for 2016
Feb. 14: Community: "Valentine’s Day”
This week we focus on love, the love of our God who sustains us in life and the love that we share with our parish community, our
friends, and our family. On this day that we celebrate love, take some time to be grateful for all of the love in your life.
Actions: Send a note to someone you love. Send a note of gr atitude to someone who has shown love to you. Reach out to
someone in need to share God’s love. Have a happy Lent!
In Observance of Presidents’ Day
The Parish Ministry Offices will be closed Monday, February 15, 2016. Thank you!
Our Parish commitment to celebrate Jesus in Word and Sacrament
Mass Schedule
Monday, February 15
7:50 am Severiano Santos + by Santos-Spin Family
Tuesday, February 16
7:50 am Wilfredo Evalo + by His Family
Wednesday, February 17
7:50 am Oscar & Carolina Mulato +
by Mar & Luz Murillo
Thursday, February 18
7:50 am The Lee Family + by Ngekngor Ung
Friday, February 19
7:50 am Anna Xayen Pham + by Mai Tran
Saturday, February 20
8:00 am Virgina Hohl + by Steve and Lani Cavit
5:30 pm Olive Clow + by The Clow Family
Sunday, February 21
Second Sunday of Lent
Genesis 15:5-12, 17-18
Psalms 27:1, 7-8, 8-9, 13-14
Philippians 3:17 - 4:1, Luke 9:28b-36
7:30 am Prayers for Tino & Emma Cugini
9:00 am Lydia Ocampo Bravo +
by The Garcia Family
12:30 pm Louis & Betty Dagnolo
60th Wedding Anniversary
5:30 pm Prayers for Veronica Sorto (Liv)
Please notify Mary Ann Smith when you or a
family member are hospitalized, or seriously ill
so that we can place them on our prayer list and
arrange for a Communion Minister to visit or for
Anointing of the Sick.
The Spiritual Works of Mercy: Part II
Last week we began to look at The Spiritual Works of Mercy, which have long been a part of the Christian tradition, appearing in the works of theologians and spiritual writers throughout history. Just as Jesus
attended to the spiritual well-being of those he ministered to, these Spiritual Works of Mercy guide us to
"help our neighbor in their spiritual needs" (USCCA).
COMFORTING THE SORROWFUL: Be open to listening and comforting those who are dealing with grief. Even if
we aren't sure of the right words to say, our presence can make a big difference. Lend a listening ear to those going through
a tough time. Make a home cooked meal for a friend who is facing a difficult time. Write a letter or send a card to someone
who is suffering. A few moments of your day may make a lifetime of difference to someone who is going through a difficult
FORGIVING INJURIES: Forgiving others is difficult at times because we do not have God's limitless mercy and compassion. But Jesus teaches us that we should forgive as God forgives, relying on him to help us show others the mercy of
God. Let go of grudges. Saying sorry is something we learn as kids, but how often do we really mean it? Forgiveness transforms hearts and lives. Participate in the Sacrament of Penance. Pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet.
BEARING WRONGS PATIENTLY: Do not be bitter about wrongs done against you. Place your hope in God so
that you can endure the troubles of this world and face them with a compassionate spirit. Frustrated with someone? Step
away from the situation, take a few deep breaths, pray the Our Father, asking God for patience.
PRAYING FOR THE LIVING AND THE DEAD: Prayer is one of the most powerful ways we can support others. Joining together in prayer for the living and the dead entrusts us all into God's care. Request a mass intention for a
friend or family member who is going through a tough time. Request a mass intention for a friend or family member who
has passed away. Keep your own book of prayer intentions, writing down the names of those who you are keeping in your
prayers. Ask a friend or family member if there is anything you can pray for them about. Through prayer, entrust your cares
and concerns for those around you to God. -On the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops website - USCCB Mercy in motion
During the season of Lent in the Scriptures we see
that Jesus is in the desert. The Church asks us to refrain from decorating our churches with flowers.
Please assist us in keeping sacred environment during this Lenten season by NOT bringing any flowers
to adorn the statues from Wednesday, February 10 –
Sunday, March 27th. Thank you for your assistance.
That we may take good care of creation–a
gift freely given–cultivating and protecting
it for future generations.
That opportunities may increase for dialogue and encounter between the Christian
faith and the peoples of Asia.
Lạy Chúa Giêsu, bị cám dỗ là thân phận của con người, nhưng thắng được cám dỗ là nhờ ơn của Chúa.Cuộc sống hôm
nay cho chúng con bao cám dỗ ngọt ngào, làm khuấy động những thèm khát nơi chúng con. Cám dỗ chiếm đoạt và sở
hữu. Cám dỗ thống trị bằng quyền uy hay tri thức. Cám dỗ sống buông thả theo bản năng tự nhiên. Cám dỗ nào cũng hứa
cho chúng con ít nhiều hoan lạc, nhưng thật ra lại làm chúng con nghèo nàn vì tự giam mình trong cái tôi ích kỷ. Xin cho
chúng con thắng được các cơn cám dỗ nhờ tỉnh thức và cầu nguyện, nhờ chay tịnh và làm chủ bản thân. Xin cho chúng
con dám lội ngược dòng với thế gian, để đi vào con đường hẹp của Chúa, con đường nghèo khó khiêm nhu, con đường hy
sinh phục vụ.
Our Parish commitment to passing on and deepening our Faith
Welcome to our newest members of the Christian Community at
St. Anthony Parish! With great joy, these families celebrated the
sacrament of baptism at English Masses on January 30/31:
Violet Miyoko Martin
Mika and Aaron Martin
Charlie Anthony Miura
Andrea and Joseph Miura
Gianna Valdez Antolin
Gale and Romeo Antolin
Blake Hoang Nguyen
Mai Han and Binh Nguyen
Everest Samuel Guterson Elizabeth and Taylor Guterson
The Holy Father has called us to celebrate and live the great Jubilee of Mercy during
this year. To that end, Archbishop Sartain has invited two members of the Sisters of
Our Lady of Mercy to the Archdiocese for a week in Lent. They are from St. Faustina’s congregation, and their charism includes proclaiming the message of the infinite
mercy of God. The sisters will travel from parish to parish in the company of firstclass relics of St. Faustina and St. John Paul II, carrying the good news of mercy to
every corner of our Archdiocese.
The Archbishop’s hope is that every parishioner will take advantage of this opportunity to grow in holiness and mercy. Find full details and a separate flyer for each presentation at http://www.seattlearchdiocese.org/mercy/events.aspx.
Sunday, Feb. 14, 1:00 – Our Lady Star of the Sea, Bremerton
Monday, Feb. 15, 7:00 – Proto-Cathedral of St. James, Vancouver
Tuesday, Feb. 16, 7:00 – Immaculate Conception, Mt. Vernon
Thursday, Feb. 18, 7:00 – St. Charles Borromeo, Tacoma
Friday, Feb. 19, 7:00 – Holy Family, Kirkland
Saturday, Feb. 20 12:00 noon – St. James Cathedral, Seattle
The First Sunday of Lent
“We cried to the Lord, the God of our ancestors, and the Lord head our cry and saw
our affliction, our toil and our oppression.” Deuteronomy 26: 1-11
Option for the Poor
We hear in Deuteronomy that God hears the cry of the poor. If God hears their cry,
how should we interact with those who are poor, oppressed and marginalized?
We are given the opportunity to meet and interact with the men who receive ARISE
shelter from our parish during the month of February.
Paul calls us to put our faith in God, trusting that in doing so, God will act. Jesus
shows us what that looks like by resisting temptation in the desert and living those 40
days in trust. W here in our lives are we called to trust God more implicitly this Lent?
Immanuel Prayer Ministry
Lent is here. Do you want to renew your relationship with Jesus during these 40 days? We
offer an opportunity for that.
Q: What is this ministry, and how do I ask for prayer?
A: This is a ministry of gifted and trained prayer ministers who want to walk with you
through your struggle or through your joy. All you need to do is come to the front of the
church after the 12:30 Mass on 2/28, wait a few minutes until the team sets up the chairs,
prays together, and starts the sacred music. Then, just let one of us know that you would
like us to pray with you. We know our Beautiful Savior Who is Always ready to listen and
demonstrate the great love He has for you. Let us help you strengthen your relationship
with Him. He is waiting for you.
Mark Your Calendars:
March 7-9, Parish Mission: Fr. Cal Christiansen, “Mer cy: Fr om God to Us to Other s”
English 8:30 am & 6:30; Spanish 8 pm
March 2, 16, & 23, Essentially Catholic: “Stewar dship: Fr om J esus to Pope Fr ancis”
6:45 – 8:15 pm Parish Hall
We must hear from you if you plan to attend.
Call Mary Ann by Feb. 15. 425-277-6208.
Elderly, chronically and/or terminally ill, disabled, and pre-surgery folks are encouraged to
come to the Mass with the Sacrament of Anointing on February 18, at 11:00 AM. Caregivers are most welcome too. A light lunch will be served for those attending Mass.
Buy the book, take the assessment, and attend the first class on February 23 at 6:30 PM.
Call Mary Ann, this week, to buy the book and to register: 425-277-6208. (There must be 5
or more registered by Friday to begin the class on Feb. 23.)
Zackary Brown
Angelina Sebastian Carlos
Mary Pergamo
Our Parish commitment to Sharing God’s Gifts
Living Stewardship
"Denying Earthly Temptations"
Stewardship Education March 2, 9, & 16
“Stewardship: From Jesus to Pope Francis”
Join us in our Parish Hall on the Wednesdays in March.
(March 9 is the Parish Mission) We will be exploring
Catholic Stewardship as presented in Sacred Scripture,
The US Bishop’s Pastoral Letter of 1992, and the teaching of Pope Francis. This series will focus on our call to
be true disciples of Jesus. This is a most excellent topic
for Lenten reflection. Our sessions will be from 6:45 –
8:15. Call Mike @ 425-277-6205 for more information.
This week, CRS Rice Bowl features a family from Colomia who, forced to flee their home because of conflict,
experiences firsthand what it means to be aliens in a foreign place, left to rely on the fruits of the land.
Be a part of their journey and help change lives. Pick up
your Rice Bowl in the vestibule today if you haven’t already. Find videos and more resources at crsricebowl.org. Find recipes from around the world, prayers
and devotions and more. There is exciting new material
to be found here.
Just A Reminder!!!
Please make your checks payable to
St. Vincent de Paul for all St. Vincent de Paul
offerings. Thank you!
$ 329.29
Thank You!
Lent: Stewardship of Time- Pick Up a Lent Table Tent
We think of Stewardship as a sharing of our Time, Talent, and
Treasure. And while it may seem that we focus much more on
Treasure, this is not the most important. The most important is
Time. This is about the many ways we spend time growing
closer to our all-loving, all-merciful, God. You will find a table tent with suggestions on how you can focus on Stewardship
of Time during Lent. May God’s Spirit inspire you and guide
you to follow Jesus on our Lenten journey through the desert to
the cross and into the glory of Easter. If you have any questions, please call Mike @ 425-277-6205.
Catholic Home Missions Appeal
Strengthening the Church at Home
Many dioceses right here in the United States do not have
enough priests and trained lay ministers to serve their parishes.
These dioceses are known as home missions. The Catholic
Home Missions Appeal, which will take place this weekend in
the second collection, supports these dioceses by funding essential ministries, including seminary education and lay ministry training. Please be generous in this appeal and share your
resources to strengthen the Church at home.
Muchas diócesis, aquí mismo, en los Estados Unidos no
cuentan con suficientes sacerdotes y ministros laicos
capacitados para servir en sus parroquias. A estas diócesis se
les conoce como diócesis misioneras. El Llamado para las
Misiones Católicas, que se realizará durante la segunda colecta
este fin de semana, apoya a estas diócesis otorgándoles fondos
para los ministerios básicos, incluyendo la educación de
seminaristas y la capacitación para el ministerio laico. Por
favor, sean generosos en este llamado y compartan sus
recursos para fortalecer la Iglesia en casa.
Position Opening at St. Anthony Parish
Administrative Assistant:
24 hours a week, 4- six hour days. Skills in Data
entry, Word, Excel, PowerPoint necessary.
Knowledge of bulk mailing procedures helpful.
Applications available at Parish office.
Call Donna @ 425-277-6195 for information.
Position open until filled.
St. Anthony School is now registering students for the 2016-2017
school year. Contact Jill Eaton at
425-255-0059 or eaton@sasr.org
for more information or to schedule a tour.
Annual Catholic Appeal Matching Gifts
Thank you to those who have
already fulfilled your Annual
Catholic Appeal pledge! If you
would like to help maximize our
Annual Catholic Appeal Rebate
this year for our parish project,
please check if your employer has
a Matching Gift program. Once your gift has been
paid in full, you can apply for the match per your
employer’s instructions. The Annual Catholic Appeal, Archdiocese of Seattle, is a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Tax ID # 91-0778147. Call 800-8094921 if you have any questions. Mailing address: Annual Catholic Appeal, PO Box 14964,
Seattle 98114.
Haven’t made a gift to the Appeal? It’s not too late.
Go to: www.seattlearchdiocese.org/donate
Your generous support is greatly appreciated
– thank you!
Advertiser of the Week: DeFranco Insurance– (206)–723-1680, www.defrancoinsurance.com
Week ending
February 9, 2016
Sunday Offering:
$ 30,985.34
Thank You!
Our Parish commitment to welcoming Jesus in everyone we meet
Experiencing God’s Mercy in Your Life and Family, February 27, 2016
9 am—1 pm, St. Stephen the Martyr. Register Online at GiftConfer ence.com.
Or call 888-765-9269 x4 (Mon– Fri, 9 am—4 pm)
We thank God for giving you the gift of life, and for giving us the gift of you!
Gracias a Dios por el don de la vida.
Gracias a Dios por el don de nuestros miembros que
celebran sus cumpleaños.
Soup Suppers on Friday nights in our parish help benefit the CRS Rice Bowl as a community. But
you will enjoy great soup and bread as well. Parish Hall at 5:30 PM join your friends and family
before the Stations of the Cross.
Peace and Spirituality Center at St. Mary-on-the-Lake Chapel
1663 Killarney Way, Bellevue, WA 98004
Sponsored by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace
Contact: Diane Figaro at 425-635-3603 or e-mail peace@csjp-olp.org.
Days of Contemplative Prayer - for Women and Men. Led by Kathleen Pruitt, CSJP and Kwan
Wong, Oblate OSB Cam. Saturday, Feb 20, 2016 from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon. at Free-will offering. If you are coming for the first time to Contemplative Prayer, please arrive at 8:30 a.m. for an
Lenten Reflection Day – For Women & Men, "
The Path of Mercy: The Path of Mercy Is a Wide
One With Room to Walk Beside Others”
Saturday, March 5, 2016, from 9:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Free-will offering ~ Bring Sack Lunch or $10
Lunch. We encourage you to carpool. RSVP by March 1.
Peace Days for Women, "
From Emptiness to Fullness…From Brokenness to Blessing”
led by Dale Kelley, CSJP-A, Wednesday, March 16, 2016 from 9:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Free-will offering ~ Bring Sack Lunch, Coffee and Tea Provided. We encourage you to carpool.
Want to have fun while you support children and families in need?
SAVE the DATE!! Association for Catholic Childhood ‘s Labor of Love
Online Auction is Saturday, February 20 - Sunday, February 28, 2016
www.Laborofloveauction.org Register to bid, donate, sponsor.
The Association for Catholic Childhood, a volunteer organization, provides funding
and advocacy for Western Washington children and families in need, regardless of race or creed.
For more information: see www.forthechildrenww.org
Happy Valentine’s Day!!
BIRTHDAYS: February 15– February 21
Elica Alcantara
Irene Aripes
Ka e Basse
Joseph Bossi
Rogelio Candelas
Irene Cleven
Maria Curiel
Linda DeCample
Phi Dinh
Bessie Douglas
Oscar Estaris
McKenna Fenton
Frank Gigo
Whitney Hora
Marcrina Johnson
Cynthia Lamothe
Daniela Lopez
Adrian Macias
Felinda Malla
Emmanuel Medilo
Christophe Meyers
Elina Nartates
Tien Nguyen
Fe Patriarca
Jose Ramirez
Francisco Rodrigo III
Javier Salgado
Ellen Sklanka
Michael Switzer
Hoa Tran
Reginaldo Valle
Tyler Williams
De'esz York
Christopher Allen
C. Baespflug-Reeves
Peggy Behnken
Ma hew Brown
Duyen Cao-Hong
Ahmad Conaway
Lan Dang Nguyen
Cathrine DeGuzman
Orlando Dollente Jr.
Diego Duran
Bulmaro Estevez
Aurora Fierro
Carmelita Gonzales
Cris na Hufana
Wya Jones
Priscilla Laparan
Jeffrey Lozada
Reynaldo Magno
Jazmin Marquez
Anjela Mendoza
Anthony Miller
Tuan Ngo
Savanah Overlin
Enrique Perez Olmos
Mar n Ramirez
Ana Rojas Moreno
Irene Saramosing
Simone e Soares
Ethan Thomas
Ubaldo Trejo
Americus Vergara
Peter Williams
Ana Zapata-Nunez
Ezabelle Alvarez
Beatriz Anaya
Latoya Bailey
Rosalina Barrientes
Rodell Beltran
Susan Blake
Bryce Brown
Maria Camarillo
Irene Carino
Sharon Chilenski
Taylor Corper no
Richard Corrales
Rhea De Jesus
Rhea De Jesus Mena
Maria DeLeon
Ai-My Dinh
Sharon Dougherty
Veronica Donoso-Bobadilla
Carly Ellio
Maria Escobar
Jericho Estrellado
Ruth Eufeminiano
Anna Fiore
McKayla Galindo
Marisol Gonzalez
Kari Harkey
Maria Ibarra de Torres
Mila Kershaw
Jessika Lackie
Jeniveth Laureta
David Le
Joshua Luna
Hilda Luna
Roberto Magno
Ishmael Major
Ryan Mar n
Josephine Manlimos
Teresita Mendoza
Melanie Merida
Linda Moberg
Ana Carina Moreno Mar nez
Do Nguyen
Cindy Nguyen
Sugey Olivares Osuna
Nguyet Pham
Richard Rabang
Keven Ramirez
Raymond Robinson
Alyssa Ross
Fe Ruedas
Charles Scranton
Edmundo Serena
Glenn Stu gen
Edmundo Serena Sanchez
Hoang Tran
Orfelina Torres-Cadenas
Shauna Valen ne
Aaron Velazquez Gonzales
Sarah Viray
Ngoc Vo
Maureen Wojewodzki
Kimberly Zarate Perez
Pastoral Council
Brian Pessolano (Chair), D.J. Doan (Vice Chair), Bessie Douglas (Aux),
Haley McKinley (at-large), Pat Freund (Secretary)
Dave Hollenbeck, Jim Fraker, Gerardo Mena, Evelynne Bautista,
Connie Grace, Patrick Lim, Dieudonne Mayi, John Rochex
Finance Council
Tom McCann (Chair), William Mc Laughlin (Vice Chair), Joey Cantor,
Harry Trapp, Art Hernandez, Sean Bradfield
If you want to connect with the Finance Council, have any questions or
feedback, your contacts are:
Tom McCann @ McCann60@msn.com
William McLaughlin @ mauibud@mac.com
Children’s Faith Formation:
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd—for children ages 312, includes preparation for First Eucharist and Reconciliation. Classes are held weekly throughout the school year.
Please Call Lynne Shioyama for information.
We Believe—For children ages 6-12, including preparation for First Eucharist and First Reconciliation. Classes
on Tuesdays throughout the school year. Call Micie
DelosReyes for information.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word—Conducted at the 9:00
am & 10:45 am Masses on the 1st & 3rd Sundays of the
month, September through June.
Please contact Liza to have your family members added to
our active duty list: lizapare@st-anthony.cc
Parish Office
Fr. Jack Shrum 425-255-3132
Fr. Vic Olvida
Parochial Vicar
Ted Rodriguez
LaMar Reed
Donna Schlager 425-277-6195
Parish Administrator
Sr. Maria Dinh 425-277-6242
Vietnamese Ministry
Michael Cantu 425-255-0059
School Principal
Kris Benson
Adult Faith Formation:
Essentially Catholic– Meets periodically throughout the
school year on topics of interest for Catholics. Call Mike
Borte for more information.
Theresa Galvez 425-277-6225
Dulce Casanova 425-277-6217
Hispanic Ministry Coordinator
Scripture Study: Gr oups meet on Monday Evenings
or Tuesday Mornings. Call Mary Ann Smith for more
Mary Ann Smith 425-277-6208
Involvement/Social Outreach
Youth Ministry:
Jr. Hi Youth Group—For youth in grades 6, 7, and 8.
Meets on Wednesdays throughout the school year. Call
Diana Jorda for more information.
Sr. Hi Youth Ministry—For youth in grades 9-12. Meets
on Sunday Evenings throughout the school year. Call
Diana Jorda for more information.
Tuan Nguyen, USNG, Fort Lee
Sean Gervais, USA, Afghanistan
Tim Zetterhall, USA, Afghanistan
Valerie Mariano, ARNG, Camp Murray
Kevin Boden, USAF, Alaska
Barrent Dickinson, USN, California
Luis Rambnoel Cuevas, London
Christopher Williams, Fort Bragg
Thomas Williams, Afghanistan
Katherine Rigor, USN, Virginia
Christian Halvorson, USAF, Mississippi
Steve Brown, USN, Washington
Tim Sexton, USA, Fort Hood, TX
Andre Hongach, USA, Fort Bragg
Adam Frisch, USN, Submarine at sea
Brian Irish, USN, Afghanistan
Mike Collard, USAF, Okinawa
Andrew Jaeger, USN, Lemoore NAS, CA
Jeremy Hatch, US Army, Texas
Baptismal Preparation
Please visit our website at www.st-anthony.cc . Follow
the link to Children Baptism, then the link to Infant Baptism Preparation. Please contact Micie DelosReyes three
(3) months in advance to schedule pr epar ation sessions
and ceremony.
• For youth in grades 11 & 12. Call Diana Jorda for
more information.
• For Adults, contact Mike Borte for more information.
Rites of Christian Initiation
For Children, contact Micie DelosReyes.
contact Kris Benson.
For Adults,
Please contact Mike Borte 7 months prior to your prospective date.
Mike Borte
Adult Faith Formation & Stewardship
Diana Jorda
Youth & Young Adult Ministry
Micie DelosReyes 425-277-6201
Children’s Faith Formation
Lynne Shioyama 425-277-6200
Catechism of the Good Shepherd Coordinator
Liza Pare-Seidel 425-277-6194
Administrative Asst. /Bulletin
Shane Cunningham 425-269-4961 shcunningham@st-anthony.cc
David Abraham 425-591-5914
IT Tech/ Website