Oh, the places you'll go! Exploring World Religions: July 3-9, 2016 Join us for this banquet of learning, exploring 11 religions and cultures in just 7 days. Enjoy a Sikh langar meal while listening to kirtan music Observe prayer time at a mosque and ask questions of an imam See spectacular Hindu temples and rituals Speak with a Rasta elder and a Jewish cantor Explore many of the world's cultures through their histories, languages, rituals, music, and even foods! Religions Covered: Buddhism, Christianity, Daoism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Native, Rasta, Sikhism, Wicca, Zoroastrianism Each religion is explored through a thought provoking class followed by a site visit to meet practitioners, hear from leaders, and, where possible, observe ritual. When: July 3-9, 2016 Cost: $515 Cdn (Early bird before March 30; $565 after Mar 30) (Spaces are limited and we often sell out) $75 deposit to register; Balance due by June 3. Fee includes: ALL meals (3x/day), ALL site visits by chartered bus, ALL donations to sites of worship, ALL entry fees, ALL class materials and instruction. Accommodations are not included. A list of options is available here. Where: University of Toronto Multi-Faith Centre, 569 Spadina Ave., Toronto, ON For Details and Registration: Phone: 519 822 0099 Email: encounter@worldreligions.ca Webpage: worldreligions.ca E XP L O RIN G W O R L D R E LI G I O N S J uly 3-9, 2016 S u n d a y 3rd Mo n d a y 4 th Self-serve breakfast 8:30 – 10:00 C la s s: H in d uism Base is University of Toronto Multi-Faith Centre 569 Spadina Ave. Toronto, ON M5S 2J7 (Second floor) 10:15 – 11:15 C la s s: N a tiv e 11:30 – Bus 11:45 – 1:30 Sit e Visit: H a r e K rish n a T e m ple lunch at Hare Krishna Temple 12:30 – 1:00 R e gistr a tio n P e r s p e c tiv e s of W o rld R eligio ns 3:15 –4:15 C la s s: Wic c a 4:30 – Bus 8:45-10:15 C la s s: J u d aism 10:30 – Bus 10:45-11:45 Sit e Visit: O r th o d ox S yn a g o g u e W e d n e s d a y 6 th Self-serve breakfast 8:00 – 9:15 C la s s: B u d d hism 1:30 – Bus 2:00 – 3:00 Sit e Visit: N a tiv e L o d g e 3:15 – Bus 10:15 – 11:00 Sit e Visit: Z o r o a stri a n T e m ple 11:45 – Bus 11:15 – 12:15 Sit e Visit: B u d d hist T e m pl e Middle Eastern Restaurant 12:30 - Bus Mandarin Chinese Restaurant 4:00 – 4:45 Sit e Visit: H in d u T e m pl e I 4:50 – 5:15 Sit e Visit: O c c ult S h o p 1:40 – Bus 2:00 – Bus 2:10 – 3:00 C o nflu e n c e 2:30 – 3:45 Sit e Visit: Z e n T e m ple 3:00-4:00 C la s s: D a oism 4:15 – Bus 4:30-5:30 Sit e Visit: D a oist T e m ple 3:45 – Bus 4:15 – 5:15 W alk-a b o ut C hin a to w n dinner at Indian Restaurant 6:40 – 7:00 C la s s: G e ttin g th e Mo st O ut of Sit e Vists 6:15 – Bus 7:15 – 9:00 Sit e Visit: Wic c a n C h u r c h of C a n a d a 6:45 – 7:45 Sit e Visit: H in d u Ma n dir II 7:45 – Bus dinner at base 6:45-7:45 C la s s: Z o r o a stri a nism F rid a y 8 th Self-serve breakfast 9:00 – 9:30 C o nflu e n c e 9:30 – 11:10 C la s s: Isla m 9:30 – 11:00 C la s s: C h ristia nity 11:15 – 11:45 C la s s: E v a n g elic alism & P e nt e c o st alism lunch at base lunch at base 12:05 – Bus 1:00 – Walk to Evangelical Church 12:45 – 2:15 Sit e Visit: Mo s q u e 2:15 – Bus 3:00 – 4:15 C la s s: R a st af a ri 4:30 – 6:00 C la s s: Sik hism dinner at base 2:15 – Bus 2:30 – 3:10 Sit e Visit: G r e e k O rth o d ox C h u r c h FREE E V E NIN G 9:45 – Bus 10:30 – 1:45 Sit e Visit: Sha bb at and K id d u sh a t H oly B lo sso m T e m ple 1:45 – Bus lunch at synagogue 2:00 – 3:30 C O N FLU E N C E: B rin gin g It A ll T o g e th e r 3:10 – Bus 6:15 – Bus dinner at Sikh Temple S a tu r d a y 9 th Self-serve breakfast 1:15 – 2:15 Sit e Visit: E v a n g elic al C h u r c h 3:40 – 4:40 W alk-a b o ut Little In dia 6:45 – 7:15 Sit e Visit: R a st af a ri S h o p & C ultu r al C e ntr e 5:15 – Bus dinner at base T h u rs d a y 7 th Self-serve breakfast 9:30 – Bus 1:15 – 1:40 Sit e Visit: J u d aic a S h o p 1:00 – 2:00 O ri e nt a tio n 2:00 – 3:00 C la s s: T o S e e , T o B e , T o D o: Prim a r y T u e s d a y 5 th Self-serve breakfast 4:40 – Bus dinner at base 8:00 – 9:30 Sit e Visit: Sik h G u r d w a r a FREE E V E NIN G A ll a c tu a l lif e is e n c ount e r. Martin Buber 9:30 - Bus www.worldreligions.ca ~ encounter@worldreligions.ca ~ 519.822.0099 Schedule subject to change E x plo rin g W o rld R e ligio n s J uly 3 – 9, 20 1 6 N a m e (s) as you want it to appear on name badge _____________________________________________________ A d d r e s s ______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ P h o n e(s) ______________________________________________________________________________ E-m a il ________________________________________________________________________________ To reserve your space, please send $75.00 deposit per person at time of registration. F ull p a y m e nt b y J u n e 3, 2 0 1 6 N UMB E R OF PE O PLE R E G IS T E RI N G T O T A L R E G IS T R A TI O N F E E : $515 p e r p e rson DEPOSIT ($75/person) B A L A N C E O WI N G (Due by June 3, 2016) List of accommodation options available on request Vegetarian? yes Vegan? yes Nut Allergy? yes Health issues we should be aware of: __________________________________________________ C h e q u e s p a y a bl e to E n c o u nt e r W o rld R e ligio n s C e ntr e Mail to: Encounter World Religions Centre 390 Speedvale Ave. E. Guelph, ON N1E 1N5 Canada Office Use: ____/____/___ Q u e s tio n s? 519-822-0099 or encounter@worldreligions.ca