San Diego Book Arts End Papers SDBA News and Notes T his summer has been an eventful one here in paradise. We learned of the resignation of our beloved President, Jim Machacek. I am so grateful that he agreed to stay on another year to assist with the passing of the baton from Gary to me, and I’m sure you will join me in wishing him the very best as he enjoys his new-found freedom to do more art. June and July saw the opening and closing of our Fifth National Juried Exhibition, which I think we can all agree was a resounding success. (Don’t forget that you can still obtain a copy of the catalog on our website.) KathyAnne White’s workshop was booked solid well before the workshop date. (For a description of her workshop, see Nancy Walter’s write-up in this newsletter.) Juliayn Coleman’s July workshop ‘Encased Japanese Trio’ filled up so quickly that a second one was added, which also filled. Michelle Ward’s ‘Frond Chronicles’ September 13–14 workshop is now full (you may still add your name to the waiting list). I’d suggest signing up for Sue Bleiweiss’ October ‘Hand-Painted Fabric Journal’ workshop now if you haven’t already, as it is apparent that those who hesitate will miss out! Gina Pisello offered another ‘mini workshop’ in July, and by acting fast this time I was able to secure a spot. By the time you read this, I will have attended my first SDBA workshop. I am anticipating having something brag-worthy soon! (I have no illusions of achieving perfection. I just know I will be pleased by whatever humble creation results from my efforts, as it will mean I have been initiated into the ranks of y’all.) Many members have expressed the desire to get together more frequently, which is why I’m so thrilled that Karen Nyman hosted our first potluck of the year. It was a great opportunity to welcome our newest members and it was wonderful to get to know so many of you better. I’m already looking forward to the September potluck! Hope you’ve had a great summer! —Jolie Lucas, Executive Director September 2014 SDBA Dates to Remember • SDBA Members Potluck, Sunday, Sep tember 28, 2014, 1– 4 pm, Josie & Al Rodriguez Residence, 736 Sutter Street, San Diego • Origami – All ages, by Bhavna Mehta. Tuesday, September 9, 6 – 7 pm, Kens ington Library, 4121 Adams Ave., San Diego •Capture the Moment accordion book with pockets and sewn signa ture – Teens, by Yvonne Perez-Collins. Wednesday, September 10, 4:00 – 5:00 pm, San Marcos Library, 2 Civic Center Drive, San Marcos and Friday, Septem ber 12, 1:00 – 2:30 pm, San Carlos Library, 7265 Jackson Drive, San Diego •Simple Journal – All ages, by Bhavna Mehta. Tuesday, September 16, 3:30 – 4:30 pm, La Jolla Library, 7555 Draper St., La Jolla the visit alone, just to SEE the work spaces they’ve developed.) Come join us as we develop the attitude of play. Bring anyone you might care about, anyone who might be interested, all are invited. If you missed the last one, remedy your loss by attending THIS one! SDBA will provide paper goods, utensils and drinks (beer, wine, iced tea & lemonade), you bring a dish to share. Please let us know what you will bring when you RSVP. We will send out the official invite, with RSVP form attached, in early September. Save the date, September 28! Prepare to meet, chat and mingle with others you might have seen only in passing, or whose work might have intrigued you. Pass a good time on a Sunday afternoon with people you are getting to know better, our SDBA community! – Kathy Przekopp SDBA Potluck Gathering Held Sunday, June 22nd, 2014 … Save The Date! SDBA Members Potluck Sunday, September 28, 2014, 1– 4 pm Josie & Al Rodriguez Residence 736 Sutter Street, San Diego Hey, SDBA Folks! The next in our quarterly SDBA Potluck Series is upcoming! The last one, held at Karen Nyman’s lovely home was SO much fun, totally reflecting the diversity and creativity of our SDBA community. The food people shared was particularly beautiful and delicious, and appreciated by all! Connections were made, ideas shared, friendships enriched. WELL! It’s happening again. Josie and Al Rodriguez are opening up their personal Mission Hills Party Palace for the event. (An aside: their property also houses the studios of both Al and the encaustic whiz, Josie. These are worth Our June Potluck host Karen Nyman discusses one of her collections with us. Karen Nyman graciously opened her beautiful Point Loma home to host the first of what we hope will be many SDBA Potluck gatherings. Who knew we had so many culinary artists in our midst? (Or smart gastronomic shoppers!) The event was very well attended by new and longstanding members alike. It was a treat to relax and chat with so many warm and wonderful people in such a lovely setting. Karen’s book collection (her miniatures in particular) is San Diego Book Arts impressive and is so nicely integrated into her house’s décor, it really underscored the very thing that brought us all together in the first place – our appreciation of book art. Personally, it was wonderful to put faces to names and have the opportunity to connect with some of the people I’d already met. Thank you to all who put this event together and I’m very much looking forward to the next one! If you would like to host a potluck or BBQ, please let us know! Contact us at sandiegobookarts@ and please put Host Potluck in the subject line. See more photos on our Facebook page. — Jolie Lucas September 2014 San Diego Book Arts Board of Directors Board President: Open Secretary: Lark Burkhart Treasurer/Bookkeeper: Adele Sloboda Executive Director: Jolie Lucas Board Members: Karen Bowden, Evelyn LaRosa, Genie Shenk, Andrea Singer, Jim Stiven, and Fran Watson. Committees: Membership, Gina Pisello, with Laurie Moorhead; Exhibitions, Fran Watson; Hospitality, Open; Publicity, Open; Publications, Nancy Walter, Editor/Chair, Yvonne Davis, Linnea Dayton, Sally Hagy-Boyer, Gary Miller, and Kathy Miller; Programs, Kathy Przekopp, Yvonne Davis, and Genie Shenk; Outreach and Education, Bhavna Mehta, Chair, Judy Christensen, Yvonne Perez-Collins, and Lark Burkhart; Development, Elaine Antoniuk, Lynda Claassen, and Jim Machacek SDBA End Papers San Diego Book Arts publishes a newsletter for its membership. End Papers contains articles of interest to book artists and collectors, and is published monthly September through June. Submissions are accepted through the 15th of each month for the next month’s newsletter. Send submissions to Nancy Walter at or 1624 Forestdale Dr., Encinitas, CA 92024. If you would like to place an ad, please contact Nancy at the above address. The cost for members is $5.00 per inch with a $5.00 minimum. Non-members – $10.00. Send corrections or comments to Membership to SDBA is due annually in January, and is $50 for an individual/ artist membership. Send a check payable to SDBA with completed membership enrollment form (available @ to: San Diego Book Arts, 1624 Forestdale Dr., Encinitas, CA 92024. Publication of SDBA End papers is made possible by a generous donation from Gerry and Adare McAllister. Your Opinion Matters! The more of you we hear from, the better we can serve our book-arts community. Don’t be shy, please contribute. Survey question: “What should the highest priority of the SDBA be?” 1. Exhibits of artist members work 2. Workshops by national and international leading book artists 3. Outreach education in the book arts for the public and within the group 4. Bringing an awareness of book arts to a wider audience 5. Attracting enthusiastic, creative members 6. Education 7. More publicity for our exhibitions 8. Increasing and engaging new members so that they are more involved 9. Maintaining a high standard of professionalism 10. More sharing and collaboration between members 11. Building a community 12. To be recognized as a national art organization. What would you like to see happen? How would you like the SDBA to grow? Feel free to email us at and put “SDBA Priorities” in the subject line – we’d love to hear your opinion! SMALL WORKSHOPS The SDBA Programs Committee would like to offer short, small workshops (perhaps up to 6 people), given by our talented members, this year. Would YOU be interested in being a part of that—teaching a particular technique or structure? MANY of you know how to do things that others would like to learn. Each of us has different talents and skills 2 and sharing those might be interesting and fun! A small fee would be charged (possibly $25). We can help find a location for your workshop if need be. Please step up, share your skills, make some money, help your friends and make new connections. If you are interested in teaching a longer workshop we would be happy to help you put that together. Nancy’s Blizzard fold book. Blizzard Fold Mini Workshop by Gina Pisello Held Saturday, July 26, 2014 1:30 – 4:00 pm The second mini workshop given by Gina took place in her home in Carlsbad. A few people had a change of plans, so there were only a couple of us in attendance getting much personal guidance, as Gina patiently took us through all the folds, one at a time. Personally, I learned a lot of new things that will come in handy. It was fun and productive! We left with two structures and lots of ideas. I look forward to other members giving these wonderful mini workshops. It’s such a great way to get to know each other. — Nancy Walter San Diego Book Arts Workshop Overview Exploring Digital Printing on Alternative Surfaces by KathyAnne White Held July 12 – 14, 2014 New methods, media and a learning curve! We certainly did embrace our creativity in this threeday workshop exploring the digital print process on alternative surfaces. We printed on fabric, cheesecloth, metal and mesh and created (my favorite) acrylic gel skins which all magically printed using an Epson art printer. KathyAnne was a bubbly, fun and enthusiastic teacher. I came away armed with KathyAnne sharing all her knowledge! new skills and exhausted! See more photos on our Facebook page. — Nancy Walter September 2014 Yvonne Davis applies multiple coats of Gel Medium. Ginny Hanawalt creates her delicate gel skin. Brett and Glo, the mom and daughter team spending quality time together. Linnea brought one of her masterful creations for show and tell. Vina Galetto preps the fabric. Workshop Overview Encased Japanese Trio: Two workshops by Juliayn Coleman Held July 30 – 31 and August 2 – 3, 2014 SDBA arranged for a second workshop due to interest. The workshop venue was a spacious, air conditioned class room with two sinks, lots of parking space, and a spectacular view of Mission Trails Regional Park; the park is worth a visit itself. The project included: 1. Kangxi binding – a soft cover, six-hole variaJuliayn Coleman skillfully lays out a plan. tion, of common four-hole stab binding with silk thread. 2. Hantori cho binding – a soft cover, three-section receipt book, sewn with twisted paper thread and decorated with a silk tassel. 3. Butterfly book – the first book style of Asian manuscripts that replaced scrolls; simply pasted together without thread in an accordion style with soft cover. 4. Chitsu wrap-around case – paper-backed-cloth hinged boards, with two clasp loops to form a protective sleeve, for the three bindings above. Wheat paste was encouraged as an adhesive to create a binding free of irreversible PVA. All the materials were supplied and pre-cut. Paper for the text blocks and covers included different types of decorative Japanese papers, some with deckled edges. Juliayn provided detailed handouts and demonstrated each of the project’s procedures. She demonstrated a non-plow method of trimming using a french style skiving knife. Juliayn was always patient and helpful with any of the problems I encountered. She provided interesting book maker stories during the two days and displayed samples from her collection of various other binding types. See more photos on our Facebook page. —Don Tracy Busy book artists having a good time at Mission Trails Regional Park Visitor’s Center. Juliayn demonstrates how to hand craft our own cord for the inner binding. The coolest thing ever! Stanley Strauss joined us... Stanley we wish you lived closer! Tomika Hishiyama dons a fabulous hat... and a toothy grin! 3 San Diego Book Arts Gelli Print Mini Playshop! by Nancy Walter Held Friday, August 15, 2014 11:00 am – 2:00 pm It was a privilege to be among such enthusiastic artists and it was obvious that Nancy had spent a good deal of time on the preparation. Seeing her going full speed ahead with her demonstration, I wondered if I could do it like that... The endless tips were extremely valuable. Thanks for introducing us to the ‘Bondo’ tool. It is invaluable when gluing. So much fun, thanks especially to Sara for hosting. Now she knows how large her studio is. Thank you Nancy, for sharing your know-how. See all the photos on our Facebook page! — Britta Brice September 2014 Beautiful examples of endless creativity. SDBA Outreach Summer classes report: Summer sometimes finds regular workshop attendees on vacation. However, this summer there was much good work done, many books created and new friendships made in the libraries. Sometimes attendees express what they would like to learn, something they might have seen elsewhere, which makes it easier to plan workshops. Other times, they take the sample project I introduce and use it as a jumping off point, to create something quite different and more magical than my plan. Either way, as long as books are made, I don’t worry about it too much. —Bhavna Mehta Kathy Bower, all the way from Santa Barbara! Our host Sara Rosenbluth and Britta Brice review prints in Sara’s lovely studio. OUTREACH AND EDUCATION The SDBA team of teachers present hands-on programs throughout the city and at county libraries in-and-around San Diego. We reach out to children, to family groups, to adults, to schools or to groups like the Boy or Girl Scouts, that fund book arts classes. The book-arts projects are designed for each event and we prepare kits for participants to use to express themselves in keeping with the theme of the book. The success of sharing our passion for making books, through teaching skills and knowledge, is rewarding for all involved. This joy is rejuvenated every time the new book artist shares their creation. SDBA Outreach & Education Committee is grateful for your support and welcomes referrals if you know of a group that would be interested in a class. Perhaps you would like to sponsor a class at a school for someone special in your life. We are in the process of updating our information on the website, but please have a look to see some of our offerings. 4 SDBA Outreach summer teaching has kept all ages of new book makers intrigued and busy making many kinds of book structures. The pages of these various book structures have been filled with writing, drawings or cut paper shapes. Each book maker’s imagination left its presence on every page and I bet that every time each book is viewed by its artist or someone else, positive feelings abound. — Yvonne Perez-Collins Children delight in the magic of making books. San Diego Book Arts Upcoming Workshops: Please contact us at to find out what is going on or to offer suggestions of a class we might add to the roster for 2014/2015. Origami – All ages, by Bhavna Mehta. Tuesday, September 9, 6 – 7 pm, Kensington Library, 4121 Adams Ave., San Diego Capture the Moment accordion book with pockets and sewn signature – Teens, by Yvonne Perez-Collins. Wednesday, September 10, 4:00 – 5:00 pm, San Marcos Library, 2 Civic Center Drive, San Marcos When I Was a Child Memoir accordion book with pockets and sewn signature – Adults, by Yvonne Perez-Collins. Friday, September 12, 1:00 – 2:30 pm, San Carlos Library, 7265 Jackson Drive, San Diego Simple Journal – All ages, by Bhavna Mehta. Tuesday, September 16, 3:30 – 4:30 pm, La Jolla Library, 7555 Draper St., La Jolla Fall Leaves flag book – All ages, by Yvonne Perez-Collins. Thursday, September 25, 3:30-4:30 pm, Solana Library, 157 Stevens, Solana Beach Frame with Flowers book – All ages, by Bhavna Mehta. Tuesday, October 14, 6 – 7 pm, Kensington Library, 4121 Adams Ave., San Diego Frame with Flowers book – All ages, by Bhavna Mehta. Tuesday, October 21, 3:30 – 4:30 pm, La Jolla Library, 7555 Draper St., La Jolla Turn Dreams Into Reality accordion book with pockets and sewn signature – Teens, by Yvonne Perez-Collins. Friday, October 17, 2:30 – 3:30 pm, Julian Library, 1850 Hwy 78, Julian Make a Book – Tweens ages 8–12, by Judy Christensen. Wednesday, October 29, 2014, 2:30 – 3:30 pm, Central Library, 330 Park Blvd, San Diego Dia de Los Muertos flip book – All ages, by Yvonne Perez-Collins. Thursday, October 30, 2014, 3:30 – 4:30 pm, Solana Beach Library, 157 Stevens Ave., Solana Beach Tied Binding book – All ages, by Bhavna Mehta. Tuesday, November 11, 6 – 7 pm, Kensington Library, 4121 Adams Ave., San Diego Tied Binding book – All ages, by Bhavna Mehta. Tuesday, November 18, 3:30 – 4:30 pm, La Jolla Library, 7555 Draper St., La Jolla Holiday Scrap book – All ages, by Bhavna Mehta. Tuesday, December 9, 6 – 7 pm, Kensington Library, 4121 Adams Ave., San Diego Holiday Scrap book – All ages, by Bhavna Mehta. Tuesday, December 16, 3:30 – 4:30 pm, La Jolla Library, 7555 Draper St., La Jolla September 2014 We invite you to join/renew San Diego Book Arts Founded in 1996, SDBA’s membership of nearly 150 Join or includes artists, collectors, graphic designers, bookbinders, Renew! conservators, librarians, and teachers. Here’s what your membership dollars provide: Support for our free public workshops for children and adults in schools, libraries, and community centers • Participation in members’ book arts exhibitions in various venues such as libraries, universities, museums, etc. • A national juried exhibition, held biennially • Receipt of the SDBA monthly newsletter • Invitations to SDBA sponsored workshops with nationally recognized book artists • Opportunity to display your work on the SDBA website gallery • Public lectures on book arts • Opportunities to meet and work with fellow book artists. Basic dues are $50/individual and $75 household/family. Higher levels of membership provide additional support for our programs, and are tax deductible. Memberships are good for the calendar year and expire on December 31. You must join or renew before the deadline to be included in our handy directory. Join online with your credit card. Visit www.sandiegobookarts. com and click on Membership. Or send a check payable to SDBA with completed membership enrollment form (available at www. to: San Diego Book Arts, 1624 Forestdale Dr., Encinitas, CA 92024. Accolades If you have some book arts related news about you or another SDBA member, please let us know; we’d love to tell everyone about it! The big news from Bay Park Press is we have a new website. Please take a look. It has taken a while but thanks to Squarespace we are up and running. We have a blog page that we update frequently with news, photos and announcements. SDBA Member Josie Rodriguez’s Writer’s Block II, which has since sold, was included in the Athenaeum’s 23 Annual Juried Exhibition which was held August 2 – August 30, 2014. Person-to-Person Have something to give away or sell, or a need, preferably book arts related? Here’s a place to do so. Entries will be included at the editor’s discretion, space permitting. HELP WANTED: Are you a new member of SDBA looking to get more involved and meet more creative people. A veteran member interested in “giving back” to the Book Arts community? We need you! We have a few available positions—if you’re interested but don’t want to take it all on yourself, perhaps the responsibilities can be shared. Just let us know you’re interested by emailing us at sandiegobookarts@gmail. com and put “Get Involved” in the subject line. We look forward to working with you! 5 San Diego Book Arts Publicity Chair: Responsibilities: Make sure our Facebook page and website are updated in a timely fashion (maybe expand our social media); send publicity notices to other websites/publications to get the word out about SDBA events. Host for Workshop Presenters: Responsibilities: Provide housing for the Presenter. Includes providing transportation to and from the workshop and lecture venues. The Presenter gets a per diem, so feeding the Presenter is not part of the host’s responsibility; however the host must be in an area where food is readily available. For your efforts the host can either be paid $75 per day OR take the workshop of the Presenter you are housing. Please email us at for info. The Hospitality Committee has some members interested in helping out. Could YOU be one of them? Many hands make light work, People! Join with interested others and let’s have some (food & drinkrelated) fun! Contact Kathy Przekopp 619.284.6521 or Helen McGill 619.913.0441 to discuss! Calling creative contributors! Do you love to do research, to organize, to proofread, to We meet new people or take photographs. Maybe you love Need to write, edit or post. You might be savvy about who’s You! who in the book-arts world, have ideas about fabulous teachers, or you might be someone who gets out a lot, and knows of great venues, not yet on our radar. We need your energy, ideas and input to keep San Diego Book Arts vibrant, fresh and lively. If you have ideas or time to contribute, please offer it up. We look forward to hearing from you and getting to know you better. E-mail us at with “Creative Contribution” in the Subject line! Contact us today! — Nancy Walter, Editor Shows to See SDBA compiles a list of shows in and around San Diego that we feel might be of interest to our members. Find me at the Fence: Installation, Performance and Lecture Series Art Produce Gallery, 3139 University Ave, San Diego, CA 92104 September 1 – October 25, 2014 Second Opening Reception: October 11, 6 – 10 pm Find me at the Fence is a book project which is part of Fence/Barda, A Bi-national Art Installation, Performance and Lecture Series. SDBA members Kathy Miller and Bhavna Mehta are included in the group taking part in creating a maze book, which gallery goers will fill out and leave tied to a fence, in the gallery. Please join them at the second opening and become part of the exhibit by filling out a little book. September 2014 Allison Weise The Athenaeum Music & Arts Library, 1008 Wall Street, La Jolla September 27 – November 1, 2014 Opening Reception: Friday, September 26, 6:30 – 8:30 pm Allison Wiese will exhibit a new installation using common materials and textual diversions. Wiese is an interdisciplinary artist who makes sculptures, installations and architectural interventions. Her work drags ideas through time, replumbing the social and political landscape of the near past as a way of querying the lingering presence of certain American myths and pointing to truths about the present. Wiese’s work has been exhibited throughout the United States at such venues as Machine Project in Los Angeles, The Museum of Contemporary Art, San Diego and Socrates Sculpture Park in New York. She is a fellow of the MacDowell Colony, an alumna of the Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture and was a Core Fellow of the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston from 2001 to 2003. Wiese currently lives in San Diego, where she teaches studio art at the University of San Diego. For more information visit Unexpected Beauty in Everyday Life by Pat MacGillis The Athenaeum Music & Arts Library, 1008 Wall Street, La Jolla September 27 – November 1, 2014 Opening Reception: Friday, September 26, 6:30 – 8:30 pm This exhibit includes mixed media paintings and drawings from MacGillis’s daily walks above the ocean on the chaparral cliffs of Torrey Pines, to her extensive travels throughout the region and Latin America. Pat MacGillis draws inspiration from the beauty of daily life in Southern California. She has practiced her art-making for over thirty years showing her work locally and nationally. Pat MacGillis grew up on Long Island, New York. She attended SDSU and also studied visual art and anthropology at UCSD. She has taught in San Diego Community Colleges and at the UCSD Craft Center. She has organized many art projects with grants including a Picerne Foundation grant to work with San Diego’s underserved youth. For more information visit Bay Park Press Coming in the fall at Bay Park Press is a show of Anthony Lukens, of Donkeys’ fame and artist extraordinaire. Watch for details in the next newsletter. 6 San Diego Book Arts September 2014 Shows to Enter SDBA compiles a list of opportunities for members to consider. Information is published as it is received from outside sources; artists should make their own inquiries before submitting work. Temporary Public Art Program Call for entries/Request for Proposals The Glendale Library in Glendale, CA November 1, 2014 – December 31, 2015 This exhibit will be the very first temporary public art program implemented in Glendale, CA. A total of eight works, submitted by individual artist or teams, will be selected through the proposal process to create exterior temporary art installations or experiences for site specific locations in Glendale’s arts & culture district, municipal districts and areas of historic significance. Installations will be exhibited from November 1, 2014 to December 31, 2015. The program is seeking installations that are able to withstand exposure to the elements, incorporate illumination/projection for after hours impact and/or provide an interactive experience. Fran Watson thought the SDBA membership would be interested as it would be a great opportunity for a collaboration. Submit at the YOU ARE HERE website. Info available at Glendale Library 818-548-2030. Keep making art! and color, we will study and apply the positive and negative aspects of our stencils. Our completed work will be made into journals, chronicling our efforts. Visit her blog at; and to learn more about her rubber stamps, visit SDBA Workshops If you are interested in taking a SDBA workshop, we recommend signing up, as they do fill up fast. For full descriptions, please visit us on-line at To register, click on the “workshops” tab. You can pay on-line with a credit card or you can mail a check, payable to SDBA. Mail checks to Adele Sloboda, 1624 Forestdale Drive, Encinitas, CA 92024. (Please send a separate check for each workshop). We will contact you to confirm your enrollment. All classes will have materials fees, and most will have supply lists. If you have questions please email Please note: the nonmember workshop fee includes a San Diego Book Arts membership. Please Note: Refunds will be made only for cancellations received two weeks (14 days) prior to the workshop start date, unless there is await-listed person available to fill the vacancy. Frond Chronicles A workshop by Michelle Ward September 13 & 14, 2014, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm Location to be announced $150 for members, $200 nonmembers Materials fee: $5, payable to presenter Workshop is Full. Waitlist available Hand-Painted Fabric Journal A workshop by Sue Bleiweiss October 18, 19 & 20, 2014, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm Location to be announced $225 for members, $275 nonmembers Materials Fee: $40, payable to presenter Free lecture October 17, 7:30 pm at the Athenaeum Music & Arts Library, 1008 Wall Street, La Jolla In this three-day workshop we’ll start with plain white canvas and add layers of imagery with paint, stencils, screen printing, and foiling. While the canvas is drying, we’ll work on a variety of paper surfaces, such as drawing paper, brown paper and deli paper, and we’ll use screen printing, stencil, foiling, mono-printing techniques, our own carved stamps, and more to alter their surfaces. Using an inkjet printer, students will also create their own silk screen from a hand-drawn image. Once our painted canvas has dried, we’ll use it to create the cover of a gorgeous one-of-a-kind hand-painted fabric journal or sketchbook filled with our altered papers and canvas. Edges will be finished on a sewing machine provided at the workshop. You can see more of her work at In this two-day workshop, we’ll make and use stencil and mask sets of realistic or imaginary fronds, and then experiment, using them with layers of gesso and paint on paper. We will explore different ways to make your own stencils and how to use them as tools and as elements on painted pages. Starting with backgrounds we create, full of texture 7 San Diego Book Arts Other Classes SDFC, San Diego Fellow Calligraphers Fantastic Flourishes with Holly Monroe September 13 – 14, 2014, 9:30 am – 4:30 pm San Diego Education Association 10393 San Diego Mission Road, Suite 100, San Diego Cost: SDFC Members $110 and Non-members $135 The Italic alphabet has always grabbed Holly’s attention when seen through her “calligraphy glasses” and drawn her into the graceful and often playful flourishes that calligraphers love to use to enhance their work. In this workshop, Holly will share with what she’s learned over the past 37 years about the proper construction of the italic letterforms and how to make them dance on the page with flourishes. Where and when to use them will be discussed, as well as how to add unique decorations to the flourish. You will be challenged with a project, flourishing in the round—a circular design, of your chosen words, with FANTASTIC FLOURISHES woven around its circumference—using fabulous fine art tools and materials. For more information and to register please contact Holly Monroe is a third generation calligrapher. Her motivation is “to feed the soul by making meaningful words beautiful.” Private commissions and design for the greeting card and gift industry comprise much of Holly’s work. Her calligraphy has been commissioned for documents presented to U.S. Presidents George H. Bush and William J. Clinton, and French President Jacques Chirac. She shares her love of letters and art through her teaching. Gelli Print Mini Playshop! by Nancy Walter Friday October 3, 2014 10:30 am – 2:30 pm Location to be announced $35 includes some materials Reservations: Gelli printing, “monotype without a press”, is taking the world by storm. Come see why everyone get’s addicted! Replace paste paper, with Gelli prints. Create greeting cards, gift tags, gift bags, journal pages, book pages and just about anything related to paper crafts. The sky’s the limit. You’ll learn how to get started, what works, a few techniques and an overview, but mostly this is a play date for artists. When you sign up, I will send you a recipe to make your own Gelli plate or where to buy one and a materials list. I will provide some art materials to share as well. RSVP today. Class limited and will fill fast. SDFC, San Diego Fellow Calligraphers Power Pages with Barbara Close January 10 – 11, 2014, 9:30 am – 4:30 pm San Diego Education Association 8 September 2014 10393 San Diego Mission Road, Suite 100, San Diego Cost: SDFC Members $110 and Non-members $135 Our imaginations can take us to new heights … if we allow them to do so with open minds and a will to explore new territories. Barbara will show techniques in designing page layouts without intimidation. Fun step-by-step processes will be reviewed as well as thinking outside the box. We’ll be creating the art you once dreamed of with full confidence and joy. The essential calligraphic quality of marks and letter making will be stressed. Many fun and unusual tools will be employed to help you create these POWER PAGES. Barbara Close has been a freelance calligrapher, graphic designer and instructor for many years. She has taught for several International Calligraphy Conferences and a variety of classes throughout California, the U.S. and Canada. Her work is nationally known as full of vitality and fun, yet skillfully executed. Her designs include greeting cards for Marcel Schurman and the Somerset Studio Magazine logo. Book Arts Class at Bay Park Press Thursday mornings, 9:00 am – 12:00 noon Ongoing 4138 Napier Street, San Diego CA 92101 $35 per session Reservations required: We continue to have our ongoing Book Arts class. Quite a few new students have joined us and the energy is truly contagious. Come learn new book structures, review old ones and have lively discussions around content, technique and visioneering. The class is pay as you go. There will be no class on September 4 and September 18. For more info check out or new web site at Letterpress & Printmaking Class at Bay Park Press Thursday evenings, 5:30 pm – 9:00 pm Ongoing 4138 Napier Street, San Diego CA 92101 $40 per session Reservations required: Thursday evening is printmaking and letterpresss at Bay Park Park. Instruction is available on how to use all of our equipment. This is a small class and individual projects are welcome. Reservations are recommended. Check out or new web site at On-going five hour encaustic workshops offered by Josie Rodriguez in her Mission Hills studio $195 includes all materials Safety, history of encaustic, preparation, and many basic techniques will be covered. You will leave at the end of this workshop with many examples of your own work. Email or visit for more information and class listings.