DANCE APPRECIATION SYLLABUS College of the Canyons Dance 100 Fall Semester 2014 Dance Appreciation, Dance 100 Fall Classes: Dance 100 - Section 12077- TTH ~9:30 am to l0:50am UCEN 107 Dance 100 - Section12078- TTH-ll:OO am to 12:20 pm UCEN 107 Dance 100 – Section 12088 – Tuesday at Canyon Country 5:45 pm – 8:50 pm CCC 401 Dance 1OO - Section 120'75- online -5 week course begins 5 November 2014 ends 6 December 2014 Dance 100- Section 12087- online- 5 week course begins 5 November 2014 ends 6 6 December 2014 Textbook: AppreciatingDance, 4th edition, author, Harriet R. Lihs Book is required. Contact information: Diana Stanich, best way to get a hold of me is to email me, 24 hour turn around at Cell phone: 661 994 - 7958, don't hesitate to call but will not check messages on this number. Do no not leave message, if phone is on will take the call. I will accept text messages and will text message back if I am not teaching, driving, or sleeping. Please do not text and drive, studies showing more dangerous than most other things while driving. Office phone number: .661:362-3208, office is in the east gym EPEL 124. Office Hours: Early morning 530 AM to 630 AM EPEK 124/Tuesday/Thursday 12:20 to1:20PMUCEN 107 or if room is occupied/in Lobby of DVH Center · If hours do not work by appointment. Introduction: I have been teaching at College of the Canyons for over twenty-five years. I love interacting with students, and am fortunate to have the best job around. Please do Not hesitate to contact me with concerns or questions. Student Learning Outcome: Dance Appreciation students will analyze the contributions of important choreographers and choreographies which had a specific influence on the development of ballet, modern, jazz, cultural, musical theatre and tap styles of dance. Dance Appreciation Schedule Description: Examines the influence which have historically and culturally shaped dance throughout the world. In this course we will examine dance cultures across genres with a focus on historical and aesthetic perspectives. Topics to be covered include dance as communication vehicle in regards to issues of race~ class, ethnicity, and gender. We will address the questions of: What is being dance? (Ballet, jazz; tap, hip hop, etc.), How is the dance made? (Choreographer, strategy), Why is it being danced?(Spiritual, social, ritual, theatrical etc.), who is dancing?.(Professional or social),and who is watching? (Audience). Course objectives: • Define ballet, modern and jazz dance terminology utilized in dance technique. • Compare and contrast different dance styles. • Trace the development of ballet, modem dance, jazz;, social and musical theatre, and tap style of dance. • Explain the key elements of different styles of cultural dances. • Explain current trends in· dance. Grading: Tests (Five mandatory tests, these are required viewing of dances performed in movies, all movies are in both libraries) 50% SLO will be evaluated by tests. 500 pointseach test will be worth 100 points. Dance Performances 10%. Attendance at a Iive dance performance is mandatory. Cheerleading at a sports event is not cleared for this requirement as the dance is not the main event. See instructions in classroom. 100 points. Dance Critique See· .classroom. Students wil1 analyze various dances and answer questions in class that will require critical analysis of each dance, 100 points. Group Projects 10%. Students will receive a C in the class if they are not present for all group projects. All students must be in class for group presentations. Group presentations in the online class will vary slightly .... ·Directions will be provided on the first day in blackboard, 100 points Dance questions from the textbook, 10%. Each chapter of the book must be analyzed, with questions answered from the textbook (located in the back of the book), 100 points. Commercial Dance questions, 10%. See handout given in class. Each student will analyze commercials that utilize dance to sell a product, 100 points. Point Breakdown 900 + points, 90% + A 800-899 points, 80-89.9% B 700-799 Points 70-79.9% C 600-699 Points 60-69% D Below 599 points F Make up and late work policies. All make up and late work will be accepted with an automatic letter grade deduction. If you earn an A on the missing or late assignment, your grade would tum into a B. College of the Canyons Policies regarding academic integrity, student conduct, and DSPS: Please familiarize yourself with the official student conduct Code contained within the College of the Canyons Catalogue. Be aware of the following important information. ACADEMIC INTEGRITYAND PLAGIARISM PLAGIARISM: The administration, faculty and staff at College of the Canyons ·believe that there are standards of academic honesty, which should prevail in all one's endeavors. Accordingly, this realization further requires that each student exert every effort to maintain these standards. 1. Plagiarism is defined as the act of using the ideas or work of another person as if they were one's own, without giving credit to the source. Use proper citation for your sources to avoid plagiarism. All quoted or paraphrased material, or borrowed ideas, must be cited or noted as such in written papers. This included online material "Unintentional" plagiarism is still plagiarism. Consequences of ignoring this standard scholarship rule are very serious. Also, presenting written work from other students as your own is a serious breach of academic honesty. If there are any questions about .what constitutes plagiarism, consult the instructor or see COC’s Student Services website for details. 2. Cheating is defined as the act of obtaining or attempting to obtain or aiding another to obtain academic credit for work by the use of any dishonest, deceptive or fraudulent means. Do your own work. Submit your own work. STUDENTS WITH INCOMPLETES The incomplete grade is used for verifiable unavoidable reasons. If you have made significant progress in your course, your end date is near, .and you have reasons that can be documented as un-avoidable, you may request a grade of an incomplete. To request a grade of Incomplete for this course, you must 1. Have satisfactorily completed at least 50 % of the assignments and discussion boards and taken and passed at least the midterm exam. 2. Explain your extenuating circumstances to me in writing. 3. Provide a plan for completing the remaining assignments in writing. Disabled Students’ Programs and Services (DSPS): DSP&S provides accommodations to its students’ contingent upon documentation on the type of disability the student has. The purpose of accommodations is to provide "otherwise qualified" students with disabilities the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge in their studies. If you need assistance please contact the DSPS office or website: Dance Appreciation Fall 20l4 Schedule for Land Classes 9:30 &11:00 University Center 107. Tuesday and Thursday. 5:45-8:50 pm Canyon Country Campus 401 – Tuesday only (Tuesday nights class will combine Tuesday and Thursday content on agenda) August 25 (Tuesday) &August·27·(Thursday) Introduction/definitions/Folder Assignments. 2 (Tuesday)& September 4 (Thursday)- Dance in Global·Cultures. ~ September September ·9 {Tuesday) & September 11 (Thursday)~ Dance in the media/dance used in commercials to sell products/Chapter·one due. September 16 (Tuesday) & September 18 (Thursday)- Genre of Ballet, Chapter 2, questions due. September 23 (Tuesday) & September 25 (Thursday) Chapter3 due, Ballet continued September 30 (Tuesday)·& October 2·(Thursday) Genre of Modem Dance, Chapter 4 due. October 7 (Tuesday) & October 9 (Thursday) Modern Dance continued, ·chapter··5 due. October 14 (Tuesday) & October 16 (Thursday) Genre of Jazz,Dance Chapter 6 due. October 21 (Tuesday) & October23 (Thursday) Genre of Tap Dance, Chapter 7 due. October 28 (Tuesday) & October30 (Thursday) Group Project work, November 4 (Tuesday)·.~ November 6 (Thursday) Genre of Social Dance and Musical· Theatre, Chapter 8 due .. November 11 (Tuesday) Holiday & November 13 (Thursday) Instructor out/Group project work assigned November 18 (Tuesday)&November 20 (Thursday) Group Projects November 25 (Tuesday) & November27 (Thursday) Group Projects December 2 (Tuesday) & December 4 (Thursday)- Finals December 9 (Tuesday) & December 11 (Thursday)- Make ups/Grade given out/final returned with comments