Developed by: Prof Clay Lifto
Revised by: Prof Clay Lifto
October 2004
1. Course Title:
Introduction to Management
2. Catalog Number:
3. Semester Hours Credit: 3.0 Semester Credits (3/0)
4. Course Description:
Applies current techniques and methods to the management function of planning, organizing,
leading and controlling. Focuses on critical analysis, development and effectiveness of
organizational processes. (3/0)
5. Prerequisites:
However, Principles of Supervision AD104U is highly recommended.
Computer word processing skills and PowerPoint skills are also recommended.
6. Course Competencies:
a. Describe the nature of management, define management and managers, and characterize
their importance to organizations.
b. Justify the importance of history and theory to management, and discuss precursors to
modern management theory.
c. Discuss managerial ethics, areas of special concern for managers, and how organizations
manage ethical behavior.
d. Describe the nature of international business, including its meaning, recent trends, the
management of globalization, and competition in a global environment.
e. Describe the nature of organization and social culture.
f. Summarize the function of decision making and the planning process.
g. Discuss the nature of entrepreneurship.
h. Identify the basic elements of designing jobs, grouping jobs into departments,
establishing reporting relationships, the distribution of authority, and coordination of
activities in organizations.
i. Describe the nature of organization change, including forces for change and planned
versus reactive change.
j. Describe the environmental context of human resource management, including its
strategic importance and its relationship with legal and social factors.
k. Explain the nature of the individual-organization relationship and the effects of
workplace behaviors upon organizational effectiveness.
Introduction to Management AD102T – Department Syllabus – Page 1 of 8 pages
Developed by: Prof Clay Lifto
Revised by: Prof Clay Lifto
October 2004
l. Characterize the nature of motivation, including its importance and basic historical
m. Describe the nature of leadership and distinguish leadership from management.
n. Describe the role and importance of communication in the manager’s job, and identify
the basic forms of communication in organizations.
o. Define and identify types of groups and teams in organizations, identify their essential
characteristics, and discuss interpersonal and intergroup conflict and their management in
p. Explain the purpose of control, identify different types of control, and describe the steps
in the control process.
q. Identify and discuss the components of an effective operations system, discuss
organizational technologies and their role in operations management, and explain the
importance of managing quality and total quality management.
r. Discuss the basic factors that determine an organization’s information technology needs
and describe the basic kinds of information systems used by organizations.
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Developed by: Prof Clay Lifto
Revised by: Prof Clay Lifto
October 2004
7. Major Units of Instruction:
Unit 1 – An Introduction to Management
a. Managing and the Manager’s Job
b. Traditional and Contemporary Issues and Challenges
Unit 2 – The Environmental Context of Management
a. The Ethical and Social Environment
b. The Global Environment
c. The Cultural and Multicultural Environment
Unit 3 – Planning and Decision Making
a. Basic Elements of Planning and Decision Making
b. Managing New Venture Formation and Entrepreneurship
Unit 4 – The Organizing Process
Basic Elements of Organizing
Managing Organization Change and Innovation
Managing Human Resources in Organizations
Unit 5 – The Leading Process
a. Basic Elements of Individual Behavior in Organizations
b. Managing Employee Motivation and Performance
c. Managing Leadership and Influence Processes
d. Managing Interpersonal Relations and Communication
e. Managing Work Groups and Teams
Unit 6 – The Controlling Process
a. Basic Elements of Control
b. Managing Operations, Quality, and Productivity
c. Managing Information and Information Technology
8. Unit Objectives
Unit 1 – An Introduction to Management
Managing and the Manager’s Job
(1) Describe the nature of management, define management and managers, and characterize their importance to
(2) Identify and briefly explain the four basic management functions in organizations.
(3) Describe the kinds of managers found at different levels and in different areas of the organization.
(4) Identify the basic managerial roles that managers may play and the skills tey need to be successful.
(5) Discuss the science and the art of management and describe how people become managers.
(6) Summarize the scope of management in organizations.
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Developed by: Prof Clay Lifto
Revised by: Prof Clay Lifto
October 2004
Traditional and Contemporary Issues and Challenges
(1) Justify the importance of history and theory to management and discuss precursors to modern management
(2) Summarize and evaluate the classical perspective on management, including scientific and administrative
management, and note its relevance to contemporary managers.
(3) Summarize and evaluate the behavioral perspective on management, including the Hawthorne studies,
human relations movement, and organizational behavior, and note its relevance to contemporary managers.
(4) Summarize and evaluate the quantitative perspective on management, including management science and
operations management, and note its relevance to contemporary managers.
(5) Discuss the systems and contingency approaches to management and explain their potential for integrating
the other areas of management.
(6) Identify and describe contemporary management issues and challenges.
Unit 2 – The Environmental Context of Management
The Ethical and Social Environment
(1) Discuss managerial ethics three areas of special ethical concern for managers, and how organizations
manage ethical behavior.
(2) Discuss the concept of social responsibility, specify to whom or what an organization might be considered
responsible, and describe four types of organizational approaches to social responsibility.
(3) Explain the relationship between the government and organizations regarding social responsibility.
(4) Describe some of the activities organizations may engage in to manage social responsibility.
The Global Environment
(1) Describe the nature of international business, including its meaning, recent trends, the management of
globalization, and competition in a global environment.
(2) Discuss the structure of the global economy and how it affects international management.
(3) Identify and discuss the environmental challenges inherent in international management.
(4) Describe the basic issues involved in competing in a global economy, including organization size and the
management challenges in a global economy.
The Cultural and Multicultural Environment
Describe the nature of organization and social culture.
Discuss the importance and determinants of an organization’s culture and how the culture can be managed.
Identify and describe the major trends and dimensions of diversity and multiculturalism in organizations.
Discuss the primary effects of diversity and multiculturalism in organizations.
Describe individual and organizational strategies and approaches to managing diversity and
(6) Discuss the six characteristics of the fully multicultural organization.
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Developed by: Prof Clay Lifto
Revised by: Prof Clay Lifto
October 2004
Unit 3 – Planning and Decision Making
Basic Elements of Planning and Decision Making
(1) Summarize the function of decision making and the planning process.
(2) Discuss the purposes of organizational goals, identify different kinds of goals, discuss who sets goals, and
describe how to manage multiple goals.
(3) Identify different kinds of organizational plans, note the time frames for planning, discuss who plans, and
describe contingency planning.
(4) Discuss how tactical plans are developed and executed.
(5) Describe the basic types of operational plans used by organizations.
(6) Identify the major barriers to goal setting and planning, how organizations overcome those barriers, and how
to use goals to implement plans.
Managing New Venture Formation and Entrepreneurship
(1) Discuss the nature of entrepreneurship.
(2) Describe the roles of entrepreneurs in society.
(3) Display and understanding of the major issues involved in choosing strategies for small firms and the role of
international management in entrepreneurship.
(4) Discuss the structural challenges unique to entrepreneurial firms.
(5) Display and understanding of the determinants of the performance of small firms.
Unit 4 – The Organizing Process
Basic Elements of Organizing
(1) Identify the basic elements of organizations.
(2) Describe alternative approaches to designing jobs.
(3) Discuss the rationale and the most common bases for grouping jobs into departments.
(4) Describe the basic elements involved in establishing reporting relationships.
(5) Discuss how authority is distributed in organizations.
(6) Discuss the basic coordinating activities undertaken by organizations.
(7) Describe basic ways in which positions within an organization can be differentiated.
Managing Organization Change and Innovation
(1 ) Describe the nature of organization change, including forces for change and planned versus reactive change.
(2) Discuss the steps in organization change and how to manage resistance to change.
(3) Identify and describe major areas of organization change.
(4) Discuss the assumptions, techniques, and effectiveness of organization development.
(5) Describe the innovation process, forms of innovation, the failure to innovate, and how organizations can
promote innovation.
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Developed by: Prof Clay Lifto
Revised by: Prof Clay Lifto
October 2004
Managing Human Resources in Organizations
(1) Describe the environmental context of human resource management, including its strategic importance and
its relationship with legal and social factors.
(2) Discuss how organizations attract human resources, including human resource planning, recruiting, and
(3) Describe how organizations develop human resources, including training and development, performance
appraisal, and performance feedback.
(4) Discuss how organizations maintain human resources, including the determination of compensation and
benefits and career planning.
(5) Discuss labor relations, including how employees form unions and the mechanics of collective bargaining.
(6) Describe the issues associated wit managing knowledge, contingent, and temporary workers.
Unit 5 – The Leading Process
Basic Elements of Individual Behavior in Organizations
Explain the nature of the individual-organization relationship.
Define personality and describe personality attributes that affect behavior in organizations.
Discuss individual attitudes in organizations and how they affect behavior.
Describe basic perceptual processes and the role of attributions in organizations.
Discuss the causes and consequences of stress and describe how it can be managed.
Describe creativity and its role in organizations.
Explain how workplace behaviors can directly or indirectly influence organizational effectiveness.
Managing Employee Motivation and Performance
Characterize the nature of motivation, including its importance and basic historical perspectives.
Identify and describe the major content perspectives on motivation.
Identify and describe the major process perspectives on motivation.
Describe reinforcement perspectives on motivation.
Identify and describe popular motivational strategies.
Describe the role of organizational reward systems in motivation.
Managing Leadership and Influence Processes
Describe the nature of leadership and distinguish leadership from management.
Discuss and evaluate the trait approach to leadership.
Discuss and evaluate models of leadership, focusing on behaviors.
Identify and describe the major situational approaches to leadership.
Identify and describe three related perspectives on leadership.
Discuss political behavior in organizations and how it can be managed.
Managing Interpersonal Relations and Communication
Describe the interpersonal nature of organizations.
Describe the role and importance of communication in the manager’s job.
Identify the basic forms of communication in organizations.
Discuss informal communication, including its various forms and types.
Describe how the communication process can be managed to recognize and overcome barriers.
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Developed by: Prof Clay Lifto
Revised by: Prof Clay Lifto
October 2004
Managing Work Groups and Teams
(1) Define and identify types of groups and teams in organizations, discuss reasons people join groups and
teams, and the stages of group and team development.
(2) Identify and discuss four essential characteristics of groups and teams.
(3) Discuss interpersonal and intergroup conflict in organizations.
(4) Describe how organizations manage conflict.
Unit 6 – The Controlling Process
Basic Elements of Control
(1) Explain the purpose of control, identify different types of control, and describe the steps in the control
(2) Identify and explain the three forms of operations control.
(3) Describe budgets and other tools of financial control.
(4) Identify and distinguish between two opposing forms of structural control.
(5) Discuss the relationship between strategy and control, including international strategic control.
(6) Identify characteristics of effective control, why people resist control, and how managers can overcome this
Managing Operations, Quality, and Productivity
Describe and explain the nature of operations management.
Identify and discuss the components involved in designing effective operations systems.
Discuss organizational technologies and their role in operations management.
Identify and discuss the components involved in implementing operations systems and supply chain
(5) Explain the meaning and importance of managing quality and total quality management.
(6) Explain the meaning and importance of managing productivity, productivity trends, and ways to improve
Managing Information and Information Technology
(1) Describe the role and importance of information in the manager’s job and identify the basic building blocks
of information technology.
(2) Discuss the basic factors that determine an organization’s information technology needs and describe the
basic kinds of information systems used by organizations.
(3) Discuss how information systems can be managed.
(4) Describe how information systems affect organizations.
9. Course Bibliography
a. Required text: Management, 8th Edition, by Ricky Griffin, Houghton Mifflin
b. The workbook, Exercises In Management, by Linda Morable, Houghton Mifflin
10. Primary Instructional Methodologies:
Lecture/Discussion, including outside reading of the text, case study discussions, classroom
Introduction to Management AD102T – Department Syllabus – Page 7 of 8 pages
Developed by: Prof Clay Lifto
Revised by: Prof Clay Lifto
October 2004
group exercises, online quizzes (Internet, w/feedback), individual online research of companies
and other organizations (Internet), repartee with the instructor, a team project paper and oral
presentation, and two major exams.
11. Grading Criteria:
(Approx 3 pts per 1-hour class meeting, including Exercise Manual assignments)
Written assignments (5 pts per selected assignment)
Quizzes (10 pts per quiz, ACE Practice Tests (Internet) Multiple Choice)
Written paper (Team paper)
Oral presentation (Team presentation)
Midterm Examination
Final Examination
Maximum Total Points for the course
Course grading will be based on the following point totals:
(Please note that your final percentage score is based on the entire course (1000 points), not merely on that part
which you’ve completed. Thus, if you have completed half the course with an 80% score, but did not complete the
remainder of the course, zero scores for the uncompleted portion of the course would be factored into your final
course grade.)
Grade Points
less than 60%
less than 60%
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