Diary of Anne Frank Building Background Knowledge.doc

Diary of Anne Frank Scavenger Hunt
Building Background Knowledge
Open Moses and Judaism to p.4-5. Read these pages and answer the following.
a. What is Judaism? ________________________________________
b. Who was the father of Judaism?_____________________________
c. What is the most important belief of Judaism? __________________
d. How far back in history does Judaism go?_____________________
STATION TWO: Anti-Semitism
Open the World Book Encyclopedia to pg. 558. Answer the following questions.
a. What is anti-semitism? ___________________________________
b. How long has anti-semitism existed? _________________________
c. Give some examples of anti-semitism? ________________________
STATION THREE: The Holocaust
Open the book entitled The Holocaust. Turn to p. 8
a. What was the Holocaust? ____________________________________
b. How many were killed? _____________________________________
c. Who were they? ___________________________________________
d. Define genocide ( p. 9 )_____________________________________
e. Explain the significance of the Greek word “Holokauston “ What does it
mean? p. 9-10 _________________________________________
STATION FOUR: Adolph Hitler & the Nazi Party
Take the book The Nazis Seize Power and turn to pgs. 13-15.
a. When and where was Hitler born? ____________________________
What was life like for the German people after World War I?
c. Adolph Hitler wrote a book entitled_____________________________
These words mean ______________________.
d. Who did Hitler blame for all of Germany’s problems? _______________
e. The Nazi party’s full name was_________________________________
STATION FIVE: Concentration Camps
Using the book entitled The Camp System, answer the following questions.
a. p. 4 How were concentration camps different from ordinary prisons?
b. Who were the first people to go to the concentration camps?
c. p. 5 How do we know about the camps today? ( list 3 facts)
STATION FIVE: Concentration Camps (continued)
d. What is a death camp? (pg 7) How was it different from a concentration
camp? ___________________________________________________
STATION SIX: Personal Reflections
Answer the following questions in a short paragraph using complete, clear
and concise sentences.
a. Have you ever felt that you were not accepted by others?
What was the situation? Describe how you felt and what you did
about it. _____________________________________________
If time permits, you may go to the computer station for EXTRA CREDIT
STATION SEVEN: Exploring Anne Frank on the Internet (Stations 1 & 2)
1. Look at Peter’s room, Anne’s room and The Attic. Read the information provided.
2. View the Movable Bookcase video and listen to the woman describe the hiding
place. Read the subtitles as she speaks.
For extra credit, describe Anne’s room, Peter’s room or the movable bookcase. What are
your observations? Write your response on the bottom of page 3.