Page Law of 1875
Plural marriage
Morrill Anti-Bigamy Act
Cullom Bill
Homestead Act of 1862
Women’s National Indian Association
Second Industrial Revolution
Labor segmentation
Anti-miscegenation laws
Tenant farming
“public work”
Family system of labor
Woman’s convention
Home economics
National Council of Women
International Council of Women
Young Women’s Christian Association
White Rose Home and Industrial Association
Sojourner Truth Home for Working Girls
Phyllis Wheatley Home
National League for Protection of Colored Women
Women’s Educational and Industrial Union
Cross-class alliance
Ladies Federal Labor Union
“do everything policy”
“southern strategy”
General Federation of Women’s Clubs
National Association of Colored Women
National Women’s Alliance
Anti-lynching Campaign
“Woman’s Work for Woman”
“women adrift”
Jane Club
“Charity Girls”
“Boston Marriage”
Social purity campaigns
Comstock Act of 1873
Age of consent
Florence Crittenton Mission
“white slavery panic”
Mann Act
“domestic feminism”
race suicide
National Birth Control League
American Birth Control League
“open marriage”
Hull House
Henry Street Settlement
Neighborhood Union
“municipal housing”
protective associations
National Consumer’s League
National Women’s Trade Union
“uprising of 30,000”
International Ladies Garment Union
“children’s crusade”
Muller v. Oregon
welfare state
mothers’ pension
National Congress of Mothers
Women’s Peace Party
Chamberlain-Kahn Act
National Assoc. Oppose to Suffrage
National Women’s Party
“winning plan”
19th Amendment
companionate marriages
sexual aversion
pink-collar job
National Urban League
Equal Rights Amendment
Sheppard-Towner Act
“race women”
Commission on Inter-racial Coop.
Women of the KKK
U.S. vs. Package of Pessaries
Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938
Executive Order 8802
sex-segregated labor market
War Brides Act
Daughters of Bilitis
second wave feminism
Laura Ingalls Wilder
Susan La Flesche Picotte
Susette La Flesche Tibbles
Rahel Gollup
M. Carey Thomas
Marie Lizabeth Zakrzewska
Grace Hoadley Dodge
Mary Seymour
Mary Church Terrell
Mary Elizabeth Lease
Ida B. Wells
Amanda Berry Smith
Kate Chopin
Jane Addams
Emma Goldman
Rose Schneiderman
Rosey Safran
Charlotte Perkins Gilman
Carrie Chapman Catt
Georgia O’Keefe
Madame C.J. Walker
Gertrude “Ma” Rainey
Eleanor Roosevelt
Molly Dewson
Frances Perkins
Mine Okubo
Rosie the Riveter
Mamie Phipps Clark
Jessie Lopez de la Cruz
Mary Calderone
Fannie Lou Hamer
Linda Brown
Shirley Chisholm
Patsy Matsu Takemoto
Audre Lorde
Kate Milliet
Gloria Steinem
Betty Friedan
1. Explain the Doctrine of Plural Marriage. (11)
2. Explain the “Mormon Question”. (11)
3. Explain the factors that contributed to the imbalanced sex ratio in the states and territories
west of the Mississippi. (11)
4. Why did woman suffrage come first to the western territories and states? (11)
5. How did the incorporation of Mexican lands into the U.S. affect the lives of Spanishspeaking women? (11)
6. How did Indian women respond to the assimilationist programs sponsored by the U.S.
government and carried out by missionaries? (11)
7. Why did women prefer jobs in manufacturing over those in domestic service? (12)
8. Why did Jewish immigrant women predominate in the garment trades? (12)
9. How did the rise of the southern textile industry affect race relations between women?
10. How did child care change at the turn of the century? (12)
11. How did racial tensions and animosities affect the suffrage campaign, the anti-alcohol
campaign, and the anti-lynching campaigns of the late 19th century? (13)
12. What role did imperialism play in shaping the programs of women activists? (13)
13. How successful were women activists in bridging class differences? (13)
14. How effect was volunteerism in providing women access to power outside the realms of
government and business controlled by men? (13)
15. How did Emma Goldman make her argument for free love and against marriage? (14)
16. What was the role of working-class women in advancing heterosocial relationships? (14)
17. With the decline of “female passionlessness” how did middle-class marriage change?
18. What were the causes and effects of the panic over white slavery? (14)
19. What is the relationship between women’s voluntary organizations and Progressive
reform? (15)
20. What is the significance of the garment and textiles strikes to the history of wage-earning
women? (15)
21. How did the experiences of women vary during WWI? (15)
22. What made marriage different or modern in the 1920s? What were some of the cause for
the companionate marriage? (16)
23. What changes in the economy helped women wage workers? What spurred the growth of
the pink collar job sector? (16)
24. How did women participate in the culture of jazz? (16)
25. How did women’s lives change during the Great Depression? (17)
26. How did wage-earning women respond to the economic crisis of the 1930s? (17)
27. What did women active in the government accomplish during the New Deal? (17)
28. Did the Depression change Americans’ views of gender roles? (17)
29. Why did women enter the industrial workforce in unprecedented numbers during the
war? (18)
30. In what ways did the government target women for mobilization during the war? (18)
31. Did minority women experience greater freedom and opportunity during the war? (18)
32. Did Japanese American women gain anything from the war? (18)
33. In what ways were motherhood and domesticity different in the 1950s from other periods
of U.S. History? (19)
34. How did people in the U.S. discuss sexuality in the 1950s? (19)
35. What motivated women to participate in the civil rights movement? What did they do to
bring about social change in their communities? (20)
36. How did women petition the federal government to promote gender equality? (20)
37. What organizations did radical women form during the 60s-80s? (21)
38. What motivated conservative women into political activism during the 80s? (22)
39. How did the ideas of welfare change after the 1980s?
40. In what ways has the globalizing economy affect women? (22)