METHACTON SCHOOL DISTRICT Norristown, Pennsylvania 19408-2011 COURSE TITLE: Reading GRADE LEVEL: Seven DATE REVISED: July/August 2006 LENGTH OF COURSE: one school year I. DISTRICT MISSION STATEMENT It is the mission of the Methacton School District to help prepare students for meaningful participation in an increasing diverse world. In pursuit of this mission, the Methacton School District will: II. help each student develop his/her potential nurture an appreciation for life-long learning graduate students who can think critically and creatively, communicate effectively, and adapt to a changing environment SUBJECT AREA MISSION STATEMENT Students completing Seventh Grade Reading will be able to show growth and application of basic comprehension, critical reading skills, and vocabulary development. III. GRADE LEVEL/COURSE PURPOSE The course purpose is to develop an understanding and appreciation for the following: IV. To provide exposure to various literary genres To instill an appreciation for the importance of reading To develop the skills necessary for higher order thinking which enable understanding of various genres of literature and content area reading ACADEMIC STANDARDS Please see the following page. Page 2 IV. ACADEMIC STANDARDS CHAPTER/PAGE CONTENT FOR MAJOR UNITS OF STUDY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS (Activities) MATERIALS INSTR TIME 1.1. Learning to Read Independently Grade 7 Anthologies: Adventures for Readers Blueprints Doorways Explorations in Literature Houghton Mifflin Literary Readers Prentice Hall Literature: Bronze Teacher Selected pages/chapters from novels or anthologies and/or teacher-designed materials A. Locate appropriate texts (literature, information, documents) for an assigned purpose before reading. Match texts to purpose Identify and locate information for specific assignment Access various sources relevant to assignment B. Identify and use common organizational structures and graphic features to comprehend information. Apply knowledge of physical layout in texts to ascertain meaning Idendtify and apply knowledge of editorial features i.e. footnotes, citing, bibliography Locate and use reference aids in texts (glossary) A. 1-2 weeks 1. 2. 3. Teacher Selected pages/chapters from novels or anthology 3 weeks B. 1. 2. 3. 4. Anthology Selections: “Seventh Grade” by Gary Soto “A Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens “In the Shadow of Man” by Jane Goodall “Seti’s History Lesson” “Fog Horn” by Ray Bradbury “The Monsters are Due on Maple Street” by Rod Serling “You Can’t Take it With You” by Eva-Lis Wuorio “Rain, Rain, Go Away” by Isaac Asimov Mythology Unit in Adventure for Readers “No Gumption” and “Not Poor, Just Broke” by Dick Gregory “Wonderful Things” by Various internet research activites Library research activites Other reference activities 5. Graphic Organizers Published skills pages from anthology Teacher-made skills sheets Guided Reading Activities Graphic organizers Content area textbooks Sadlier-Oxford Vocabulary Workshop Level B Novels C. Use knowledge of root words as well as context clues and glossaries to understand specialized vocabulary in the content areas during reading. Use these words accurately in speaking and writing. Apply and use new words to extend vocabulary practice Recognize, identify, and apply multiple meaning Identify denotation and connotation Locate and identify etymology of vocabulary C. 4 weeks 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. D. Identify basic facts and ideas in text using specific strategies (e.g., recall genre characteristics, set a purpose for reading, generate essential questions as aids to comprehension and clarify understanding through rereading and discussion). Personal Dictionaries/vocab lists Published skills pages from anthology Teacher-made skills sheets Guided Reading Activitiesvocabulary based Vocabulary Workshop pages D. 1. 2. Pre-reading Activites Small/large group Audio Books Published/teach er-made skills sheets/tests Various Graphic Organizers Literature Circle Role Sheets Page 3 Howard Carter “The Medieval Village” by Marjorie Reeves 3. 4. 5. Infer Compare/contrast characters and situations Recognize cause/effect in fiction/nonfiction 6. Teacher Choice of any of the following novels: Banner in the Sky The Dark is Rising The Endless Steppe Door in the Wall The Hobbit The Midwife’s Apprentice A Wrinkle in Time Dicey’s Song Holes The Outsiders Homecoming Current Seventh Grade science, history, and math textbooks Vocabulary Instruction: Sadlier-Oxford Vocabulary Workshop Level B E. Expand a reading vocabulary by identifying and correctly using idioms and words with literal and figurative meanings. Use a dictionary or related reference. Locate examples of figurative language in assigned literature Make text to text connections through figurative language Apply use of figurative language in writing E. 3 weeks 1. 2. 3. 4. F. Understand the meaning of and apply key vocabulary across the various subject areas. Use context clues to extrapolate meaning across curriculum Apply and recognize vocabulary from stories and Sadlier0xford Vocabulary Workshop Level B in all facets of the curriculum Practice and interact with vocabulary words through word analysis and other activities Personal Dictionaries/vocab lists Published skills pages from anthology Guided Reading Activities Teacher-created materials F. 4 weeks 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. G. Demonstrate after reading understanding and interpretation of both fiction and nonfiction text, including public documents. Make, and support with evidence, assertions about texts. Compare and contrast texts using themes, settings, characters and ideas. Make extensions to related ideas, topics or information. Describe the context of a document. Analyze the positions, arguments and evidence in public documents discussions Literature Circles Reading Journals Published pages from anthology Graphic Organizers Personal Dictionaries/vocab lists Published skills pages from anthology Teacher-made skills sheets Guided Reading Activitiesvocabulary based Graphic organizers G. 5 weeks 1. Small/large group discussions 2. Literature Circles 3. Debates 4. Fact vs. Fiction activities 5. Graphic Organizers Page 4 H. Demonstrate fluency and comprehension in reading. Read familiar materials aloud with accuracy. Self-correct mistakes. Use appropriate rhythm, flow, meter and pronunciation. Read a variety of genres and types of text. Demonstrate comprehension (Standard 1.1.8.G.). Grade 7 Anthologies: Adventures for Readers Blueprints Doorways Explorations in Literature Houghton Mifflin Literary Readers Prentice Hall Literature: Bronze 1.2. Reading Critically in All Content Areas Teacher Selected pages/chapters from novels or anthologies and/or teacher-designed materials A. Read and understand essential content of informational texts and documents in all academic areas. Differentiate fact from opinion utilizing resources that go beyond traditional text (e.g., newspapers, magazines and periodicals) to electronic media. Distinguish between essential and nonessential information across texts and going beyond texts to a variety of media; identify bias and propaganda where present. Draw inferences based on a variety of information sources. Evaluate text organization and content to determine the author’s purpose and effectiveness according to the author’s theses, accuracy and thoroughness Anthology Selections: “Seventh Grade” by Gary Soto “A Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens “In the Shadow of Man” by Jane Goodall “Seti’s History Lesson” B. Use and understand a variety of media and evaluate the quality of material produced. Compare and analyze how different media offer a unique perspective on the information presented. Analyze the techniques of particular media messages and their effect on a targeted audience. Use, design and develop a media project that expands H. 5 weeks 1. Oral reading in partners, small groups, or whole class 2. Published and teacher-made comprehension assessments 5. Small/large group discussions 6. Literature Circles 7. Modified Running Records 8. reading journals 9. graphic organizers 10. Accelerated Reading Tests A. 1. Debate 2. Persuasive Essays 3. Graphic Organizers 4. Interactive Media Projects 5. Teacher-generated Materials 6. Reading Journals 7. Small/Large group discussions Teacher Selected pages/chapters from novels or anthology 2 weeks Content area textbooks Sadlier-Oxford Vocabulary Workshop Level B B. Novels 1. Interactive Media Projects 2. Small/large group discussions 3. Debates 4. Graphic Organizers Audio Books Published/teach 3 days Page 5 “Fog Horn” by Ray Bradbury “The Monsters are Due on Maple Street” by Rod Serling “You Can’t Take it With You” by Eva-Lis Wuorio “Rain, Rain, Go Away” by Isaac Asimov Mythology Unit in Adventure for Readers “No Gumption” and “Not Poor, Just Broke” by Dick Gregory “Wonderful Things” by Howard Carter “The Medieval Village” by Marjorie Reeves Teacher Choice of any of the following novels: Banner in the Sky The Dark is Rising The Endless Steppe Door in the Wall The Hobbit The Midwife’s Apprentice A Wrinkle in Time Dicey’s Song Holes The Outsiders Homecoming Current Seventh Grade science, history, and math textbooks Vocabulary Instruction: Sadlier-Oxford Vocabulary Workshop Level B understanding (e.g., authors and works from a particular historical period). C. Produce work in at least one literary genre that follows the conventions of the genre. Produce an original work which utilizes all the elements of a particular genre 5. Teacher-generated materials er-made skills sheets/tests C. 2-3 weeks 1. variety of genre examples 2. graphic organizers 3. peer conference/edits 4. self- assessment 5. publish works 6. presentations Various Graphic Organizers Literature Circle Role Sheets Page 6 Page 7 IV. ACADEMIC STANDARDS - continued CHAPTER/PAGE Grade 7 Anthologies: Adventures for Readers Blueprints Doorways Explorations in Literature Houghton Mifflin Literary Readers Prentice Hall Literature: Bronze CONTENT FOR MAJOR UNITS OF STUDY 1.3. Reading, Analyzing and Interpreting Literature A. Read and understand works of literature. Apply and facilitate the use of metacognitive strategies to literature Demonstrate comprehension Self to text connections; text to world connections PERFORMANCE INDICATORS (Activities) A. 1 . Oral reading in partners, small groups, or whole class 2. Published and teacher-made comprehension assessments 3. Small/large group discussions 4. Literature Circles 5. Modified Running Records 6. reading journals 7. graphic organizers 8. Accelerated Reading Tests 9. Graphic organizers Teacher Selected pages/chapters from novels or anthologies and/or teacher-designed materials Anthology Selections: “Seventh Grade” by Gary Soto “A Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens “In the Shadow of Man” by Jane Goodall “Seti’s History Lesson” “Fog Horn” by Ray Bradbury “The Monsters are Due on Maple Street” by Rod Serling “You Can’t Take it With You” by Eva-Lis Wuorio “Rain, Rain, Go Away” by Isaac Asimov Mythology Unit in Adventure for Readers “No Gumption” and “Not Poor, Just Broke” by Dick Gregory “Wonderful Things” by Howard Carter “The Medieval Village” MATERIALS Teacher Selected pages/chapters from novels or anthology INSTR TIME 5 weeks Content area textbooks Sadlier-Oxford Vocabulary Workshop Level B Novels Audio Books B. Analyze the use of literary elements by an author including characterization, setting, plot, theme, point of view, tone and style. Demonstrate understanding of literary elements Locate and identify elements in various forms of literature Produce examples of elements through creative writing Text to text comparisons 5 weeks B. 1. Personal Dictionaries/vocab lists 2. Published skills pages from anthology 3. Guided Reading Activities 4. Teacher-created materials 5. Graphic organizers 6. Supplemental novels 7. Reading journals 8. Student writing 9. Collaborative assignments Published/teach er-made skills sheets/tests Various Graphic Organizers Literature Circle Role Sheets Page 8 by Marjorie Reeves Teacher Choice of any of the following novels: Banner in the Sky The Dark is Rising The Endless Steppe Door in the Wall The Hobbit The Midwife’s Apprentice A Wrinkle in Time Dicey’s Song Holes The Outsiders Homecoming Current Seventh Grade science, history, and math textbooks Vocabulary Instruction: Sadlier-Oxford Vocabulary Workshop Level B C. Analyze the effect of various literary devices. Sound techniques (e.g., rhyme, rhythm, meter, alliteration). Figurative language (e.g., personification, simile, metaphor, hyperbole, allusion). C. D. Identify poetic forms (e.g., ballad, sonnet, couplet). D. 2 weeks 1. Oral reading 2. Graphic organizers 3. Directed reading activities 4. Small/Large group discussions 2 days 1. Small/large group discussion 2. Interactive media projects 3. Oral/silent reading E. Analyze drama to determine the reasons for a character’s actions taking into account the situation and basic motivation of the character. Demonstrate understanding of author’s purpose Demonstrate the understanding of relationships of story elements to characters and their motivation Self to text connections; text to world connections Compare to professional performance if possible Compare to prose version when available F. Read and respond to nonfiction and fiction including poetry and drama. Produce self to text; text to text; world to text connections Demonstrate understanding of author’s purpose Exhibit comprehension Produce creative products related to reading E. 1 week 1. Class discussions 2. Reading journals 3. Graphic organizers 4. Field trips 5. Teacher-generated Materials F. 3-4 weeks 1. Class discussions 2. Reading journals 3. Graphic organizers 4. Teacher-generated Materials 5. Student generated projects/writings Page 9 V. EXPECTED LEVEL OF ACHIEVEMENT Our students will acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to meet the standards in the Seventh Grade Reading Curriculum aligned with PA State Standards. VI. GRADING SYSTEM The grading system in the Seventh Grade Reading Curriculum is based on the following and is in accordance with the Methacton School District policy. Achievement A B C D F Consistently demonstrates exemplary performance at instructional level (90-100%) Satisfactory performance at instructional level with room for further development (80-89%) Demonstrates skills occasionally but not on a regular basis (70-79%) Has yet to grasp the essential skill (60-69%) Demonstrates no understanding of essential skill (0-59%) Effort/Performance 1 2 3 4 VII. Superior effort Satisfactory effort Needs to improve effort Unsatisfactory effort ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES: VARIETY OF MEASURES The following will be used to assess students: published and teacher-made tests and quizzes, projects (group and individual), published and teacher-made graphic organizers and skills pages. VIII. INSTRUCTIONAL APPROACH The Seventh Grade approach is a combination of direct instruction, cooperative learning, self-directed research/learning, and interactive media-based learning to form a balanced literacy program. IX. MAJOR TEXT/RESOURCES Resources: Anthologies Adventures for Readers: Book 1. Austin: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, Inc.,1996. Blueprints. New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., 1989. Doorways. New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., 1989. Explorations in Literature. Illinois: Scott, Foresman and Co.,1987. Houghton Mifflin Literary Readers : Book 7. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co.,1989. Prentice Hall Literature: Bronze. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1991. Books Cooper, Susan. The Dark is Rising. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1974. Cushman, Karen. The Midwife’s Apprentice. New York: Harper Trophy, 1995. de Angeli, Marguerite. Door in the Wall. New York: Dell Publishing, 1977. Hautzig, Esther. The Endless Steppe. New York: Harper Trophy, 1968. Hinton, S.E. The Outsiders. New York: Dell Publishing, 1967. L’Engle, Madeliene. A Wrinkle in Time. New York: Harper Trophy, 1977. Reeves, Marjorie. The Medieval Village. England: Longman Group, 1988. Sachar, Louis. Holes. New York: Dell Yearling, 1998. Tolkien, J.R.R. The Hobbit. New York: Ballantine Books,1982. Ullman, James Ramsey. Banner in the Sky. New York: Harper Keypoint, 1988. Voigt, Cynthia. Dicey’s Song. New York: Ballantine Books,