DVD CATALOG #3 :51 Reflections on the Long Search (for God) Ronald Eyer Examining different religions, theology, philosophy and science as “Masks of God” and their similarities. Consumerism as a Religion. interfaith #5 :88 Spirit and Nature Bill Moyer Multifaith view of universal values in environmental reality. Many World Religious Leaders interfaith #6 :84 Stephen Hawkins A Brief History of Time Scientific cosmological views Science & spirituality #7 :60 Thomas Moore Who Am I & Why Am I Here? Explores existential delema from the view of each major faith Interfaith #8 :60 Divining the Devine Templeton Foundation Science and religions explore paths to understanding the meaning of existence and roads to world peace. Interfaith #9 :60 Doors of Perception Smithsonian World The transformation of consciousness. States of consciousness, drugs, meditation, religious practices, contemplation. How we know who we are and what is. Interfaith, consciousness, meditation #10 :30 Consciousness- the Bridge Between Science and Spirit Peter Russell What is the nature of “I”ness? Early to modern philosophy and science. Space/Time/Matter. Consciousnes is fundamental to the universe. Consciousness, science #11 1:45 The Flowering of Human Consciousness Echart Tolle Who is me but a field of awareness. The science of “self”. Identity & attachment. Being here and now. Projecting reality . Being trapped in thought. Consciousness #12 :25 Home Place Stan Rowe The ecosphere, different points of view of our environmental system. Larger view. The ecosphere as a living entity itself. How self centered human view is. science #13 :08 Cosmic Zoom Canada Film Board Wonderful visual semi-animation of maximum perspectives of reality, large and small, from farthest space to subatomic. Science, consciousness #14 1:50 Mindwalk Mindwalk Productions Full length professional Hollywood movie about the Tao Of Physics book. Science, consciousness #15 :30 Anima Mundi Bulgari Video meditation w/o words, All life is One. Many fantastic shots of unusual animal showing commonalities in diversity. The world is a living Being-Plato Visual poetry, consciousness, #16 1:30 Eastern Religions – Alters of the World Wellspring Media The great religions of man. Hinduism, Buddism, Confucionism, Taoism, Shinto, Jainism, Judism. All different with same basic truths from different ages. Interfaith #17 :20 Loves Awakening Visual meditation, serene, relaxing nature, flowers, sunsets etc. (poor copy) Visual meditation