dvd catalog - Universal Meditation

Reflections on the Long Search (for God)
Ronald Eyer
Examining different religions, theology, philosophy and science as “Masks of God” and
their similarities. Consumerism as a Religion.
Spirit and Nature
Bill Moyer
Multifaith view of universal values in environmental reality. Many World Religious
Stephen Hawkins
A Brief History of Time
Scientific cosmological views
Science & spirituality
Thomas Moore
Who Am I & Why Am I Here?
Explores existential delema from the view of each major faith
Divining the Devine
Templeton Foundation
Science and religions explore paths to understanding the meaning of existence and roads
to world peace.
Doors of Perception
Smithsonian World
The transformation of consciousness. States of consciousness, drugs, meditation,
religious practices, contemplation. How we know who we are and what is.
Interfaith, consciousness, meditation
Consciousness- the Bridge Between Science and Spirit
Peter Russell
What is the nature of “I”ness? Early to modern philosophy and science.
Space/Time/Matter. Consciousnes is fundamental to the universe.
Consciousness, science
The Flowering of Human Consciousness
Echart Tolle
Who is me but a field of awareness. The science of “self”. Identity & attachment. Being
here and now. Projecting reality . Being trapped in thought.
Home Place
Stan Rowe
The ecosphere, different points of view of our environmental system. Larger view. The
ecosphere as a living entity itself. How self centered human view is.
Cosmic Zoom
Canada Film Board
Wonderful visual semi-animation of maximum perspectives of reality, large and small,
from farthest space to subatomic.
Science, consciousness
Mindwalk Productions
Full length professional Hollywood movie about the Tao Of Physics book.
Science, consciousness
Anima Mundi
Video meditation w/o words, All life is One. Many fantastic shots of unusual animal
showing commonalities in diversity. The world is a living Being-Plato
Visual poetry, consciousness,
Eastern Religions – Alters of the World
Wellspring Media
The great religions of man. Hinduism, Buddism, Confucionism, Taoism, Shinto, Jainism,
Judism. All different with same basic truths from different ages.
Loves Awakening
Visual meditation, serene, relaxing nature, flowers, sunsets etc. (poor copy)
Visual meditation