Spiritual Initiation and Counseling at the Sattva
Why the Golden Light Initiation?
Those who have already made their connection to SOURCE
can transfer powerful consciousness and energy to others
accelerating the awakening and healing process. They can provide tools and
techniques for healing any unseen negative influences as well as provide
protection until one becomes proficient in clearing and maintaining their own
fields of consciousness and energy.
The true test of any Master Teacher is not in how many followers they have but
in how many Masters they create.
The Golden Light is the plane of Bliss. It is the love and joy of Source. Golden
Light Initiations, and Meditation classes are given on a regular basis at the center
and can be booked for other locations as well.
Ancient Hindu Sri Yantra Mantra
When the OM is uttered into a tonoscope which transfers the sound into its visual
geometric representative, it creates a pattern identical to the Sri Yantra Mantra.
Meditation upon this creates the after images of the central sun. This latest
breakthrough has scientists baffled. It seems our ancient ancestors must have
been much more advanced than previously imagined. Especially concerning the
interrelationship between wave forms and matter what we now call, Cymatics.
What is meditation? Meditation is a form of achieving inner peace through
calming the mind, relieving stress and receiving inner guidance from the God
Why Meditate? Meditation has many benefits. It promotes overall health and well
being. It reduces stress which doctors on the forefront of medicine have found to
be a major factor in disease. There is scientific proof that meditation often
reduces blood pressure, those who meditate regularly have higher DHEA levels,
experience cellular rejuvenation and longevity. The latest Genome experiments
show people who have had NDEs or practice advanced forms of meditation go
through a genetic change which slows down the aging process and boosts the
immune system creating better overall health.
Meditation brings peace of mind, relaxation, mental clarity, and better
performance in daily activities. It has been statistically proven that where groups
meditate there is often a decrease in crime, violent behavior, and accidents. This
is not to mention the love, joy and bliss that comes with ones own reunion with
Oneness Meditation
We are asking everyone to spend some time at noon every day, take three deep
breaths and contemplate ONE PEOPLE, ONE PLANET, ONE SOURCE. We are
also gathering on the full moon of every month and asking others to join in prayer
and meditation, or in ceremony as a group to work in unison anchoring in these
basic universal principles. We believe this will have a profound effect on the
collective consciousness, altering the destiny of Humanity and the Earth.
We have a choice - whether to ride the downward spiral ending in social,
economic and environmental collapse, or the upward spiral of unity, peace, and
restoration of the planet with love as the manifesting force behind all creation.
Transpersonal Spiritual Counseling:
A Quantum Leap in Consciousness
After a near death experience James received the gift of Interdimensional Mind
and the ability to transfer powerful consciousness and energy to others, helping
them in their own awakening and healing process. He is a Published Author of
BECOMING GODS, Master Teacher, Energetic Healer and Founder of the Self
Mastery Earth Institute located within the Sattva Sanctuary. His over twenty
years of experience include six years of Yoga, Teaching of the Inner Christ
Ministry and the Tibetan Foundation where he is certified as a conscious channel
of the Highest Consciousness and Energy.
Eastern and Western thought, and quantum physics all agree that consciousness
creates reality. There is a matrix of consciousness and energy which exists
beyond the physical and our consciousness. Many of our fears, phobias and the
memory of wounds, traumas and wrong conclusions from past experiences exist
within this matrix. Physicians on the forefront of medicine are realizing even
disease originates with an unhealed or unresolved attitude or emotion causing
stress in the body. These inhibitors block our mental, emotional, physical well
being, our prosperity and our greater good.
Retro Clearing:
The clearest, fastest technique we offer
A timeline form of spiritual counseling where powerful consciousness and energy
is transferred, allowing the recipient to access soul memory and heal inhibitors
Heal Quickly &
Past Lives
Inner Child
Traumas &
from Past
Fears &
Consciousness &
Higher Self
The Beautiful Many
Ascended Masters
"It's Awesome! Never
I experienced such
- Carolyn Gray
"A Life Changing
- Hill Esbach
Call James for an appointment. We prefer to do Retro Clearings in person.
However, for those who cannot make it to the Sattva Sanctuary, we can do it
over the phone. There is no time, distance or space in spirit.
Call (509) 395 - 2092 & leave a message or send an e-mail.
Enlightenment Intensive Workshops
Enlightenment Intensive 1 is a blend of East and West. It is an intuitional, inner
sensitivity training program offering deep meditation tools and techniques for
healing negative influences, accessing Higher Consciousness and Energy, and
creating more control over one's own personal destiny. It is a beginning journey
beyond the body and the personality into Interdimensional Mind. It is about selfdiscovery and insights into "WHO AM I?" and "WHY AM I HERE?"
Enlightenment Intensive 2 expands upon Enlightenment Intensive 1 into an even
greater awareness of Self, Interdimensional Mind, and the tools and techniques
learned in the first course. It is a journey into more expanded states of
awareness engaging and understanding the Highest Consciousness and Energy.
Facilitated by James Gilliland.
Energetic Healing and Massage
Etheric healing workshops and sessions, Omega, Therapeutic Touch and
massage by appointment. Energetic healing works with subtle energies. There is
a matrix of consciousness and energy which is first and foremost to the physical.
When these energies are clear and balanced, it brings health and well being to
the physical. Massage also increases blood and hormone circulation, releases
tension, stress, and helps muscles to function properly.
White Eagle Lodge
The White Eagle Lodge is founded on the basic universal principles necessary
for a healthy society and environment. It can also be referred to as the Rainbow
Tribe where people of all cultures and beliefs can come together in peace and
service to Humanity and the Earth. Hopi prophecy speaks of each race being
given a tablet and eventually all races will bring their tablet in a great reunion
each adding their gifts to the whole. They also said if the white man comes
bearing the cross without the circle, beware, terrible times of persecution and
destruction are ahead.
The circle represents the sacred circle of life, the feminine aspect which gives
birth to all life where the one family of life is respected and cherished in all its
It is inconsistent to profess the love of God then separate into structured truths
which often cause separation, division and war demonizing others which do not
accept the chosen names, images and doctrines of that institution. Without
honoring the sacred circle of life and the interconnection of all life we are
unbalanced. That imbalance will cause the eventual collapse of both society and
the environment if not corrected.
We honor diversity, inspire Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly love, Joy, Equality,
Individual Freedom and Prosperity for all as well as a strong reverence for life in
all forms honoring the sacred circle of life. We welcome others of like mind to join
There are many having trouble with accepting cross cultural understandings even
though the same messages and ideals are represented through different ways,
symbols and images. I wish to share a vision that may shed some light on this
After James' own NDE (near death experience), he experienced God or the
Source first hand and was blown wide open into what he can only explain as
interdimensional mind. The pure unconditional love, joy, peace and BLISS was
beyond words.
Jesus was the first to appear to him in dreams and meditations. He was not
comfortable with anyone else due to religious understandings of my youth. He
came to James one day with Baba-ji known as the Yogi Christ. James felt that
any friend of Jesus is a friend of his, and he started his studies in Eastern
thought being taught within and without by Yogis and Lamas.
Later Jesus appeared again with White Eagle. This began James' studies in
Native American teachings. At a medicine wheel, which ended in a meditation on
Great Spirit, he looked up only to see Jesus with hands outstretched presiding
over the event. James then told a woman there what he saw and she burst out
weeping, saying, "I knew it. My dad was a Baptist minister and it has been an
inward struggle for all along. I knew Jesus was with me and this felt so right."
This was an eye opener for James as well. A call to spirit is heard no matter how
it is made. Every enlightened Master, Saint and Sage transcends all cultural and
religious boundaries into love for all mankind and all life. The Universal Principles
and Understandings necessary for a healthy society and environment are cross
cultural and God is multilingual. An apple has many names in many cultures yet it
does not change its nature and so it is with God.
"May Mother Earth guide your feet. May Father Sky, keep his arms around you.
May Grandfather Sun warm your cold days. May Grandmother Moon keep the
glow in your heart. May the Star Nations light the way to your next destination,
and the Great Spirit always keep you shielded from the pain."
Mitakuye Oyasin, Cheecowah
Lodge meetings & Drumming Circle: 2nd & 4th Saturdays
Sweat Lodge: On the full moon every month.
Work parties and Earth walks: 2nd & 4th Saturdays (Help welcome anytime!)
Copyright James Gilliland 2006 – 2008. All rights reserved.