Unit 6 Guide

Unit #6: The Civil War and Reconstruction
DURATION: 4 weeks
1. The American Pageant (13th Edition)
2. The American Pageant Guidebook
3. United States History AP Prep (Newman)
Chapters 19-22 (24,18,25,21) (88)
Chapters 19-22
Chapters 13 (pp. 247-253), 14 & 15
OBJECTIVES: By the end of this unit, each student will be able to:
1. Understand Constitutional and political issues that lead to the Civil War.
2. Explain the secession of the lower and upper southern states.
3. Discuss significant battles and strategies of both the Union and CSA.
4. Discuss and analyze the obstacles to the reconstruction of the USA.
1. QUIZ – Thurs./Fri. Oct. 29/30 (Chapter 19) (Assignments 9 & 10 due)
2. QUIZ – Wed./Thurs. Nov. 4/5 (Chapter 20) (Assignments 11 & 12 due)
3. QUIZ – Tues./Thurs. Nov. 10/12 (Chapter 21) (Assignments 13 & 14 due)
4. EXAM – Fri./Mon. Nov. 13/16 (ALL)
ASSIGNMENTS: The TWO assignments for each chapter are due on the day of the
quiz for that chapter.
Chapter 13 Key Terms (Newman): Briefly identify, define, and/or explain.
1) Harriet Beecher Stowe, 2) Hinton R. Helper, 3) George Fitzhugh, 4) Franklin Pierce,
5) Kansas-Nebraska Act, 6) Know-Nothing Party, 7) Republican Party, 8) John C.
Fremont, 9) James Buchanan, 10) New England Emigrant Aid Company, 11) “bleeding
Kansas”, 12) John Brown, 13) Sumner-Brooks Incident, 14) Lecompton constitution, 15)
Dred Scott v. Sanford, 16) Roger Taney, 17) Abraham Lincoln, 18) Lincoln-Douglas
debates, 19) house-divided speech, 20) Freeport Doctrine, 21) Harpers Ferry raid, 22)
election of 1860, 23) secession, 24) Crittenden compromise.
Chapter 13 Questions (Newman): p. 255-277: Q. #1-10 (MC)
p. 257: Q. #3 & 4 (Explain fully; no essay required)
Chapter 14 Key Terms (Newman): Briefly identify, define, and/or explain.
1) Fort Sumter, 2) habeas Corpus, 3) border states, 4) Jefferson Davis, 5) Thomas
‘Stonewall’ Jackson, 6) Anaconda Plan, 7) Robert E. Lee, 8) Antietam, 9)
Fredericksburg, 10) Monitor and Merrimac, 11) Ulysses S. Grant, 12) Trent Affair, 13)
Emancipation Proclamation, 14) Thirteenth Amendment, 15) Gettysburg, 16) Vicksburg,
17) Sherman’s March, 18) election of 1864, 19) Appomattox Court House, 20)
greenbacks, 21) Morrill Tariff Act, 22) Homestead Act, 23) Pacific Railway Act.
Chapter 14 Questions (Newman): pp. 282-283, Q. #1-10 (MC)
p. 284, Q. #1-2, 5 (Explain fully; no essay required)
Chapter 15 Key Terms (Newman):
1) Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction (1863), 2) Andrew Johnson, 3) Black
Codes, 4) Radical Republicans, 5) Thaddeus Stephens, 6) Civil Rights Act of 1866, 7)
Fourteenth Amendment, 8) equal protection of the laws, 9) due process of law, 10)
Tenure of Office Act, 11) Edwin Stanton, 12) impeachment, 13) Fifteenth Amendment,
14) carpetbaggers, 15) sharecropping, 16) spoilsmen, 17, patronage, 18) Ku Klux Klan.
Chapter 15 Questions (Newman): pp. 303-305, Q. #1-10 (MC)
p. 305, Q. #1 & 2 (Explain fully; no essay required)