Chapter 21 Test Name: - Teaching American History

Chapter 18 Test
Multiple Choice: 2 points each
1. The Supreme Court decision that allowed “separate but equal” facilities was:
a. Brown v. Board of Education
b. Plessy v. Ferguson
c. Marbury v. Madison
d. Miranda v. Arizona
2. Which amendments made African-Americans citizens of the United States?
a. 12th
b. 13th
c. 14th
d. 15th
3. “Separate but Equal” facilities was outlawed by:
a. Brown v. Board of Education
b. Plessy v. Ferguson
c. Marbury v. Madison
d. Miranda v. Arizona
4. To achieve victory in the struggle for civil rights, MLK, Jr. and other members of the
SCLC encouraged the policy of:
a. armed confrontation
b. nonviolent protest
c. lawsuits
d. national strikes
5. After watching television coverage of the brutal tactics used against protesters by the
Birmingham police, even opponents of the civil rights movement were:
a. appalled by the police violence
b. angry with the peaceful protesters
c. supportive of the actions of the police
d. uninterested in the confrontation
6. Participants in the l963 March on Washington hoped to:
a. get “Bull” Connor prosecuted for police brutality
b. prevent the reelection of President Kennedy
c. do battle with the police of Washington, DC
d. convince Congress to pass civil rights legislation
7. Which was a highlight of the March on Washington?
a. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech
b. President Kennedy’s “New Frontier” speech
c. President Johnson’s “Great Society” speech
d. Stokely Carmichael’s “Black Power” speech
8. What did Malcolm X encourage African Americans to do in the early 60’s?
a. to fight for greater integration with white society
b. to separate themselves from white society
c. to love and pray for white people
d. to abandon violent, militant tactics in favor of civil disobedience
9. Which of the following was a result of the civil rights movement?
a. the federal government rebuilt the nation’s ghettos
b. racism in the South came to an end
c. thousands of African Americans could vote for the first time
d. all of the above
10. President Truman ordered an end to discrimination in the:
a. armed forces
b. schools
c. bus system
d. labor unions
11. Martin Luther King, Jr., influenced by Gandhi, believed in:
a. “an eye for an eye”
b. violent revolution
c. nonviolent protest
d. fighting back only if struck first
12. For participants, the form of protest known as the sit-in often led to:
a. free meals
b. violence
c. bus rides throughout the South
d. voting rights
13. “Freedom Riders” were successful in:
a. abolishing the poll tax
b. getting more blacks enrolled in southern colleges
c. integrating interstate bus terminals
d. bringing needed food and supplies into the South
14. Black voter registration was slow in the deep South for all of the following reasons
a. poll taxes
b. literacy tests
c. afraid of loss of job
d. lack of desire to vote
15. Race riots of the 1960s were a result of:
a. the assassination of black leaders
b. slow movement on civil rights
c. nonviolent protest
d. both a and b
16. The primary effect of the Civil Rights Act of l964 was to:
a. provide equal pay for equal jobs
b. guarantee legal representation for all minorities
c. provide federal protection of the right of all adults to vote
d. forbid discrimination on the basis of race and sex in public accommodations
17. The Montgomery bus boycott resulted in all of the following EXCEPT:
a. established King as a civil rights leader
b. the end of Montgomery bus segregation
c. proved the successful tactic of nonviolent protest
d. changed the opinion of most white southerners
18. The Civil Rights Act of l964 and the Voting Rights Act of l965 are considered to be:
a. landmark legislation in American history
b. unconstitutional
c. too weak to enforce
d. too radical for the l960s
19. The Black Panthers wanted African Americans to:
a. end the urban riots
b. lead their own communities
c. practice nonviolent protest
d. join interracial groups
20. All of the following resulted from the civil rights movement EXCEPT:
a. making segregation illegal
b. opening the political process to more African Americans
c. eliminating poverty in the US
d. giving African Americans a new sense of ethnic pride
21. The ______________ was held to protest the arrest of Rosa Parks:
a. March on Selma
b. Montgomery Bus Boycott
c. March on Washington
d. Kerner Commission
22. Jim Crow laws were laws that:
a. protected African Americans
b. restricted African American voting in the west
c. enforced strict separation of the races
d. restored equal rights to blacks
23. A type of protest used by civil rights activists was the:
a. sit-in
b. boycotts
c. marches
d. all of the above
24. How did “Bull” Connor (police chief) react to civil rights marchers in
a. met publicly with civil rights leaders
b. proposed a law to end segregation in Alabama
c. brought in the National guard
d. ordered the use of police dogs and fire hoses on the marchers
25. Freedom Summer refers to efforts to:
a. desegregate interstate bus terminals
b. integrate lunch counters
c. register black voters in Mississippi
d. desegregate the city of Selma
26. Martin Luther King targeted Birmingham, Alabama for a civil rights campaign
because it was:
a. a strong supporter of civil rights for blacks
b. considered the most segregated city in the South
c. President Kennedy had been born there
d. where he spent time in jail
27. After Malcolm X’s trip to Mecca, he:
a. believed whites and blacks could live together
b. angered the leader (Elijah J) of the Nation of Islam
c. was assassinated
d. all of the above
28. The decision that ended tests to see if someone could read or write in order to vote
a. Civil Rights Act of 1964
b. Brown v. Board of Education
c. Voting Rights Act of 1965
d. 15th amendment
29. An African American famous for breaking the color barrier in major league
baseball was:
a. Stokely Carmichael
b. Thurgood Marshall
c. James Meredith
d. Jackie Robinson
30. The young adult killed because he spoke to a white woman was:
a. James Meredith
b. Emmett Till
c. Jackie Robinson
d. Malcolm X