Bear-Grylls-quotes.doc - The Scout Association

On adventure
‘Every child has the right to an adventure. Life is about grabbing opportunities. The prizes don’t
always go to the biggest, the best and the strongest – they go to those who persevere. These are
simple life lessons that Scouting teaches.’
‘Scouts today are full of fun, adventure and excitement. I’m so proud to wear Baden-Powell’s Silver
Wolf, but more importantly, the scarf.’
‘Scouting’s 500,000 members are an inspiration. It's great to see it. It's all about friendship and fun
and adventure – people who might not normally have the chance for adventure. Scouts are shining
lights in their communities.’
‘Two things matter in life: following your dreams and looking after your friends. This is what I love
about Scouting. It’s about doing great things, loving and enjoying the great adventures and helping
others to do the same.’
‘I want the public to know how Scouting continues to open young people’s eyes to a world of
extraordinary promise and possibilities.'
On Queen’s Scouts
‘As Queen’s Scouts you have reached the pinnacle of Scouting. The Queen’s Scout Award is the
highest award possible. You are the elite so I ask you not to underestimate your achievements. I
challenge you to use these skills to reach the top in life.’
On being Chief Scout
‘Supporting and representing our members is a huge privilege, and I want all Scouts to know I am
here for them and willing to listen and help where I can.’
‘My aim is to make Scouting even better than it is. Fun, teamwork and adventure – those are my three
things. My role is to keep the focus on that.’
‘I feel immense pride being associated with the Scouts. If I do nothing else with my life I will feel
amazingly honoured that I’ve held this post.’
‘My mission as Chief Scout is to bring the opportunity of adventure to young people worldwide,
wherever or whoever they are.’
On Scouting
‘So much of who we are as an adult is formed when we are kids,’ said Bear. ‘What Scouting says to
people is: “it’s okay to go for it in life”’.
‘Scouting provides a second family to lots of young people. It’s a safe place where they can aspire
and grow.’
‘The reason why Scouting remains the largest youth movement in the world is that it’s got great core
values: it’s faith, it’s about friendship, it’s about fun – it’s all part of what we wanted when we grew up.’
‘I think the great strength of the Scouts is that it’s a real family, it’s a really inclusive community and I
found a second home there. I remember one of the first things I did was to be given one match and
one raw sausage and told to go and cook it. I remember looking at the match and looking at the
sausage and thinking, it’s going to have to burn for a very long time! Then someone showed me how
to make a fire and I thought at last, this is something I can really feel part of and enjoy. It wasn’t
school but it was everything I loved. I look back and I realise it was those years that inspired what I
love as a job now.’
On volunteering
‘One of my big missions is to encourage people across the UK who have the time, enthusiasm and
ability, whatever it is, to put something back into their communities. It’s about a lot of people doing a
little. I don’t want to hear any more about kids who can’t join because of a lack of leaders. We’ve got a
brilliant, talented nation and I want some of that talent to be used to support young people.’
'Like me I'm sure you fit your volunteering around a very busy lifestyle, but my mum used to say if you
want something doing ask a busy person. I'd really like to say a massive thank you to you on behalf of
all the young people who benefit from Scouting. It's basically because of what you do. Together you
make the adventure possible.'
‘Look up your local Scout Group, because you’ve got a safe, practical community who will encourage
and support you.’
On the outdoors
‘I think it’s so hard for young people to get out and experience the outdoors – it can be quite an
intimidating place – lots of people don’t know how to get out there. Scouting provides a safe way to
explore the outdoors. They’re going to have an adventure, but they’re going to do it with people they
know and trust, and they’re going to be looked after.’
‘As a society, we do tend to get bogged down with ‘you can’t do this, you can’t do that’ and I think it’s
a shame – kids lose out on so much of the magic of the outdoors. I want kids to learn how to start
fires without matches, build camps, climb mountains. Our ancestors had these skills for generations
and now we are in danger of losing them.’
‘When was the last time you explored the great outdoors? I mean really explored, when you set out
into the unknown with a map and compass, a rucksack, a tent and sleeping bag; the sort of exploring
that makes your heart beat faster.
‘Can you remember the patter of rain on your tent, the sound of owls or the rustling of the wind in the
leaves at night? It’s a feeling of absolute freedom and belonging – re-establishing our relationship with
both ourselves and planet earth. A night in the outdoors is also a reminder that not everything that’s
precious and valuable costs a lot of money.’
‘One of the reasons I became a Scout was to spend more time with friends in the outdoors. It’s among
the greatest experiences in life and should be accessible to everyone, no matter where they live, what
they look like or how they grew up.’
‘Nature and the outdoors are languages that can be learned. Once you identify a beech tree, tie a
clove hitch or cook a simple meal over a fire that you’ve built yourself, you’ll never forget it.’