The Business Value of Scouting V3

The Business Value
of Scouting
Business Leadership Requirements
Business leaders must be able to:
Create and Execute a Business Plan
Inspire and Lead People
Determine Business Vision/Objectives
Create a Plan with Achievable Goals to Reach the Objectives
Manage the Plan Using Project Management Skills
Handle Unexpected Situations
Understand and Appreciate Diversity
Engage Using a Variety of Leadership Styles
Motivate Each Person
Create a Team From Groups of Individuals
Set a Personal Example
Create a Climate of Trust and Accountability
Integrity in All Matters
Accountability for Results
Independent Action in Support of the Team’s Goals
Scouts Are Prepared to be Business Leaders
 Developing Leadership Through Scouting
Vision → Goals → Planning = Success
SMART Goals — Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Timely
Planning and Problem Solving: What, Why, How, When, Who
Assessment: SSC→ Start, Stop, Continue
 Learning to Inspire and Lead People
– Practical Leadership Skills
• ROPE: Reach out, Organize, Practice, Experience
• Resolving Conflict
– EAR: Express, Address, Resolve
• The Training EDGE™
– Explain: The trainer explains how something is done.
– Demonstrate: The trainer demonstrates while explaining again.
– Guide: The learner tries the skill while the trainer guides him through it.
– Enable: The learner works on his own under the eye of the trainer.
• Team Building
– Forming
– Storming
– Norming
– Performing
Instilling Lifelong Values:
Integrity, Trust, and Accountability
Cub Scout Promise
I promise to do my best to do my duty to God and my country, to help
other people, and to obey the Law of the Pack.
Scout Oath
On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and
to obey the Scout Law; to help other people at all times; to keep myself
physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.
Venturing Oath
As a Venturer, I promise to do my duty to God and help strengthen
America, to help others, and to seek truth, fairness, and adventure in our
Business Leadership That Works
 Scouting produces leaders that are:
– Trained, capable and experienced
– Trustworthy and accountable
 Support Scouting
– Improve your business: Hire a Scout!
– Contribute to your local Scout council
– Become an adult Scout leader