King Arthur and Excalibur English V Syllabus E Bell – Maurno October 30th – November 15th , 2007 Objectives: To continue study and analysis of the legends of King Arthur To complete a short research project based on King Arthur To introduce Shakespeare and his historical time period To read, act out, and analyze select scenes from Macbeth To act out select scenes from the play with the end of developing comprehension of characterization, point of view, and situation. To review for the trimester exam October 30th – November 7th Date/Rotation In-Class Assignments Homework 10/30 Tu Open book quiz on Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Journals to be collected tomorrow Read first three pages of “Once and Future King” Write a brief characterization of the “king” Day One Vocabulary Set #7 due Friday 10/31 W Day Two 11/1 TH 11/2** F Day Three Day Four 11/5 M Day Five 11/6 11/7 Tu Day Six W Day Seven Journal – characterize a king Begin discussion of “The Once and Future King” Share characterizations – find supporting quotes XX Continue discussion and review of “Once and Future King” Introduce mini-research project Begin graded class work - questions Finish graded class work – “Once and Future King” Library day to work on research project Library day to work on research project Finish reading “Once and Future King” Find quotes revolving around Christianity, imagery, and figurative language, and wisdom/power of the king. Set #7 vocabulary due Friday XX Search for information on mini-research project Continue to plan research project Continue to plan research project Continue to plan research project November 8th – November 15th, 2007 Date 11/8*** 1/9*** Th Day One F Day Two 11/12 M Day Three 11/13 T Day Four 11/14 W Day Five 11/15 Th Day Six 11/16 F Codes: Exams In-Class Assignments Homework Presentations of projects Read Act One, Scenes I and II of Macbeth by Thursday, 11/13 Study guide distributed for trimester exam – begin to complete it and study. XX Complete study guide/review for trimester exam Final presentations Introduction to Macbeth XX Review/read Act I, Scenes One and Two Begin trimester exam review Journal – quote analysis from Act I Continue review of Macbeth Continue trimester exam review Review of study guide Closing out of Act I Macbeth XX ** Half-Day XX No School/ Class Drops ***Assembly Schedule Complete study guid due tomorrow/review for trimester exam Study for trimester exam XX