Class Content from ENG4U wiki September 2012 – January 2013

Class Content from ENG4U wiki September 2012 – January 2013
4 - introduction to course, wiki, big ideas
5 - Essay Analysis - in-class activity; homework: read short story for tomorrow
6 - Short Story Review: The Shining Houses
7 - Short Story analysis; homework - begin rough work for Discussion paper for The Shining Houses
10 - Teacher away; Work on The Shining Houses - discussion about theme
11 - Work on Discussion Paper
12 - Lit. Theory continues
13 - Library for Great Gatsby research; Shining Houses Discussion Paper clean copy due
14 - Annotated Biblio handout;
17 - teacher away; finish "Outside Edges"; Feminism Handout
18 - Feminism and "Shining Houses"
19 - continued; Marxism
20 - Computer lab for World's Fair; The Great Gatsby page of this wiki is now available
21 - Psycholanalytic analysis; intro Film analysis assignment
24 - watch 3:10 to Yuma; work time for presentations
25 - World's Fair Handouts due (for printing); 3:10 to Yuma; work check for Psychoanalytic notes
26 - World's Fair
27 - Handout and work on embedding quotations; continue movie; class time to work on Film Analysis
28 - Finish movie; work on film analysis notes; Film Analysis work time
Oct 1 - Film Analysis Presentation work time; reading time for Gatsby
2 - Film Analysis work time; reading for Gatsby; sign up for Blog and for Turnitin
3 - Quiz on GG presentation handouts; Film presentations; finish signups
4 - GG time; work time for discussion papers; time to go over answers for "The Plague of Plagiarists"
5 - PD day
9 – GG quiz 1
10 11 – discussion paper due - to Turnitin - extension to Sunday midnight so that the blog posts get done; First blog
post due
12 – class GG discussions - teacher home sick - moved to Monday
15 – SEEP work; GG work time
16 - quiz 2; SEEP work
17 - SEEP sight passage test
18 – GG blog post due; work time; article on the American Dream; Jane McGonigal's Ted Talk re Gaming
19 - class discussions; work on personal responses - students to do one in response to the Ted Talk posted above
22 – work on personal responses - students to do one in response to the Ted Talk posted above;
Start work on personal response. Due date will be
assigned on Wednesday. You should have rough notes/brainstorming for Wednesday
23 - quiz 3
24 - notes/brainstorming for personal response due
25 – Essay prep information; essay prompts given (see Gatsby page of wiki); article about Nick as narrator (see
Gatsby page); handout on unity and transitions; Personal Response: See SEEP Preparation page
26 - class discussions; work time for essays
Oct 29 - In-class essay
30 – In-class essay; give out The Namesake
31 – Hand in personal response; In-class essay (for those away on the 30th only); Reading time for The
Namesake; Summative Novel Discussion
Nov 1 - Lesson 1 for The Namesake - naming conventions and discussion; lead into blogs
2 - computer lab - blogging research
5 – hmwk: chpt 2; BYOD day – to work on blog prep & analysis; give back G.G. essays
6 – hmwk: chpt 3; quotations about the novel; symbols - train
7 – Computer Lab (room 211) hmwk: chpt 4;
8 – quiz chpts 1-4; hmwk: blog post; immigration, essay "Wanderers by Choice"; marks for report card; reading
and note-taking time;
Please go to The Namesake page, open link for "Blog Name & Address", complete form
9 – hmwk: chpt 5 & 6; BYOD class; chose essay prompts; "The Overcoat" - synopsis; class discussions
12 – hmwk: chpt 7; work time for notes and discussion in small groups; Break down the prompts together
13 – hmwk: chpt 8;
14 – quiz; chpts 5-8; hmwk: chpt 9; discussion and work time
15 – BYOD class; hmwk: blog post; Inspirational Ted Talk We watched this and connected the ideas to blogging
16 – PD Day; hmwk: chpt 10 & 11;
19 – Summative Novels; BYOD class; hmwk: chapter 12
20 – quiz chpt 9-12; class discussion; final blog posts tonight
21 – class time for essay; Quiz
22 – time for essay; essay work time
23 - essay work time
26 – 1/2 period for essay - be prepared to show thesis and plan; start Hamlet; Summative handout e-version on
27 - Hamlet I i; intro ppt
28 - I i-ii; choose roles; character info handouts
29 - I iii-v; tragedy handout
30 - essay due to Turnitin & rough work submitted in class (extra time - hand in by Sun evening. If not in, then
automatic lunch detention on Monday at lunch in room 309); II i; thematic ideas; Brannagh movie
Dec 3 - 1st blog post due; Quiz Act I (Act questions due); II ii (1-350 roughly)
4 - 1st blog comment; II ii finish; movie versions; hand in Act I questions
5 - III i (to end of To be or not to be speech); watch various video versions
6 - Quiz Act II (Act questions due); watch video versions of Nunnery section
7 - 2nd blog post; partial class - assembly; watch RSC part of Hamlet
10 - 2nd blog comment; Read III i-ii
11 - Watch III i-ii - four versions
12 - 3rd blog post; Read III iii-iv
13 - 3rd blog comment; watch III iv; ppt (see Hamlet Page)
14 - Quiz III (Act questions due); article on existentialism; IV reading
17 - discuss article; Finish IV; summative material - sign up for dates - see Summative page
18 - discuss article; Read Vi; watch movie
19 - 4th blog post; Read Vii; watch movie
20 - 4th blog comment; Quiz Act IV & V (Act questions due); work time for creative assignments
21 - Shortened class (50 min); blog post marks; interesting and related videos; Scruples as characters from the
7 - Sight Passage review and practice - "So, Like, Whatever" article
8 - Sight P. review - "Too Busy to Live?"; mark Hamlet Cloze test; summative group time
9 - Sight P. review - "Manufacturing Morality"; summative group time
10 - Sight P. test (for everyone, but marking is optional);
11 - wrap up Hamlet ideas; movie
Last Day to post Summative Blog posts: Saturday, January 12 at midnight - due to marking time
14 - Summ Pttn; take up "Altruism"; Hamlet movie
15 - Summ Pttn; Tone activities; Hamlet movie; Blog Feedback form
16 - Summative Prettn; Hamlet Creative Piece due (unless you are presenting today, in which case it
is due tomorrow)
17 - Summative Prettn; Hamlet Creative Piece due if not submitted yesterday; tragedy ppt with
connections to Hamlet
18 - Summative Prettn; Hamlet Creative Pieces - performance; Hamlet handout
21 - Tone, personal response eg, essay prompt work
22 - student summative presentation, personal response to article, essay prompt work
23 - exam work
24 - exam work
25 - Period 1 Exams AM; ENG 4U 12:15-3:15pm room 309 for those who chose this option
28 - Period 2 Exams AM; ENG 4U 12:15-3:15pm room 309 for those who chose this option