6th Year Booklist

6th Year Book List 2014/2015
 Irish
Retain all 5th Year Books
Ar Aghaidh Libh – Cameron (Ed. Co)
LC Exam Papers
 English
Retain all 5th Year Books
LC Exam Papers (appropriate level) – Folens
Ms Dixon: Higher Level English – “Juno & the paycock” by Séan O’Casey
 Maths
Ord. & Foundation: Retain Active Maths 3 & Workbook
Higher: Retain Active Maths 4, Book 1 & 2 & Workbook
Calculator – FX83-6T, Geometry Set, Formulae & Tables Book
LC Exam Papers – to be advised by teacher in September
 French
Retain all 5th Year Books
LC Exam Papers (EDCO)
 Italian
 History
Retain all 5th Year Books
Folder with Plastic Pockets
Retain all 5th Year Books
LC Exam Papers
Class Ms DMcArdle: Movements for political & social reform 1870-1914: Author
M.Doran (Folens Publications )
Class Mr W Ryan: Pursuit of sovereignty & impact of partition, 1912-1949.
Author V.Foley (Folens Publications) & Northern Ireland (Folens Publications)
 Geography
Retain all 5th Year Books
LC Exam Papers
 Business
Retain all 5th Year Books (The Business World, Leaving Cert Business - Mentor)
LC Exam Papers
 Home Ec.
Retain all 5th Year Books
LC Exam Papers
 Art
Retain folders from last year
A4 Ring Binder (for art history notes)
A4 Sketch Pad, Pencils: 2B, 4B
€20 payable in September towards art materials – COMPULSORY
 Music
Retain all books from last year
Folder for handouts from 5th year – at least 50 polypockets
Leaving Cert Exam Papers
 Religion
Faith Seeking Understanding – Unit 2 - Only available from Veritas
 P.E.
€15 Payable in September for activities – COMPULSORY
 Chemistry
Retain all books from 5th Year
LC Exam Papers
Retain all books from 5th Year
LC Exam Papers
A4 Science Hardback copy
C. Guidance
Reach Workbook – Retain from 5th Year
No new book needed.
Exam Papers (Ed-Co) – if not already purchased.
 Mock
Please allow approx. €100 to cover mock exams. Payable in school from
September onwards, instalments accepted. Due in December. Prices based on
2013/14 rates, subject to change.
 LC Exams
Please allow €190 to cover State exam fees. Bank Giro issued and posted directly
from the Department to the student. Payable in the bank from January 2014. Prices
based on 2013/14 rates, subject to change.
 Physics
Retain 5th Year books.
 Biology
6th yr 2014_2015