Mrs. Medley Week of Sept. 23rd Reading/ Comprehension Materials for Week Language Arts *Bellringer *Graphs Types/Purpose Note Page *Graphing Worksheet *Language Arts Textbook *Talk to the Text Note Page *Trouble with TV packet *Graphing Quiz *Silent Reading Book GLCEs of the Week W.GR.08.01 W.PR.08.02. 04, 05 W.PS.08.01 W.SP.08.01, 02, 07 W.HW.08.01 W.AT.08.01 R.AT.08.01 R.IT.08.01, 03 R.CM.08.01, 02 R.WS.08.01-07 R.NT.08.02-03 W.GN.08.01 S.CN.08.01-03 R.MT.08.01, 02 M O N D A Y T U E S D A Y W E D N E S D A Y LESSON PLANS Writing/ Communications ~ Check Figurative Language in Poetry WS and collect ~Reading and Interpreting Graphs and Charts: Mini Lesson: -different types/purpose of graphs -drawing conclusions from data -determining if enough information is provided from a graph ~Practice Reading and Interpreting Graphs/Charts Bellringer: Analogies and Figurative Language *Due on Thursday 9/26 (MAP test on Friday) Non-Fiction Informational Text: Persuasive Skill: Fact vs. Opinion Bellringer: Analogies and Figurative Language The Trouble with TV by Robert MacNeil p.520-523 -use Talking to the Text(T4) and Think Aloud strategy -point out Text Features (reinforces last week’s lesson) -Model T4 and Think Aloud strategy on the first page of article. Assign: Students will use strategy on remaining portion of article and have students research 10 facts supporting or opposing the viewing of TV during the school week. The Trouble with TV by Robert MacNeil p.520-523 -discuss students’ responses and questions from T4 assignment. HW: Assign “Trouble with TV” Comprehension questions WS ~The Trouble with TV by Robert MacNeil p.520-523 Check Questions WS ~Speaking and Presentation: Debate: TV vs No TV MAP Testing F R I D A Y Bellringer: Analogies and Figurative Language (** WS also has grammar skill Conjunctions, MEAP reading comprehension practice test paragraph. Students should use T4 strategy in practice test.**) ~Reading and Interpreting Graphs Quiz T H U R S D A Y Grammar/ Vocabulary 2nd-5th Hours Bellringer: Analogies and Figurative Language *Complete Thursday and Friday bellringer *Collect after correcting