MINUTES VAN- FAR R-I SCHOOL DISTRICT . Thursday, October 17, 2013 Christy Nelson, President Mark Udelhoven, Vice-President Jim Hopke, Secretary Larry Wheeler, Treasurer Pete Nasir, Director Greg Frost, Director Kevin Motley, Director CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Seven members were present. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Motion: To approve the consent agenda with the exception of check number 32418. Made by: Mr. Motley Seconded by: Dr. Frost Vote: 7 yes, 0 no Motion: Made by: Seconded by: Vote: To approve check number 32418 Mr. Nasir Mr. Wheeler 6 yes, 0 no, 1 abstention – Mr. Motley STUDENT RECOGNITION Jr./ Sr. High student of the month: Samantha Davis – 2013 Girls’ State Cody Buie – 2013 Boys’ State Both students told about their experience. At Boys’ and Girls’ State students set up a mock government. Both students felt it was a great learning experience. Cody ran for a public office. State political figures were on campus and skyped-in to make presentations for the event. NEW TEACHER RECOGNITION Blake Hampleman- Fifth grade teacher and jr. high football coach Scott Eickhoff- Sixth grade teacher and jr. high football coach. Kylie Epperson- personal finance teacher, PLATO instructor, and softball, basketball coach. STAFF/PATRON INPUT No input was given VFTA RECOGNITION/INPUT No input was given. 1 MINUTES VAN- FAR R-I SCHOOL DISTRICT Thursday, October 17, 2013 INFORMATIONAL ITEMS Superintendent’s Reports Enrollment Dr. Hunter reported enrollment up 20 students from September of 2013. Current enrollment is 608. Food Service Update Dr. Hunter introduced Sheila Frost, Opaa representative, to the Board. Mrs. Frost updated members on new government regulations required for school districts. August 2012 regulations dealt focused on lunches, and August 2013 regulations are targeted at breakfast. August 2014 regulations will be implemented on sodium, whole grain rich foods, and competitive foods. Competitive foods being foods sold for fund raisers. Districts will not be allowed to “sell” any foods that do not meet “regulations” between midnight and thirty minutes past the last bell of the school day. In addition, the 2014 regulations will greatly impact the ala carte items. Mrs. Frost gave board members the online address for USDA to post public comments on the upcoming standards. The public comment deadline is October 28, 2013. She encouraged board members to go to the website and express their concerns. Activities Update (see attachments) Dr. Hunter gave the board two handouts. The first handout was a list of ten items of intent determined from the Van-Far/Community R-VI committee meeting. Dr. Hunter stated the cooperative has provided positive learning experiences for students and shall continue. The board will need to approve continuation of the cooperative at the November meeting to comply with the MSHSAA deadline. The second handout was a drawing of the new press box at the football field. Dr. Hunter reminded the board that booster club presented their proposal at the June board meeting. The athletic booster club has designed a four level structure. The first level will house restrooms, and the second level is for storage. The third level is designated for the announcers and media. Teams will use the top level for game filming. Workers are needed at 9:00 a.m. on October 26th and November 2nd to demolish the old press box. MSBA Fall Meeting The fall meeting will be held in Mexico at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, October 24th. The spring regional meeting will be held at Van-Far. Date and time will be announced at a later date. 2 MINUTES VAN- FAR R-I SCHOOL DISTRICT Thursday, October 17, 2013 Consider Changing December Board Meeting Dr. Hunter asked members to consider changing the December meeting to Wednesday, December 18th. This change has been made in the past to help ease the congestion of board meeting follow-ups and payday on an early-out day. Members also agreed to change the time of the November meeting to 6:00 p.m. in the high school library, to allow them to attend the EMO Conference choir concert being hosted by Van-Far that evening. Motion: Made by: Seconded by: Vote: To change the meeting date of the December meeting to December 18th Mr. Hopke Mr. Wheeler 6 yes, 0 no, 1 abstention – Mr. Nasir First Reading of “GCPCA/GDPCA Staff Retirement Incentives” Updates The revision of these policies is to require a notification date of the January regular board meeting if an employee is planning on retiring and is eligible for the incentive. Policy GCPCA will change the term “teachers” to “professional staff members” to be consistent throughout the policy. This was the first reading up the revision. Principals’ Reports (see attachment) In addition to their written reports the principals presented the following information: Mrs. Crane reported a 94% turnout for parent-teacher conferences. The book fair will be held from October 21st through the 25th. The food drive in the elementary building has collected over 900 items. Mrs. Pirch reported the EMO speech workshop was held at Van-Far on October 10th. We will also host the EMO speech contest scheduled for February 22nd. Many fund raisers are being held for the new blessings in a bag program. Twenty students are currently being served. She invited board members to attend the Veteran’s Day celebration on November 11th. Veterans will arrive for breakfast at 8:30 a.m. and the program begins at 9:30. She added that plans are being made to host a celebration for the 10th anniversary of the state basketball championship. Action Items Approve Assessment Plan (copies of the assessment plan are located in the superintendent’s office) Motion: To approve the 2013-2014 Assessment Plan Made by: Mr. Nasir Seconded by: Mr. Wheeler Vote: 7 yes, 0 no 3 MINUTES VAN- FAR R-I SCHOOL DISTRICT Thursday, October 17, 2013 2013-2014 Budget Amendment (see attachment) Dr. Hunter explained the amendment. Revenues decreased by $2,994 and expenditures increased by $37,546. The amendment reflects revisions to federal funding in revenues and the redistribution of purchased services to salaries, benefits, supplies and equipment for the local AEL program in expenditures. An amendment will be made in March to revise budget revenues to reflect the collection of county tax receipts. Motion: Made by: Seconded by: Vote: To approve the 2013-2014 budget October amendment Dr. Frost Mr. Nasir 7 yes, 0 no REPORTS OF MEMBERS Mr. Nasir suggested members call their legislators regarding the lunch standards. ADJOURN Motion: To adjourn at 8:11 p.m. and go into executive session for the reasons listed on the agenda. Made by: Mr. Hopke Seconded by: Mr. Motley Vote: Mrs. Nelson – yes, Mr. Udelhoven – yes, Mr. Hopke – yes, Mr. Wheeler – yes, Mr. Nasir - yes, Dr. Frost- yes, and Mr. Motley - yes ________________________________ President ________________________________ Secretary 4